National Debt Interest Payments Dwarf Other Government Spending [CHART]

$80 Billion for Dept. of Education – our kids. our future.
$220 Billion for INTEREST PAYMENTS on National Debt
$800 Billion on “Defense” (aka bombing other countries around the world in the name of peace)

It’s pretty clear that we have our heads directly up our asses, our priorities completely backwards. Oh…and these are 2016 Numbers…this doesn’t account for ANYTHING Trump is doing (and trust me, NOTHING he’s doing is making things any better).

The #NationalDebt is now 109% of our GDP and rising…and it will KILL AMERICA’S ECONOMY if we don’t take action NOW, rather than adding $Trillions more to it in stupid spending.

PS… If you aren’t already horrified…Did I mention that RISING INTEREST RATES will DOUBLE or TRIPLE the interest payments in a few years…even if the debt doesn’t increase a penny? Now you know.
Be afraid. Then, pick up the phone and call your representatives and say “NO to Tax Cuts for the Wealthy”.