HTEC Staffing Survey - Nov 2021
Many of our schools are being seriously impacted by staffing shortages and a lack of subs. While some of this can be addressed for the long term in the process of bargaining our first union contract, this issue seems urgent enough that we may need to bargain for a short term solution to avoid losing more teachers and increasing the strain on our already strained systems.

Before doing that, we want to get a sense of how many staff are impacted by this, and what solutions staff might support.
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Optional - leave blank if you wish to remain anonymous
School(s) *
If you work at multiple schools, please select all that apply
Role *
How are the following issues impacting you? *
0 - N/A (does not apply)
1 - Not impacting me at all
2 - Occasionally (Impacting me a little)
3 - Frequently (Impacting me a lot)
4 - Constantly (This impacts me significantly)
Not having subs to cover staff absences
Having to cover more than one class at once
Not having a duty-free lunch break
Not having any break during the day
Not having prep time
(Support staff) Having to cover classes rather than supporting caseload students
This school year, have you lost lunch or prep due to lack of subs? If so, how frequently? *
How many vacant positions are at your school?
Which positions (if any) are vacant?
Further explanation
If you wish, please provide more details of how the above issues have impacted you and your students.
How have these issues affected you?
How have these issues affected students?
Potential solutions: Which of these would you support in the bargaining process? *
Please check all that apply
Do you have any other ideas for potential short term solutions?
Have you considered leaving HTH this year?
Clear selection
Anything else we should know?
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