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John Bishop isn’t your typical single dad.
Reserved, impatient, and utterly clueless.

Running the family’s bed and breakfast has many perks. Working long hours, picking up after the guests, and hearing couples going at it all night long aren’t any of them. Hooking up with girls who come to the ranch for horseback riding lessons? Best perk of them all.

That is until a baby shows up at his doorstep with a note claiming it’s his. Growing up on a ranch was anything but easy, but raising a newborn is proving to be the hardest task he’ll ever tackle. Leaving the bachelor life behind, his only priority is to hire a nanny who can teach him a thing or two about parenting — except he doesn’t anticipate her being gorgeous and quirky with an unhealthy football obsession.

Mila Carmichael has many talents — making balloon animals, creating origami art, and remaining in the friend zone. Often seen as one of the guys, she’s struck out more times than a rookie baseball player.

Seeking a new adventure, she flies to Texas to visit family and is offered a position she can’t refuse. Helping out a new dad should come easy to her, considering her past experience, but what she doesn’t anticipate is him being an attractive Southern temptation.

But that’s only the beginning.

While growing close to his family and falling madly in love with the baby girl who’s stealing their hearts, things are bound to get complicated. Everyone knows not to mix business with pleasure. That means no late movie nights, no stolen glances, and definitely no kissing behind closed doors. Too bad the universe has other plans — one that’ll threaten taking away the main thing that binds them together.

This is book 3 in the Bishop Brothers series. Each book features a different brother and can be read as a complete standalone. HEA guaranteed!
**Not suitable for readers under 18 due to adult language and sexual content.**

428 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 28, 2018

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About the author

Kennedy Fox

80 books5,765 followers
Brooke Cumberland and Lyra Parish are a duo of romance authors under the USA Today pseudonym, Kennedy Fox. Their characters will make you blush and your heart melt. Cowboys in tight jeans are their kryptonite. They always guarantee a happily ever after!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 387 reviews
Profile Image for Wendy ⏃: ✦Nerdy Book Reviews✦.
946 reviews298 followers
June 28, 2018

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So, remember I said Evan's book was my favorite? Well, I can add that Evan and John are simply my favorite... Period. Chasing Him, the third book in the Bishop Brothers series by Kennedy Fox was everything I wanted and more!!
Cute babies galore, especially sweet Maize #myheart. Watching #DaddyJohn be a father warmed my heart. He instantly fell for his baby girl #sniff and though he struggled at times, he never gave up.

Ugh, then when Mila comes into the picture... Hot Damn! Angst and forbidden and feels!! I couldn't get enough! John is very attracted to her to the point there are times he goes all alpha and threatens to punch Jackson in the throat lol 😂. But being the man John is, he doesn't want to pursue it because she's Maize's nanny, but mostly because he's afraid of the outcome if things don't pan out. Then we have the feisty and wonderful Mila. She's been friend-zoned for so long, she doesn't want to go through that again. Plus, she's only in Texas for a little while.

When these two finally give in and realize they can no longer fight the attraction, sparks fly!! #Hot 🔥. Chasing Him was kind of a slow burn romance, but it didn't feel that way because it had so many supporting characters to carry the story along with the main characters. Of course, let's not forget those moments of deep emotion, southern drama, and the perfect epilogue. This book was so good and proves that KF is just good like that! Now bring on Jackson's book. I'm interested in seeing how that will turn out #hotmessexpress

Profile Image for crystal.
580 reviews685 followers
February 26, 2023
4.5 ⭐️
oh my gosh this might be my fav kennedy fox book yet😭🤍 I absolutely adored this one
Profile Image for Kristine Maria Meadows.
180 reviews4 followers
June 26, 2018
I’ve been waiting for this like forever

I’m surprise how different they wrote the story...

It’s well-written, engaging, funny, satisfying and worthwhile!

From sadness, heartbreak to CHASING Him and finally...Johns and Milas love!

You’ll see how mature and giving John is but as typical Bishop... he is stubborn and idiot but it work in the end.


I feel that Jackson stole the limelight in the end :)
Bless him...

I’m one very satisfied and happy reader!
Profile Image for Dali.
1,951 reviews547 followers
July 2, 2018
The Kennedy Fox twosome continue their Bishop Brothers series with the story of the serious Bishop twin John and the sweet school teacher who stumbled into a nanny job while visiting her grandparents.

John Bishop has recently and unexpectedly become a single dad. His entire focus has shifted to caring for his daughter and barely has time to sleep, much less take care of his family’s B&B. He desperately needs help and when he finds the perfect nanny, he’s loath to do anything that might ruin his working relationship with her. It doesn’t matter that she’s caring and kind, nor that she’s knockout who he falls for with each passing day. Will he make a move before her time to leave comes?

Constantly being in the friend zone is somewhat disheartening. So Mila Carmichael decides to visit family in Texas to take a break. She was only going to stay for a few weeks, but when she got hired as a nanny she slowly fell in love with the baby girl she’s caring for, her family and her sexy yet reserved father who put up impenetrable walls. But after some mixed signal, she knows the attraction isn’t one sided. Can she break down his walls before it’s too late?

It seems all the Bishop brothers are as stubborn as they are sexy. John and Mila’s relationship develops at a slow, simmering pace. They dance around their growing attraction with a sweet and sexy rhythm and the novel unfolds with both drama and sparks. Despite his serious reluctance, John gradually shows his soft and very mature side, showing his deep love for Mila.

And as with the previous books, Kennedy Fox include all the Bishop family with their funny, kind and caring ways. I truly enjoyed reading not just about Mila and John but about the entire family.

Chasing Him is rife with captivating romantic elements. A strong and loyal hero, a smart and caring heroine, charming secondary characters, a slow burn romance with sizzling sexy times and strong family values. A definite must read page turner. It is book #3 of the Bishop Brothers series under the Kennedy Fox alias. It is standalone southern contemporary romance told by both points of view with a happy ending and a preamble into the next book.

Amazon -> https://amzn.to/2yROAcb

* I was given an ARC of this book courtesy of the author via InkSlinger. The excerpts are from that copy. I am voluntarily reviewing this title. *

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June 29, 2018
*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book*

5 “Swooning so hard over John Bishop” Stars!!!!!

Oh boy! John Bishop definitely gave Evan a run for his money. OMFG, I didn't know how much I would salivate over John. I mean I had some sort of inkling, but I was surprised at how much I would feel for this swoony and sexy as sin baby daddy. I'm still fanning myself over here at John's hotness. I seriously couldn't get enough of him and most definitely wanted more.

I was counting down the days until I finally had John's book. That cliffhanger at the end of Needing Him just made me that more antsy as to what was in store. Questions were definitely answered and things started to make sense. We find out how he became a single dad and got backstory into that. And I don't know about you, but I get weak in the knees over single dads. Seriously, heart eyes to infinity.

John, recently a single dad needs help. Though, his family is more than happy to help in any way they can, it isn't enough. Countless nights of getting little to no sleep is starting to affect John. It's been suggested that John should hire a nanny to help him out. He decides to give the woman his mother sent over a trial run, and see what happens. Little does he know, she's going to be quite the temptation.

Mila, a recent college graduate is in the process of filling out applications to start her career as an elementary school teacher. But first she's enjoying her time before that happens. And she decides to visit her grandparents in Texas. When there, an opportunity arises for her to help a single dad accommodate to his new role. Mila, not only wanting to take care of his daughter, Maize, but also finding that she also wants to take care of John as well.

Mila and John were so adorable. I couldn't get enough of these two. Their chemistry was off the charts. I liked how they became friends first and then progressed to something more. I loved the relationship between John and Maize, it was the sweetest. The way John took on his role as a dad without any reservations was everything. And Mila and Maize's relationship just melted my heart. These three really made my heart go pitter patter.

I'm definitely in a dilemma here. I honestly didn't think I could feel so much for another Bishop brother that wasn't named Evan. Damn, Kennedy sure is making this tough. And that's that Jackson's book is still left. Ugh, how do I choose? I gotta say, for now John and Evan are both 1, but I have a feeling Jackson and his cocky af attitude will most definitely have something to say about that.

*Tick tock* *tick tock* September needs to hurry the hell up, because I neeeeeeed Jackson's book right now!
Profile Image for Steph's Romance Book Talk.
2,807 reviews1,380 followers
September 13, 2019
4.5 Stars / 4 Steam Fans

I loved this book so very much!! It's a single dad and nanny book, set on a ranch in a small town, yes please! John had an infant left on his steps and now he is doing what he has to do to take care of his responsibilities. Mila is visiting her grandparents after she figures out that her best friend does not have the same feelings for her. John and Mila have chemistry but they deny it until they can't fight it. This story is sweet, funny, and filled with sexual tension. I was excited to read this book and it did not disappoint at all!

This specific video review will be included in the September 2019 wrap-up.

For other video book reveiws check out my YouTube Channel: Steph's Romance Book Talk.
Profile Image for Carlene Inspired.
979 reviews269 followers
September 11, 2018
Find this review and others at Carlene Inspired.

John Bishop is handsome, gruff, and reserved. He isn't your typical single dad, having met his daughter when she was dropped off on his front porch in a basket. Even with the help of his brothers and parents he's wearing himself thin, so when his mama sets up Mila Carmichael to be his new nanny he can't say no, even if she tempts him in ways she shouldn't. While Mila's watching little Maize, Johns running the B&B, but in the evening all bets are off. He doesn't anticipate how much she'd teach him, how much he'd enjoy her company, and how fun it would be to tease her about her love of football. They fall into an easy routine, but neither can deny the attraction between them. But Mila is only there for the summer and when it's time to return to Georgia John has to decide if he tells her the truth about her feelings or if he lets her go.

I was really excited to read Chasing Him, John has been the brother I haven't gotten a feel for with the previous two novels in the series. He's fairly serious and reserved, even if he knows how to drink with the best of them. We've seen him work the B&B, we know he goes to all the same events as his brothers, and we know he had a girl around once, but we don't know much else. He was a pretty big mystery for me. Mila Carmichael, like in the previous series, is new to town, single, and not looking for a man to be in her life. She's a bit younger in age and life experience compared to the other characters, but it made for a new perspective on the brothers. She's also spunky, hilarious, and seems to have a heart of gold. Anyone, including all the characters in the books, can see these two are meant to be. Their romance, though, is definitely of the slow burn variety, taking both ages to recognize that there's something more than just lust brewing between them.

All the Bishop brothers are the same when it comes to their heart, STUBBORN. Chasing Him wouldn't nearly be as entertaining if it weren't for John constantly denying his feelings, falling for his brother's baits, and always focuses on everything else but the truth. I loved that we, once again, get so much time with the Bishop family and that this time there was a small, separate storyline about Maize, her mom, and her maternal grandparents. It did read a little slower than I expected and the end was a bit predictable, but I remained engaged from start to finish, loving how John and Mila did finally come together and how they learn the value of going after a dream and embracing the changes that life throws your way.

Chasing Him is book three in the Bishop Brothers series, while they technically could be read as a standalone I wouldn't recommend it. Each story follows a brother on their journey to love, even if they're not quite ready for it. The books also allow you to catch up with the brothers from the previous story, giving us a glimpse at the future each brother has found after finally meeting the one. I love these books, they're lengthy and the romance moves at just the right pace, but I'm certainly sad there's only one left.
Profile Image for Happily Mary After.
1,013 reviews141 followers
July 3, 2018
The author duo known as Kennedy Fox continue their fabulous Bishop Brothers series with Chasing Him, and it’s a fun, sexy and heartfelt romance in which an adorable, flustered new dad falls hard for his baby whisperer of a nanny. Readers should be warned that the swoon potential is high with John Bishop, especially when they witness him loving his daughter and committing himself to being the best parent possible. He wants to do everything correct, which is why he’s freaked out when he realizes he’s attracted to Mila, the woman who works for him. They have insane chemistry and a natural, easy rapport, so his resistance is futile. Their journey to happily-ever-after is so heartwarming and charming that you’ll be smiling long after finishing Chasing Him.

Recommendation appeared on USA Today’s Happy Ever After on July 3, 2018.
Profile Image for Elsa Gomes (BookishAurora).
2,173 reviews298 followers
October 18, 2019
Rate: 5 / 5 stars

These ladies never ever disappoint. And these Bishops just keep getting better and better. With each book, and each brother I fall deeper and deeper into their world and fall harder and harder for each brother and this whole magnificent family and group of characters. I loved them all fiercely. But I'm getting ready for my baby, Jackson Bishop. Brooke & Lyra give me all the angst. After the events in this book I ain't expecting an easy ride, so bring all the angst cuz this girl will live in it. I loved the fact that this being John's book, we also got a lot more of Jackson and a much better insight into who he is and what drives him to do the sh*t he does. I was chasing those little bread crumbs throughout the whole book.

When it came to John and Mila oh lord those two, well three, were so sticking cute! I loved watching them get into their routine, and getting to know one another and Mila fitting right in with the rest of the Bishops. And I lovedddd the way they wanted each other since the first moment but fought it and lusted after one another from a far. Slow burn romances are torture, it's a fact but I kind of like the delayed gratification a lot in novels. It gives the characters a chance to build a solid friendship/basis for their future relationship, and these two, these two formed the best relationship there was. I loved watching them be there for each other, and being cute funny friends. And oh my god I swooned so hard watching Mila and Maize, those two girls were destined to meet and Mila was honestly the freaking best and cutest with kids.

And then of course there was our newbie daddy who fell for his sweet little girl as soon as he knew she was his. I loved watching John become a dad and working hard to be there with Maize, and doing everything he possibly could for her while still juggling his job. It was just amazing watching him with his baby girl. I swooned a lot, basically throughout the whole freaking book. And then besides John, there's was Jackson, watching Jackson loving on his niece was epic. God, I want his book so so bad. Not too long now but the wait will be a little painful because I've been waiting for this one since the beginning and now I want it more than ever. Things don't look good for him at all :(

Chasing Him just might be my new favorite in the series. I just loved the way Mila and John came to be. I loved their relationship and I adored little Maize. This book was just beautiful. I love getting more and more of all the Bishops, and getting to know everyone a little bit more and how they all engage together. And we even got a little bit of our Courtney and her Drew (my babies).

This family will forever have a piece of my heart. I won't ever be ready to say goodbye not even when that means I'll get my most anticipated book in the series. Bitter-sweetness it will be.

Kennedy Fox wrote another masterpiece in John's story. They brought on the sweetness, the want, the love, the angst and turned it into the perfect story telling that is this book. I think with each new book they bring out their writing gets better. I just love how these two come together to create the funniest, sweetest and most amazing stories. I hope they'll never stop giving me books this great, and written by them as the wonderful duo they are.

➳ARC kindly provided by author, in exchange for an honest review.

➳ Order at: Amazon UKAmazon US

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Profile Image for Chelé-----4 The Love of Books .
769 reviews58 followers
June 26, 2018
I'm legitimacy annoyed. REALLY Kennedy Fox!? REALLY!??? **dramatic sigh and roll of my eyes** look, we were doing so good .....I had FINALLY......Finally picked my favorite KF guy. Evan. It was always going to be Evan but now there's confusion and betrayal in my heart and you guys are the reason why!

Now, I knew I would adore John. DUH! He's a hot AF Bishop boy but GAHHHHHH! *swoony eyes* I didn't expect this level of FEELS! I cried once, twice, three TIMES! (Maybe more but I have a reputation to uphold) GUYS! The emotions in this story is so freaking palpable. John and Mila's story is really layered and I love the way their relationship is built up. Their love is sweet and kind and HOT but as we know nothing comes easy in a KF book so there's definitely DRAMA and I literally wanted to roundhouse kick two particular characters in their throats. They deserve it. Believe me!

Ok, back to Mila and John. So John is the more reserved, responsible and serious quiet twin to his brother Jackson. Imagine his shock and surprise when a baby lands on his porch! You won't believe the story behind it! It's incredible! Mila.....I love her, Kennedy Fox writes the BEST heroines!! She's so smart, loving, compassionate and fun! She's back in Texas for the summer visiting family and when she runs into Mama Bishop one thing leads to another and she knows Mila would be the perfect solution to John's nanny needs.

I loved Chasing Him so much! It's beautifully written and of course we get plenty of humor, Bishop hotties, drama, steamy scenes and sigh......so much family goodness, it gets me all warm and fuzzy inside when the whole family's together. It's sooo good!!
Profile Image for Chasidy.
698 reviews20 followers
June 29, 2018
Chasing Him is Book 3 in the Bishop Brothers series. It is a MUST read!

Oh the ways John Bishop will make you fall for him. He never dreams of having his daughter left on his doorstep. At a total loss of how to take care of her, his mom hires a nanny. What John doesn’t count on, is his nanny looking like Mila!

Mila Carmichael is trying to find her place in life. She just finished college and heads to Texas to visit her grandparents. With no definite jobs in her future, she takes on being a nanny for John Bishop. Single dads aren’t supposed to look like him.

I fell in love with John and Mila’s story. The chemistry they have sparks from the very first time they meet. Will they be able to keep the relationship professional or will the sparks ignite and the fire consume them? I loved getting to see all of the Bishop family again!
Profile Image for Kelly.
510 reviews479 followers
March 15, 2023
Super cute!!! I love me a single dad and John was so hands on with his little baby 🥹 I really enjoyed this and thought it was a great small town, single dad x nanny romance.
June 29, 2018
“You deserve to be happy, and one day you’ll realize that, but when you do, you just might be too late to get the happiness you were after.”

With each book, these Bishop men keep getting better and better! I didn’t think it’d be possible to up Evan Bishop, but Kennedy Fox did it. I fell oh, so HARD for John Bishop. His quite demeanor, him in his new-found role as a dad, and the gentle, yet fierce way he fought and fell for sweet Mila. It all left me devouring another incredible Bishop Brother adventure!

“He’s fighting his emotions, and the longer he pretends the connection between us doesn’t exist, the faster his walls are crumbling down.”

I’m calling John and Mila’s love story the ultimate slow-burn of the century. I was legit squirming in my seat, holding my breath, anxious for these two to get together. The buildup is a serious force to be reckoned with, and ultimately made their coming together that much more special.

“I’ll never resent falling in love with you but letting you go is something I’ll always regret even if it’s the right thing to do...”

I knew I’d be emotionally in for it once I had tears come to my eyes within the first 10% of John’s story. There were SO MANY feels rolling off these pages! Between the slow-burn romance, the protective dad, and the sweet, swoon-worthy moments scattered throughout this book--it was impossible not to be emotionally invested. There wasn’t a single second I didn’t enjoy Chasing Him, in all his massive book size glory, to the fullest!
Profile Image for Romance Schmomance (Malia) .
1,223 reviews99 followers
August 6, 2019

Awwww, John ... he's such a big softie! I'm pretty new to this series with only reading Evan's book and now John's, so I'd say my background knowledge of him was very little. I just remember the scene where the cutest little baby showed up on his doorstep essentially gaining the new title of new dad. Since then, I've been waiting to get my hands on his story! This was such an endearing read and I enjoyed every single bit of it.

I loved that we got to witness two sides of John. He's dedicated to his B&B making sure his guests are happy and that keeps him plenty busy. And then we see him taking the role of father so easily especially after the circumstances of how he gained beautiful little Maize. It has definitely been a while since I've read a good single father/nanny romance, they tend to be a bit corny, but I was all about John and Mila's story. The other side of John that I enjoyed seeing was his much softer one, not just as a father, but also when it came to his devotion to Mila and seeing his flashbacks of when he was with Maize's mom. With his hard exterior and someone who takes his responsibilities seriously, I loved seeing his vulnerable side.


Profile Image for Amanda.
173 reviews41 followers
July 12, 2018
Oh John, you sweet single dad you! Mila Carmichael marched her way into his life unexpectedly and made herself right at home. She's strong, has goals of her own, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Perfect for the Bishop family!

This one started out a little slow for me....it took a while to get to where Mila and John actually meet and then there wasn't much aside from skirting around feelings through the first 1/2. But once they did it was a sweet and fun ride that had me pulling for them to work things out.

This one can be read as a standalone but there's so much crossover of characters so you might as well start at the beginning to keep up with the clan. Such a fun series!
Profile Image for Brittany from Can’t Quit Books.
423 reviews22 followers
June 26, 2018
Kennedy Fox has done it again. The love, support, and family bond that surrounds the Bishop family cannot be matched.

John is a new father who is running on no sleep and doesn't know how he is going to keep juggling it all.

Mila has just graduated and is looking to get away for a bit to visit her family

As events play out, Mila becomes John's nanny.

Mila is an amazing heroine. She is kind, compassionate, and known as the "baby whisperer." I loved her personality and that she was strong and sassy when she needed to be.

John is somewhat broken. He is going through the motions and lives with a lot of guilt. He has always been the more subdued brother, but even more so now that he has a baby to raise.

I really enjoyed the slow burn of this relationship. It made it real and you were able to see them grow together as a family. They always put the other's needs first and truly proved that their love was unconditional.

As always it was so much fun being back on the Bishop farm and seeing the family grow. I am not impatiently waiting for Jackson's book. I feel like this book showed more of this true personality that he tries hide behind his crazy antics. He is such a mysterious character because he keeps so much of himself hidden from everyone...even his family.

-An ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review.-
Profile Image for nat. ❦.
349 reviews15 followers
March 15, 2023
3.5/5 la dinámica familiar fue bastante adorable, empezó bastante lento (no se conocen hasta el 20%) y luego es una mezcla entre rápido y slowburn. Lectura ligera, más que nada para distraerme de mis responsabilidades (y funcionó!!) pero no puedo evitar
tener un pequeño problema que en realidad no se consideraría relevante (aunque fue lo que inició el libro) pero, ¿por qué me planteas esta súper amistad entre Cade y Mila para que luego nunca vuelva a aparecer en el libro ni tengamos una resolución de nada entre ellos? ERAN MEJORES AMIGOS, me enoja porque ahí había potencial de DRAMA
Profile Image for Shelly | VixenReads.
492 reviews84 followers
September 23, 2019
Full RTC
*edited 6/26/18 for full review*
Oh how I've missed these Bishop boys!!! They make me smile just thinking about them :) I was so excited for John's story (single dad/nanny romance?! YES, sign me up please!!)
John is more like Evan...responsible, hard-working, sensible. I absolutely adored Mila. She has one of the biggest hearts of any character I've ever read. I loved them for each other.
The only thing for me is I would have liked more of Mila and John together, getting to know one another instead of SO much of the focus being that he was a surprise dad. Don't get me wrong, the story clearly needed a lot of focus on that because, well, that's what he was LOL, but I was missing a bit of connection spark between Mila and John.
But I loved the story...it's Kennedy Fox so you know it's gonna be good!
Profile Image for Maria.
284 reviews
June 9, 2020
*4.25 stars*

This is my favorite so far out of all the Bishop brothers' stories! It was sweet and slow-burn and John is such a calm soul that you can't help but like him.
Can't wait to see what Jackson's story has to offer...
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,846 reviews156 followers
June 28, 2018
John and Jackson Bishop may be twins, but they are about as opposite as they come. But ladies, don’t let John’s reserved demeanor and thoughtful countenance deter you from choosing the quiet one of this Bishop pair because John Bishop has an amazing heart and the capacity to love with everything that he is, and even though he’s not as ‘in your face’ as his counterpart, John doesn’t lack self-esteem; it’s just his fears that seem to catch him up when it comes to a woman meaning something to him other than a night in his bed, and while John never imagined his life would be forever changed in the ways that it is when a certain little lady enters his life, he wouldn’t take back those stolen moments with Maize’s mom, claiming his daughter with every fiber of his being, or finding a way past his fears in order to have the life that he and his baby girl deserve.

I absolutely adored Mila Carmichael. She’s a sassy, intelligent, and caring woman who is known as the ‘baby whisperer’ because she knows exactly what children need and has a way of putting them at ease just by her warm presence. Her decision to leave her hometown in Georgia to visit her gram in Texas might have been in order to chase away her blues over something that will never be, what she doesn’t know is that it’s in Texas where she’ll actually find a family, a little girl, and one gorgeous man who shows her heart what it’s always needed.

There’s nothing like being around the Bishop family, and throughout the course of Kennedy Fox’s Bishop Brothers series, readers have proclaimed themselves as honorary members, which I think Mama Bishop wouldn’t mind too much because she is always so welcoming and giving of her time and her care. It’s amazing when the Bishops rally around each other and keep one another in check, and as the family continues to grow, the love and warmth that surrounds each and every one of them is something that every human being should have or at least experience in their lifetime because it illustrates the importance of family and what a gift it is to have people by one’s side regardless of the mistakes or negative situations that occur, and because the Bishops have Jackson to contend with, there’s bound to be a shitstorm or two to deal with because he’s a loose cannon that loves to rile his family up at all times.

Chasing Him is a slow burn romance - one that showcases the different types of love that are essential to have in one’s life. There are a lot of unexpected circumstances in John and Mila’s story, and while some are easier to deal with than others, what stands out is the fact that despite wanting to run away when John and/or Mila become overwhelmed, they work through things and gain quite a perspective because of it.

The biggest lesson that John and Mila’s story teaches readers is to not leave anything unsaid…to say the things that might be difficult or result in negative consequences because life is too short not to risk things. Time is precious, especially when life gives someone the person who was meant to be his, which means that fears need to be chased away in order to chase one’s dreams, even if they get redesigned along the way.

4.5 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)
Profile Image for Shelby.
1,142 reviews708 followers
April 29, 2021
Fresh out of college with a teaching degree, Mila Carmichael is waiting to get a job in education but also feeling a little lost, especially since her best friend, who she’s had a crush on for years, is getting married & having a baby. So Mila decides to get out of Georgia for a while and visit her grandparents in Texas. She was only supposed to stay a month, but when a job lands in her lap, her plans change.

John Bishop is the complete opposite of his womanizing, playboy twin brother, Jackson. But somehow, quiet John ended up a single dad to a 2 month old baby named Maize, whose mom unexpectedly died, leaving John to do the parenting thing along. Since he runs his family’s B&B, he can’t juggle his job and the needs of his little girl. So his mom hires a young woman named Mila to be his live-in nanny.

Mila is completely off-limits. Not only is she staying in Texas temporarily, she’s a decade younger than John and is his daughter’s caretaker. Even with all those warning signs, John can’t help but develop feelings. And when it’s time for Mila to go back to Georgia, she can’t imagine leaving John & Maize...

Chasing Him by Kennedy Fox is book 3 in the Bishop Brothers series. Ever since the cliffhanger at the end of book 2, I couldn’t wait for John’s romance. I loved Mila & John’s romance and couldn’t stop reading this one. The Bishop family is so tight-knit and I truly feel like I know each and every one of them. If you’re a fan of small town, cowboy romances, you need to read this one! 4/5 stars.
Profile Image for Big Joe  Rossi.
1,762 reviews51 followers
May 7, 2019
John Bishop would be described as a sexy uptight straight shooter who's world is about to turn upside down. A baby is left on his doorstep, literally. A woman from his past, who he dated a month, then left him, has written a note explaining his newborn daughter. She wanted to tell him, but she also was diagnosed with a brain tumor and to have sweet, Maize, she had to forgo treatment and wanted to spend her dwindling days with her daughter. Now she ask John to raise her and love her.

Mila Carmichael was in love with her best friend, trouble was he had friend zoned her long ago. Finally ready to lay it on the live, she is too late and learns he is seeing a girl, she is pregnant and he is going to do the honorable thing. No better time to flee to Texas to Granny's, aka Gigi and Papaw's house. There she will end up working for John and being a nanny for Maize.

As the two interact, feeling arrive for both. John, the stiff, wont cross lines he has drawn. Mila, is put off by the action of John, his words, feeling she isnt enough, jut like with her best friend. With the help of his mother, his twin brother, oh did i forget to mention there are 2 of them, lol, and others, lines will have to be broken.

The job of a lifetime and a pretentious relative will throw these two's chance at a HEA in doubt....

Why this only got a 3? How Mila deals with her job and the 'relative' and John's conclusion seemed opposite to what we see from the relative earlier.
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
4,956 reviews180 followers
June 24, 2018
4.5 Star Chasing Him (Bishop Brothers #3) by Kennedy Fox
I have only read one other book by Kennedy Fox and found this one to be just as good as the first one I read. I like the Bishop Brothers, their dynamic is interesting and I loved the premise for Chasing Him.
John Bishop runs the family Bed and Breakfast; it can be a thankless job, working long hours. When a baby is discovered on his doorstep with a note telling him that he is the father he has no idea what to do.
Mila Carmichael is hired by John to be the baby’s nanny and hopefully help him learn how to be a parent.
Mila is used to be being put in the “friend” zone but she is extremely attracted to the dominant and gorgeous John Bishop.
John is shocked how hard he falls for his baby daughter and things get even more complicated as his feelings for Mila blossom.
What will happen when a threat to their current happiness rears it’s head? Can a new relationship survive the distance or is it doomed to fail.
I love the camaraderie and relationship between John and his brothers. The chemistry between John and Mila is so scorching that you can almost feel the flames. I love Mila, she is a feisty, smart and caring woman.
The secondary characters were as entertaining as the main, particularly Jackson and Gigi. I am anxious to read more about this family.

Profile Image for Mary Jo.
2,377 reviews57 followers
June 25, 2018
Every journey with the Bishop clan has been a joy for me to read. John’s story tore my heart out at times then lifted me right back up with all the love that the Bishop clan gives to each other. No one expects a baby to be left on the porch for John, he is the straight-laced, by the book brother. Jackson, his rebel twin, well, we would expect a baby to be his but it’s not. Experiencing John embracing fatherhood because that is who he is but at the same time Mazie, his daughter, stole his heart so he had no choice. For this man to finally accept that he needs help and can’t do it all alone, well, that was a huge moment. When Mila shows up as the nanny, gotta love Mama Bishop, well, you know all his rule playing is going to be bent. Mila, she has her own journey to travel after her best friend a crush for several years drops a girlfriend in her lap. She is truly stunned which pushes her to spend time in Texas visiting her grandmother while she waits to hear about a teaching job. Mila’s love of children and her passion for teaching were wonderful to experience which becomes John’s saving grace. The beauty is how they help each other reevaluate their current goals. Will they find a path together? I loved every heart-stopping, funny, sexy moment while also getting to interact with the entire Bishop clan. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.
167 reviews6 followers
June 24, 2018
Chasing Him is the third Bishop Brothers novel, focusing on John. He has been my favorite side character in the other two, so I was SO excited to get my hands on this. John is a single dad, and he has no idea what to do. Mila is the nanny his mother hires for him, but when she shows up and he finds she is gorgeous, he has to remind himself she is off limits.
WOW. I loved John and Mila's story so much. It was such a slow burn romance, and the buildup was amazing. I loved how each character fought with their attraction and their feelings until they finally didn't have to fight any more. John is different from the other Bishop brothers, in that he is more of the quiet, reserved type. I really loved that aspect of John. We do get to see him unravel, as well, and that was to be expected from the circumstances. Mila is a strong woman and knows what she wants in life, and ultimately she will do anything to get it.
Maize is really the star of this book, and I couldn't be happier about that. She was wonderful. I can't wait to see more of them as side characters in the next book! Do yourself a favor and pick up the Bishop Brothers series! They are all amazing.
Profile Image for Nicole.
930 reviews146 followers
June 29, 2018
I freaking loved this one! I’m giving it 5 out of 5 stars. This review is for an ARC, and reflects my honest opinion.

So when I saw this was a single dad/nanny romance, I was beyond excited. Single parent romances are one of my newest favorite tropes, and the nanny aspect was an added bonus. I loved Mila’s character! She was younger than I was expecting (there was a significant age gap between the hero and heroine), but such a sweetheart.

And then we have John! I was seriously swooning. Of course we’ve seen him (and all of his siblings) in previous books, but he was definitely the most reserved of all of them in public. I always wanted to get to know more about him, and I loved getting to see other sides of him finally (passionate, funny, sweet, naughty, etc.) He’s my favorite Bishop brother right now! Hello new book boyfriend.

I loved getting to see lots of characters from previous books; I won’t list them all since it’s a big group. I also liked meeting some new characters like Maize, Kat, Gigi, etc. There was one thing that kind of bothered me a little; there was a side character who was “super important” to one person, but then after the initial couple of chapters, the character pretty much vanished off the face of the Earth.

This was the longest book in this series by far, and I loved every single word. I read 3/4 of it in a day simply because I couldn’t put it down. I found myself crying several times while reading just because I was hit with all kinds of feels. I can’t believe the next book is the last book in the series. I’m not ready for it to end! But I am curious what the duo of authors known as Kennedy Fox will come up with next.
June 26, 2018
These books just keep getting better and better! Ive been super excited for John’s book from the very beginning and Kennedy Fox did not disappoint! They delivered an amazing story with heartfelt moments and kept us intrigued from the very beginning! Single parents are some of my favorites and this one made it to my top favorite single parents! The love this family has for each other is incredible and really brings the whole story together. I feel like I can relate to Mila I’m so many ways, her caring nature and her stepping up to take care of siblings and working with kids are all things I understand. It made the story that much better because I could make connections with her! John was awesome and I knew I would like him the best out of the first three, but now that I know what Jackson’s book entails, I am so ready for his story! It might just be the best one yet and that’s saying a lot cause these first three were really good!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 387 reviews

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