
26 Apr 2024

All MOT tests in Derry and throughout Northern Ireland have been suspended with immediate effect

DVA boss warns that further cancellations are likely

MOT centre

Safety tests are being carried out at local test centres.

All MOT tests in Northern Ireland have been suspended.
In a statement this evening, Paul Duffy, Chief Executive of the Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA), said that following further inspections of lift faults in MOT centres, the contractor had not provided ‘’sufficient assurance’ to DVA on the effectiveness of the ongoing repairs.
“To ensure the health and safety of staff and customers and as a precautionary measure, DVA has suspended all MOT testing for cars and light vehicles with immediate effect,” said Mr Duffy.
“Tests on heavy goods vehicles and buses will continue.
“Anyone scheduled for a car or light vehicle MOT tomorrow should not attend.
“All customers, except customers with four year old vehicles and taxis, will be automatically issued an MOT exemption certificate and therefore can continue to drive.
“The exemption will be recorded in the DVA system and a hard copy will arrive by post in the coming days.
“For customers with four year old vehicles and taxis, we are working to urgently find a solution to get these vehicles through MOT and will contact customers directly.
“The DVA will issue a further statement as a matter of urgency to advise these customers and those who have MOTs booked for later this week.”
Mr Duffy said that more cancellations are very likely.
“The DVA recognises the considerable inconvenience and disruption this will cause for many people and sincerely apologises that it has been unable to rectify this situation more quickly. 
“Given the urgency of this situation, we are asking the public to follow media, social media channels and nidirect for updates. Staff will also be kept fully informed by their centre managers.
“The Minister has held an urgent meeting with officials this evening in relation to this matter.”

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