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Gentlemen's Game

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When young playwright Greyson Foster agrees to attend a party at the penthouse of a millionaire, he has no idea how profoundly it will change his life. His journey will take him into spaces in his mind he never knew existed, bring him face-to-face with needs he never knew he had, and challenge him to travel to the precipice of lust, revenge, and love. From their first meeting, the powerful and charismatic Jack Miles weaves an enticing web around Greyson, drawing him into the dangerous game three millionaires play in secret. But Jack's personal life is complicated and his demons are many, and as they strengthen they threaten to destroy all that Jack holds dear — including Greyson.


First published February 2, 2012

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About the author

Lichen Craig

5 books16 followers
Lichen Craig wrote non-fiction professionally for over twenty-five years before the fire overtook her to write a first novel. Encouraged by the enthusiasm of test readers despite the controversial subject matter, she took the plunge into publication of "Gentlemen's Game". It has been met with some controversy, a lot of discussion, and overall enthusiastic response and demands for a second novel!

Lichen is the host of the feature Fireside With Lichen Craig http://www.glbtbookshelf.com/Fireside... at the GLBT Bookshelf, at which she interviews movers and shakers in the GLBT world of literature and the arts.

Lichen lives at the foot of the Rocky Mountains with three large dogs. She spends a lot of time thinking about the nature of relationships, sexual choices, and the rapidly-changing moral world in which we live. You can visit her website at http://lichencraig.blogspot.com/

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Profile Image for Mel.
330 reviews527 followers
November 16, 2014
Well... I wanted to like this book. I appreciated the author's effort to handle difficult subjects like infidelity, ménage and rape. But the end result left me confused and with an array of conflicting thoughts and emotions- with indignation predominating.
I had some minor and major issues with both style and contents.

Concerning style: I’m not a big fan of omniscient third person narrative. And I thought there was a lot of telling instead of showing in the beginning. But my main problem was the prose. Whereas another reader described the author's style as 'poetic' I think of it more as flowery. Combined with the formal speech of the characters I sometimes felt like I was reading a historical -had it not been for the occasional mentioning of cars, phones and laptops. That same formal speech made some conversations come off as contrived and lacking an emotional intensity where most needed. (Saying: “It has troubled me greatly that you might fail to realize my concern and affection for you. “ when being confronted with the outrage of a friend, doesn't sound very realistic (or current for that matter). )

Concerning contents: I felt the story was unbalanced and lacked nuance.
The blurb talks about the journey of the main character, Greyson Foster, and how his life changes as he gets tangled up in the lives of 3 fortunate men, Jack Miles in particular. But what the book really is about is the rape scene which happens around 60% of the book. I felt like everything else I had read up to that point was a plot device to get the rape to play out. The insta-love between the two characters, the evil ex-wife with no redeeming qualities, the soap opera-esque sudden battle over kids who haven’t been in an unhealthy environment for years (complete with PI's and talkshows) and the way it got resolved for no apparent reason.... It was all a set up to that scene.

I was expecting a slowly unfolding relationship between the Grey and Jack. Friendship, tentative romance, expectations, manipulations and trouble in paradise. But the men pretty much fell for each other upon meeting one another. There was little reflection into how two supposedly straight men would want to be together, despite the overabundance of internal monologues in the beginning. I felt like as a reader you were hardly allowed to question the sanity of the two characters because both were described as perfect. Beautiful Greyson with his quiet modesty but strong resolve and powerful Jack with his incredible wit and charm.
There seemed to be nothing wrong with both characters, which, to me, made the rape come out of left field. Yes, Jack was going through a difficult time, yes he had trust issues, but the lack of forewarning and the way he unleashed his demons left me baffled.

The rape scene, as horrible as it was, was one of the best parts of the book. The writing was simple but to the point and it was easier to get immersed in the emotions of Grey. The pain, the humiliation, the despair. It was palpable and horrifying.
Which made me all the more angry for how the author resolved the issue.

As it was, the more I read, the more respect I lost for the characters. The foursome are described as a group of supportive old friends (mind you: Grey was a part of it for about 3 months) but I found a lot of their actions to be selfish and oppressive. Grey and Jack lost their charm along with their minds. And at the end I felt like the kids got the shaft.

Gentleman's Game left me drained and frustrated. 2 stars.
Profile Image for Yoshi.
206 reviews3 followers
February 15, 2012
OMG! I LOVED the story!! LOVED it very much.

The first time I read the book blurb, I was hooked.
Ms Craig is a new author to me and I was so pleased that I gave the book a try. It turned out to be one of the best book I have read in the past year.

The writing is very good, very poetic. Although my English is bad, 
I am still able to tell if I like one's writing or not. It's just like listening to songs, I don't know how to read notes nor play any instrument. But I can appreciate the nice melody. This book just sang to me! WOW!

I don't want to go into details of the story without giving any spoilers.
I can assure you, that this is a very powerful and heartbreaking story, filled with romance and angst. The characters were very realistic. Oh! There were some steamy scenes, too!

This story consists menage (married guys), rape, physical abuse, with a HEA.
Recommend to anyone who loves a roller coaster ride.
Profile Image for Jerry.
671 reviews
May 11, 2012
Merlot with oysters, shrimp and scallops? These men are supposed to be sophisticated.
The descriptions of masculine opulence are not describing what I would term that to be. Floral fabrics are not generally thought of as masculine. And in the yacht, "jewel tone floral fabrics" are definitely not masculine. Tiffany style lamps do not necessarily go with ornate European style antiques.
Writers, I suggest a subscription to Architectural Digest, that should give you a good picture of high end sophisticated design.
On the plus side, the "coming out" to Jack's family where the glances, nervousness and uncertainty between Greyson and Jack was perfectly pitched and felt very real. The sharing of feelings about each other to others for the first time and before expressing it to each other is both brave and foolhardy. And very well done.
The conceit that a man is not gay when he is fucking another man and getting fucked by him...saying I love you and wanting him to care for children. I see this in real life too, but what are they thinking? By saying they are not gay they are being homophobic themselves!

Very very good first novel.
Most niggling item; Wish the author would check out Goodreads "Anal sex 101" discussion thread to learn some of the finer points about anal sex between men.
Profile Image for M.
1,031 reviews133 followers
March 12, 2012
I LOVED the first half of this book. Even as I was reading it I thought: this book is aces, I am giving it one million stars. It's about a gorgeous, purportedly straight playwright who accidentally falls in love with an also purportedly straight billionaire. I enjoyed it so much I was even able to put aside my irritation with the clumsy exposition on sexuality (really, it was like "gay? who? me?, no no, never, I just have sex with men" - okay, sexuality is complicated, but the characters were protesting so much, it was almost a bit homophobic). I even managed not to roll my eyes too much at the it-isn't-cheating-on-your wife-if-you-sleep-with-guys thing, which apparently the author thinks is a real thing. But then The Thing happened, (and seriously, stop reading this now if you haven't read this book yet) and it all fell apart.

And that, boys and girls, is why a 5 star book, a book that is well-written and hugely entertaining was a fail for me. In fact, in my outrage, I wanted to give it even less stars but it's so good that I had to compromise with myself.
Profile Image for Don Bradshaw.
2,427 reviews101 followers
March 23, 2012
Reviewed on Hearts On Fire... http://heartsonfirereviews.com/

I was given a copy of this book by the author to read and review. I must say as a preface to my review that the blurb on Goodreads, written by the author I assume, was very deceptive. This book contains a very graphic and very violent scene of rape and torture so readers beware.
I have enjoyed many BDSM books but this one left me bothered mostly because I did not know I'd be reading BDSM. The story begins with big time realtor Scott becomes friends with the young playwright Greyson. Scott is intrigued by Greyson and invites him over to his place for dinner where he seduces the lonely, naive Greyson. Scott tells Greyson that he and a couple of straight? friends get together regularly to play cards, have dinner and what amounts to an orgy. All three men are married, wealthy and consider themselves straight because it's "only sex". Greyson accepts an invitation to their next get together where he meets and eventually falls for millionaire Jack. Jack is in a loveless marriage with a cheating wife yet Jack doesn't see his own cheating because again it's only sex. Jack files for divorce when his teenage son walks in on his mother screwing another man. Greyson has it badly for Jack and the two are planning a future together when Jack gets drunk, flies into a rage over his wife and rapes and tortures Greyson. I really liked the well fleshed out characters of Scott, Greyson and Jack. The story was well written and flowed beautifully. I would like to say that I felt sorry for the tragic character Greyson but he brought most of his trouble on himself. It was also more than a little difficult to believe that these men saw themselves as straight. I did have some trouble with Jack being angry over a cheating wife yet feeling fine over cheating on his wife. The ending of the story was a little surprising and definitely not HEA. I'd recommend this book to anyone into hardcore BDSM.
Profile Image for Ross McCoubrey.
Author 3 books64 followers
January 18, 2013
Really enjoyed this very different novel that doesn't fall easily into one genre. Marking it as M/M romance isn't accurate as it is a story about a bond of friendship as well as love... which just happens to be about men together. The author uses a very engaging style with characters that are both likeable and flawed. Without giving away major plot-points, the mid-section of the novel will surprise and shock but it will also make you stop and think about similar relationships you have heard of within heterosexual couples. Love, like so many other emotions, doesn't know gender, nor does it always prove rational or safe. Lichen Craig has developed a story that makes you think, without judging, and that is the mark of a gifted writer.
April 29, 2012
Just finished Gentlemen's Game. I don't know how I feel about it. The escapist in me loved it. The realist was thrown for a loop. The thing I loved the most was the dynamic the four gentlemen had with each other. They were what they were and they were true to themselves and the group. It's one of those books you talk about, debate about and re-read it and it sticks in your head. I will read Lichen Craig's next book, have no doubt.
Profile Image for GH.
1 review
August 11, 2012
This book was truly lovely. It contained such a nice combination of romantic activity and true love. It had such a nice plot. I was never bored for a single second. I don't particularly like gory sex activity, but here the love scenes fit right in, and I didn't even have to close my eyes or skip over thos parts. The characters were real people.

Thank you for the chance to read this book.
Profile Image for Lichen Craig.
Author 5 books16 followers
March 24, 2012
I believe in this story, and in the characters. Life is messy, people do things they shouldn't - terrible things. Other people find ways to forgive them without sacrificing their own integrity. I hope that is what this book is about.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1,506 reviews2 followers
April 25, 2021
I didn’t get why Jack stayed married. He didn’t have to divulge his wife cheated, he could still have divorced her, and still raised his kids. The constantly shifting POV is a bit disorienting. I’d be frustrated if I was Greyson that Jack always has parties and company, even on a special week away before he gets his kids. Grey should have told Pippa upfront he wasn’t available and never let her get close. And I’m sorry, but when it comes to custody of your kids and your ex is fighting dirty, then you do what you have to do, even if it means revealing her infidelity. And it’s interesting that Jack can be so possessive of Grey, but still share him with Scottie and Colin, (wrote this as reading, but boy does that come back to bite him in the butt). And how about why were both Colin and Scottie staying with Jack, one of them should have stayed at the hospital with Grey. Couldn’t believe after Grey finally agrees to meet him again he orders a Scotch. Even if he’s not an alcoholic, after what happened he should never touch a drop again, and if I were Grey, I would insist.
If they were starting back to their arrangement with Scottie and Colin, there should be discussion and maybe some rules to prevent any jealousy, not just jump back to it. And I still think it’s bad none of them view it as cheating, though Jack’ situation I could understand. All that aside, it was interesting and I liked it overall. Read on kindle

My favorite quote/misspelling: “As he had expected a pubic figure to be, Jack was charismatic, to be sure.” Got to love those pubic figures
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nan Hawthorne.
Author 4 books28 followers
April 18, 2012
Gentleman's Game

Lichen Craig

Reviewed by Nan Hawthorne
4 out of 5 stars

Themes of love, guilt, denial and forgiveness are woven together in this often upsetting novel of two men's love for each other. This is not a sweet book, though it does have lovely moments, and most readers will find it challenging. If you are a reader who expects novels to be Morality Plays where the good are rewarded, the bad are punished, and everyone lives happily and uneventfully ever after, don't buy this book. It is way over your head.

When wealthy business man Jack Miles meets playwright Grayson Foster at an all male cards, dinner, booze and sex party at his penthouse, he is due for a surprise: the love of his life. Jack and two other men have been meeting for their "gentleman's game" to let off steam on the downlow. All three of the men see themselves as heterosexual, two are happily married. This is where some readers will insist this makes them all bad men. Were life that simple. Let me tell you, you are not reading the book to be reassured about the faultlessness of the characters' choices.

Back to the synopsis: Jack begins to court Grayson, and though neither of them have ever identified as gay, they fall in love and become a couple. While Gray seems to accept that he had the capacity to love a man, now that he does, Jack is a sink of various conflicting influences. His wife is, in unblinking terminology, a slut and a bitch. She finds out about Gray and uses the information and her social and media contacts to use the relationship to keep Jack from getting custody of their kids, whom she has had little interest in until they became useful pawns. This stress and the habit of humiliation by his wife works on Jack until he, in an alcoholic blackout, unleashes all his rage… on Gray. It remains to be seen at this point in the story if Jack is repentant, if Gray could ever forgive him and trust him again, if Jack even entirely gets what he has done, and whether Jack will face the consequences. Again, without spoiling the story, let me say, if you want easy morality, think again.

The cover image, a pair of hands, has meaning in this novel. Besides the question of whether a writer can work without his hands and fingers, there is the emotional impact of "Could these hands have inflicted so much pain where they have formerly caressed and worshipped?" The two hands are palms up, not touching, bereft of what they long to touch and hold. They are an eloquent emblem of how isolated we all can find ourselves without love, trust and, yes, forgiveness.

Craig's writing is overall quite good, quite skillful, but she has a tendency to step into the story and explain the various characters' motivations. I was puzzled in the first few chapters that so much of the story was told in the two main characters' self-reflections. These are issues she will need to consider in her next books. The freshness and unapologetic look at the complex nature of love and need overcomes these mistakes, however. Even the groan-and-roll-your-eyes "But I'm not gay, I just happen to love a man" is confronted frankly in this novel. Is there really an "us" and "them"? Or is sexuality more fluid, harder to pigeonhole? More importantly, what does it matter when you are talking about two individuals? Maybe Craig is suggesting we all just butt out and let these guys work it out for themselves?

More reviews at GLBT Bookshelf http://bookworld.editme.com
Profile Image for Vivian.
49 reviews5 followers
July 3, 2013
I love m/m and m/m/m erotic romance. This book is so much more than that. It really reaches inside you and makes you think about love, trust and eventually forgiveness. It brought me through every possible emotion, wringing me out at times. I wanted to read every single word and not quickly glide through it to see how it ends. Right from the start I was drawn into the characters. I knew from the blurb where the book was heading, but I had no idea the twists and turns where it led.

If you are looking to try out an m/m book, I would highly recommend this one. If I wasn’t already reading m/m books, this one would have started me in that direction.

The story focuses on Jack Miles and Grayson Foster, but the supporting characters all play important roles. Three heterosexual men get together on occasion to watch a ballgame, play some cards and have very hot sex. Gray is invited to join in. Jack and Gray begin a separate relationship in additional to their “gentlemen’s games”. There are plenty of steamy love scenes here. There were parts where I simply sighed, yes sighed. You can’t help but fall in love with these two. Their love, their doubts, their openness is breathtaking.

There was one scene where a character really does something brutal to the other which tears them apart. I read this scene with my eyes wide open, my jaw dropped. When it was done, I had to put the book down, take a few deep breaths. What just happened? Did I just read that? I had no idea how or if the author would be able to get to any kind of HEA. I liked how the author focused on the recovery process and how their friends all dealt with it. Lichen Craig does an excellent job of helping us see this from everyone’s perspective. It was not an easy thing to do. Can trust ever be earned again? Lichen Craig is a gifted writer and is now on my auto-buy list!
Profile Image for Sara.
419 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2012
I have rarely had such mixed emotions with a book. On one hand, I was seriously into it and devoured it quickly. On the other hand, I don't know if it was the 3rd person omniscient point of view or what, but I couldn't connect with the characters as much as I wanted to. Finally, due to my own history of sexual abuse I found parts of it were a hard trigger for me - BUT in the long run , I love how the entire book was executed. To me, it was an important story - and despite what other reviewers believe, I found it to be realistic. It's not always rainbows and kittens. Sometimes things happen that you can never imagine seeing past. Love isn't always disney sparkle, sometime it beats the shit out of you and nearly destroys you and sometimes you find a relationship that is so special and beautiful that you can't walk away. I like how absolutely perfect she made Jack and appreciate how wonderful she had to make him to help us get past the big conflict ,and understand how Grey works his way back. The relationship with the 4 men was special to me. I liked their friendship, their bond and how it existed outside of everything. I didn't think I would like Colin or Scottie, but they really grew on me. I ended it with some questions (like, does Scottie cheat on his new wife and how does Grey reconcile that considering his protective nature over the girl - or...is it even cheating?) etc etc. Also, I regret that it ended so quickly - I mean - we didn't get to share in the events described in the epilogue (rings for instance). Still, I couldn't put it down and I loved the poetic nature of how it was written. All in all, totally worthwhile read.
Profile Image for J..
Author 7 books42 followers
December 10, 2012
WARNING: SPOILERS. Let me say right off the bat that I'm suspicious of M/M romance as a genre. This, though, had several things going for it: 1) some sincere exploration of real sex lives vs. labels, 2) the book is about adults, with adult concerns rather than teens, which we've seen again and again and again, and 3) some excellent pacing decisions. Ultimately the book's downfall for me doesn't have much to do with the plot, and everything to do with me as a reader: I don't buy that forgiveness like this can happen. Had Craig ended the novel on page 220, this would be a four star review. The book transcends quite a lot of the stale M/M romance cliches, though, and for that I recommend it if you are looking for a good relaxation read.
Profile Image for DL.
965 reviews
February 16, 2012
I can't exactly say I liked this book although I do think it was very well written. I just read a blog where Ms Craig explained why she wrote the rape in the way that she did and I think it is actually an important point. She wanted to show that "non-con" was not titillating and recovery took time. She wanted to make the readers think. She succeeded phenomenally.
Profile Image for Brandon Shire.
Author 23 books401 followers
November 12, 2012
4.5 recommended

The writing style will put some off within the first few pages. There are also a few difficult spots that I had to re-read and try to figure out what the author was trying to say, but beyond those, the depth of this story and the sheer beauty (and roughness) of its images & characters will pull you in, if you let them.

Profile Image for Erasmo Guerra.
Author 10 books32 followers
December 13, 2012
I read this novel at the beginning of 2012. Now, as we come to the final days of the year, I have to say that of all the characters I met in the books I read later, my thoughts keep returning to these men and their "Gentlemen's Game."
Profile Image for Becky S. Vickery.
Author 3 books10 followers
June 18, 2013
I was very impressed with this book. It took a few odd turns I wasn't expecting, but that's a good thing! I loved the ending, it was completely satisfying, and tickled every romantic bone in my body.
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews

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