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The Boys of Jackson Harbor #3

Dirty, Reckless Love

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I’m in love with a man who tried to kill me. At least that’s what they tell me . . .

Six weeks ago, paramedics found me unconscious in my apartment. Beaten. Bruised. Hardly breathing. When I woke up, I couldn’t remember the last three years or anything about my life in Jackson Harbor. They tell me my fiancé, Colton McKinley, is on the run for what he did to me. They tell me I’m safer if I stay away.

I don’t care if my memories ever come back. I want nothing to do with those missing years . . . until a sexy stranger with angry eyes shows up on my doorstep and demands I stop ignoring him.

Levi Jackson is my fiancé’s best friend, but seeing him sparks something inside me. As the truth unravels in my mind, I know they’re wrong about Colton. My own secrets are far more dangerous than the man I was engaged to.

I return to Jackson Harbor to search for answers and find myself running from a faceless boogeyman and seeking refuge in Levi’s arms. And in his bed.

I can’t deny my feelings for Levi. But as the pile of lies between us grows, I realize that sometimes the truth can’t set us free. Sometimes, it’s the very thing that can destroy us.


First published August 14, 2018

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About the author

Lexi Ryan

61 books7,662 followers
Award-winning author Lexi Ryan is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of hot contemporary romance and sexy, action-packed YA fantasy. Her books have sold over a million copies. A former English professor, she considers herself lucky to have traded stacks of grading for emotionally charged storytelling. She is happiest when at home in Indiana with her husband and two children, where you can find her lifting weights, reading copiously, hanging out with her family, and thanking her lucky stars.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 386 reviews
Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews505 followers
August 13, 2018
Pure, raw emotions cascade from the pages of this book!

In complete honesty, I had no idea what this book was about before diving into it. I had read the previous books in The Boys of Jackson Harbor Series (which were amazing!), so reading this book was a no-brainer. Expecting equal parts heart and sizzling heat from the storyline, I was blindsided with a more emotional and heartachingly anst-filled love story. Dirty Reckless Love highlights the excruciatingly painful and tormenting side of love, and the tragic and disturbing actions taken to ensure secrets and lies are kept hidden.

A more suspenseful read verses the previous books in the series, Dirty Reckless Love centers around Colton, Ellie and Levi and their quite complicated “love-triangle” relationship. After an assault leaves Ellie with no memory of the past 3 years, she doesn’t know who attacked her or why it happened, let alone who Levi even is. But for a chance that her memories might return, she must rely on Levi and the unexplainable connection she feels when with him. But with missing memories comes the question: is Colton the one responsible?

This book was a mysterious and dramatic romance, featuring chilling, devastating, and heartbreaking details that layered the storyline with complexity. Told from dual POVs with multiple flashbacks, Ellie and Levi were exceptionally intricate characters. The more you learned about their entangled past as the timeline jumps from present to past, you become more invested in their lives and finding out the real reasons behind all the unknowns in the story. But as the focus was more on Ellie and her recovery, I couldn’t help but commiserate with Levi. The friend, the third wheel, the rebound guy, his own emotions and unrequited love was what truly hit me right in the feels. His unrelenting love and devotion for Ellie was unquestionably heartfelt and completely selfless. He stole my heart from page one. Love shows no bounds when it comes to this story, and just how dirty and reckless it can be.

An undeniable must read, Dirty Reckless Love will leave you breathless, with a newfound appreciation for unconditional love.

*ARC provided for a voluntary honest review.* ~Kelly
Profile Image for ale202224.
297 reviews13 followers
February 5, 2020
Ellie si risveglia in una stanza d’ospedale, non sa il motivo per cui ci è finita, non sa cosa le sia successo, non ricorda nulla dei suoi ultimi anni di vita, le poche informazioni ottenute le vengono date dalla madre e dalla polizia e sono notizie orribili. Sembra sia stata brutalmente aggredita ed insieme alla memoria ha perso molto più che i ricordi, l’unico sospettato oltretutto risulta essere Colton, il suo fidanzato e promesso sposo, l’uomo di cui, a dire degli altri, era profondamente innamorata, la stessa persona di cui ora si sono perse le tracce. Ellie si fida della sua famiglia e se questa le dice di prendere le distanze da tutti quelli che facevano parte della sua vita a Jackson Harbor un motivo dovrà pur esserci, e così si costruisce attorno un muro di paura, perché il suo aggressore è ancora a piede libero da qualche parte e chiunque a questo punto potrebbe essere suo complice. Poi un giorno si presentano alla sua porta Levi ed Ava, due sconosciuti che dicono di essere i suoi migliori amici ed insinuano in Ellie il dubbio che gli abitanti di Jackson Harbor non siano poi tutti pronti ad attaccarla, convincendola così a tornare nella speranza di ritrovare i suoi ricordi. Man mano che la memoria torna milioni di dubbi si insinuano in lei, era davvero tutto rose e fiori con Colton? Lei era felice? La sua vita era realmente così retta ed onesta? E Levi è sempre stato solo un caro amico e basta?

Inizio dicendo che questo è il libro che da davvero una svolta alla serie perchè si scosta dal classico romanzo rosa per approdare in territori più misteriosi e densi di intrighi e macchinazioni, di contro però a mio parere la storia d’amore perde un po’ di intensità. Ci troviamo di fronte ad un rapporto particolare ed intricato, ma lo scopriamo un po’ per volta attraverso i flashback di Ellie. Non posso fare spoiler, anche se chi ha letto i precedenti può senz’altro capire, ma sinceramente non apprezzo particolarmente questo genere di storie, è una mia pecca, gli amori nascono in mille modi diversi per carità, ma ci sono situazioni che trovo un po’ surreali essendo completamente lontane dal mio modo di vedere le cose e quindi non riesco a dare più di 4 stelle, ma tutto il resto, la trama e gli enigmi da risolvere, sono assolutamente ben scritti e ben ideati. Molto molto intrigante.
Profile Image for The Reading's Love Blog.
1,340 reviews231 followers
February 3, 2020
RECENSIONE QUI: https://thereadingslove.blogspot.com/...

"La verità del nostro amore" è indubbiamente il libro più complesso di tutta la serie dove approfondiamo la conoscenza di Levi ed Ellie, personaggi che abbiamo conosciuto nei libri precedenti. In questa storia ho trovato tutto ciò che un lettore amante del romance cerca: una storia appassionata, piena di suspense sempre in crescendo. Ogni pagina è la scoperta di un tassello che porta alla fine del puzzle finale. Ellie è un personaggio fragile, è stata trovata in fin di vita e salvata per un pelo. Dopo mesi ancora non ricorda niente di ciò che ha vissuto negli ultimi anni, di chi si può fidare e di chi è il nemico. Tutti cercano di farle credere ciò che vogliono, ciò che pensano sia meglio per lei. Ellie è un personaggio delineato molto bene, all'inizio è confusa, come ci si aspetta da una vittima. Più il libro prende una strada ricca di suspense, più Ellie diventa forte e decisa a scoprire la verità. Levi è il migliore amico del fidanzato di Ellie, Colton. Lui è sempre stato un amico per Ellie e pagina dopo pagina la aiuterà a capire cosa sia successo ed a rialzarsi, nonostante la paura e i buchi nei ricordi di Ellie. Levi è senza dubbio il personaggio più tenace e testardo del libro. Ci prova, nonostante tutte le delusioni che riceverà. Prova ad affrontare i suoi sentimenti e a lottare per il rapporto che ha con Ellie. Ellie è ancorata ai ricordi e Levi alle sue paure. La loro storia è altalenante, piena di alti e bassi e incomprensioni. Il libro è scritto in modo semplice e scorrevole, l'autrice alterna i punti di vista dei personaggi e, per far capire ampiamente al lettore la storia, crea interi capitoli dedicati al passato. "La verità del nostro amore" è una storia con un velo di mistero, per tutta la durata del libro l'autrice tiene il lettore incollato alle sue pagine. È un libro difficile da identificare, è un triangolo del passato e un amore nel presente. I personaggi secondari saranno molto importanti nel libro, molti di loro li abbiamo conosciuti nelle letture scorse. La storia si intreccia tra il passato e il presente e crea una perfetta sintonia che dura fino alla fine del libro.

Profile Image for Tasha Mahoney.
1,121 reviews39 followers
August 15, 2018
This is the 3rd book in the Jackson Harbor series and while I would like to read the whole series, I did not feel that I needed to in order to enjoy this instalment.

How many ways can a book make you feel very emotion? Trust me, if you want the answer to that the pick this one up! happy, sad, confused, tense, enlightened and more!

Told in a dual point of view this story is so much more that the sexy tale that the title and cover may have you assuming. Dirty, reckless love is suspense filled from the start and keeps you on your toes all the way through. If also has you asking question after question.

Waking from a coma, with years missing from her memory, being told that she was the victim of a viscous attack, that her fiance is missing and the prime suspect. It’s no surprise that Ellie doesn’t know which way to turn to, who cares about her and who has her best interests at heart. She has no memory of her life in Jackson Harbor.

Cleverly written, we find out the information as Ellie does and get a real sense of her emotions, fear and confusion. The book jumps from past to present as the story unfolds and this was done so well that I didn’t feel disoriented while reading it.

This has been a hard review to write spoiler free, but as you know, that is what I always strive for. I think that I have given you enough information without any slip-ups. I will leave you with this. Lexi Ryan gives us a whole heap of emotions and intrigue and I thoroughly enjoyed this whole journey.

Thanks to Lexi Ryan and Social Butterfly PR for granting me an ARC copy of Dirty Reckless Love. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,595 reviews408 followers
December 17, 2021
Retiro lo dicho, no se parecen en nada a los libros de Melanie son demasiado wholsome en comparación.

Odio las infidelidades es mi primer gran red flag para no querer leer un libro y en este aunque muy disfrazada y justificada por la autora la hay y también hay infidelidad emocional tampoco lo soporto.

En segunda los tres personajes principales son tóxicos, en especial la relación de Ellie y Colton, había bastantes peleas, codependencia, envuelta en mentiras y adicciones pero amor no había, aun así Colton no merecía la traición de Ellie ni la de su mejor amigo.
Por lo tanto, Ellie y Levi no deberían de haber quedado juntos es ley de vida que los exes de tus amigos y familia son prohibidos.

En cuanto al romance NO HAY, el libro trata de un pseudo misterio y la antigua relación con Colton y la relación con Levi era nula a parte me daba bastante cringe.

Ellie como protagonista es odiosa, el más annoying que he leído, tuve bastante paciencia para no dejarlo.
Profile Image for Leggere Romanticamente.
1,911 reviews233 followers
February 3, 2020
Recensione sul blog qui ---> https://www.leggereromanticamente.com...

Il romanzo è ben scritto, non ho dato 5 stelle solo perché non sono riuscita ad immedesimarmi in nessuno dei personaggi (cosa che ritengo un romanzo debba sempre fare), ad eccezione di una mia personale percezione infatti mi sento di consigliarlo vivamente a chi ricerca quel pizzico di thriller nei romanzi rosa che legge, a chi crede nelle seconde possibilità e a chi apprezza la verità, sempre.
Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,772 reviews138 followers
August 18, 2018
I have been waiting for this book since the very first time I saw Levi and Ellie together. I started reading it as soon as I could, but I had to stop at some point because I couldn't take it anymore. It's rare, but I was willing to move past the scene where Ellie and Colton are having sex because it happened in a flashback (but still, who wants to read that, right?). I was willing to accept all the (pointless) flashbacks and just keep reading. Around 60% I gave up because I realized that Ellie was in love with Colton. Even without all her memories, the feelings were there. And there was a scene where she confused Levi with Colton in her sleep that I didn't like. The flashbacks range from the first time Levi and Ellie met, 3 years ago to the day Colton beat her. They took up precious space that could have convinced me that Ellie and Levi could have a good relationship because 90% of the book Ellie is all about Colton and she is always trying to protect him. I realized that I wanted a big time jump where Ellie was away from Levi and on a journey where she was trying to find who she truly was. That could have convinced me that she had real feelings for Levi and she wasn't just in love with him because he was there. I was very disappointed with this book and I do hope that the next will be better. Molly and Braden already have some history and I want to know what their journey will be. I hope we won't waste too much time on other people this time.
Profile Image for Viri.
1,205 reviews440 followers
August 20, 2018
No fue el mejor de los tres la verdad... me aburrió a la mitad y la protagonista era demasiado mosquita muerta.

Terminé más enamorada de Colton que de Levi. Con eso lo resumo todo.

Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,358 reviews110 followers
February 6, 2020
È come se Ellie avesse accettato il diamante da Colton e l’avesse poi infilzato dritto nel cuore di Levi. E pensare che loro due un tempo erano come fratelli.

Un particolare rapporto a tre il loro, sui generis direi.

Ellie torna a casa dopo la terribile aggressione subita, e cerca di venire a patti con ciò che tutti le dicono, ossia che ci sono tre anni della sua vita che ha cancellato. I medici pensano che la maggior parte dei ricordi torneranno con il tempo, ma lei non è del tutto sicura di volerlo per davvero.

Levi le ha ribadito che non gli occorre nulla di diverso oltre che la sua amicizia, ma essere quello di cui ha bisogno non gli ha mai impedito di volere di più. Per lei sarebbe disposto a fare di tutto.

Ellie all'inizio appare confusa, fragile, poi dimostra la sua forza e caparbietà a voler scoprire cosa le sia realmente accaduto. Fin dal principio è convinta dell'innocenza di Colton e lo difende con tutti, a spada tratta.
Levi è tenace, testardo, la desidera e ne è innamorato, è disposto a tutto pur di proteggerla e di averla per sé.

La storia si alterna tra presente e passato in un mix di suspence e intrighi, verità taciute o distorte. Fino all'ultimo l'autrice è riuscita a non far scoprire alcune dinamiche, e questo è un fattore che ho molto apprezzato.

Ma l'invadenza di alcuni atteggiamenti di Levi, il suo uscire "dal seminato" e avvicinare Ellie con mille scuse, ruotare sempre intorno alla donna di quello che, riteneva il suo migliore amico, mi hanno reso la lettura meno gioiosa, forse è una mia pecca ma non mi è piaciuto il suo comportamento, influenzando inevitabilmente il mio giudizio finale.
Profile Image for Vale198.
520 reviews
February 12, 2020
Ellie è stata brutalmente colpita e da allora non ricorda gli ultimi tre anni della sua vita. Sono trascorse sei settimane ed ascoltando la madre decide di fuggire da Jackson Harbor, non risponde nè ad Ava la sua migliore amica ne a Levi il migliore amico del suo ragazzo , che è misteriosamente svanito senza lasciare traccia...
Un libro carino, molto scorrevole, all’inizio e per buona parte speravo che andasse assolutamente così ma poi che dire verso il finale la situazione si è completamente capovolta ,avrei voluto un finale diverso.
Per me ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,687 reviews612 followers
April 26, 2021
5 Stars

So, I'm on this amnesia kick and found this on Amazon and thought I would give it a try even though I'm not a big fan of love triangles.

Boy, was I surprised on how much I enjoyed the story of Ellie, Colton, and Levi - I found myself throughout the whole book not being able to make up my mind between these two hot guys just like Ellie. And the twist? Wow...I never saw that coming!!

Now that I feel invested in the town of Jackson Harbor and the guys that live there...I may just have to pick up another book in this series!
Profile Image for Jessica Hull.
935 reviews657 followers
July 31, 2018

Wow. Wow. Wow. This book was so ridiculously good. I went into Dirty Reckless Love expecting Lexi Ryan's signature style of steamy romance and delicious angst. What I absolutely was not expecting was a masterfully crafted suspenseful storyline that would completely consume me with its twisted secrets and stunning revelations. I could not put this one down, guys. This book had me eagerly turning the pages, desperate to see the shocking truths reveal themselves as the memory of our heroine painstakingly returns.

I was so thrilled with the way this story was layed out for the reader. Something tragic and shocking has happened, a violent attack that steals the memory of Ellie Coudrey, and through alternating sections of past and present, we're taken right along on the wholly captivating yet brutally frustrating journey of trying to put the pieces of this mystery together. Lexi Ryan impressed me over and over again with her storytelling in this book. The meticulous weaving together of romance and mystery, a heart wrenching love triangle, a manhunt for a criminal, drug addiction, family bonds, longing, heartache and fear further complicated by amnesia... it's all tangled together so SPECTACULARLY. I was gripped. 

The romance in this book is addictive and emotional and it kept me just as captivated as the criminal investigation and the search for the truth. Levi Jackson will melt your heart. The longing and adoration he feels for Ellie, both before and after the traumatic events that shake their world, is just everything. She's his best friend's girl and their story is so complicated, so sweet, so unpredictable. I was hooked. This book is unlike any that came before it. Dirty Reckless Love is edgy and refreshing, an edge of your seat page turner from beginning to end. Lexi Ryan slays with this book, an intoxicating story rich with twists and turns, suspense and romance. Whether you're new to this series or have read every single book that's come before, this standalone in the Boys of Jackson Harbor series is going to blow you away. 
Profile Image for Amy Imogene Reads.
1,074 reviews1,037 followers
March 7, 2024
2.5 stars

This was…. Really odd. I was looking forward to Levi and Ellie’s story after seeing their drama teased in earlier books, but then the absolutely bonkers premise of this mystery/thriller plot + amnesia + extra angst on top of the already angsty “best friend’s girl” drama was just wayyyyy too much. Plot and pacing both suffered from this uncomfortable mashup of concepts.

I wanted to like this one, really. I just did not. Still intrigued by the other brothers… feeling neutral about Molly’s side plot after seeing it play out in this story. We’ll see how the rest of them shake out.

Also, a small personal aside because I want to talk about it:
At this point it is becoming quite clear that this author’s version of “happily ever after” seems to center heavily on babies and children. I didn’t mind it in earlier books as it was so central to the individual storylines, but in this book it was honestly annoying that the baby element was there and was fixated on in this way. I hope at least one of the couples in this series isn’t focused on having babies / wanting to have babies / dealing with the concept of having a surprise baby. (Ellie’s in an interesting scenario in this story as she’s pregnant—it’s not a spoiler as it’s brought up in the last book. But she’s having a baby with an unstable partner and at NO point are alternatives discussed in a meaningful way. The baby is gift? Just because? My personal beliefs struggle with this a lot.)
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
6,974 reviews207 followers
January 31, 2020
Recensione in ANTEPRIMA
Maria Antonietta - per RFS
I fratelli Jackson non si smentiscono!
Questa volta è il turno di Levi che dovrà sbrogliare una bella matassa.
Il romanzo contemporaneo è ambientato sempre nella cittadina di Jackson Harbor nel Michigan, dove abitano e si intrecciano le storie sentimentali di questi uomini meravigliosi, che già abbiamo imparato a conoscere nei precedenti due romanzi dello stesso filone (tutti autoconclusivi e leggibili singolarmente).
Levi Jackson possiede un fisico forte e scultoreo che gli consente di dedicarsi con successo alle gare di motocross.
Due anni e mezzo prima, a una festa incontra e si innamora dela bella Ellie Courdrey, un agente immobiliare venuto dall’Indiana. Peccato che la ragazza sia fidanzata con il suo miglio amico Colton McKinley.

“Sei religioso? Perché sei la risposta a tutte le mie preghiere.
… Il mio tipo è alto tenebroso e che non va bene per me.
… Mi conosci da due minuti e sai già che non vado bene per te? Esatto. “

Queste battute segneranno l’inizio di un grande interesse tra i due destinato però a non avere alcun seguito perché, sebbene Levi provi del sentimento, per Ellie (che é sinceramente innamorata di Colton) è solo attrazione.
A causa di un’aggressione Ellie viene trovata in fin di vita nel suo appartamento con un edema cerebrale. Le viene indotto il coma farmacologico ma al suo risveglio soffre di un’amnesia retrograda che non le consente di fare luce sull’accaduto.

Un irrintracciabile Colton diventa il principale indiziato mano mano che procedono le indagini e se ne scopre l’irascibilità e la dipendenza dalla droga.
Scoprire il responsabile di tanta violenza su una ragazza sarà l’obiettivo primario, ma il mistero non sarà di facile soluzione poiché destinato a infittirsi con la scoperta di maggiori dettagli relativi ai vari personaggi vicini ai protagonisti.

Sin dall’inizio la storia si sviluppa in un susseguirsi di capitoli dove il passato e il presente di intrecciano in un’alternanza temporale continua.
Il lessico è di facile comprensione e scorrevole.
La caratterizzazione dei personaggi è ben sviluppata. le varie sfaccettature caratteriali minuziosamente approfondite.

Colton è il più problematico, ma questo, unitamente al suo fascino rude lo rende inevitabilmente attraente. Levi è il mio preferito, così dolce, premuroso e attento nei confronti di una Ellie che brancola nel buio.
Quest’ultima, se da un lato mi ha fatto tanta tenerezza quando realizza di aver perso il bambino di Colton, dall’altro mi ha innervosita nel suo procrastinare la scelta più giusta e ovvia.
Il racconto è un po’ lento, forse un pizzico in più di sensualità avrebbe aiutato ma nel complesso la lettura è scorrevole.
Dati gli innumerevoli riferimenti alle avventure degli altri fratelli presenti nel racconto, non possiamo che attendere il seguito.
Buona lettura!
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,144 reviews324 followers
August 5, 2018

I have to admit at. First I thought that this book was going to be a side story of the Jackson Family but turned out to be the love story of Levi Jackson and Ellie. Levi fell in love with Ellie, the same night his best friend and crime partner Colton McKinley did. Colton got there first, and Ellie helped Colton to try and become a better man, Levi stood by as a man of integrity but let Ellie know for certain his feelings for her. Then tragedy occurred, and Ellie ended up clinging for her life, and the McKinley men - Colton and his father Nelson have vanished. The police and Ellie's family are trying to pinpoint her assault on Colton but once Ellie starts to regain her memory - she knows in her heart that Colton couldn't have done this, but who could? I have to admit when the real culprit was revealed, I did not see that twist coming and was shocked as the person wasn't even on my radar of suspects. I did like how this book incorporated Ellie's past and showed us that like Colton she wasn't this innocent real estate agent but someone with a dark past and secrets. The other thing I enjoyed was that Levi was always there in the background and never took advantage of Ellie's condition - he waited until she was ready to go further. I did like the ending of this book and OMG when the truth about Molly's son was revealed - I knew it - I had an inkling at the end of the second book that this was the case. Dirty, Reckless, Love by Lexi Ryan was another awesome read, and hopefully, the next Jackson Brother to find love will be Brayden with possibly Molly as this book hinted something could be brewing between the two of them and it's not just the beer. Unlike the previous two books, this one also holds quite a strong romantic suspense thread.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,491 reviews26 followers
August 14, 2018
Ellie doesn’t remember the last three years. After being found unconscious and beaten on the floor of her apartment she has a fight ahead of her even without the memories. She just wants to put those forgotten years behind her and move on, but a stranger from her past shows up and won’t let her forget.

Levi regretted that he fell for his best friend’s girlfriend, but with Colton missing, he doesn’t want Ellie to be alone. The problem is she doesn’t remember him, or anything about the life she had in Jackson Harbor. Convincing her to come back to the friends who love her may be just what she needs to jog her memory and find answers about who hurt her and why.

This was a great mix of suspense and romance as Ellie and Levi try to bring her memories back. They both have secrets, even if Ellie doesn’t remember hers, and the regrets from past choices leave little room for mistakes now. Levi loves Ellie, but his guilt over loving his friend’s girl keeps him from moving forward for a long time.

I loved Levi from the beginning. From the very first scene when they first meet, to his reaction at seeing her again after her accident, to the way he wants to protect her as the unknown threats loom, he was always a great man. I felt a little bad rooting for him when Colton seemed to be an ok choice too, but Levi always just felt *more* right.

Returning to Jackson Harbor only cements how intertwined these characters lives’ are. The way their stories intersect and twist only adds to the drama and suspense in each installment. I love the way this family rallies around each other even when they aren’t sure who to believe or what the truth really is.

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,540 reviews181 followers
August 14, 2018
Its been a while since I have been so desperate to get my hands on a book. I even put this one in my kids appointments calendar and when I woke up this morning to the reminder I created my hubby an amazon Australia account and read it on my phone.

And it was totally worth it. Bring on the rest of the series please Lexi.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,611 reviews420 followers
August 22, 2018
4.5 stars
Review by Jen Skewes

I love this series. I knew that this was gong to be Lev’s story and I went in thinking we would get the steamy filled love story that has both angst and drama that I love from Ms. Ryan. But this book was so much more than I expected. It was filled with drama and angst but she managed to weave in a suspenseful story that had me glued to my Kindle.

Ellie has been violently attacked and as a result cannot remember the last three years of her life. Basically the years that she lived in Jackson Harbor have been erased from her memory. She has not idea what happened that night. She knows that her mother is afraid for her, and that the man everyone said she loved and was supposed to marry is missing. Everyone seems to think he attacked her, but while she does not remember everything, what se does remember of Colton, has her believing that he would never hurt her. Then there is Levi, her fiance’s best friend who she doesn’t remember either but for some reason when she is with him or sees him, she has this feeling inside her. Something is telling her to trust this man and that there is so much more to their story then just being friends. There are these feelings in her heart when it comes to Levi, but she has no idea what to make of them. What happens when it all comes back to her? Does Levi stand a chance of finally being with the woman that he has loved from afar for three years? Ir will she choose Colton again?

Dirty Reckless Love is a beautifully written story. There are so many unanswered questions throughout this book, but the way Ms. Ryan gives you those answers was just brilliant. She occasionally takes us back in time to before the attack. Little by little she masterfully uncovers the truths of what has happened in Ellie’s life over the past three years, since meeting Colton. Just when you think you have all the answers, there are more questions and more theories. And then she finally hits you with another twist that you did not see coming. It was all just done so well. From the moment I started this book I could not put it down until I knew every truth. There is a lot more to this story that what you think and I loved every minute of it.

Levi completely stole my heart from the very beginning. He loves Ellie and you see how hard he is trying to do the right thing. He would do anything for her, he wants to love her and protect her and he does. Ellie is a wonderful heroine who I felt so much for. To go through something so traumatic and then not remember what happened or anything about your past, but she was strong and determined to find out the truth. The beginning she may have been a little bit apprehensive about finding out what happened until she truly sees whom she can trust.

I loved the side characters, and the roles that Ava played in this one. I loved seeing Jake and the rest of the Jackson crew. I am really hoping to find out more about Brayden and a certain female character. Thee are so many more characters that I want to see get their happily ever after and I cannot wait to see what Ms. Ryan has in store for us.
Profile Image for Irenepa.
345 reviews18 followers
June 19, 2020
Al momento è il libro più bello della serie
Profile Image for Sakshi.
15 reviews2 followers
November 1, 2018
Ellie is engaged to Colton and has been dating him for last two years or something. Levi is Colton's best friend who is in love with Ellie for almost the same time but that didn't stop him from sleeping with anyone and everyone.
One thing that is common in all the brothers ( Ethan, Jake, Levi and others) is that, they all are players and one more thing that is common amongst female characters is that they all have been celibate for a year or two except for Ellie, who is celibate for past few months only. Why is it that female characters are refraining from sex when male characters are not?
I actually wanted Colton and Ellie to end up together minus Colton's problem because that guy actually loved her and was trying is level best to be the best person for her.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cherry Bob*omb.
365 reviews18 followers
August 17, 2018
So. Much. Drama
It’s not that it’s a bad book, it’s just that I was excited to read the follow up to the previous book in the series that was a sexy, romantic slow burn. This was more of a crime drama with boring amnesia flashbacks. I didn’t care about the characters and there was very little romance to it. Far more time was spent exploring her relationship with her ex to the extent that it didn’t even seem like the main couple had much actual love between them.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Caterina Montebello.
867 reviews21 followers
February 17, 2020

F A N T A S T I C O...
In questo libro ho ritrovato la Lexi che amo di più, in realtà quest'autrice non mi ha mai deluso, ma la adoro quando scrive questi romanzi un po' suspense, un po' thriller ma sempre incredibilmente romantici.

Anche per coloro che non hanno letto i libri precedenti della serie è possibile seguire perfettamente la storia di Ellie, ex direttrice di una galleria d'arte, intrappolata in una complessa trama di intrighi che coinvolge il suo ragazzo Colton (fratello di Ava, protagonista del precedente volume), il suo migliore amico Levi Jackson e il suo futuro suocero, Nelson.
I fatti sono raccontati alternando tre tempi diversi: prima, durante e dopo l'incidente del prologo e la riunione di Ellie con Levi, che porta grosse rivelazioni a entrambi.
Ellie, a seguito di un'aggressione, si ritrova in fin di vita. Quando si riprende scopre di non avere più memoria degli ultimi tre anni e ha bisogno di ricostruire e riscoprire la sua vita passata nella cittadina di Jackson Harbour. Una vita che non ricorda più, e che allo stesso tempo desidera e teme di ricordare.
Furti, rapine, contraffazioni, sparizioni, violenza, tossicodipendenze e giochi d'azzardo che non appaiono necessariamente in questo ordine. La trama è un vero e proprio thriller, narrato in modo non lineare, che si dipana davanti ai nostri occhi con un ritmo perfetto catturando immediatamente l'attenzione del lettore. Impossibile fin dalle prime pagine metterlo giù.
Mentre accompagniamo Ellie nel suo tentativo di riassemblare questo puzzle che è ora la sua vita, quasi ci dimentichiamo che stiamo leggendo un romanzo.
Ogni capitolo è una scoperta. Totalmente diverso dai libri precedenti, sicuramente gradevoli ma molto più classici e prevedibili. Questo libro è drammatico quanto elettrizzante e sapientemente condito con tanto romanticismo.
E' davvero difficile mettere insieme le parole per questa recensione. Lexi Ryan ci propone una storia d'amore magnificamente scritta con così tanta emozione che sentiamo scorrere in ogni pagina.
Questa storia è piena di segreti, bugie, intrighi e passione. Ne sarete letteralmente risucchiati e vivrete con i protagonisti le emozioni, le paure e lo stupore per i misteri che via via vengono svelati. E' una storia d'amore imprevedibile, accattivante, che ti tiene sveglia!
Come già ho detto non c'è stato un solo libro della Ryan che non abbia amato, ma questo e la serie Un cuore non basta sono i miei preferiti perché l'autrice li immerge in questa fantastica suspense sexy di cui lei è una delle poche a saper realizzare.

Profile Image for CrazyForRomance.
1,713 reviews243 followers
February 4, 2020
Vieni a leggere la recensione su: CrazyForRomance
Per acquistare il libro clicca qui

LEVI: Perché non mi permetti mai di dirti addio?

Con questa citazione credo di aver detto tutto… e niente. Piango solo a rileggerla, ma partiamo dall’inizio.
Prima di poter scrivere qualsiasi cosa, lasciate che vi dica che non so da dove cominciare.
Già. Questa storia mi ha lasciato ciò che non provavo da tanto tempo con i libri, e non posso spiegarlo.
Per chi abbia già letto i libri precedenti posso solo dirvi di godervi tutta la storia. Personalmente, ho iniziato con il versare lacrime prima del 10% della lettura. Non posso raccontarvi più di ciò che la trama accenna, perché il libro parte dal primo incontro tra Ellie e Levi, per poi saltare al presente e ritornare nel passato: per tale motivo è bene non rivelare nulla che potrebbe rovinare la lettura.
Scopriremo passo passo tutto ciò che è accaduto, ed è necessario conoscere gli eventi insieme alla protagonista, Ellie.
La Verità Del Nostro Amore (The Boys of Jackson Harbor, #3)<br />by Lexi Ryan
La perdita di memoria di Ellie ha cancellato gli ultimi tre anni, e con sé ha portato via i ricordi, non solo di Levi, ma anche di Colton (per chi non ricorda bene la storia, si tratta del migliore amico di Levi). Ma quando i ricordi bussano alla porta, ed il tuo cuore trema per accoglierli, cosa puoi fare se non lasciarli entrare e riempire il vuoto che senti?
Levi e Colton, Colton e Levi. Ragazze! Qui c’è di mezzo un triangolo, ed è un triangolo non solo amoroso, ma fatto di amicizia e di equilibrio di rapporti. Dal primo incontro, Levi desidera Ellie, ma Ellie è la donna del suo migliore amico. E per quanto si possano mettere da parte i sentimenti di desiderio, o di gelosia, o le sensazioni, prima o poi viene tutto a galla. E potrebbe essere un semplice triangolo se non fosse per quella perdita di memoria e per il modo in cui i ricordi affiorano nella mente di Ellie.
Ellie è combattuta tra quello che pensa di sapere e quello che sente. I ricordi le rendono tutto più difficile, e le sensazioni tutto più complicato. Come può provare qualcosa per Levi se ricorda di aver accettato la proposta di matrimonio di Colton? Come può avere tradito uno solo di loro due o entrambi?
Continua a leggere la recensione su: CrazyForRomance
Profile Image for Kim.
2,632 reviews164 followers
August 14, 2018
This installment is about Ellie and Colton and Levi and even Molly. These characters lives really got all twisted up together. There are secrets, lies, omissions, danger, mystery, and suspense affecting them all.

Ellie wakes up in a hospital room after being attacked. Her fiance' Colton is missing and so is her memory from the last three years in Jackson Harbor. So she is anxious, lost, fearful, and has no idea what her life really has been like. She does not remember her friends or her fiance' or the other man that seems to care for her or who might have hurt her.

Levi Jackson is Colton's best friend. These guys shared a questionable past and were both adrenaline junkies and motocross racers. And Levi has loved Colton's girl from the first time he met her.

But now it is all a mystery to Ellie and the story is revealed to us gradually. There are so many questions about what happened that night she was hurt and where Colton is. And Ellie is realizing that there might have been more with her and Levi than just friendship. So she also has questions about her feelings for two men and why things ended up the way they did at the time. So Ellie and the readers are getting answers at the same time.

I will admit that even though the book was organized well into Now, Before, and After sections, I sometimes got confused or felt jarred in and out of the story. There was a lot going on in the past and present to keep straight and to wonder about. But having it in chunks was still easier than if it was organized with a chapter in past followed by one in the present. With so many mysteries and layers it is a difficult thing for a writer and reader.

All of the characters were complex, flawed, and with hidden depths. They all had made some poor choices and had done things they were not proud of. I really liked Levi. His alpha protectiveness along with his tenderness and vulnerability about her made me love him. I ran hot and cold with Colton. He was a man with many issues and some weaknesses. He had some good moments, but some questionable ones too.

I actually had kind of a hard time with Ellie. I felt like she sometimes used Levi without taking into consideration his feelings. I got that she was torn by her feelings and loyalty to Colton. And sure I felt bad for her due to circumstances present and past. But I was not fond of her indecisiveness and how she sometimes did not communicate well or kept the guys hanging. With that being said, there is no real physical cheating in this book if you base it on circumstances and time lines.

I was Team Levi from the beginning. But I did worry about Colton too. The cameos from this series and other series were fun. I like this Jackson Harbor group and how close and supportive they are. It seems like stories are brewing for Brayden, Molly, and maybe even Shay for upcoming books. This one had more of a romantic suspense and mystery component along with the love story that made me keep turning pages to get to the resolution. And I have to say there were some twists I did not guess.

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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Profile Image for Kimberley C..
255 reviews11 followers
August 24, 2019
I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more if I’d read the others in the series. Instead, I felt like I was a little out of the loop, and consequently didn’t now what the heck was going on. 3 - 3.5 stars from me.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,049 reviews296 followers
May 6, 2020
Levi is in love with his best friend's fiancé.
When Ellie is attacked in her home and can't remember the last 3 years of her life - including meeting Levi - he thinks he's lost her for good. But she comes back to Jackson Harbor and recruits his help to discover what really happened that night. Did her fiancé really hurt her? Or are their other dangers she can't remember?

➸ POV: 1st Person, Levi & Aprils POV's. This is also told in dual timelines and jumps back and forth between the past and present.

➸ Levi Jackson: Middle brother, Motocross Racer, Thrill Seeker, In love with his best friend's girlfriend

➸ Ellie Courdrey: 26, Realtor in Jackson Habor, Best friend to Ava (heroine from book 2), Engaged to Ava's brother Colton, Was attacked during break in, Can't remember the last 3 years of her life

➸ Content Warnings: Child/Pregnancy loss, Abuse, Domestic Violence, Drug Abuse/Addiction, Sexual Assault and Rape

My Thoughts
Wowza. This was not what I was expecting...

I love a good angsty romance as much as the next reader, but this was unfortunately a little much for me. This book steered heavily into the mystery plot and lacked the romance I was looking for when I picked this up.

This book is told in dual timelines and flashes back and forth between the past and present. The time skips are labeled, but I still struggled to keep it all straight. There was definitely a lot of flipping back and forth trying to keep the timeline straight. However I did like that the past sections were introduced as Ellie was remembering. It was cool to see those snippets with the heroine as they were coming back to her.

I like both Levi and Ellie as characters (Levi a little more so than Ellie... ). But because this book was so heavy on the drama and mystery, I never really felt anything for their relationship. A large chunk of their relationship is built on the fact that they were previously close. But the reader never really got to see that so you're forced to take it at face value. And since there is so little romance, I didn't care that much about their relationship. It never felt real or believable to me.

I was definitely intrigued by the mystery and wanted to discover how everything played out. It just wasn't what I was looking for going into this. And in the end, the romance just didn't work. Particularly - I didn't like how things played out with Colton. Everything felt way too easy and convenient.

Also, possible unpopular/controversial opinion, but I'm over the whole Molly plot. I'm ready to be done with her.

Overall this was definitely my least favorite book in this series and I'm hoping the next 3 books go back to more romance-centric plots with less over the top dramatics.
Profile Image for J Kiwibooknerd .
1,811 reviews54 followers
September 12, 2018
2 star book rating photo: 2 bookies BLI2Bookies.png

This one was not really my cup of tea. I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 books, but this one fell flat for me. I am not a big fan of the back and forth to the then and now.....It disrupts my reading pleasure. And this was also a bit of a love triangle and I dont do those at all. The heroine was very wishy washy and went back and forth from Levi to Colton.....I dont like that at all....because at the end of the day someone gets hurt and even though Colton has his demons, he was still a nice guy who did not deserve to be treated so badly by Ellie and his so called best friend......not cool
Profile Image for New Adult e dintorni.
1,270 reviews101 followers
February 17, 2020

F A N T A S T I C O...
In questo libro ho ritrovato la Lexi che amo di più, in realtà quest'autrice non mi ha mai deluso, ma la adoro quando scrive questi romanzi un po' suspense, un po' thriller ma sempre incredibilmente romantici.

Anche per coloro che non hanno letto i libri precedenti della serie è possibile seguire perfettamente la storia di Ellie, ex direttrice di una galleria d'arte, intrappolata in una complessa trama di intrighi che coinvolge il suo ragazzo Colton (fratello di Ava, protagonista del precedente volume), il suo migliore amico Levi Jackson e il suo futuro suocero, Nelson.
I fatti sono raccontati alternando tre tempi diversi: prima, durante e dopo l'incidente del prologo e la riunione di Ellie con Levi, che porta grosse rivelazioni a entrambi.
Ellie, a seguito di un'aggressione, si ritrova in fin di vita. Quando si riprende scopre di non avere più memoria degli ultimi tre anni e ha bisogno di ricostruire e riscoprire la sua vita passata nella cittadina di Jackson Harbour. Una vita che non ricorda più, e che allo stesso tempo desidera e teme di ricordare.
Furti, rapine, contraffazioni, sparizioni, violenza, tossicodipendenze e giochi d'azzardo che non appaiono necessariamente in questo ordine. La trama è un vero e proprio thriller, narrato in modo non lineare, che si dipana davanti ai nostri occhi con un ritmo perfetto catturando immediatamente l'attenzione del lettore. Impossibile fin dalle prime pagine metterlo giù.
Mentre accompagniamo Ellie nel suo tentativo di riassemblare questo puzzle che è ora la sua vita, quasi ci dimentichiamo che stiamo leggendo un romanzo.
Ogni capitolo è una scoperta. Totalmente diverso dai libri precedenti, sicuramente gradevoli ma molto più classici e prevedibili. Questo libro è drammatico quanto elettrizzante e sapientemente condito con tanto romanticismo.
E' davvero difficile mettere insieme le parole per questa recensione. Lexi Ryan ci propone una storia d'amore magnificamente scritta con così tanta emozione che sentiamo scorrere in ogni pagina.
Questa storia è piena di segreti, bugie, intrighi e passione. Ne sarete letteralmente risucchiati e vivrete con i protagonisti le emozioni, le paure e lo stupore per i misteri che via via vengono svelati. E' una storia d'amore imprevedibile, accattivante, che ti tiene sveglia!
Come già ho detto non c'è stato un solo libro della Ryan che non abbia amato, ma questo e la serie Un cuore non basta sono i miei preferiti perché l'autrice li immerge in questa fantastica suspense sexy di cui lei è una delle poche a saper realizzare.

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