September 22, 1945 P. 28

September 22, 1945 P. 28

The New Yorker, September 22, 1945 P. 28

PROFILE of Charles E. Bedaux, discoverer of the "measurement of human energy." Definition of the system; names of important firms using it in this country, England, France, Italy and Germany. Tells about his travels to far corners of the earth; his castle in Touraine, called the Chateau de Cande. The Duke of Windsor & Mrs. Simpson were married at the Chateau. Bedaux had made his career and money as an expert on labor, but it was some talks with the Duke, after they got acquainted, that led to Bedaux's losing both his career & his companies in the U. S. Tells about Bedaux's arranging a labor trip to Germany for the Duke, and his attempt at arranging a similar trip to this country, and about the controversy that ensued and the cancellation of the trip.

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