Washington County Public Schools maintenance backlog: about $63.5 million

Alexis Fitzpatrick

Washington County Public Schools currently has $63.5 million worth of unfunded routine maintenance and replacement projects, with approximately $53.9 million at school facilities.

According to a school system report for fiscal year 2020, the total figure includes $9.2 million in projects to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, many of which can only be fixed with a major facility renovation.

The report, which the Board of Education approved 6-0 on Tuesday, will be sent to the state for approval. Board President Melissa Williams was not present for the vote.

WCPS' unfunded maintenance increased approximately $8 million from last year’s report, partially due to construction costs rising over the past two years. Projects vary from roof and HVAC replacements to updating energy conservation efforts.

The highest priority maintenance projects total more than $28.2 million, according to the report. That includes more than $8.9 million in elementary schools, more than $7.1 million in middle schools and more than $12.8 million on the high school level.

The highest priority projects to update facilities for ADA compliance would cost $238,530 for elementary schools, $308,760 for middle schools, $179,700 for high schools and $39,000 for other buildings, totaling $765,990.

The transportation center needs $400,000 in general work.

The report noted that during the 2017-18 school year, 40 vandalism incidents were reported to the Maintenance and Operations Department. Half involved students damaging school property and the other half came from unknown sources. The incidents ranged from damaged glass, doors and walls to graffiti.

The damage totaled $9,869.

Half of the reported incidents occurred at Antietam Academy, totaling $1,921.

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