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Miyamoto: “I Am Trying To Let The Younger Generation Fully Take The Reins”

The New York Times has published an interesting interview with a few key Nintendo developers including the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto. In the interview Miyamoto reveals that once again he’s trying to get the younger generation take the reins on video game development within the Kyoto-based company. Here’s what he said:

“More and more I am trying to let the younger generation fully take the reins,” Mr. Miyamoto said.

This younger generation has been carefully chosen; Mr. Miyamoto says he wants people who are more likely to create new kinds of play, rather than merely aim to perfect current ones.

“I always look for designers who aren’t super-passionate game fans,” Mr. Miyamoto said. “I make it a point to ensure they’re not just a gamer, but that they have a lot of different interests and skill sets.” Some of the company’s current stars had no experience playing video games when they were hired.


26 thoughts on “Miyamoto: “I Am Trying To Let The Younger Generation Fully Take The Reins””

    1. Commander which of these developers are better for a 3D Donkey Kong? Retro Studios, Next Level Games or Greezo (the ones who make the remakes of Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask)?

      1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

        ||Retro Studios, I will never support Next Level Games until they find a cure for the F#%#¤%#” F%/%¤& virus…||

  1. Good time for a fresh 3d Yoshi , Kirby , Donkey Kong instead of the same 2d games we have been playing since the 80’s.

    A real Pokemon MMO like Word of Warcraft only more modern with solid graphics not pimped up 3ds gameplay and graphics.

    A new F-Zero , Kid Icarus , Pilot Wings , Wave Race , Star Fox , EarthBound / Mother all modernized like Breath of the Wild and Metroid Prime+Mario Galaxy 10 years ago, full 3d and good graphics. Golden Sun in Horizon / Witcher / Breath of the Wild style.

    Metroid ain’t on the list cause we are getting a new one wich I assume will be a modernized Prime game.

    And while you guys are add it some new franchises wich we haven’t really had since the 90’s atleast not on the level of the ones mentiont.

    Nintendo made loads of money with the Wii , 3ds and now the Switch so time to give back to the fans instead of throwing legendary franchises into the thrash can and pumping out the same games we already had 30 years ago

    Metroid Prime , Mario Kart , Breath of the Wild are good examples of how things should be for all franchises that have been collecting dust or aren’t modernized.

      1. I do as far as an open world goes and better looking cities to explore. Actually I want something like Pokémon Coliseum but I get to travel like I do in the main games. Coliseum had a map we just selected locations from.

      2. 10-15 years ago when I was playing Everquest 1 and 2 for way too many hours a day, I dreamed of a Pokemon MMO. Today, the genre is stagnant and stale, obsessed with microtransactions over subscription, and just a souless time sink of a genre that I wouldn’t be able to play anymore.

        It’s still fun to think of different genres for it though. I always thought a Pokemon MOBA made sense. Lots to choose from for the roster and the traditional 4 move set fits right in. An open world exploration game ala Breath of the Wild is something a lot of people talk about.

        1. This Nintendi and gamefreak we’re talking about they don’t do microtransactions, loot boxes, and pay to win. I don’t think a moba would work for pokemon. Pointing and clicking in order to move forward would just slow down the game maybe even eliminate exploration in the game.

          1. I’m not saying do a MOBA as a mainline game in the series. No exploration, just a traditional MOBA using Pokemon. And there’s been a few decent console MOBAs that work well with controllers. I enjoyed Awesomenauts. They’d never do it, just like they’d never do an MMO, it’s just fun to talk about.

            Although they did make Pokemon Conquest and I never saw that coming.

    1. “Good time for a fresh 3d Yoshi , Kirby , Donkey Kong instead of the same 2d games we have been playing since the 80’s.”
      Well, Yoshi and Kirby could use some fresh air. Sure. But… STAY AWAY FROM DONKEY KONG! Would I appreciate a 3D Donkey Kong? Oh, hell to the no. Yes, my opinion is biased and doen’t represent anyone else but me, but the Donkey Kong Country 2D platformers are my favorite platformers across all boards. DKC2 is still one of my favorite games of all time and my favorite game on Wii U was easily Tropical Freeze. If there’s one thing I want, it’s another DKC 2D platformer.

      “A real Pokemon MMO like Word of Warcraft only more modern with solid graphics not pimped up 3ds gameplay and graphics.”
      Oh god, please no.

      “A new F-Zero , Kid Icarus , Pilot Wings , Wave Race , Star Fox , EarthBound / Mother all modernized like Breath of the Wild and Metroid Prime+Mario Galaxy 10 years ago, full 3d and good graphics. Golden Sun in Horizon / Witcher / Breath of the Wild style.”
      Modernization? I take it. Turn everything into an Open World / Open World Western RPG? Count me out. Just because something works with a certain franchise, doesn’t mean it’ll work with EVERY franchise. I mean… Pilot Wings? Wave Race? Kid Icarus? As an Open World RPG? Uhm… I’m not convinced that works.

      “Metroid ain’t on the list cause we are getting a new one wich I assume will be a modernized Prime game.”
      Well, yes. I’m pretty sure it’ll be a modern Prime, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be Open World like The Witcher. Then again, Metroid has always been a lot about exploration, just primarily in tunnels and labyrinths. I can see them sticking to that, that’s Metroid and the absolute core of all the games.

      “And while you guys are add it some new franchises wich we haven’t really had since the 90’s atleast not on the level of the ones mentiont.”
      Decide: do you want them to revive old franchises like Earthbound, F-Zero or Ice Climbers, or do you want them to invent new franchises like Splatoon and Arms?
      I wouldn’t mind both.

      “time to give back to the fans instead of throwing legendary franchises into the thrash can”
      What do you even mean with “legendary” franchises? People said: Metroid will sell. Well, guess what? Samus Returns didn’t sell that well and I saw it comming, because many old franchises are long forgotten except a very small core fanbase. In order to sell Prime 4, they will need to advertise is heavily, basically like a new IP, because most younger generations of gamers know Samus from Smash Bros and not from her own game.
      And compared to other franchises, that haven’t seen new games in a long time, Metroid is arguably the most popular one still. And it’s stiggling with sales. Do you honestly believe people will run down stores for Mother 3? F-Zero? Pilot Wings? A few fans, maybe, but that’s about it.

      “Metroid Prime , Mario Kart , Breath of the Wild are good examples of how things should be for all franchises that have been collecting dust or aren’t modernized”
      Funny. We don’t know yet how Prime 4 will look like, because all we saw is a logo andMario Aikrt is arguably one of the long running franchises with the least drastic changes over the years. Mario Kart has been around since the SNES and I’ve been playing it since the SNES – every single one. Did the franchise change over the years? Well, yes, the controls are better, it doesn’t feel like driving on soap anymore, you can do fancy jumps,drive upside down and you have a few new items to use on your new courses with more characters, but that’s about it that happend in 25 years. The franchise has seen a new entry on every Nintendo console and handheld and it celebrated a huge success on every single one of them, even though it’s still basically the same game as 25 years ago – just shinier with a few more gimmicks, a few more characters & items & vehicles and new courses. It took them 23 years until the added the new 200cc mode.
      The franchise is great. It works. It’s super fun and sells like hotcakes, BUT it’s not exactly a good example of great modernization, because they haven’t really done that much with it.

      1. Do not worry. We will have 2D Donkey Kong. In fact, it can coexist with 3D Donkey Kong without any problems. I like them both and want the DK franchise to grow. That’s why we also need 3D Donkey Kong, so that it become a great franchise again just it was like in 90s.

  2. I also want a new 3d Mario that’s it’s own game rather than taking influence from other games. Copying the korok seeds was a bad idea and lessened any sense of accomplishment I got out of playing Odyssey. Each moon should be an accomplishment. Not oh hey you jumped on a ledge here’s a moon for you, broke a rock? Here’s anot her one sweetie

      1. Well you’re experience with Odyssey is you’re own. If any part of Botw should have been an influence it’s the great characters and the monsters.

  3. We had a nice modern Kid Icarus and a Pilot WIngs for 3DS. A Punch Out on Wii. A Star Fox on WIIU (Though I didn’t like the controls.). Mario Odyssey was great. Breath of The Wild as well (Though I still prefer the old styles both the pre2D and post3D ocarina styles.) Metroid Prime was nice, but that was more an FPS spinoff, I thought they killed the franchise with it but we got Returns so we have now a franchise with 2 genres both great. Golden Sun Horizon/Witcher is a WTF? No. I rather get an old style half budget entry (or nothing) than that thing. Then just make a new IP don’t defile Golden Sun. Same with mother. They don’t need to be old 2d style but you can’t just “westernize” those game. Like with Pokemon, better graphics, 3D but same old feeling. Pokemon maybe needs a revamp in the battle system but not too wild. Donkey Kong is good as it is as long as they just do 1 for gen. Kirby game’s are all good. Always. There’s no bad Kirby game. But I still want a sandbox Kirby… (Damn Odyssey you stole Kirby’s show time) someday. We got Kirby’s Epic Yarn on Wii and Yoshi’s Wolly World on WIIU I think they deviated enough from the old games to be called “fresh”. We also got Wario Land: Shake It! on Wii. The same with DK Returns.

    PS: IMHO Good-Feel games are getting boring with every new iteration… the new Switch Yoshi is just Paper Mario Wii (without the funny Paper Mario Dialog)

    1. Like you said Pilot wings and Kid icarus for the 3ds wich isn’t high end 3d major titles.

      I haven’t mentiont Mario besides that the game modernized unlike most other franchises

      Metroid Prime was pretty much the best game on the Gamecube and WII , and probally the best way to turn Metroid into a 3d style game. Don’t forget allot of franchises never managed to make a good transition to 3d gaming after the Snes.

      Star Fox WII-U = Star Wars n64 I don’t call that modern version.

      Golden Sun we can argue about that , thats just how I would like to see it, but I understand it’s not the only route.

      Donkey Kong is still the same game as Donkey Kong country 1 on the Snes , the n64 version was more modern only not really done right , I remember not liking it allot altough I like the concept. Kirby and Yoshi are still 2d same as the Snes unlike Zelda,Metroid,Mario

      1. Kid Icarus was a major title, imho. Pilot wings was wasn’t but it was a game that was hard to make a new one at least it didn’t receive the F-Zero treatment. Metroid Prime was a massive hit. But it’s still it’s own thing, not the game that defined the “metroidvania” genre. You can’t really call an FPS “metroidvania”. Star Fox 64 was already 3D so it was already modern 20 years ago. With revamped graphics and a new control scheme. If that’s not “modern” then what is? A full open world high budget Star Fox where you can go everywhere is imposible with how low the franchise sales have always been. The WiiU game was already a Miracle/Miyamoto Whim. Donkey Kong went full circle from the Country123 on SNES to 64 to Jungle Beat to King Of Swing/Jungle Climber and ended in retro studios hands where we got Returns 14 years after the last Country entry and finished with Tropical Freeze 4 years after it. I think It had a pretty solid trajectory. Maybe Kirby and Yoshi are still a 2D platformer but you can’t say it’s the same as the SNES or you just haven’t played Epic Yarn/Wolly World. Unless when you say “modern” you say you want a 3D game or sandbox. You can’t expect that all the franchises, some that don’t sell too much so they have a compromise of average budget/ average sells can get the same treatment as Nintendo’s 2 Biggest Franchises. Look at Pokemon it sells like hotcakes and they still make the same type of games since the beginning.

      2. Otaking606, I would call Metroid Prime a Metroidvania, because it is a game featuring exploration and platforming with upgrade based progression. Anyways, to call Metroid Prime a first persion shooter would be like calling Super Metroid a side scrolling run and gun. Technically it’s correct, but it’s also way overly simplified.
        Other then that, I agree with your comments.

  4. You have no choice, it is the way forward as long as they are trained by yourselves and then they go on to train etc etc

    1. Off topic but this reminds me that it has been almost 20 years since DK 64 thanks to Microsoft. Oh how I miss a DK in 3D 😦

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