
The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Update 2:

Update (2/22/2019): EA has shared additional information with GameDaily related to the Gggmanlives Anthem video and the allegations that EA had it removed for negative content. EA runs two separate programs for influencer and content creator videos. Game Changers is the unpaid program (that will cover expenses to EA events), but as we know from the Apex Legends launch, EA also does directly sponsor influencers to generate content.

There are two separate watermarks that are used in these instances. For Game Changers, the watermark says, "Presented by Game Changers." That's the watermark Gggmanlives used in the past and told GameDaily was present on his original video (before it was re-uploaded). The other watermark, used when there's a sponsored content agreement and money changes hands is "Sponsored by EA."

EA has confirmed to GameDaily that it specifically requested that Gggmanlives replace the "Presented by Game Changers" watermark on the video with the one that reflects sponsorship, because that was the relationship for this content. He previously published another video from an event EA hosted in Tokyo with the Game Changers watermark that he says met EA's approval.

In a conversation on Twitter via direct message, Gggmanlives confirmed to me that he did receive compensation for this video, but claims it was under the Game Changers program (which EA told GameDaily in a comment earlier does not support review videos). As stated in the original story below, EA does not typically pay Game Changers more than a small stipend for incidentals when flying them out to events.

Gggmanlives has also tempered his assertion that EA has definitely blacklisted him. "I assume that relationship is severed now," he told me.

In his re-uploaded video and in a tweet pre-dating the re-upload, Gggmanlives is confident EA has blacklisted him. "I had to re-edit my original review for Anthem, because it was deemed too negative," he says. "And I guess on top of that, I've been added to the long list of blacklisted YouTubers."

Gggmanlives declined to share the contract he signed related to the videos or his correspondence with an EA PR representative in which he says that he was told to remove the video for its contents.

More here, thanks to Hobbes in this post of the thread.


Update: Situation is still muddy but seems to be:
  1. Guy is an 'EA GameChanger' and received the game as part of this.
  2. Guy puts up negative Anthem review - according to users here this has the usual disclosure he's done in other videos
  3. EA demands he takes down the video, he complies.
  4. Guy claims he's blacklisted and video was taken down for being negative
  5. Guy reuploads the video without the EA watermarks and disclosure
  6. EA reaches out and says he isn't blacklisted and the issue wasn't with the content, instead with the disclosure
  7. Guy disputes this as disclosure was the same as prior videos that were more positive, and still up.
  8. End result so far is a review by a paid influencer with no disclosure.
If I've missed anything, @ me.

- -

The video has now been reuploaded (below). The only thing that's changed is the removal of the EA watermark so it seems something within it conflicted with the Gamechangers program.

Edit for clarity:

For some reason have seen a number derails defending EA as not being one of the worst companies in existence, which no one here has really made any real point of saying.

To add some context this is the only video of this content creator I've seen and certainly hold no affection for them. Nor is this a "defend him" thread. I made a point at the start of referencing how this is all apt in the face of a recent figure telling people they should trust influencers and the like over reviewers. People that are typically paid by a company to check out their game, over people working independently within industry establishments and the like (Kotaku, Gameinformer etc).

Yet we have one such person who is part of the EA Gamechangers program, posting a negative review of the game and it having been removed. I think that serves as a solid point for discussion. I also want to know whether this was supposed to be your standard promo-video that the content-creator then framed as a review, or whether EA are moving to actually paying people to assign good reviews and scores to shit/bad games.

If it's the latter then I have an issue with both sides of the camp, as muddying the waters with reviews that are paid to be posiitve is a blight on the industry regardless of whether the tactic employed elsewhere. I don't think because a bad practice is common, that it should be afforded complacency - as some have suggested in this thread.

Either way, this is a small crack in the veneer of 'EA Gamechangers' that gives us a peek into the underbelly. I think that's quite interesting as it's something we don't get too often, and don't have tabs on every deal EA has with different creators, but when they appear it's rarely in a favourable light.
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Oct 26, 2017
Why would he ever delete the video? Seems like a huge fuck-up on his part. Plenty of journalists have been blacklisted by bigger companies (most of them, I'd say). But you don't normally see them deleting their work because a publisher asked them, too.


Oct 26, 2017
Oof what a messy thing. I do respect Gagman though for not letting them influence his opinion. This is probably going to blow up in EA's face though due to the Streisand effect.


Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
This world in which we pay people to play our games to try and convince other people to buy our games because we think the majority of people are literally 'followers' is so fucking weird.


(Using 'we' as in, game developers)


Oct 28, 2017
Managed to watch the review before it got removed. His criticisms were on point; the game is hollow, bland and unfinished. Surely both Bioware and EA knows this.

Dr. Caroll

Oct 27, 2017
I disagree with GGmanlives on a lot of design stuff, particularly around open world design, but I've always found him to be a fairminded chap. Totally different to those attention seeking YTers who dogpile games because they're looking for those outrage clicks. If he says negative things about Anthem, he certainly didn't say them lightly.

This is extremely poor form from EA. Publishers in general need to embrace criticism. And also, gamers need to be a little more level headed. One reason these publishers are so skittish about negative reviews is because a lot of people will latch onto meme criticisms. We need honesty, transparency, and an audience that has critical thinking skills.


Oct 27, 2017
But he plays God of War and I call him just "Mike" like he is my homie! He is not in the wrong and i'm not being influenced by a curated marketing persona!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I get the blacklisting, I don't get the removal of the review. Why and how can EA force that?

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
I saw the review before it was taken down, he just genuinely thought it was incomplete in significant ways, had many technical issues for him, and disagreed with some design decisions. Basically all the complaints you are hearing about Anthem right now.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Being able to do this is why people like Mike Ybarra want customers to just watch influencers



Alt account
Jan 10, 2019
I see no issue with this. I assume he was a paid advertiser, and he did not provide the wanted content.

Like I make a product, and hire a PR person, but that PR person just shit's on my product. What do I do? Fire the fucking PR person.

Why did it had to delete it?
Why would he ever delete the video? Seems like a huge fuck-up on his part.
If he was paid to provide a positive review, and he did not according to contract it's his fault.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I believe because it was a sponsored video, and as it was a negative opinion on the game it now needs to be deleted and reuploaded separate to the sponsored content program.

The review itself being a sponsored video is one mighty ass conflict of interests.

Good on him for not letting that get into the way of his criticism, but eh...


Oct 28, 2017
It's admirable that he's willing to be critical of the game despite being paid to promote it but this is why sponsored content is terrible and I can't feel too sorry for him if that's the business he's in. You can't review games and take money from the publisher, it's just wrong.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
apparently he's been a bit harsh on EA games before, why was this one the vid that broke the camels back?


Jan 22, 2018
Why would he ever delete the video? Seems like a huge fuck-up on his part. Plenty of journalists have been blacklisted by bigger companies (most of them, I'd say). But you don't normally see them deleting their work because a publisher asked them, too.
Maybe if it was a sponsored video EA contractually has the right to get him to delete it. Kinda fucked up

Deleted member 51266

User requested account closure
Dec 26, 2018
The entire point of their EA Influencer program is to get internet personalities to shill their games, it's not like they're blacklisting journalists, they're blacklisting paid advertisers who aren't advertising. The real story is that this guy signed up for their program and didn't realize that for some bizarre reason.


Oct 31, 2017
This seems weird, why would he be required to delete his video for just giving his opinion when every other streamer, content creator, podcast host is sharing the same negetive thoughts, he isn't violating an embargo since there's reviews out already.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't follow him but according to people he has been critical of EA games in the past and It hasn't effected his EA Game Changer partnership?


Oct 8, 2018
so you are telling me
that companies can now blacklist someone because he made a negative video?
ughhh fucking hell....


Oct 27, 2017
Being able to do this is why people like Mike Ybarra want customers to just watch influencers

Yeah, seriously. 'Influencers' are themselves influenced by the publishers who provide them with free games before release date and boxes full of added extras to excitedly unbox on camera. And it couldn't be more obvious that they're expected to give a glowing review in return. Like, EA might as well come out and say it here.

I mean, they might have their place, but someone like Ybarra urging people to trust influencers over actual professional reviewers is sketch as fuck.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
So, to be clear, this was originally a sponsored video for Anthem itself, not any other EA product or service?


Usage of alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
Real talk this is why sponsored reviews are worthless. No one's really going to go against the grain, because when they do the sponsorship is long dead


Oct 26, 2017
The fun thing now is that we can look at any other Gamechanger and compare how they talk about the game. I bet their impressions are way more positive!

Don't fall for these people that get into programs like this.


Oct 25, 2017
Real talk this is why sponsored reviews are worthless. No one's really going to go against the grain, because when they do the sponsorship is long dead

Sponsored videos aren't usually a review. They are generally puff pieces meant to advertise the game, so publishers list out talking points and what you shouldn't focus on.

But yeah, this is exactly why Ybarra said what he said. Much easier to control narratives if you control all the press.


Oct 25, 2017
Being able to do this is why people like Mike Ybarra want customers to just watch influencers


But, in all seriousness, also this:

Before you raise your torches and pitchforks, this stuff doesn't just happen out of the blue. There have been people removed from the Gamechangers program before on other games and it has actually never been due to criticism, but some breach of contract.

I do not know the case here nor I would dare to speculate, but please just be respectful to all parties involved without having to make threats and what not on social media.

If a Game Changer posts a negative review or content about the company or one of our games that is honest and constructive – they will have our thanks and full support. We demand that our Game Changers act with honesty with us, with our dev teams, and with the community. Sometimes this can make things uncomfortable! EA is committed to being player first and earning the trust of our community. We make mistakes and get things wrong all the time. For our teams to improve and get better, we need our Game Changers to keep it real.
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