Seeking Protective Orders – Get Domestic Violence Help

Seeking Protective Orders - Get Domestic Violence Help.jpg

Signs of domestic violence are sometimes obvious, and other times they can go unnoticed until the victim realizes that years of emotional, psychological, and financial damage have left them in a very negative position. But, domestic violence lawyers in Utah know the warning signs and the results that constitute domestic violence – and are punishable by Utah and Federal law.

Every relationship is different, but the domestic violence laws in Utah support and advocate for those that are experiencing abnormal relationships which are causing damaging results. Some warning signs of domestic violence include:

  • physical abuse including choking, kicking, and slapping
  • forced work or dictating what a person eats, drinks, or does
  • emotional abuse including cheating, lying, and insults
  • psychological abuse including threatening, blaming or controlling
  • sexual abuse that is forceful, insulting, or harming

If you are in a marriage or a domestic partnership relationship with cycles of domestic abuse, contact a domestic abuse lawyer in Utah that can explain your rights and help you receive the financial, medical, and emotional help you deserve.


Regain Your Power After Domestic Violence

The very act of domestic abuse takes away a person’s self-esteem, freedoms, and right to live a full and happy life. Our domestic violence lawyers in Utah are compassionate, working to remove the stress and difficulties that victims are experiencing. We take control of your legal concerns, but we always listen to our client’s needs and stick to our client’s goals.

You can help your domestic violence case by filing police reports after a violent behavior, false imprisonment, sexual battery, aggravated stalking, or any other criminal offense that leads to physical injury or damaging mental and psychological abuse. Intense fear, anxiety, and abnormal demands that leave you feeling helpless and without control are all signs that your partner may be guilty of domestic violence laws in Utah.


Domestic Abuse Laws in Utah

In Utah, the law supports victims of violent crime including stalking or harassment against persons living in the same habitation. If police officers have a reasonable belief that domestic abuse is occurring, they are bound by law to make an arrest or issue a citation. Additionally, if they believe the victim is in danger of further assault within the household, they may make an arrest of the violating person.

At Wall & Wall Attorneys at Law, P.C., our respected and family-owned law firm has been serving members of the Salt Lake City, Utah community since 1973. We offer compassionate, yet aggressive representation by listening carefully to your legal situation and exploring all of your legal options. As divorce attorney experts we also provide you DIY Divorce Assistance to save you from the burden of extreme financial costs.


About the Author:

The Wall’s have over more 190 years of combined legal experience as divorce and family law attorneys. They aggressively represent their clients in matters including the complex and difficult issues surrounding paternity, child custody, alimony, grandparent rights, property and debt division.


Wall & Wall Attorneys At Law PC
2168 Fort Union Blvd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84121

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