The biggest wellness trends for 2020 have been revealed and, if the results generated from Google Trend searches are to be believed, we'll be looking increasingly towards technology and personal experiences to improve our physical and mental wellbeing next year.

That's not surprising considering we are a generation who are consistently trying to find new ways to unwind, with three out of four of us reportedly feeling 'overwhelmed' or 'unable to cope' due to stress, according to a report in 2018.

Luckily, research also suggest that wellness is becoming increasingly accessible, as the booming industry is no longer viewed as a niche market.

To help you further understand the wellness trends you need to know about for this year and beyond, we spoke to the wellness coach Daniel Mason, who worked with Gear Hungry to analyse and break down the data:

1. CBD Skincare: 367% increase in searches

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The boom in sales of CBD products is testament to the increasing crossover between the beauty and wellness industries, and when it comes to CBD skincare specifically, both high-street and premium brands are utilising the ingredient in their droves.

"CBD (cannabidiol) is essentially the non psycho-active strain of cannabis or hemp," says Mason. "It's sourced in a different way to marijuana and does not contain THC, so it is therefore perfectly legal and is in no way psycho-active."

Available in drops and in edible form, too, CBD is specifically used in skincare products for its healing properties because of its anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, "many acne sufferers are turning to CBD as it calms the skin, eases redness and aids in cell renewal", continues Mason. It's also touted as a good anti-ageing ingredient because it is an antioxidant.

2. Sound Bath Healing: 285% increase in searches

Just as meditation and mindfulness have become increasingly popular as individuals attempt to tackle anxiety and take more time for reflection, sound healing - which works in a similar way - has started to enter mainstream culture.

The practice involves 'bathing' in sounds that are often produced by crystal bowls or instruments tuned to specific frequencies. These frequencies are said to trigger certain areas in the brain which help you relax and release tension. That's why you'll often see sound bath healing combined with meditation and yoga practices. There are even opportunities to experience it during a blow-dry too.

"People often think that sound baths are a little off the beaten track if they are seeking a therapy to calm the mind," explains Mason. "However, Sound Baths ignite the alpha and theta brainwaves. Alpha waves are known to increase creativity and suppress depression, while theta brain waves occur mostly when we are asleep and are the brains doorway to learning and memory. In my opinion, the popularity of sound baths is only set to rise and receive the same growth as the likes of yoga and mindfulness."

3. Virtual Wellness: 242% increase in searches

'Not having enough time' is no longer a good enough excuse to miss out on self-care as, in 2020, 'Virtual Wellness' looks set to become increasingly popular. And just in time, as the rising searches for 'remote wellness', away from traditional studios or sessions, points to a growing need and desire to improve our wellbeing wherever we are.

"Virtual wellness opens the gates for consistent wellness within the home as well as a medium to obtain a hit of endorphins 24/7," states Mason. "For example, people want their workouts to align with the flexibility of their everyday routines. The likes of interactive mirrors can showcase everything from yoga, boxing and barre to cardio boot camps, but they can be costly."

Other options, which are already well established, include interactive wellbeing journals or meditation apps - which look set to become as integral to our lives as our regular social media feeds.

4. Breathing Apps: 219% increase in searches

As mentioned above, apps give individuals that craved-for accessibility and its through them that we are starting to properly consider our breath (which, despite being the most important action of the body, is often overlooked).

Studies have shown that practicing just 25 minutes of breathing techniques can calm the mind, improve cognitive function and boost energy levels, which is one of the reasons it's so important in activities like yoga. In app form, we can achieve this level of commitment more easily, as practice can fit into our daily routine - whether on your morning commute or just before you go to bed.

5. Wellness Retreats: 182% increase in searches

Holidays are increasingly becoming more about taking time away from your daily (stress-inducing) routine and having a moment for yourself, which means forgoing alcohol-soaked itineraries and even cultural excursions in favour of mindful retreats.

The trend is about more than just relaxing on a sun-drenched lounger though (however relaxing for many of us that might seem). From yoga and meditation to silent stays and ayurvedic practices, these trips have physical and mental wellbeing at their heart, and use a wealth of different methods to have you thinking and feeling differently by the end of your stay.

While such retreats are available in the UK, the A-list have been partaking in international soul-cleansing adventures for sometime and, as the concept becomes more mainstream and less hardcore, there's a multitude of luxurious yet wellness-driven hotels you can discover across the globe.