Study reveals women could give $1.6trillion boost to US economy

Equality and Justice is better for everyone. The more people who share the Knowledge, the better chance of solving our Serious Problems. Better chance of bettering life for ALL, not just the richest. It’s obvious our leadership can’t see past the forest for the trees on many imperative issues…perhaps including the WHOLE country on these decisions instead of letting these idiots make them. These AssHats in control, who routinely ignore even the will of their own constituency, to hunker down along party lines, averting any real progress in the name of profits and progress for a few, at the expense of the masses.
But…the information and education revolution is well underway, and when the whole world gets wise to these charades of a few, there will be no way for these “elite” parasites to hide behind the wizard’s curtain.
Another important reason we need to keep the Internet free. Support #NetNeutrality

ps…Sometimes it amazes me where I end up from where I started, while writing about a headline. Equality for women -> net neutrality — Am I not the Segue King?