ISC2 Swiss vs 3 Divisions
Originally we planned a bracket system that included Comp, Semi-Comp, and Non Comp divisions.   But after speaking with several MWO community members they recommended we try something new and something that has not been done frequently or ever in MWO Comp history.  The Swiss tournament system.  

How does it differ?  Well everyone will get to play the full amount of matches instead of being out of the tournament after only 2 losses.  Every one would get a chance to play all matches and would initially be seeded based on Jarl's list stats for the team.  From there the seeding would be based upon performance.  Winners play winners, losers play losers.  After about 5-6 weeks the tournament ends and the performance is ranked with a clear overall picture of how everyone does.  

I know the biggest complaint will be; "But there will be stomps"... There are always stomps in MWO even evenly matched teams can make a mistake that turns in to a stomp.  This system we hope will decrease the overall frequency of the one sided victories and allow everyone to keep playing.  Also it allow the opportunity for learning and good sportsmanship between teams increasing fun and learning.

It also does not mean that prizes will solely go to the top performers.  They will obviously get bragging rights and some kind of prize.  But we are also looking to hand out prizes at other levels and for other performance.  Such as who moved up highest from initial seeding spot.  

The idea is to allow everyone to get the best chance at some good competition and allow new teams and players the opportunity to compete at all levels and learn and get better as well as enjoy the matches.

( Exact prize details and tiers for awards TBD)
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Please indicate which you would prefer to see as the game structure for the second Inner Sphere Coalition Season.  
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