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I am a hothead, a wild card, and son to a murdered man.
I crave the things I can’t have and don’t want the things I can.
Now, I’m left to pick up the pieces—stitch our family back together with a damaged thread.
This isn’t the life I envisioned. And to make matters worse, the women in our lives are testing the strength of our brotherhood.
My name is Hayden Pearson.
I am the eldest—a protective, but vindictive son.
People may think I’m too young to fill our father’s shoes, but it won’t stop me from proving them all wrong.

First came the Four Fathers. Now it's time for the Four Sons.
Nixon (Four Sons, #1) by Ker Dukey
Hayden (Four Sons, #2) by J.D. Hollyfield
Brock (Four Sons, #3) by Dani René
Camden (Four Sons, #4) by K Webster

***This series should be read in order to understand the plot.*** (less)

218 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 27, 2018

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About the author

J.D. Hollyfield

51 books1,626 followers
Creative designer, mother, wife, writer, part-time superhero...

USA Today Bestselling author J.D. Hollyfield is a creative designer by day and superhero by night. When she is not trying to save the world one happy ending at a time, she enjoys the snuggles of her husband, sons, and doxies. With her love for romance, and a head full of book boyfriends, she was inspired to test her creative abilities and bring her own story to life.

J.D. Hollyfield lives in the Midwest and is currently at work on blowing the minds of readers, with the additions of her new books and series, along with her charm, humor, and Happily Ever After's.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 166 reviews
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,621 followers
December 29, 2018
The name dissipates any anger I feel toward Trevor.
My Katie.

This book was highly anticipated by me. I was looking forward to reading about brooding, bad Hayden and maybe how a woman would change his life. I have to say that I was disappointed....

I think it is very hard for four different authors to write a continuous story in 8 books without gaps in the story or maybe a few inconsistencies. But I really I cannot accept the fact that a guy like Hayden is obsessed with a girl for several books, Rowan, and suddenly he is obsessed with a different girl without even acknowledge the first girl at all!

I think that was my major issue.

But apart from this, I did not find the twists interesting or believable. And I did not find Hayden's character, decisions and approach believable.
The story was all over the place.

Two stars for the story. And one extra star for Trevor's appearence. Because, let's face it, he was the true star of this book one more time.
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,410 reviews2,132 followers
July 27, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Book 2 of 4 from Four Sons series
POV: First Person Dual

Hayden Pearson had a plan for his future. But that plan blown up to pieces when their family was shaken up by a tragedy. As the eldest son, responsibility to the family and the company fell on him. He did his best and rose to the occasion but he didn’t expect Katie Fairchild who he thought was his past to rattle his future.

He’s incredibly intense. Like a force I have no chance of running from even if I try. I’m in love with him, and it’s so deep, it almost hurt.

Throughout the series Hayden was said to be the most like his father. In a way I could see that with the asshole tendency lol! What made him different is that he actually cared for other people. I understood the burden he was forced to carry, but at times he sounded whiny, needy and immature.

He doesn’t need to say anything. He can see he still has that control over me. He always has.

Katie brought a good balance into the relationship. She was calm and caring, and they found each other when they needed it the most. However, there were certain instances that felt off when she acted out of character.

I liked how the story addressed things that needed answers from the last book and some suspenseful element added more excitement to it. I also liked Trevor and his role here, but I did feel he might be too prominently featured on a book that is not his own.

I know he’s hurting. I feel it in the way he’s holding me so close.

Hayden is a story of acceptance and forgiveness. It would appeal to fans of second chance romance.

Books in the series:
Nixon (Four Sons, #1) by Ker Dukey Hayden (Four Sons, #2) by J.D. Hollyfield Brock (Four Sons, #3) by Dani René Camden (Four Sons, #4) by K. Webster

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Profile Image for Kathy West.
1,214 reviews26 followers
July 3, 2022
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️- Excellent - Highly Recommended
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - A good, solid read
3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - An okay read
2 ⭐️⭐️ - Meh
1 ⭐️ - Not my cup of tea
Profile Image for Sabrina.
497 reviews262 followers
July 27, 2018
Interesting, will probably read the following books but not the first.
Profile Image for Kahea.
2,129 reviews120 followers
July 25, 2018
***5 Stars***

Quick, fun, crazy (Like kinda BSC kind of crazy), smexy and emotional.

Hayden is arrogant, vindictive and is holding on to an anger that is threatening to destroy him, and yet underneath it all there is a heart that is loyal and protective to those that it deems worthy.

The romance was actually quite interesting when it came to who the woman was that captured Hayden’s heart, how chaotic it ended up being and how it was revealed, but it all made sense and it was through Hayden’s relationship that I got to see his heart and just who the man beneath the armor was. It also showed how patience, compassionate and strong the woman who chose to love him was.

This was another fun, crazy, a little dark, but full of heart addition to the Four Sons, and Four Fathers, world. Hayden’s love was a bit of a surprise, but it soon became clear that they were a perfect fit, despite the various issues they faced. As for the main issue that came out to play in this one. It wasn’t a total surprise, but some of the things that happened while it worked itself out was. In the end, I loved how it all worked out and where at least half of the Pearson boys were at when everything was said and done. Now we wait for Brock!

~ Copy provided by Just Another Book B & voluntarily reviewed ~
Profile Image for 💜VGreedyReader🖤.
582 reviews116 followers
August 12, 2018
Book two and I can say I still think Eric totally deserved the end he got 🤣
Nixon got some brownies points for being the protective twisted son he is. And it was also nice to be reminded Jax is no more 😈
Hayden thought he was the spitting image of his father and I’m so glad he saw the light and realised he’s nothing like him.
It looks like the sons are just as twisted as the fathers but they seem to improve as they evolve.
All in all the series seems a bit OTT but I want to see it to the end as I need closure 😉
Profile Image for Kinky Minx .
184 reviews6 followers
July 30, 2018
Thank you for the ARC from the author in exchange for honest review.
This is the second book of this series, Hayden. He is the eldest sons and after the death of his father, he is now in charge of his brothers and the company his father left for him.

Hayden always thinks he not only looks like his father but also acts the same to his father.

Until Katie appears in Hayden's life, she turns Hayden's heart upside down.

"I love you, Katie.
You're my angel.
My Life.
And whether you like it or not, one day, you will be my ..."


The plot is great, but I would say Nixon is a lot better. The story to me is easy to read with. With all the emotions brought out from each different part of the story, I too felt heartache for these kids. Poor Hayden deserves to be happy too, even with all the burden on his shoulder, he should look clearly around himself, surrounded by love from his family and friends. Overall 4 stars, great but not the best yet but still great. Awaiting for the next book from this series.

For full review, please go to my blog Kinky Desires:

Profile Image for Tricia Bartley.  #AuthorStalker.
1,269 reviews97 followers
July 26, 2018
Y'all book #2 Hayden by JD Hollyfield is here!!!! If you have been keeping up, first it was Four Fathers and now we get Four Sons!!!! And Hayden's story is next...eeeppp I love this grumpy ass boy!!! lol

Goodness I was beginning to worry for poor Hayden. I mean don't think he needs pity though, he is such a hot head and will whip your ass for looking at him wrong. But he just can't catch a break.

After a tragedy, he is left to run the company he never wanted to run. He always feels he has to prove himself to the other boys. Hayden is the first born but they all seem to think he took something from him just because his dad left everything to him.

Hayden just wants his life to go back to the happy, fun times from before. Pool parties, cooking out, drinking and lots and lots of women always around. But that isn't going to happen any time soon. Every corner he turns there is some kind of shit he has to take care of which made this book such a page turner!! And I didn't even mention all the drama regarding his love interest..lol

I gave Hayden 5 iScream Books Cones!! I definitely am loving this series and can't wait for more!!!

***This series should be read in order to understand the plot.***

Nixon (Four Sons, #1) by Ker Dukey
Hayden (Four Sons, #2) by J.D. Hollyfield
Brock (Four Sons, #3) by Dani René
Camden (Four Sons, #4) by K Webster
Profile Image for Renee.
4,332 reviews62 followers
July 26, 2018
I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

Hayden is the hothead, a wild card, and son to a murdered man. He craves the things he can't have and doesn't want the things he can. Now he is left to pick up the pieces-stitch their family back together with a damaged thread. This isn't the life he envisioned.And to make matters worse, the women in our lives are testing the strength of our brotherhood. Hies name is Hayden Pearson. He is the oldest-a protective but vindictive son. People may think he is too young to fill his fathers shoes, but it wont stop him from proving them all wrong.

I was so curious about Hayden from the glimpses of him in Nixon. He seemed like he was such a troubled soul and trying his best to survive not matter what way he chose to do it. There is not much you can say about these books without giving something away. I will say that Hayden is the oldest and when his dad died he got the majority of the control of the company his dad and friends started. Its's not what he wanted to do and it is sure not what he had planned for his life. He is determined to ruin Trevor. You get to see Trevor and Lucy in this book and then you will get to meet Katie. Lucy's best friend. This book is so good and even broke my heart a time or two. You don't want to miss the installment of the Four Son's series but I do suggest that you read Nixon first.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
304 reviews36 followers
August 1, 2018
3 Stars

Novella 2 of 4 of Four Sons. Second novella series following Four Fathers.

You know what? This wasn't bad at all. Dare I say, it was actually kind of cute. Much more lovey-dovey than I would expect given the nature of these reads.

Am I saying that's a bad thing? Not at all. BUT, if you're knee deep in this series there's a running theme of kink, taboo, depravity, complete WTFery. So in the context of this series, it kind of sticks out like a sore thumb.

Hayden is arguably the biggest a**hole of all four brothers. And who would've known at his center you'll find a secret loving core. Him and Katie were cute. Except, I can't really say much about Katie because not a whole lot was given.

But what I found lacking given that this one was pretty tame, was that they also already started in love! This was kind of very shortened version of a second-chance. And nearly half the novella goes from past to present.

So at the end of the day, this was still a fun read. I think it lacked on the romance development. And it just didn't quite fit in to me. But hey, you could say it served as a good palate cleanser since quite a few of these have ranked high on the WTF scale.
Profile Image for The Smutbrarians.
2,239 reviews1,736 followers
July 27, 2018
Storyline: 5
Angst: 2
Tissue: 0
Value: 5
Panty Scorching: 5
Overall Rating: 4.5 Stars
Kindle eArc provided by Author
Reviewed by Robin

Hayden is a hothead and a wild card. And now he’s left to keep the family together and prove himself in the business world. He can’t fail and he’ll avenge and protect his family. He may be young but he’s more than capable of taking his place as the head of this family and company. Even though he never wanted any of this.

“Selfish. Spoiled. Unapologetic.

That’s who’s staring back at me. A constant reminder of the person I am. Who I’ve become. A man who sees something he wants and takes it.

Just like him.”

These Pearson brothers keep me on my toes. I really didn’t see some of these twists coming. Hayden has been left with the responsibility to keep the brothers together and fill his dad's shoes at Four Fathers which is something he never wanted. We see Hayden go through all of types of emotions as he seems to think he needs to avenge is father. Or is it revenge? Add a confusing woman into the mix and I really didn't know how this story would go. I've always got the impression that Hayden was the brother that was off the rails. But this book gave me the behind the scenes look into his selfish behavior. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next because these brothers come together when the road gets rough. I think we're in for some more crazy turns with Brock and Camden waiting in the wings. You need the Four Sons!

These books are so much fun to read and if you like the dark and twisted stories, you need these immediately! Every single brother has these naughty secrets that you just can’t wait to find out. They all are most definitely Eric Pearson’s sons.
Profile Image for Chantal Rodriguez.
323 reviews6 followers
July 24, 2018
Ok so again I didn't see this one coming! WOW these girls really are doing a 180 with this series! I went in thinking "Ok so how is she going to make Hayden funny!" never did I image she would actually make me cry! yes, CRY? This is a 1st for me from Hollyfield. I enjoy her books usually because they are so funny. Her style is different and I love it. But this book here, she caught me by surprise.

Hayden is the oldest brother. He is to take over after his dad. Its not something he wanted but fate made this choice for him. He is kind of an Ass! but soon you come to realize he's just a trouble soul!

Nothing could have prepared me for this book. I seriously went in thinking one thing and got the total opposite. But in such a good way!! J.D knocked it out the park with this one! She had me with all kinds of feels. Its a short read, but so perfectly written. I devoured this book in one sitting, yet I felt I was in the world with the characters for a few days, when really it was hours!

SO far this series is going so good. Can't wait to see what's to come.
Profile Image for Ana (thestarslisten).
149 reviews19 followers
July 29, 2018

If second chance romance is your thing, then Hayden’s story is for you. I am such a sucker for this kind of romance! I’ve been rooting for Hayden and this pretty girl since their love story started.

Being the eldest his life made the 180 turn instantly over night. He’s got huge responsibilities to his brothers, and especially to the empire her’s been inherited. Where does that leave love?

He was troubled and lost. But he wanted to be saved so desperately.

This book has a lot of emotions, pain, and heartbreak are the sole focus. Though I think all brothers have it but Hayden is the one that’s expected to be the rock for being the eldest. He’s the one who needs to get all his shit in order.

My father didn’t raise his fours sons with the vision of us blossoming into decent, honorable men. No, he made sure we were groomed to become leaders. Fearless warriors.

Brock is coming up next and I hope it’s what I think it is and I am so damn excited. The Pearson brothers are each intimidating in their own way and together, they are terrifying.
Profile Image for Kathleen R..
1,408 reviews43 followers
August 25, 2018


So much anger in one single person. Considering that the books i've read from J.D. Hollyfield has usually been romantic comedy novels, this and her previous book, Blackstone, were darker in nature. Hayden, the eldest of the Pearson brothers is just so angry at everything and of course, he wants to unravel what he believes is the secret of the century.

I couldn't get enough of this. There were so many lose ends that needed to get tied up, and boy, were they huge secrets. I honestly would strongly suggest that you read the previous books in the series and the Four Fathers series, because, well, let's face it: these two series are intertwined in so many ways that if i were to start a chart, i'd probably confuse myself after a while.

It's a captivating story, one not too long, nor too short, but just the perfect length for you to really get into it and when you're done, you're almost confused that you never saw the time go by. I can't wait to see what else this author has to offer with her next book, because one thing is for sure, every time i pick up a book by her, i never know what i'm going to get.

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books


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Profile Image for W.
1,433 reviews138 followers
July 30, 2018
3.5 Stars
Four Sons Book 2 it's an angst filled book. Hayden Pearson has such a chip in his shoulder he can barely see straight . Only after extraordinary circumstances he stop being a rich, spoiled and entitled 21 years old took his head out of his butt and began behaving as an adult.
Hayden, Hayden , Hayden ... I am conflicted with this story as it it threw me for a loop.

Hayden Pearson was an angry, resentful and a dick for the first 40% of the book and his attitude and behavior felt over the top and fake.
The first part of the book dealt with his resentment towards Trevor and I found the reasons weak, immature and illogical; then the resolution to that conflict was anticlimactic .
The second part of the book had major and interesting plot twist, got to be somewhat engaging but I was never blown away.

Hayden it's an ok story and I am glad I read it . I loved Four Father Series , Nixon , book 1 and I plan reading book 2 and 3 of Four Son series . I recommend this series to anyone who likes to read original, unexpected, fast paced and entertaining reads.
Profile Image for Fantasy Land Romance Reader.
2,831 reviews70 followers
September 10, 2018
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3.5 star
I enjoyed Hayden in the last book. He stepped up and became the head of the household. But in this book about him, I had some problems with him. He steps into his fathers rule a little too much.

The way he treats Katie is just unbelievably bad. I have no idea why she would want to come back to that. But Katie does and for whatever reason, she does see the good in him. And I guess she helps him find the good in himself.

I don't want to stop anyone from reading this series. It is really good. So to understand it all you have to read Hayden's too. Just in my point of view, I didn't enjoy this one as much.
Profile Image for Expresso.
873 reviews134 followers
July 29, 2018
I love this story! Hayden’s transformation is something to behold! Hayden worked my nerves so bad in Four Sons. He even showed his hind parts in Nixon. But man! The pressure this kid was under broke my heart! The fact that he felt alone surrounded by so many who loved him broke my heart!

We see the “real” Hayden in this story. His pain is incredibly tangible in this story and it WRECKED me! This story really touched me and I’m proud to recommend this story! If you’re looking for an epic read with angst, turmoil, evolution, and finally peace and transparency, then you’ve hit the friggin jackpot!!

Five stars!!

Disclaimer: This review is my personal opinion of this story. As usual my personal opinion should have ZERO influence on your experience with the story. With that being said, read, enjoy, and leave a review!
Profile Image for Robin Powers.
1,427 reviews32 followers
July 27, 2018
These Pearson brothers keep me on my toes. I really didn’t see some of these twists coming. Hayden has been left with the responsibility to keep the brothers together and fill his dad's shoes at Four Fathers which is something he never wanted. We see Hayden go through all of types of emotions as he seems to think he needs to avenge is father. Or is it revenge? Add a confusing woman into the mix and I really didn't know how this story would go. I've always got the impression that Hayden was the brother that was off the rails. But this book gave me the behind the scenes look into his selfish behavior. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next because these brothers come together when the road gets rough. I think we're in for some more crazy turns with Brock and Camden waiting in the wings. You need the Four Sons!
Profile Image for Tracy.
684 reviews22 followers
July 26, 2018
A quick and exciting read, Hayden is the second book of the Four Sons series. I recommend reading *at least* Nixon, if not the Four Fathers series as well.

Hayden was unexpected. If there is one thing I’m finally getting with this series, it’s that just when you think you’ve figured it out, BOOM, the road twists and you are hanging on for dear life.

Hayden and Katie have an interesting story. They have a story of love and obsession. Hayden surprised me, I loved digging into his character, and wish we could have seen more of him and Katie before.

Hayden continues the Four Sons series, each book written by a different author. One thing I love about this series is how well the books flow, while staying true to each author’s unique voice. Hayden continues the series signature, being sexy and shocking. I am so excited to continue this series!

339 reviews
July 28, 2018
Hayden and Katie have stolen my heart

Hayden, thus far, is my favorite Pearson brother. Being the oldest has made him grow up faster than the rest and has given him responsibilities that a young man doesn't necessarily want. Katie is a girl with issues of her own and is just looking for something to make her whole. Hayden gets the dark and dirty from his father but his passion and emotion is heart stealing. I absolutely loved Hayden, his story and his personality. The alpha has met his match and watching their story unfold was a beautiful and heartbreaking thing. Can't wait to meet the rest of the brothers!
Profile Image for Andrea.
968 reviews3 followers
August 29, 2018
I've finished and they were just ho hum for me. The Four Fathers were a lot more interesting, lol, Nixon's book was really all alpha, mindf*&k, calculating - a lot like the fathers.
Profile Image for Up All Night With Books.
1,157 reviews41 followers
July 26, 2018
4 Sons Stars
Review by Allyson
Late Night Reviewer
Up All Night w/ Books Blog

Who can tame the "Big, Bad Wild Pearson son, huh?"

In the Four Fathers there were shockers and gasps, now we have trickled down into the Sons and interweaving ourselves through their personalities of the bloodline of Eric Pearson. Be ready to buckle down in JD Hollyfield's with the oldest Pearson boy, Hayden. He's cocky, rude and beyond arrogant. You might find yourself wanting to smack him!

"I make the final decisions and call all the shots."

Hayden is left in a pickle when his father, Eric dies and he's transformed into the devil reincarnate with his don't-give-a-crap attitude! It's like Eric 2.0 but worse. He lost the one female who could handle him, all because life's tribulations that aren't his own. Will Katie ever come back around and forgive his misdeeds?

Around 10-12% I was questioning Hollyfield's stance of writing with her personal view of Hayden and the Pearson and extended family. Reason being: I didn't see him in that light during Four Fathers, nor in Nixon. There are moments that had me angry, gasping and scowling. But I think this series is meant to make us react in that way. There is however, a surprising twist of events that become emotional that were well received in compared to how the book began. Even though the book had me at 'WTF' expressions at the beginning, in the end I was smiling with the last POV.

I am intrigued on how the rest of the books will continue as I was surprised on Hayden's view points on his brothers and his fathers friends. Next up; Brock by Dani Rene!

**ARC provided for an honest review**
Profile Image for S.M. Harshell.
Author 5 books43 followers
July 29, 2018
**I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.**

Hayden is the second book in the Four Son's series. The books should be read in the order they were written including the Four Father's books for the plot to make sense.

Hayden is the oldest brother. After Eric's death he is left with a billion pound weight on his shoulders. Eric made it so he is still controlling what Hayden does with his future. He's been left with fifty one percent of Four Father's and to care for his youngest brother, Cam. Hayden has theories about his father and the past after finding information his mother left in the attic. Hayden's obsession over this information could cost him everything. Katie, Lucy's best friend, is someone he thought he could count on, thought she had his back. Until words he said couldn't be taken back. Will he continue to fit against what he now knows is the truth? Is Katie willing to stick around and fight for them?

Hayden, to me, was always the dark unnerved brother. I was so happy to finally get his story and see things from his POV. He and Eric were so similar it's understandable why they butted heads so much.

I can't wait to see what lies ahead for the most secret keeping brother, Brock.

Wicked Reads Review Team
Profile Image for Romance Readers Retreat.
2,346 reviews221 followers
July 27, 2018
Hayden Pierson is the oldest of 4 brothers but seems to have been dealt the short straw in life and being angry at the whole world isn't going to help his case. After everything that has happened to his family he struggles to wrap his head round things and becomes obsessed with making it his mission to find the answers to certain things he thinks he has already worked out. The one major regret he has though was Katie, loving her fiercely just wasn't enough because his bitterness got in the way ruining everything. So when Katie rolls back into town maybe he can be grounded once more.

Haydens story keeps in line with the other books where a lot of angsty action takes place and has that dark element theme to it. Hayden is a character you will love to hate because there is times throughout the book where you will just want to shake and slap him so bad before bundling him up in a bear hug for all he has and is going through. Katie is such a grounded character who has a calm persona and seems to be able to keep Hayden in check for the most part.

Overall another great instalment of the Four Sons series and I look forward to reading Brocks story.
Profile Image for Lita Thomas.
1,461 reviews23 followers
July 26, 2018
Hayden by J.D. Hollyfield is the next book in the Four sons series. Hayden being the oldest brother had to endure their father the longest. He is arrogant, selfish and self absorbed just like dear old dad. Since Eric Pearson's death it is Hayden who now has to run Four Fathers, the company his father owns with 3 other partners plus care for his younger brothers. I didn't expect much from this story since I didn't particularly care for Hayden but I was pleasantly surprised. Like Nixon I read it in one night. Didn’t get much sleep but it was well worth it. I got to know who Hayden was as a person and his struggles. This was a story of self discovery and self awareness. The saying the things that don't kill us make us stronger is Hayden. By the end of this book I was in love with him. As I learned more about Hayden, I learned more about the other brothers. I am so excited to read about the last 2 brothers. I am loving this series as much as the 4 Fathers series. 4 authors each telling different aspects of the same story. Love it. 4.5 star read. Bring on the next brother.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 166 reviews

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