The Global Grid

creating local urbanist news + teaching neighborhood-level journ

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"It takes a village." Small contributions from supporting members allow us to keep going. If only 167 readers give $3.00 per month we'll "keep the lights on." Be part of the village.

  • A thank you tweet from The Global Grid's Twitter account (6,700+ followers) to your website or profile. Recognizing you or your organization as a Village Patron. 

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As a Town Patron you receive recognition across social media to over 10,500 followers and access to our patron-only Facebook Group. You've got the digital suite of swag. Want something more tangible? Become a City or Metropolis Patron.

  • A post on The Global Grid's Facebook page (3,880+ followers) recognizing you or your organization as a Town Patron. 

  • Plus all the rewards of a Village Patron.

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Analog writing is not dead. The days of digging through your bag trying to find a pen, or searching around a room, is over. You can see these bright orange pens from across the room. Claim five as your own by becoming a City Patron.  

  • Set (5) of The Global Grid black-ink writing pens. 

  • Plus all the rewards of a Town Patron.

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3 5/8" wide-mouth mug for 8 ounces of anytime coffee or a cup of tea. Pairs well with reading The Global Grid book reviews or a book from one of our recommended reading lists.

  • The Global Grid mug.
  • Plus all the rewards of a City Patron.
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The Global Grid

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