AV2 Changelog :: version a5.0

this update was 6 months in the making, we hope you'll like it :)

+ Added Icebending
+ Added Ice Prison ability, which freezes a target, leaving them vulnerable to attack
+ Added Ice Shield ability, which protects the user from any attacks, and creates dangerous shards when broken
+ Added Lightningbending
+ Added classic Lightning Arc ability
+ Added Lightning Redirection technique
+ Added Lightning Spear, which is a projectile of lightning
+ Added Combustionbending
+ Added Explosion ability, which lets combustionbender create an explosion
+ Added Explosive Pillar ability, which lets combustionbender make a series of explosions
+ Added Sandbending
+ Added Sand Prison ability, which immobilizes a target
+ Added Sandstorm ability, which creates a whirling dust devil capable of carrying many targets away
+ Added new scrolls for specialty bending, found in generated structures

+ Added power rating mechanic, which increases depending on bending style, and increases damage dealt
+ Added performance, which represents bender's performance in combat, and can give the user many buffs

+ Added Immolate, a dangerous firebending ability to temporarily boost power rating and other stats
+ Added Cleanse, a waterbending ability which can group heal
+ Added Restore, an earthbending ability that grants several buffs at cost of movement speed
+ Added Slipstream, an airbending ability which increases bending power and grants intermittent invisibility
+ Added Earthspike, an earthbending ability that spawns several ravine-like spikes
+ Added Cloudburst, an airbending ability similar to existing fireball
+ Added Fire Jump, a firebending ability which allows the firebender to jump short distances
+ Added Water Cannon, a waterbending ability which lets the waterbender create a beam of water as an attack

+ Added the Ostrich Horse, a quick transportation animal
+ Added equipment for the ostrich horse, can be crafted or found

+ Added recipe for Water Pouch
+ New model for Wave

+ Added optional statistics service - http://bit.ly/2Bda6EY

* Tons of internal code changes (moving from integer IDs -> string IDs)
* Notify the player when ability can be upgraded to next level
* Added particle effects for fireball
* Fixed some bugs
* Server sends MUCH less packets to clients, reducing lag (hopefully)
* Fix potential exploits with floating block pickup location, light fire location, etc
* When a player dies, their chi is fully regenerated
* Changed wave Lvl IV first path upgrade to Explosion
* Right clicking on ability in radial menu shows upgrade area
* Using locked ability in creative mode no longer displays "Creative Mode" as ability name
* Make flying bison 3x faster
* Add option to allow multiple airbending walljumps
* Value of new max available chi (maxAvailableChi) is given in amount, instead of % of total
* Changed keybindings so they don't conflict with 1.12 vanilla keybindings
* Make it easier to bind new ability keybinds

> Fix sky bison landing zone detection false negatives
> Fix sky bison getting "stuck" when it can't find a place to land
> Fix case sensitive tab completion in /avatar command
> Fix airjump XP added is the amount of chi, not the actual value specified in skills.yml
> Fix crash caused by mapping "Use Bending" control to mouse button