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Chicago Law #1

Manic Monday

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The perfect man for me is a charming, sexy, hot as hell lawyer who knows how to negotiate his way into my panties.


Been there.
Done that.
Burned the T-shirt.

I didn't swear off all men after my divorce, but I sure as hell swore off anyone remotely like my ex. On the top of that list? Attorneys. Everyone knows they can't be trusted.

Now that I've moved back into my childhood home in Chicago, my focus is my daughter, my mom and me. I haven't given up on finding my happily-ever-after, it's just on hold-indefinitely. Yup, life is in a real upswing.

Then I see Reed Warner again, and I'm reminded of all my mistakes. I push him away, but somehow he weasels his way into every part of my life, not willing to take no for an answer.

In spite of my better judgment I can't stop thinking about the way his designer suits fit his muscular frame, or the way his blue eyes seem to eat me up with every glance.

You know when you're on a diet and even hummus seems irresistible? Reed is like the equivalent of chocolate éclair and my willpower is fading fast.

The problem? Not only is he a lawyer…

He was the best man at my wedding.

298 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 24, 2018

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About the author

Piper Rayne

148 books5,218 followers
Piper Rayne is a USA Today Bestselling author duo. Our goal is to bring you romance stories that have "Heartwarming Humor With a Side of Sizzle" (okay...you caught us, that's our tagline). A little about us... We both have kindle’s full of one-clickable books. We're both married to husbands who drive us to drink. We're both chauffeurs to our kids. Most of all, we love hot heroes and quirky heroines that make us laugh, and we hope you do, too.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2h5oycP
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Website: www.piperrayne.com

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Our Books: We do things in 3’s. Three best friends. Three hot heroes. Three HEA’s.

Modern Love:
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Single Dads Club:
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Dirty Truth:
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Bedroom Games:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 363 reviews
Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,647 reviews334 followers
April 25, 2018
Sweet and sexy.
I think I gravitate a lot to this style of writing because it matches so much of the life we have already but yet it fills in what may be missing. I know I’ve read a few of their books before and this one offers up a sweet story with romance, humor, a little anxiety, and a delicious hottie we want to take home.

I think I’m a little hard on authors when it comes to creating their female characters. It’s a delicate balance to find and create a character that is not over needy, but not overly independent either.

I didn’t start out liking Victoria too much in the story. She did grow on me in the middle on as I learned her motivations. But she was sarcastic and almost rude sometimes and it didn’t look good on her.

Reed was another story. He was so sweet, kind and understanding and bent over backwards for her. He has a wonderful heart with plenty of humor and a sexy steamy dream boat vibe going on. Plus he was great with the kids! So sweet.

We also get to meet Victoria’s friends and they are a fun distraction for the stress and anxiety. Plus, we even have some mean moms too! A whole group of wild women that add the levity needed to balance our crazy lives.

This book is a delightful diversion that is well written with plenty of steam, humor, sweetness, and engagement that we love. You can safely add Reed to your Book Boyfriend list too. Yummm!

* copy received for review consideration
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
594 reviews475 followers
January 8, 2022
Hat mir jetzt vom Trope her nicht ganz so gut gefallen wie die Bücher, die ich davor von den Autorinnen gelesen habe.
Ich bin aber auch nie so ein Fan davon wenn es um alleinerziehende Mütter/Väter geht, bzw. generell wenn Kinder mit im Spiel sind. Da kann ich mich einfach schwer mit identifizieren.

Abgesehen davon mochte ich aber wieder den Humor und auch Victoria war mir auf Anhieb sympathisch. Ebenso war Reed von Anfang an ein Goldstück. Die Präsenz von Pete in diesem Buch fand ich hingegen irgendwie unnötig. Irgendwie hätte die Handlung ohne seine Anwesenheit auch bzw. sogar besser funktioniert. Jade fand ich auch ganz goldig und ich war direkt ein Riesen Fan von Chelsea und Hannah! Ich liebe starke weibliche Charaktere! Bin froh, dass es in den nächsten beiden Büchern um diese beiden gehen wird.

Einen weiteren Stern hat das Buch aufgrund der spicy Szenen verloren. Was war da denn los? Das konnte Piper Rayne aber schonmal besser! Ich fand es irgendwie nicht wirklich prickelnd und sogar eher abturnend, obwohl Reed sein ein Hottie ist!

Ansonsten super unterhaltsam und ein netter Read (oder Reed, höhe ;)) für Zwischendurch und lässt sich aufgrund von Schreibstil und recht geringer Seitenzahl flott weglesen.
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,519 reviews215 followers
April 26, 2018

I was going to say this was my favorite Piper Rayne book, but then I realized Lennon might come and knock me upside my head with one of her unicorn cocks so I thought better of it. So let's just say Manic Monday is a very close second to Mad About the Banker, because this girl does not want to get on that girls bad side.

With Manic Monday Piper and Rayne once again deliver a light, easy, enjoyable read. I'm not sure how they're able to regularly churn out these fun and charming books, that are as consistent as they are entertaining. I love that you really know what to expect when you open one of their books, and that is not a bad thing at all!

I loved Victoria and Jade! Victoria is such a strong, determined single mother to Jade, and a caring and loving daughter herself. Not giving it a second thought, she uprooted her and Jade's lives when her mother needed them. I found that so admirable, even if it did make me sad she was leaving Jagger! (I'd highly recommend grabbing Clean Slate, a quick prequel to this book, which gives you just a bit of background on her relationship with Jagger and what brings her back home to Chicago.)
Jade is a precocious little seven year old who completely my stole my heart- you could just feel all the love she had to share.
And I loved Reed! If I can't say this is my favorite PR book I'm sure as heck going to say Reed is my new favorite PR hero! He is all kinds of sweet, sexy, swoony, perfection! The fact that he and Victoria's ex used to be friends held no bearing for him and he wasn't going to let that be used as an excuse by Vic. I loved his persistency and dedication! So many check marks in the plus column when it came to Reed, I don't think there was one thing I didn't love about him!
I love that there wasn't a lot of crazy conflict or unnecessary drama between Reed and Victoria, thrown in for the sake of drama. The conflict that did come up between them was realistic, and they handled it like *semi :)* sensible adults!

Manic Monday was sweet, funny, steamy- all the good I've come to expect from a Piper Rayne book.
Profile Image for KDRBCK.
6,345 reviews50 followers
April 21, 2018
Manic Monday by Piper and Rayne is the first book in their brand new Charity Case Series and hands down my favorite read by this outstanding author duo.
I recommend to read the prequel to Manic Monday, Clean Slate ( currently free ) , first.
Victoria Clarke has recently relocated to Chicago. She´s a divorced single mom of a adorable 7 year old girl and cares for her mother. Her former boss, Jared - yes The Jared from Chore Play recommented her and now she starts fresh. New - old city, new job, new life. On the first day of her daughters school she runs into a man she never had believed seeing again. Reed Warner.
Before I start with Reed let me tell you, I call dibs on him - he´s all mine.
Reed is a good guy, honest, driven, handsome, faithful - and he loves Victoria with his whole heart. Swoon, he´s perfect husband material. But Victoria has a lot of baggage and issues, she was badly burned before and doesn´t easily trust anymore.

It was my pleasure reading Manic Monday. I laughed, I cried and I connected immediatedly with the characters. I strted reading and was hooked from chapter one. I read the book in one sitting because I had to know what happens next.
And now I can´t wait to read the next book in the series, Afternoon Delight.
I recommend Manic Monday and give 5 stars.
Profile Image for life.on.READpeat.
1,282 reviews104 followers
April 26, 2018
* Read more of my reviews at Whoo Gives A Hoot *
The insanely talented dynamic duo known as Piper Rayne have done it again! I can't even begin to tell you all how much I absolutely love and admire these two lovely ladies right here. I know without a doubt that I can pick up any one of their stories and be in for great time filled with a barrel of laughs! Let me just say that these two certainly did not disappoint with Manic Monday, the first book in their brand new Charity Case series!

When it was first announced that Victoria (Jagger's secretary from the Dirty Truth series) was finally getting her very own book in this brand new series I was super excited because I loved how sassy she was and how she was one of the only people bold enough to put Jagger in his place. She was definitely one of those secondary characters that readers love to followup on. Even if it's not with the person you originally thought they would end up with...

Victoria and Reed's story is the perfect balance of a sweet and sexy romance with just a dash of swoon worthy charm that would instantly melt the hearts of any reader! These two share an off the charts amount of chemistry and they were one of Piper Rayne's best matches yet (although I still think Lennon and Jasper will FOREVER hold the number 1 spot in my heart). Reed is so freaking amazing that I wish men like him really existed out here in the real world. He knows how to treat a women right and will certainly captivate your heart!

I have no doubt in my mind that this series is going to be one of my new favorites and I cannot wait to see how the next two books are going to play out! If you love a good romantic comedy then this book is definitely for you!
Profile Image for Dísir.
1,677 reviews179 followers
May 12, 2018
‘Manic Monday’ is a book that’s been on my reader for a while but had unfairly been passed along for other reads, which I immediately sought to remedy the moment I had a free slot. The once-bitten-twice-shy thing runs practically in all romance books after all, the only difference being the extent to which this has shaped characters’ behaviour and subsequently, the entire course of the novel.

I can well understand a woman’s uncertainty in stepping back into the dating world with a particular man—a lawyer and the ex-best man whom she hasn’t seen in a long time—and her newfound determination to not sacrifice anything of hers (dreams, future and hopes) in the meantime. The problem was, it all felt after a while, like this was about Victoria’s needs, her wants, her insecurities and damn anyone else who suggests that relationships are about compromise and since she’d gone through this tough period of losing herself, the world now apparently owed her something.

Being badly burnt in the past isn’t a sure ticket to behaving badly or rudely, not least towards the person only peripherally associated with the nasty ex-husband of hers. I just felt that Victoria was given too much ‘authorial’ leeway, so to speak, to behave like a very prickly hedgehog as possible simply because her awful past supposedly entitled her to do so. More so when she kept pushing a perfectly nice guy away and unfairly expected Reed to make every leap for her while she stood and waited for him to jump over hurdle after hurdle in an effort to prove himself unlike her ex.

Which brings me to the idea of the ‘chase’ in romance—it’s a thrilling aspect of this genre, I’ll admit, though too rarely do I find couples fighting for each other nonetheless (and the book that actually has this tends to get my wholehearted attention). Often, it’s taken too far, when one party—mostly the male protagonist—does all the work while the other taps her foot and expects him to hit milestone after milestone while positioning herself as the ultimate prize to be won and just not doing her part of the compromise.

And that was how I found myself detesting Victoria's own brand of selfishness, to the extent where Reed had to make the sacrifice of his career for her without her actively trying to fight for their relationship at all. 

I loved Reed in contrast who was a good guy all around and adorably (and acceptably) imperfect—his confidence in his own identity, his stalwart determination in giving back to society as a mentor and his insinuations into every part of Victoria’s life—as a male protagonist who just wasn’t fazed by Victoria’s issues at all, but gladly jumped into this challenge from the beginning.

‘Manic Monday’ in short, was a bit of a mixed bag for me, mostly because I liked one protagonist way more than the other, the latter of which I felt didn’t exactly deserve the former. Piper Rayne’s set up of 3 friends and the books to come did look promising however, though it did get a little too emotionally dramatic for me in parts, and it has made me wonder how this series is going to progress.
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,410 reviews203 followers
April 26, 2018
Manic Monday is sweet and sexy - trademark Piper Rayne.

Victoria, Jagger's old assistant from Chore Play, has divorced her jerk ex and moved to Chicago with her adorable daughter, Jade, so they can help take care of Victoria's mom. Victoria's down on men, sort of down on life in general, when she sees a hot guy at her daughter's school dropping off a boy he's somehow related to; how, she's not sure, but she means to find out. Sounds like a potentially good thing, but not when he turns out to be a) a lawyer, like her ex, and b) her ex's best man at their wedding. Oops. But, Reed is not to be dissuaded when he decides he wants Victoria. He's persistent, and sweet, and charming, and soon Victoria's falling under his spell. But when Reed has to make a choice to stay in Chicago or move and take a job offer, will he choose a promotion or his life with Victoria, Jade and Henry?

I adore Reed and call dibs on that man. He's sweet and sexy and so charming that my little heart swooned. Victoria came across as more than a little prickly at first, leading to not such a great first impression, but considering her circumstances, I was able to give her a pass, and she grew on me. Some great secondary characters like Chelsea, Victoria's coworker, Hannah, Victoria's new boss, Jade, Victoria's daughter, and Henry, Reed's little brother, help round out the cast of this sweet story. Piper Rayne has definitely made me a lifelong fan with Manic Monday, so looking forward to Chelsea's story next (Afternoon Delight)!

I received an ARC for an honest review.
Profile Image for Shawna .
494 reviews58 followers
September 17, 2019
Ladies are going to love meeting Piper Rayne's latest book boyfriend, Reed Warner!
Profile Image for Julia Red Hatter Book Blog.
644 reviews32 followers
April 19, 2018
Manic Monday is a hilariously sweet story that give you the warm fuzzies long after its done. Piper and Rayne knocked this romcom out of the park! I was simultaneously laughing and clenching my thighs. The sweet and sexy with the hilarity adds all up into a definite five star read! Monday's have never been so hot!

After seeing Reed again for the first time in years, Victoria is smittened but closed off. He's hot. He's sweet. He's the perfect gentleman. He's got extremely hot chemistry with her. He's also a lawyer and was her ex-husband's best man at their wedding. That doesn't stop Reed. He pursues her with passion, he shows her how real men can be. He also shows her he can be a great parental figure to her daughter. Sigh! Reed just shows up and takes her for the sexy, sweet ride she needs.

Manic Monday will have you in stitches. The writing is seamless. The characters are so much fun. The banter has you giggling. This is a thoroughly exceptional read, and one that I will be reading again when I need my next pick me up! I can't wait to see what these ladies have in store for Chelsea and Hannah!
Profile Image for Jos.
1,729 reviews135 followers
September 10, 2018
3 Stars......Just an OK read

OK, so this was good but not great by a long shot. I LOVED Reed, I mean he had ALL the makings for a 5 Star Lead but Victoria, ehhhhhh, she annoyed me to no end up until the end! She was a pain in my ass, literally, I get her ex burned her BUT c'mon she just was whiny and just made poor Reed chase after her with her aloof behavior. Yeah, I was so annoyed with her most of the book incl the end where she in my eyes was just as selfish as she was throughout:(

Will I continue with this series, ehhh probably not as I have no real interest in seeing where this group goes sadly:(

It's really too bad because Reed as I said was a 5 Star H all the way, for me, Victoria was just too much work and alot and I didn't she was worth it in my eyes.
September 2, 2021
Wieder ein weiteres Buch von dieser Autorin beendet und ich kann mich nur immer wiederholen, ich liebe sie. Ich mag ihren Humor und ihre Geschichten. Sind gut für zwischendurch, aber auch gut für die Seele. Ein Buch von ihnen und der Tag wird automatisch besser. Von San Francisco geht es für uns hier nach Chicago und auch dort gibt es wundervolle Charaktere, die man nur ins Herz schließen kann. Ich kann es kaum abwarten mit dem nächsten Band zu starten und Chelsea besser kennenzulernen.
4,5 Sterne
Profile Image for Christine~justlovemybooks.com blog~.
1,158 reviews58 followers
April 26, 2018
4.5 Stars!

Gosh I just love Piper Rayne books. I also love how they are all interconnected in some way but complete standalones. For me this makes a character connection stronger.

Manic Monday was so good. If you've read Piper Rayne's Dirty Truth Series, then you already know Victoria. I adored her from the start and was thrilled to learn she was getting her own story. Victoria is a strong, independent heroine. She is not a push over and isn't afraid to speak her mind. This is trait of hers that she unfortunately learned the hard way.

All thanks to an a**hole of an ex-husband.

Reed was so perfect. I loved him from the very minute he appeared. He was so smooth and sexy. As well as attentive and romantic. When he sees Victoria, all bets are off. Reed will do anything to make her his. Of course there are some obstacles that get in his way, the biggest being Victoria herself.

I really enjoyed how their relationship played out. I felt their connection. It was strong and believable. This book also has a good amount of secondary characters that added more depth and entertainment to this story.

I don't want to say too much more because this book is not too long and the pace is nice and steady. You can probably read it in a few hours without interruptions. I read it in one sitting while my kids were in school, so happy to not have to deal with interruptions.

I absolutely recommend this book. You should check out all Piper Rayne books. They are some of my favorites. This author duo has never let me down.

This is my honest and unbiased review. Thank you for taking the time to read it. :)

Profile Image for Read.Review.Repeat Blog.
5,290 reviews96 followers
April 27, 2018
These two ladies are on fire. They just keep giving us wonderful story after wonderful story, with such engaging characters. This story sucked me in and I devoured it and cannot wait for more. As much as I loved Reed and Victoria, the side characters were just as engaging.
Profile Image for Laundry.
241 reviews26 followers
April 24, 2018
Funny story. I picked up this book to read (and finished within 24 hours) and didn’t even realize the irony. That’s right. I started Manic Monday on a Monday. That’s a knee slapper. Okay, I know. It’s not that funny but this book has some pretty funny moments and I wanted to use something cheesy as a segway into that detail. Anywho, this is my first time reading Piper Rayne. I didn’t know what to expect. Obviously from the excerpt, I knew the sense of humor would be right up my alley. Plus it’s a woman who has a 7 year old daughter and my daughter is 6. So clearly Victoria and I are on the same wavelength. 😉
Story line: Victoria and her sweet 7 year old daughter Jade have just moved to Chicago to live with Vic’s mom who was recently diagnosed with MS. Vic has been divorced for 2 years from Pete – her ex husband who is also a big shot lawyer back in California. Enter Reed. Reed is the assistant district attorney for Chicago. He is also a large part of Jade’s friends life which is how these two meet. Or so we think. Oh no, no, no. Reed was actually Pete’s BEST MAN in their wedding. SAY WHAT?! Yep. Awkward.
Except it’s not awkward. Like not even a little bit. Reed is adorably persistent with Victoria and before we know it the two are officially dating. But there are obstacles. Like Pete sized ones. I will say this – I usually hate the ex in books I read. Loathe them actually. But I didn’t hate Pete. Maybe I should have? But at the end of this story, I was actually hoping he would find his own second chance at love and I would have a chance to read about it… hint hint Piper. 😉
Interaction: Reed and Vic have known one another for quite a long time so the only issue these two had was all the sexual tension they let build for weeks. Their spark is present from the first moment they reconnect and doesn’t dim the entire story. In fact, it just intensifies with each passing chapter. I truly enjoyed the fact that these two adults are established in their lives and careers, and are having a mature relationship. They don’t go out partying (except for that one time, right Vic?) and they don’t beat around the bush with their feelings. It’s raw and real. It’s perfect.
Laundry: If you’re looking for a quick to the sheets books, this isn’t that book. It is that book that slowly burns into your gut and by time laundry does happen, the butterflies in your stomach are so gianormous, you’re not sure if you’re relieved they are finally doing it or moderately pissed at both of them for waiting so long. Either way, the laundry is so hot, the dirty talk is delicious and the chemistry between these two is fantastic.
Depth: A story about someone who is divorced and starting their life over is bound to have depth to it. that sentence alone says so much about Vic. She’s a damn warrior. She’s mama bear but she’s also fiercely independent. Even when she’s in a relationship, she sets Reed straight. I love it. Vic’s “I am woman, hear my roar” personality is hashtag goals for moms across the globe. And when she finally says she’s putting herself first, I think I even shed a tear. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and I know without a shadow of a doubt, the hardest decision she ever made.
Manic Monday is unlike any other love story I have read. It’s a wonderful story about second chances at love, don’t get me wrong. But it’s also super empowering and strengthening. I loved every word.
Add Manic Monday to your TBR list today!!
Profile Image for Meli  .
1,200 reviews248 followers
December 18, 2018
Ich hatte keine allzu hohen Erwartungen an das Buch und wurde daher positiv überrascht.
Ich fand die Geschichte nicht unbedingt heiß, aber dafür sehr süß, liebevoll und stellenweise auch ziemlich witzig.

Victoria lebt für ihre Tochter und kümmert sich noch um ihre Mutter. Nach einer frustrierenden Ehe will sie nun für sich selbst leben und auch mal ihren eigenen Wünschen nachkommen. Und vor allem will sie sich nie wieder so behandeln lassen, wie von ihrem Ex-Mann Pete.

Da hat es der gute Reed gar nicht so leicht mit ihr, denn er ist auch Anwalt und kommt aus einer reichen Familie, außerdem war er der Trauzeuge bei Victorias Hochzeit, darum startet er unter erschwerten Bedingungen. Auch wenn die Anziehung direkt da ist, kämpft Victoria gegen ihre Gefühle, denn sie wurde verletzt und er erinnert sie an ihre Vergangenheit. Aber Reed gibt nicht auf! Er kämpft um sie und seine Zuneigung. Dabei ist er charmant, beweist sich als Familienmensch und mit seiner lockeren Art hat er mich sofort für sich gewonnen.

Im Mittelpunkt stehen natürlich auch Victorias Tochter und deren Schulfreund, der zufälligerweise mit Reed zu tun hat. Die Kinder sind das Bindeglied zwischen den Erwachsenen, denn so sehen sie sich immer wieder. Dazu sind auch die Beziehungen zwischen ihnen sehr wichtig, weil Victoria ihre Tochter so sehr liebt und auch Reed zeigt, dass er Verantwortung tragen kann.

Das hat die Geschichte ihren Ernst verliehen und eine sehr warme und familiäre Atmosphäre geschaffen, in der man sich direkt wohlfühlt.

"The One Best Man" war meiner Meinung nach keine heiße Liebesgeschichte, aber es war trotzdem prickelnd, aber vor allem war es süß und liebevoll und konnte mich mit den sympathischen Protagonisten gut unterhalten.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,425 reviews115 followers
April 22, 2018
***ARC Provided by the Author and Social Butterfly PR***

I loved the premise of this story. The idea that, after a few years of being in a relationship that didn't work, Victoria actually had already met the man she was supposed to be with...he was the best man at her wedding.

Reed was attracted to Victoria at her wedding to his best friend, at the time. Years passed, that relationship dissolved, but his attraction to her did not.

However, he is a lawyer (just like her ex) and was in her wedding, so Victoria is determined that there will be nothing between her and Reed but friendship. But, he is determined, and he won't go away, and he keeps showing up and reminding her that not only is he a good guy, but that he wants to be her guy.

Reed doesn't give up. He wants Victoria, he has for years, and he is not letting her go this time. I loved how willing he was to put his heart on the line, so show her how much she meant to him, and how much he wanted her.

Sometimes, it is fun to read a book where neither character doubts the relationship. Victoria is afraid of Reed being her rebound, but she is attracted to him...and she believes he is attracted to her. There's not a lot of doubt of their feelings, but there is doubt if they can work things out. I loved that this felt real, that sometimes life pulls you in 2 directions and you have to figure out where your path leads you.

I enjoyed this title, and I recommend it.
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews167 followers
April 30, 2018
Just another manic fun read by the dynamic duo made up of Piper Rayne that I couldn't get enough of! Victoria is the kind of heroine that is after my own heart. She got married to a douche bag, but got rid of him when he cheated, dusted herself off, and moved her & her little mini me, back home to help her mom. She got a great new job, and decided to make sure that no man would ever hold her back again. What she didn't count on was meeting a real man soon after she moved, in Reed, the best man at her wedding. So she did her best to run the other way, but Reed wasn't squandering a second chance with Victoria, and made sure she knew that not all men, or lawyers, were bad news. This was a super fun story that had me laughing throughout, as the woman were down to earth, with real issues and insecurities, (OMG body cleansing had me rolling). The cast of secondaries were just as amazing as Victoria & Reed, especially the two tiny humans. Sexy times lit the sheets up, drama popped up in different & original places, a bit of angst, a twist or two had some f-bombs dropping, and general fun ensued! I'm definitely ready for Chelsea's story next, and HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!
Profile Image for 2OCC Reviews.
3,475 reviews247 followers
April 21, 2018
Reed and Victoria pulled me in right from the start of the book. Not only did they have this amazing chemistry that you could feel from start to finish, but the author made you swoon all the way to the floor. I love that he was a good guy through and through. There was some slight drama, what book would with the hero being the heroines ex-best friend, but it was simple. It wasn’t shoved into readers faces and drawn out. I really loved that aspect of the story. If you looking for a fast paced laugh out loud book with an amazing romance between two down to earth characters, then this is for you. I can’t wait to see what’s going to come next. 4 stars #2OCCJD
Profile Image for Meli Montes.
395 reviews7 followers
February 3, 2020
3.5 🌟
Naja schon besser als der zweite Teil wie ich erwartet hatte aber irgenwie auch nicht so gut wie gewünscht 🤷‍♀️ ich mochte Reed schon viel lieber als Dean aber jetzt heißt es auf Roarke hoffen 😅
Profile Image for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty.
3,985 reviews350 followers
April 24, 2018
So, one of those things I've come to love about Piper Rayne is their secondary characters. I love the witty one liners and sage advice that helps the main characters in one way or another, even if it's just to laugh at themselves. So of course I loved Victoria in Chore Play. I've always been a fan of that whole powerful men with formidable assistants who help keep their lives in order thing. That's who Victoria was to Jagger. And of course when I found out she wasn't Jagger's leading lady, I hoped she would someday get a book of her own. I'm so happy Piper Rayne gave us that. And somehow, some way, they created yet another leading man for me to fall in love with, who was different from the men they've written before.

I don't think I'm even capable of picking just one thing I loved most about Reed. He was pretty much perfection from the start. He was exactly what Victoria needed and I am so happy to have read their story.

And that ending??? Let's just say I will be very anxiously awaiting the release of Afternoon Delight.
Profile Image for Phyl.
1,444 reviews17 followers
April 27, 2018
I loved the idea of this series a group of women divorcee. Someone who is going through what you are, can sympathise and offer support. All three women Victoria, Chelsea and Hannah are different which I love and when they hit the dating game again we are going to see them go through some challenges. After her divorce Victoria is reluctant to date. I will say it nice to read an ex-husband isn’t a complete a hole. She meets Reed who she already kinda knows because he was the best man at her wedding. He’s not the ex’s best friend thank god because that would have been really awkward. To be honest I think they were barely friend more like acquaintance. Reed is a stand up guy and you will swoon over him just like Victoria, he will be hard to resist. He’s a big brother to a young boy who lost both his parents. I found him to be a very sweet guy and understanding about Victoria situation. My fave scene of them is when they both agree to try, like let’s give this a go and see where it ends. I’m looking forward to the rest of this series. Chelsea is next and OMG this girl is quite a character.
Profile Image for Bozena.
761 reviews20 followers
January 25, 2021
"I dream of being woken up by some suave foreign man who doesn’t speak a lick of English, while he uses his soft, roaming hands and sprinkles kisses over my flesh to stir me into consciousness. Instead, I get my seven-year-old daughter and my mom to orchestrate my Monday morning trip to Crazyville."

I love Piper's and Rayne's books.
Their rom-coms are what all romance lovers needs on a relaxing weekends.

This second chance romance has all the fantastic feelings.
Emotional, funny, sweet and swoony with the right dose of drama.

After her divorce Victoria swear to never be involved with a attorney or someone remotely like her ex. She is not against a relationship sometimes in her future, but he has to put her and her daughter first.

What she didn't expect is to meet someone from her past that she hasn't seen in a long time.
The best man at her wedding.

Reed is charming, hot and on a mission to prove he can be the perfect man for her.
If it wasn't for the little problem that he was the best man at her wedding and is an attorney.

I love this light, sweet romance.
With a lot of humor and romantic feelings it's definitely a page-turner.
Profile Image for Brianna at Renee Entress's Blog.
3,818 reviews117 followers
May 3, 2018
4.5 Stars!

Piper Rayne continues to impress with the first standalone in their new sexy and sweet series. The Charity Case series is setting up to be very, very interesting. Manic Monday, the first book, was a fun, lighthearted, and easy romance that hooked me by the end of chapter one and left me craving more.

No men. Definitely no lawyers. So why can't she shake him?

Victoria is a divorced, single mom who has moved across the country in hopes of rebuilding her life with her ill mom and closet friends by her side. She thinks she has all she needs until he re-enters her life again. He makes everything complicated and as much as she tries to fight the pull, Reed is determined to root his way not only into her life but her heart fever. Will she take a chance on everything she shouldn't want?

All of the good feels. Laughs. Charm. Swooning alpha. Great secondary characters. Is it too soon to say I want the ex to find his happy ending too?

You don't want to miss this incredible romance!

I definitely recommend this book.

Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog.
Profile Image for Renee Entress.
5,289 reviews75 followers
April 26, 2018

4 star

I was pulled right into this story. The story has laughs, pain, secrets, and heartbreak.

This is Victoria and Reed’s story. Victoria is a single mom after her divorce and is all about taking care of her daughter and her mother. She moved back home after her mom got diagnosed. She is working and going to school, so she is busy. But seems every time she turns around Reed is there. Victoria has sworn off men. She just does not have the time and would never give the time of day to a lawyer. Reed is a lawyer but not only that he was at her wedding. Not only at the wedding but he was the best man. So off limits he is. But he is determined to get Victoria to give him a chance and will make sure he gets his chance. Will she let him into her heart or make sure she sends him packing?

I loved these characters and the side characters. I felt I could connect with the characters and the story was a great read.

I recommend this book.
Profile Image for Reckless Readers.
1,707 reviews89 followers
April 27, 2018
So like every story by this author I absolutely adore these characters. Every one has their own issues and quirkiness to drawn the readers in their life.
Victoria isn't a new character if you've followed along in prior stories but she is some what a mystery. This novel proves how strong she is in being a single mom and divorcee. It's easy to want her to have the happily ever after for once since she missed it the first time around.
Reed is the prince, not really but he is for Victoria and her daughter Jade. He is the kind of guy to make you swoon.
Another fabulous novel with outstanding characters, that suck the reader into the pages until the fall words.

**Review by Sallie**
Profile Image for Michelle Krystel .
1,999 reviews51 followers
April 27, 2018
I was given an advanced readers copy of this book and have decided to leave a voluntary review. This happens to be my very first book by these two ladies. I have sore spot for cheaters, I just dont like them or can't stand them. I think that's why Reed is such a stand up guy. Pete can learn a lot of from. And now that know there back round story. Makes me like Reed that much more. This story was not only interesting I found it funny and cute. And now that I hot peek at jag well let's just say I will be reading him soon.
Profile Image for phoebess.
1,521 reviews97 followers
September 17, 2018
Manic Monday was a sweet, fun and sexy story with a bit of "ex-husband" drama.
Reed stole my heart, he was charming and caring and everything good you could dream of. And I was happy to see Victoria got her own story, let's hope the same will go for Pete—he was definitely an interesting character.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 363 reviews

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