Stephanie H.'s Reviews > The Golden Prayer

The Golden Prayer by Edward   Weiss
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it was amazing

The Golden Prayer by Edward Weiss is a thought-provoking argument in favor of religion, in the Judeo-Christian tradition. The language is not too complicated overall and the book (Kindle version), only about 101 pages in all, is divided into five essays. What Weiss discusses in this book is very philosophical and deeply religious, and each essay is packed with meaning, so the reader should take their time to absorb each concept.

For those with religious leanings and/or a curious mind, will find this book to be an engaging read about some important issues regarding life and belief in God. The most prominent issue covered is that of finding God; another is the concept of determinism, and yet another is the issue of people’s skewed perceptions of the world. All of them are tied together and essentially answered by the prayer which Weiss calls “The Golden Prayer”.

Weiss urges readers to set aside the desires of the physical world, to accept that the physical world is only a finite existence, and that realizing that individual humans are secondary to the more powerful God is the only way to free oneself from the shackles of material desire.

Whereas I myself am skeptical of the existence of a Judeo-Christian God in particular, I do believe that there is something out there and that many elements of Weiss’s argument—such as the assertions that we are all a part of a larger whole, that our current form is finite, and that many factors are out of our control—hold merit.

This book carries on an interesting and crucial conversation about what should be important in our lives, the nature of our existence, and determinism. I highly recommend it for people who lean toward a Judeo-Christian belief system, and are looking for a little spiritual guidance. Whether or not you agree 100% with Weiss’s assertions, this book will get you thinking, and that’s the first step to figuring out for yourself what you believe is the truth.
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November 27, 2017 – Started Reading
December 5, 2017 – Shelved
December 5, 2017 – Finished Reading

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