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Moonrise Beach #3

More Than This

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Hunter Happa-Hewitt’s life has never been more stressful. With his divorce behind him, he thought that life with his five-year-old son would be easier. But now his father is in the hospital and has asked him to take his place as the CEO of Gleam Enterprises, a part that he has no interest in playing. Hunter is about to refuse when he suspects that his father’s accident perhaps wasn’t really an accident at all. Now, he will do everything in his power to learn the truth.

No one is more surprised than Sam Cosi is when she finds the sexy billionaire in her office, asking for her help. Although this isn’t her usual MO, Sam can’t say no to the job—or the man. But working alongside Hunter proves difficult, especially as she can no longer hide her feelings for him.

Can love still bloom in the midst of mystery? Or will their love run out once they discover the truth that binds them?


Published September 18, 2018

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About the author

Ana Jolene

21 books783 followers
Ana Jolene is the author of the Glory MC series and the Contemporary Romance series, Moonrise Beach.

Growing up as a rebellious kid didn’t allow for much reading time. It wasn’t until she was in university that she found her passion for books and has since then devoured every book placed before her. Ana holds a B.A. in Psychology and has worked in both IT and Administration. But she’s had the most fun in the bookish world, working as a reviewer, columnist and assistant to multiple sites and authors.

Ana currently lives in Toronto with her family and an extremely lazy Shih Tzu whom she adores. To learn more about Ana and her books, visit www.anajolene.com and subscribe to the newsletter to be notified of the hottest new releases and giveaways!

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Alison.
1,110 reviews12 followers
March 3, 2019
I was so looking forward to this one from the previous book and Ana didn't disappoint.
Sam, Hunter and Owen (Hunter's son) just fitted together. Sam & Hunter together holy smokes - loved it
Profile Image for Julia David.
2,146 reviews17 followers
September 7, 2018
Hunter's dad was in an accident, only they find that it wasn't really an accident. Someone is trying to kill him. Hunter goes to Sam to get help. She is a private investigator and helps the police from time to time. At first Sam decides not to investigate, but when circumstances change, she changes her mind. While she is investigating, she and Hunter become closer and there is no denying the attraction. Hunter's brother is Sam's best friend and they don't want things to get weird between them if things don't work out, but they can't stay away from each other. As Sam gets more into the case, she finds too many suspects. The little twist at the end is good.
8 reviews
March 18, 2020
I have raved about the first two books in this series before, but I feel like the Moonrise Beach series by Ana Jolene just continues to get better. Although MORE THAN THIS is mainly a Contemporary Romance, there’s something different that Jolene does with this book. She has added in a Mystery storyline that really took this book up another level.

I’ve always loved Hunter, so I was really excited to finally get his book in this series. But I wondered who would be able to handle this amazing hero and his adorable son, Owen. This is where Sam enters. Sam is the private investigator that Hunter recruits to help him investigate his father’s car accident. He suspects that the accident wasn’t actually an accident and that there might be someone out there that might want to kill his father.

With Sam’s intelligence and wit, she’s not only able to figure out what happened, but she also manages to steal Hunter’s heart in the process! I’m so jealous! Sam has easily become one of my favorite heroines in this series. She’s so badass! And I thought that she was the perfect match for Hunter.

Not only is the romance sizzling hot, but the mystery aspect added plenty of twists and turns to keep me on my feet. I was glued to the pages of this book and couldn’t read fast enough! I just had to know what happened!

Ana Jolene has really outdone herself with this latest installment in the Moonrise Beach. I can’t wait for the next one!

P.S. You don’t need to read these books in order to enjoy then (They are standalone). But they’re so addicting, why wouldn’t you?
Profile Image for Ann.
693 reviews
September 25, 2018

Main Characters: Sam & Hunter
I voluntarily and honestly reviewed this book without bias or persuasion from the author.
4 out of 5 stars
Sam is a PI and best friends with Hunter's brother Hutch. When Matthew (the guy's father) has an accident Hunter wants Sam to look into it. There is plenty of suspense, sex and a hea surprise ending. I have read the 3 books in this series and have enjoyed them all. This is an m/f contemporary romance. I will continue to read her contemporary romance books.
3 reviews3 followers
Want to read
April 25, 2022
I found this book a very good read, hard to put down in many parts.
13 reviews1 follower
May 30, 2023
"More Than This" by Ana Jolene is a deeply moving and beautifully written contemporary romance that explores themes of loss, healing, and the transformative power of love in the face of adversity.
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews

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