Start your 28-Day Ignition!

This is a 4-week program designed to teach you the method of strength-training that I personally constructed AND use to keep in shape for my career as a firefighter.

  • You'll learn how to build a workout based on quality movements, not quantity of time spent in the gym.

  • You'll learn the reasoning and methodology behind each element of the workout (active warm-up, core training, strength-training, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), finishers, and recovery)

  • And you'll have visual examples for each exercise!

For a dollar a day you can implement this strength-training program that is directly specified toward the demands of the fire service!  Whether you are trying to get hired, or have been on the job for years and want to get back into the shape you were in during the academy, this 28-Day Ignition can get you there!

28-Day Ignition Workout Program
28-Day Ignition Workout Program
This is the 28-Day Ignition Workout Program that will take you through 28 days to a better you!
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