Support the Organization for Black Struggle

black people on the move!

About OBS

The Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) was founded in 1980. A group of veteran activists, students, union organizers and community members in St. Louis were seeking to address the needs and issues of the Black working-class. There was a vacuum of Black radical leadership that could boldly speak and act, unencumbered by government or corporate structures. In retrospect, this was a challenging period.

The FBI’s CounterIntelligence Program, known as COINTELPRO, wreaked havoc on the leaders and organizations of the Black Liberation Movement. By 1980 the right was beginning to consolidate its power politically, with a conservative in the White House for the next 12 years. The country was struggling to get out of the economic recession. It was out of this abyss that OBS was born. 

Join OBS in the fight for social justice.

State Repression

Racial Justice

Our people deserve court systems that are just and free of political corruption. We are determined to end police violence. We will fight for the abolition of the prison industrial complex and the death penalty. We will fight for a society in which every person and every community is liberated from state repression and violence. This means building a humane system rooted in restorative justice and with a keen understanding of historic trauma that continues to shape our psyche and relationships.

Women's Rights

Women's Rights

OBS upholds Black, radical feminism and recognizes the intersectionality of race, class and gender. We fight against all forms of patriarchy, such as sexism and misogyny, that stifles the full human rights of women in all areas of personal, social, economic and political life. We respect the spectrum of gender and sexual identities.

Black Workers Rights

Black Workers Rights

We demand a re-structuring of the capitalist economy to ensure human needs are met over the accumulation of corporate super-profits. We seek full employment at livable wages. We support the right of workers to organize themselves in public and private sectors. Workers deserve a safe and healthy work environment.

Black Political Power

Black Political Power

We believe in Black self-determination in all areas of society. We fight for a political system that results in a real democracy where Black people and all marginalized people can effectively exercise full political power and govern. We demand the end to voter repression and disenfranchisement.

Health & Healing

Health & Healing

The struggle of generations from slavery to the present has taken a physical, emotional and mental toll on African American communities. Systemic racism has also contributed to health inequities and health outcomes for people of color. We are committed to collective and holistic approaches to our wellness and happiness.

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Recent news & Views

Black Workers Matter! Workers Unite!

For the past six years, OBS has participated in the National Black Worker Center’s Black Labor Day. This year’s theme was “Show Me the Money!” We also endorsed its Black Workers Bill of Rights because Black workers matter.

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Organization for Black Struggle
P.O. Box 5277
St. Louis, MO 63115
(314) 367-5959 |