[TYPES/announce] Postdoc/PhD position at Innopolis University

Manuel Mazzara m.mazzara at innopolis.ru
Thu Jun 30 09:28:24 EDT 2016

The Software Engineering Laboratory of Innopolis University has one open position for PhD student/postdoc in areas of program verification, software architecture, concurrency and other advanced software engineering topics.

Innopolis, based in Kazan, Russia, is a new, well-funded university founded on the international model and aiming to reach quickly the highest international ranks. The Software Engineering Laboratory is headed by Prof. Bertrand Meyer, formerly from ETH Zurich, a leading expert in software engineering and recipient of many awards, and Prof. Manuel Mazzara, formerly of the University of Newcastle and Politecnico di Milano. Scholarships and benefits are on a par with the most attractive international offerings. Numerous opportunities are available for collaboration and exchanges with other universities. We are accepting applications from enthusiastic students with a master's or equivalent (a PhD in the case of postdoc position), an excellent academic record, and a passion for leading-edge research in software engineering. Both theoretical computer science knowledge and in-depth programming experience are useful. Knowledge of principles of Design by Contract and Eiffel are a plus. Positions are open to applicants from any country; knowledge of Russian is a plus but not required.

The working language of the Laboratory is English.

Please send a CV, grade transcript, motivation letter and any other documents (PDF or plain text only, plain attachments without zip etc.) to Manuel Mazzara (m.mazzara at innopolis.ru<mailto:m.mazzara at innopolis.ru>). The email subject should contain the string "[SElab Vacancy]" and specify at what level you are applying (Postdoc/PhD).
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