8 Signs That You Need to Hire a New Mobile App Development Company

hire Indian mobile app development companies

Most times, when you feel that you’ve hired the top app development company that perfectly matches with your business requirements, you are in a complete shock after seeing the end-product. You are like- Is this what I have invested in? You feel deceived, screwed, but are left with no other option than to repent and show your frustration on the app developers who were involved in project development. In the worst scenario, you shut down the project. Your idea goes down the drain. So, were you at fault or your app developers?

With every other person claiming to be an expert developer to build an awesome app, it’s really confusing as to who to trust. You can’t risk your business idea in the hands of any run-of-the-mill developer. Can you?

To help you discover the various stages and the times when you need to switch your plans and hire a new app development company, we’re here with the best signs and stances that you must consider:

Poor MVP

MVP is minimum viable product, which refers to presenting an app with minimum important features to the early-adopters in the market. This helps you gain the feedback from the real-time users early in the development cycle. If an app development company creates a poor MVP, they will surely fail to design the app you’re expecting. So, don’t give it a chance further. Stop it then and there and clear all your overdue invoices with the team.

Over-estimation of delivery time

While the time varies greatly from app to app and the number of features an app provides, as per top Indian app development companies, an average Android or iOS app takes around 4-6 months to get deployed on the app stores. Specifically, a cross-platform app takes around 3-4 months to build. This number may go beyond 6 months if the app demands inclusion of innovative, complex functionality and other API integrations.

If you discover that the app developers you’ve hired have presented an impracticable time estimate, you must be cautious. Too long or too short a duration, both are unpromising and signals that you’ve made a wrong choice.

Limited expertise and shorter portfolio

Experience and expertise are the two pivotal parameters of evaluation for a company to rank among the top 10. And we can relate to your dream of turning your app idea into an eventful success, so we can tell how important technical expertise is. If you think that any developer having knowledge about HTML, CSS, JavaScript or SQL can handle your app well, so it’s a big no-no. Your app developers must be skilled in Android app development, iOS app development, cross-platform app development and tools, programming languages and SDKs specific to the platforms. They should be cognizant of the app store guidelines individually for Google Play and Apple App Store. The choice of app designers also plays a major role in delivering an engaging user experience.

Skipping deadlines

The app development process revolves around timelines. If the team doesn’t deliver on time, you’ll lose more than ever. One skipped deadline will delay your app launch and thus, your competitors can take advantage of bringing the same app early in the market.

Irregular updates

How often do you talk to the Project Manager or the team of developers? Is it more than two weeks? If yes, you seriously need to act now. Either make sincere efforts to convey to your team that you expect regular updates on the progress of the app or you should turn over to a new app development company.

You can choose from our curated list of top mobile app development companies in the world here.

Unclear communication

Communication is the key to app development process. Indian app developers understand this very well and thus, they are the first choice for many startups and enterprises abroad. If at any point of time, you feel that the team you’re working with doesn’t understand your requirements very well or if they understand it in a call, they are not able to execute it as you wanted, there’s a lack of communication for sure.

No matter how short a discussion it- may be about a status report, about implementing a single functionality or about scope change – if it isn’t communicated well, it’s a waste.  If you are tired of telling the team members to show their presence in the meetings or to be in the loop, you’re working with an off-balanced team. It’s time to switch your choices, the earlier the better.

To help you with, we’ve ranked the best Indian app development companies who have a team of eloquent communicators. Choose the one that resonates well with your business goal

Age-old project management tools

You can get to know better about your app development partner when you visit their official website. If you don’t find terms like ‘agile’ ‘sprints’ on their website, don’t invest your time and energy scrolling down. Look for companies that use modern tools for project management and staff monitoring like Jira, Hubstaff, GitHub and alike.

Dull team

If your development team isn’t proactive and active at the same time, just exit. A dull team is the major cause of all the above shortcomings that eventually lead to poor development.


As mobile apps have emerged as a necessity for millennials, you need to get it right in the first shot. Don’t waste any more time in looking for an app development company that’s under-experienced or has less exposure. Find the most sought-after Indian app development companies in affordable prices or outsource your app development from the best in the US, UK, but be sure you get your business app developed by the masters in this field.