Where Do You Practice at Home?
Jennifer Sahmoun, Level 22
May 19, 2015

I practice in the basement. There is a spot with a window oriented just right to catch the sunlight and my yoga mat is in front of it permanently. It's usually pretty quiet and calm there so I can relax easier. I take my laptop with me and put it on the floor or a small table so I can do Grokker videos.

Edward Gilligan, Level 21
August 30, 2014

I practice in the living room, and computer near! I really enjoy the challenge & benefits of Yoga. My only quandary is with the meditative aspects, and the emptying of your mind.

See, I'm Catholic, and our forbidden performing such actions. So, when I practice, and others meditate or chant. I pray (mentally), remember bible stories, and commune with my Lord.

I've been practicing for a little over a year. But, I admit that aspect (meditating or chanting) sometimes causes issues. Oh, I have my Crucifix up above, and practice at night....quieter.

Samantha Shakti Matthews (Formerly Brown), Level 5

Hi Daniela Tanner! What a great topic. I have a yoga room but since children there are many other things in there besides my yoga stuff. I love having my mat already there waiting..even if there is a pile of leggos and blocks in the middle. My great love is to practice outside and will do so anywhere I can...as often as I can. I do not get tripped up by not having a mat. I just practice.

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hugs sandi, Level 1
August 14, 2014

My living room. My computer is in the kitchen though, so I may start using Grokker in there! ~would love to find a way to pipe it through the tele, but then I might also sit and watch K-drama all day~ :P

M L, Level 19
August 5, 2014

Patricia Sheldon, you're so right that you can find the space if you make the committment. I lived in a very small apartment with my boyfriend and boy, it was hard to not be sitting ontop of each other. But, with a little bit of communication, we managed to give each other some space so that I could practice my yoga in peace. I'm glad you and your son have found ways to inhabit the same space together!

Patricia Sheldon, Level 55
August 4, 2014

You are not alone in finding space for 'legs up the wall', I do this against a door which is a window, as it is my pateo doors, I am in a small space too, and it is difficult to find wall space. However, my yoga mat is now more of a permanent fixture in my house, im front of the pateo doors. I used to have tot get my yoga mat out and practise when the time was right. Now, I keep my yoga mat down, it is my special space, despite having a 12 year old in the house! Now, I will be practising my yoga and he will be on his Xbox; at times, I ask him to make it quiet, and he does! So we manage to inhabit the same space together and I get my yoga time. Twice a day, these days! If you make the commitment, to have some space for yourself, you can do it! :) :)

Elizabeth Ann, Level 16
July 1, 2014

My home is small, so I am unable to designate a permanent place for my practice. So, I keep a basket of all of my yoga things; mat, blocks, strap, bolster, etc, on the side of the couch and take it all out and use it in the middle of the living room floor when I am ready. It's really quite a nice arrangement for me so far. I just have a hard time finding open wall space for "legs up the wall"! :)

Christy Evans, Level 11
March 1, 2014

Daniela Tanner ~ what a great question! In my opinion, if you show up to the mat then everything else (where, how, sacred, etc.) falls into place! Creating a sacred space to practice can be just as easy as dedicating a particular space to be your "yoga space" - your commitment/intention and returning to the mat makes it "sacred". As you return to this space over and over you are creating an energy in that space that fosters your intention for practicing yoga. If you'd like to add elements from Nature into this space, that would be another way of honoring the space and your intentions ... like, adding flowers, rocks/crystals, candles, inspirational pictures/images/sayings ~ all can be a great start to anchoring the energy of your yoga space! If you are inside and can practice near a window - then you could put these trinkets on the window ledge and that could be your (sacred) yoga "alter". As for a general "where" to practice -- ideally somewhere where you can minimize distractions -- where you wont be interrupted (people, pets, work, etc)! "When" to practice -- again, anytime is the real world answer! However, traditionally sunrise is an 'auspicious' time to practice -- you can face your mat East and practice in the direction of the sunrise -- and maybe even do Sun Salutations?! In general, facing North or East is common and the time to practice is really what works best for you and your schedule! Hope this is helpful?! xo

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Daniela Tanner, Level 18
February 27, 2014

I worked hard to create a special space in the home I share with four others. However, I also find myself practicing next to my bed, because it's warm and convenient and can be out of the way, as well as other spaces in the house.

Lisa Fingard, Level 1
February 26, 2014

Where depends on what's going on. If my son is in bed, I typically practise in the living room as I like the space. If not I'm downstairs, which is a bit tougher as the dropped ceilings make suryanamaskara tough! I also have to crate my overly-helpful St. Bernard :)

I follow the Ashtanga primary series, and find the routine and rhytym help me to find my own sacred space, even amidst the chaos that is my home some days!

Sarah Dittmore, Level 25
February 22, 2014

Daniela Tanner I have been traveling for three years straight now and haven't been "home" for a long time. Because of the limited options, I have learned that the only thing I need is a mat and a flat surface, then I can practice. I definitely prefer creating a space with candles, insense, and when I am home I have a lot of artifacts from my travels that hold special meaning to me. But since I rarely am in that setting, I've learned to love my practice for the practice, not the setting. And I have learned to see the holy life and energy that flows through everything, and makes even the "profane" look beautiful.

As for how I practice, it depends. Sometimes I do not have the energy to lead myself and that is when I turn to Grokker. However, I am a big believer that you are your own best teacher. So I definitely like to get on the mat without a plan and just move from one pose to the next as my body asks me to. It's amazing how much your body can tell you if you give it a chance to speak.

Daniela Tanner, Level 18
February 22, 2014

I have many questions. Where do you practice at home? How do you practice at home? How do you make space? How do you make it sacred, or do you just practice amongst the profane and make do?

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