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Chicago Syndicate #9

The Man in Black

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Standalone. Although part of the Chicago Syndicate world, The Man in Black is a standalone and can be enjoyed either with or without reading the rest of the series.

He consumed my mind. I never even crossed his.

From the moment I met Michael, mysteriously brooding and dressed like a dark angel, there was something electric between us. Or so I thought.
What I believed was a seductive and undeniably raw attraction has ended up being something else entirely, something I never foresaw.
Because he’s a skilled liar and a master manipulator, and I downright misread his intentions.
And now I’m afraid that falling for the man in black might become my biggest regret.

An overwhelming remorse haunts me after losing my fiancée, but I’m not a man who can afford to lower my guard.
I’m a ruthless criminal, one of the top members of the merciless mafia, the Chicago Syndicate, and I moved back home to keep to myself and do a job.
But when a curvaceous pastry chef with a beautiful smile and a possible link to my former life catches me in a reckless moment, I’m forced to watch her and strategize a plan.
Because I’m not sure if she’s out to get me or if she’s just an innocent civilian who doesn’t know that the restaurant she works at is actually a front to launder Syndicate money.
And I intend to find out if she’s playing me while I’m playing her. But then the demons that haunt me force me to make a huge mistake…

Deceit has a price—I just have to make sure I don’t pay with her life.

A standalone novel from the Chicago Syndicate world.

From Soraya Naomi, International Bestselling Author of For Fallon and For Luca.
Novel Grounds Semi Annual Literary Awards 2014 winner of Best Breakout Novel For Fallon (Chicago Syndicate, #1).

First published August 9, 2018

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About the author

Soraya Naomi

47 books1,574 followers
Soraya Naomi is the author of the Chicago Syndicate mafia series. She writes provocative novels with a sinfully seductive blend of romance, suspense & men who love hard and at all costs. The Chicago Syndicate series - #1 Amazon Organized Crime series - has been translated into several languages.

Soraya has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Arts & Culture from Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Apart from writing and indulging in chocolate pastries much too often, Soraya Naomi is also an avid reader. She has a passionate obsession with the written word and reads many genres but favors intense stories where the male character loves fiercely, without remorse or boundaries. She adores Historical Romances, New Adult, Dark Romances, Romantic Suspense, and PNR. And she welcomes all recommendations!

Her debut novel For Fallon (Chicago Syndicate, #1) was released on July 26, 2014. She's honored that For Fallon won “Best Breakout Novel 2014” in the Novel Grounds Semi Annual Literary Awards.

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Profile Image for Soraya Naomi.
Author 47 books1,574 followers
July 4, 2023
99 cents for a LIMITED TIME - https://amzn.to/2NFNToV
From the moment I met Michael, mysteriously brooding and dressed like a dark angel, there was something electric between us. Or so I thought.

Happy 4th of July!

Available on Kindle Unlimited! Meet the manipulative, powerful man!

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Profile Image for BooksCastleIgnite.
754 reviews16 followers
July 26, 2018
Wow! Soraya you did it again! The Man in Black was Epic! It was so tasteful, so amazing, so loving! I was deeply head over heel with Michael’s character and let’s not forget the beautiful Brielle. I love Brielle character so much.....this girl is so strong but when it comes to Michael she definitely loses all her senses, but seriously who wouldn’t lol 😂!!

The love and hate going on between them is so phenomenal because they bring out such humor and sass that you literally feel the fire 🔥 around them lol!

~~~> Phew!! 😅“Is getting hot in here” lol 😂!

With these two characters you can feel the chemistry a miles away literally just by reading a couple of sentences on how they just look at one another.

What I love the most about this book is we finally get a true understanding on “The Man in Black” and how he fights his demons with the help of his Angel 😇 Brielle.

Furthermore, I love how we get to see our other favorite Chicago Syndicate characters and their beautiful children, hopefully Soraya can create a future book on the kids lives all grown up in this Mafia world especially with Adriano daughter and Logan son lol 😂 those two are so adorable!! I also loved that we get introduced to a new female character (cough, cough) 😆 and I really loved her character, so I’m hoping (fingers crossed 🤞🏻) for another Chicago Syndicate book on her role in this mafia world and who will steal her heart ♥️ away!!

Soraya this was such an phenomenal book and I’m so grateful to having the opportunity to read this novel beforehand! I can’t wait for this book to be released so that everyone can fall in love with Michael and Brielle! These two characters have a special place in my heart ♥️ just like the rest of the Syndicate family! I just love their loyalty to one another, you can see that no one can mess with this family, they just so unbreakable!!!

I really don’t want to let go of this Syndicate world, so hopefully we get more in the future because this is my favorite mafia romance series ever!! So if you haven’t read any of Soraya books don’t think about it twice, download all the books and binge read because you will fall in love with each of these special characters!!!

Review by,

~BooksCastleIgnite 🌸
Jennifer 🌺

Profile Image for Maria.
591 reviews29 followers
December 31, 2018
This is one of those books whose story sneaks in with discretion but then it becomes so intense that the reader loses the track of time. This is what actually happened to me when I started reading “The Man in Black”. Michael is a mafia man, a killer and he is deeply grieving the loss of his fiancé, killed during one of the mafia’s shooting. Brielle is a pastry chef and has landed a job at “Palermo”, a restaurant that apparently seems legitimate but its means is to manage the shady side of the Syndicate. The story seems initially already sorted out because we are talking about a mafia romance. On the contrary, the story whirls around these two characters, Michael ‘s unawareness of this growing love among them, Brielle’s distress after Michael’s considering their one night stand as a mistake while it meant the world to her. Michael is enigmatic and apparently hard to handle while Brielle is a very intuitive and loving woman. They say opposites attract and this rule goes for them too. As a matter of fact when they are together sparks fly everywhere, Brielle is the only person that seems to leave him speechless. On the other hand Michael wants to try to put as much distance from Brielle but he always seems to come back for more. A game of give and take, a passion that the reader will feel as he/she dives further in the book. A book I loved reading very much, intense, passionate and breathtaking.
Profile Image for Crissy.
2,549 reviews5 followers
July 26, 2018
I absolutely loved this book. Michael and Brielle's story does not disappoint. I enjoyed the back and forth banter between the two; they made me smile a lot while reading this story. The chemistry between them from the very beginning was undeniable. I had no idea how a pastry chef and the mafia would mix but they mix oh so well in this story. The suspense within this story is everything and although I've read every book in this series I felt just like Brielle, which was new to everything Syndicate. I love that every book is different and everything is unexpected. There is a spy among the group and they must find out who it is before it's too late. Who that person is and what part they play in Reymario's Cartel is everything. This was a great mafia read filled with romance and steamy scenes, suspense, betrayal, jealousy, revenge and everything mafia related. IT DOES NOT DISAPPOINT!!!
Profile Image for Shannon .
449 reviews3 followers
July 26, 2018
I have been waiting for Michael's story and it was worth the wait!! This author has given us one of the best series and each book so original and captivating!! I loved every word and couldn't believe where this story went and the twists as always I never guessed or saw coming!!
Profile Image for Nancy George.
360 reviews5 followers
August 9, 2018
I have read each and every one of the Chicago Syndicate books. And they just keep getting better. These men love hard and protect even harder. And the women are just the perfect amount of sassy.
Michael and Brielle are just so hot together. They are perfect for each other but fight it. Of course they do. If they didn't it would not make us feel all the emotion. And The Man in Black did not disappoint. Highly recommend this book. I suggest reading them all.
Profile Image for Kay's Blushing Book Reviews.
289 reviews272 followers
August 7, 2018

The Man in Black by Soraya Naomi
GENRE: Dark Mafia Romance
BOOK DETAILS: A standalone novel from the Chicago Syndicate world.

Brielle just started a new job as a Pastry Chef at Palermo’s restaurant unknowing that the restaurant is a cover for the Chicago Syndicate.

Michael is highly ranked within the syndicate, he is guarded and mysterious, hiding behind the grief and guilt of his recently murdered fiancé Rachel. He can’t stop stealing the new pastry chef’s rum cakes but that’s not all he’d like to steal from her. There's a connection between Brielle and his dead fiance and he is determined to find the answers. Is she a spy? Was she involved in Rachel's murder?

Michael uses his broody good looks and witty charm to get closer to Brielle, he wasn't prepared for the feisty and beautiful pastry chef to soften and sweeten his heart.

Michael cannot tell Brielle who he really is, his world is too dangerous for her. He has so many hidden secrets and told so many lies to keep himself hidden from her but their chemistry is undeniable, their lust so strong and sooner or later the truth will come out and it could destroy them both.

A story of secrets, lies and lust. Loyalty, love and The Man In Black!

Deceit has a price—I just have to make sure I don’t pay with her life.


Soraya is a great story teller, her characters have depth and diversity. Michael and Brielle’s story was a refreshing change for a Mafia romance with a plot that differs from most Mafia based romances that I have read in the past.

The delicious slow burn and torturing push and pull created an explosive chemistry between Michael and Brielle. I loved the cocky arrogance of Michael and stubborn independence of Brielle, it made for some entertaining dialogue.

Michael is fierce in his possession and passion for Brielle, their chemistry jumped off the pages. I was absorbed in this book from start to finish. It has action, intrigue, suspense, steamy sex and all the bits in between. I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend to those who revel in dark mafia romances with a bit of a twist.

ARC kindly given in exchange for an honest review 

MY RATINGS: (All ratings are out of 5)

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Profile Image for Sherry Haynes.
1,230 reviews15 followers
April 27, 2019
This book offers the escape into the Syndicate world. In each of the books in the series the men are very dominate and protective of those they love and the secrets of the syndicate while the women are independent, sassy and just what these men need to find their form of happiness. Granted this happiness usually comes with a price and the men have to decide if that price is worth it. Michael and Brielle's story is no different.

The Man In Black has all the usual things we expect and love in this series: suspense, action, illegal activities (it is the Syndicate), loyalty, love and chemistry. The back and forth emotional ride and the twists between Brielle and Michael had me keep turning the pages wondering just what else could happen next.

The advantage of this book is it can be read without reading the others but I highly recommend the whole series being read. Not because you won't understand things in the book but because the stories are so well written the reader can visualize the world in detail.
Profile Image for Enakshi - The E-Book Addict.
151 reviews5 followers
August 1, 2018
Well DAMN! That was a fantasctic book. So amazingly well written it was so so good. Michael definately pissed me off at the beginning but he also did redeem himself! And he did so SO very well. I loved everything about Brielle and Michael. Honestly i loved everything about this book. That's it!
And READ . THIS . BOOK! Because i can assure you you're missing out if you LOVE mafia romance as much as i do!
Profile Image for Clara Atkinson.
1,008 reviews53 followers
July 29, 2018
The Man in Black by Soraya Naomi

I have been looking forward to Michael and Brielle story since they were first introduced in The Love of Luca.
Brielle is the new pastry chef at Palermo the restaurant and club that Chicago Syndicate owns. She is unaware that she works for them. Michael was the head of the New York Syndicate but gave it all up and left after he lost a love one and moved back to Chicago. He is now head of security for the Chicago Syndicate. He meets Brielle because of a mistake he makes that sets them on their journey. Their banter back and forth even from the beginning was fierce. There are so many emotions going on that are causing havoc his grief,guilt,suspicions, accusations, and then when he is hot then cold towards her. She is very observant and is starting to pick up signs that things aren't as they appear. After an intense night spent with Michael the morning doesn't end as she expected and her life turns upside. Don't miss out on this beautiful, intense, emotional rollercoaster ride of Michael and Brielle.
Profile Image for  Tania.
753 reviews16 followers
July 28, 2018
The man in black was perfection! This is the 9th book in the Chicago Syndicate and can be read as a standalone.
I've always been intrigued by Michael since reading For Cesare, so you can imagine how giddy I was when he was introduced in For the love of Luca which is the 8th book in the Chicago syndicate. Michael's story is tragically beautiful, he has alot of guilt and anguish he needs to get through. Meeting Brielle was the best thing that's ever happened to him. The ups and downs in this book keep you on your toes.
"The man in black is a man with a black heart."
Soraya has yet again delivered an exceptional read
16 reviews
July 29, 2018
I am totally addicted to the Chicago Syndicate series and this latest addition did not disappoint. Soraya Naomi does it again. A story packed with suspense and undeniable chemistry between Michael and Brielle. The story is fast-paced and imaginative and full of passion. With appearances from all the other characters, I highly recommend reading the series to get a grip on how the all fit together.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,645 reviews1,357 followers
August 8, 2018
Not gonna lie, I was really looking forward to this book. I knew the loss that Michael had suffered, the guilt he was burdened with, the grief he was being weighed down by, and I wanted to see how he would come through it all. Once the boss of New York, he'd taken a lesser role for the Chicago Syndicate under his best friend Adriano while he took the time to get his ish together.

Brielle was a young woman from New York who seemed to be all alone in the world. After graduating from culinary school, she figured Chicago would offer her a new start. She landed a great gig at the Palermo, a syndicate-run restaurant, and her life was looking up. She was making some great connections, lasting friendships, and maybe had a fledgling relationship with the tall, dark and mysterious man known as Michael.

Again, I was really excited to read this story, but for some reason, one I can't quite put my finger on, it didn't work for me. I wasn't feeling the characters. They lacked the depth I'm used to from this author. I'm constantly raving about this series and I've given the previous books 5 stars like crazy, but this book fell well below my expectations. I didn't feel the connection between Michael and Brielle and it constantly felt like their interactions were forced. Brielle annoyed me with her nosiness that went beyond her job description and the fact that she kept looking for something from Michael when he wasn't really offering anything at first really bothered me.

I still love this author and I'm still a huge fan of this series. And I still recommend that everyone who loves truly amazing anti-heroes and stories involving organized crime to add these books to their to-read lists. The Chicago Syndicate bad boys will certainly win your hearts as they've won mine! 💙💙💙

☆.。.:* ARC provided for an honest review .。.:*☆

Release: August 9, 2018 | Genre: Mafia Romance | Dual POV - 1st person | Heat: 3.5 | Standalone - Chicago Syndicate #9

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Profile Image for Jackie D.
1,845 reviews25 followers
July 29, 2018
I am amazed after all this time, and many books in - the Chigao Syndicate is still my favorite organized crime family!
Micheals heart-tugging, bossy smirk, and Brielle's sassy, smart take care of business self, made for a crazy beautiful underground crime romance that lived up to previous books and then some!
Witty, with butterfly inducing moments and heated suspense Soraya Noami had me experiencing all sorts of feels throughout the tantalizing pages!
It was so hard to put this one down!
The characters drew me, along with that coming home feeling of my favorites from past books and the perfect balances of dark, heart, and heat it was easy to see why!
If you have read any of the Syndicate Books, I highly encourage you to check out this latest addition! It is well worth it! Even if you have not, this is a stand alone. Once you read one, you will want to read them all!
Profile Image for Latifa Morrisette.
2,482 reviews61 followers
August 7, 2018
I'm so glad that Michael finally got his own book. We met Michael in the previous book and I'm so glad that we got an in-depth look at him. The Spark between him and Brielle is off the charts and I'm so glad we got five back into the world of the Chicago Syndicate. I absolutely recommend this series to everyone and you will not be disappointed.
Profile Image for Sherry Bohrmueller.
1,249 reviews5 followers
July 29, 2018
Oh my! This book was fantastic. What a perfect couple and the banter back and forth made the whole book so good. I didn't want this book to end. This book is now my new favorite of this series. I don't think Soraya Naomi can write anything more perfect or better than this book!
Profile Image for Phyllis Wolford.
1,537 reviews
July 30, 2018
The continuing saga of the Chicago Syndicate.. love the book and the story line. I can’t wait for the next one. They unknowingly shared a past. Together they forged a future.
Profile Image for Karen Voitik.
3,117 reviews
July 31, 2018

>Book Review – The Man in Black
>I am an independent reviewer. This book is the 9th in the Chicago Syndicate series and ends in an HEA. Brielle is a struggling pastry chef, just relocated from NY. Her parents are both gone and she has no siblings. She wears a BFF bracelet because her mother bought it for her and not because she really remembers her BFF when she was 12. She gets a too good to be true job at an upscale restaurant and runs in to the security manager, Michael. Michael is grieving the loss of his fiancée. She used to be the BFF of Brielle and wore the other BFF bracelet. Michael is really a syndicate enforcer. Recognizing the bracelet, he immediately suspects Brielle of some kind of ulterior motive.
>This story has a lot of push/pull between Michael and Brielle. Michael is attracted to Brielle but doesn’t want to drag her into the syndicate. The syndicate is kind of like the song “Hotel California”, once you check in, you can never leave. There are some truly fun and interesting scenes showing what goes on in a busy restaurant kitchen. Michael is at turns taciturn and funny, confusing Brielle and the reader. Once he is all in, the alpha in him comes out and nothing can stop him from Brielle.
>There is a mystery involving a spy, which has many red herrings. Previous characters are all present as well. This book is appropriate for an adult audience. The story is frustrating and romantic, with a touch of danger. A recipe for a great story. I am giving this book 5 stars.
383 reviews1 follower
July 31, 2018
I cannot put into words how much I love this series!!! I love other Mafia related series as well, but I’m pretty sure this one is my favorite!! Ever!!!

I’ve been waiting for this book for what feels like forever. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t remember who the characters were, but it was really easy to put everything together. Besides, even though this is part of a series, and it’s really awesome if you already know the secondary characters, it can definitely be read as a stand-alone as well.

We get to meet Michael in the previous book where he comes back from New York after the death of his fiancée. He was a boss there, but now he works for Adriano, who is the Chicago boss. He is not doing so well, tortures himself with guilt over what happened with Rachel, the girl he thought he’d marry. And that’s when Brielle enters his life. She’s not connected with the Syndicate, she minds her own business and is happy to have a good paying job as a pastry chef. She has no idea that the restaurant she works for is a cover for a criminal organization nor that Michael is part of that organization. She feels attracted to him, thinks he feels the same, and, because of that, we got lots and lots of drama, both personal, as well as Syndicate related. I can’t say more without giving spoilers away, but it was so good and I inhaled the whole story, couldn’t get enough of it!!

Long story short, I loved this book so hard. I really hope there will be a next one in the series :)
Profile Image for Hanan .
1,708 reviews16 followers
July 26, 2018
I enjoyed every minute of this book and every word!
Every time I read a Chicago Syndicate book I say this is the best one yet and I’m saying it again with
The Man in Black!
I loved Michael and absolutely adored Brielle.
Michael’s had a bad experience that’s put him off of love and being in a committed relationship.
Brielle is alone in the world and desires a closeness with someone she can love and be loved by.
He’s dark,brooding and commanding. He’s a top level mafia boss.
She’s feisty,sassy and persistent. She’s a pastry chef.
He’s job base is the restaurant she works at.
Yep things are about to get interesting!
They are so different so opposite each other.
But there’s no denying the spark that’s between them.
Be it their fights or their flirting the passion is high and sizzling like an electrical wire.
She’s light to his darkness. She’s bubbly to his moody. She’s color to his black.
They are tantalizing together!
Not only are they trying to deal with what’s going on between them but their work has intertwined into each other’s lives as well. Which makes for one messy,complicated,nerve wracking and some sweet situations.
This story is sexy,gripping and intriguing.
I loved that it’s unpredictable and the twists and turns it takes.
Did I mention that it’s sexy and hot. Well I’ll say it again it’s sexy and hot!

Profile Image for Karin Gesell.
1,613 reviews35 followers
August 2, 2018
Wow, I just keep falling more in love with Soraya Naomi’s Syndicate World. Now it’s Michaels turn, the “Man in Black”. He’s dark & moody, trying to deal with the loss (and guilt) of his fiancé. His world is dark, until he meets a bit a light in Palermo’s pastry chef Brielle. She’s young, innocent, sweet & feisty. Hard as he tries (and oh boy does he!), he can’t resist her. There’s love, danger, and so much going on. But you sit on the edge of your seat through each chapter, not wanting to put it down. Truly this world is enchanting. I can’t say enough about it. All I can say is, make sure you read it. You’re going to love it!!!
Profile Image for Jane.
132 reviews
July 31, 2018
Yet another fantastic book from this series. I absolutely love the characters and Michael and Brielle do not disappoint. Michael is mourning the death of his fiance, who died in his arms, and blames himself. Brielle catches Michael's attention because of a bracelet she wears that he recognises. From then, they can't seem to stay away from each. Add in a spy, murders and the other syndicate characters and you have another amazing book from Soraya Naomi.
Profile Image for Scarlet.
211 reviews2 followers
July 27, 2018
Another number one top hit story from Ms. Naomi! This story brings a reader in a new different height of excitement. The main characters of this book and characters from the past books added great intensity. Extraordinary and love it!
Profile Image for Jodi  *ALEBB BLOG *.
217 reviews35 followers
August 5, 2018
The Man In Black - Soraya Naomi

Steam level - off the charts!
Alpha Male - definitely
Strong characters - absolutely!
Did I love it? Lo prometto ( i promise!)

Oh what a book!!! I Couldn't put it down for the life of me, I was captured from page 1! The characters Brielle and Michael were the perfect style of characters to read about. Brielle such an easy going 21 year old gets a job as a pastry chef working for a restaurant front for the Chicago Syndicate . She's not immature at all , but when a man like Michael shows interest the other goings on kind of fly out the window.
Oh and Michael, he's the head guard of the Syndicate, very serious, deeply intense no nonsense kind of guy , a killer that has no remorse. Going through some guilt ridden issues, something catches his eye with the new pastry chef, and in his line of work there can't be any mistakes. The Man in black doesn't believe in coincidences , but he's going to find the truth no matter what it takes.
As this rollercoaster starts in motion , actions lead to some consequences that nobody ever imagined would be possible, and it's a non stop thrill ride throughout the climax!
One of the best romantic suspense Books of the year by far! Fantastic storytelling Soraya Naomi!

His eyes move down my cleavage and leisurely back up. “I don’t know; something tells me you could handle me...”

Smoothing her long hair back, I gather it into a ponytail and watch her as she submits to me, naked and uninhibited and so f*cking sexy.

I blow against her folds and pull her up close to my lips. “Ask me to lick you.” But even if she doesn’t, I’m going to swallow every drop of her wetness. “Lick me, please,” she begs seductively.

The man in black is a man with a black heart. A heart that already belongs to another.

In reality, I’m not a man who protects people. Quite the opposite. I’m a man who kills anyone who interferes with my business. This is who I am; remorse is a useless emotion for a Syndicate member.

Because in the mafia, we take what we want. We’re fearless killers who protect our own without any remorse.

La Amo

Voluntarily given a copy this is my unbiased review.
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,746 reviews201 followers
August 7, 2018
Soraya Naomi has once again knocked my socks off with her infallible writing style and astounding characters.
The Man In Black is the tenth book in Soraya's Chicago Syndicate series, but it can easily be read as a standalone within in this series.  So for those of you who have not read any of her books yet (WHY NOT?!?), grab this one and see why I love this series so much.
The Man in Black is Michael's story.  He is reeling from the loss of his fiancé and never wants to go down that path again.  He takes his job very seriously and doesn't care for recklessness. 
Brielle has been used to living on her own for the last several years so when Michael starts poking around her and becoming strangely interested in her, it throws her off kilter a bit.
I am not saying anything else aside from this.  This book should be read with as little information as possible so it does not take away from the suspense.  Soraya has this brilliant way of bringing together a strong plot line (in this case a spy amongst them) and a side plot line of romance and making them work cohesively to deliver one h*ll of a great story.
Absolutely everything flows wonderfully in this story.  You are pulled into the suspense and mystery of the mafia along with the insane attraction between Michael and Brielle.  I love the banter between them and let's just say there is no shortage of hot attraction.
If you have not gathered yet, Soraya is one of my top mafia writers.  She stays true to the lifestyle while still writing very intriguing stories and strong characters.  I highly recommend this book and her other 9 books in this series!!
Profile Image for Bookbytch5 janet Gray.
1,459 reviews9 followers
July 26, 2018
OMG Soraya what awesome story. Micheal was a great addition to the Chicago Syndicate Series they all just keep getting better whit every story, Micheal and Brielle's i couldn't put it down till the end, they had undeniable attraction from the moment they met each other plus i loved the banter between them. They had chemistry that was HOT as HELL, This story has everything from suspense, betrayal, jealousy. I Highly recommend this story, I suggest reading them all to get no each of the other main Head of the Syndicate.

So can the Brielle make the Man with a Black Heart Love Again!!!

Pre-Order Links
AMAZON US ➜ https://amzn.to/2NFNToV
AMAZON UK ➜ https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07FT8K7V6
AMAZON CA ➜ https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07FT8K7V6
AMAZON AUS ➜ https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07FT8K7V6

Profile Image for Emma White.
249 reviews5 followers
August 1, 2018
OMG these books just get better every time.
It can be read as a stand alone but you would be well advised to read them all from the start,
Mafia and Soroya go hand in hand. This series is truly are the best I have read ever.
Michael is a dark brooding man with lots of baggage
Brielle is a pastry chef that only has eyes for Michael love at first site.
Profile Image for Tammy.
1,554 reviews8 followers
July 30, 2018
Finally we get to read Michael's story , and it couldn't of been more perfect. He has been grieving the loss of his fiance , Brielle is just the lady to help him thru it all. Where he is dark and mysterious, she is sunshine and friendly. These two couldn't be more perfect for each other , but holy what a journey they have to be together.
Profile Image for BP34.
5,911 reviews37 followers
July 31, 2018
This is part of the Chicago Syndicate World but can be read as a standalone. Wow, if you're looking for a fast-paced book that's full of action, this book is it. Likeable characters with lots of depth. A great book that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Well written and entertaining. I read a reader copy and voluntarily chose to write a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews

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