Konfrst: Funding school infrastructure benefits everyone

Rep. Jennifer Konfrst
House District 43

Great communities are centered on great schools that help boost the quality of life for everyone. Strong schools are critical for boosting today’s families and for building tomorrow’s leaders and workforce.

That's why extension of the SAVE (Securing an Advanced Vision for Education) program for our schools is essential. 

In 2008, the Legislature approved making a statewide sales tax a permanent source of revenue for improving school buildings across the state. This allows schools to ensure students have quality learning environments while preserving general fund dollars for direct education costs.

State Rep. Jennifer Konfrst represents House District 43,

Des Moines Public Schools has secured more than $243 million to improve buildings, including security and technology and to boost energy efficiency for cost savings and the environment. West Des Moines Community Schools has made improvements to nearly every building over the past decade, including upgrading mechanical systems, science labs and art rooms, improving security, and updating technology.

There is currently a repeal, or “sunset,” on the SAVE program of Dec. 31, 2029.

In order to allow schools to continue to use their SAVE fund dollars for the long-term the Legislature needs to extend the sunset on this program. Extending SAVE also allows our schools  to secure long-term funding for necessary infrastructure projects without relying solely on property taxes.

HF 546 extends the SAVE program until Jan. 1, 2051. The bill includes the ability to use SAVE funds for school safety and security infrastructure, too. This could include safe rooms, remote entry technology and equipment, security camera systems, card access systems, and communication systems with access to fire and police emergency frequencies.

I’ve heard from many constituents concerned about legislation that would eliminate school librarians and school nurses. I share this concern and, though I’m pleased these measures did not make it out of the Senate at this time, I’m also watching closely to see if these misguided efforts are raised again this session.

I’m also closely following several bills regarding renewable energy, including solar energy proposals and incentives for rental properties to invest in renewable energy. Additionally, I’ve been paying close attention to legislation related to sports betting, which is working its way through the State Government Committee on which I serve.

I was honored to meet John Tinker and Mary Beth Tinker, the plaintiffs in the landmark Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Schools Supreme Court decision that was handed down 50 years ago. It was wonderful to recognize these champions of free speech on the House floor, and a solemn reminder of the responsibilities we have to protect and defend free speech still today.

I look forward to my legislative office hours from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, March 9, at the West Des Moines Public Library with Rep. Kristin Sunde.

STATE REP. JENNIFER KONFRST, D-Windsor Heights, represents House District 43, which includes Windsor Heights, the Polk County portion of Clive and the northern portion of West Des Moines in Polk County. She can be reached at or 515-281-3221.