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6 Best Ways to Place a Buddha Statue!

Today, Buddha statues are placed at all kinds of social occasions, from curio shop to office and modern home. The images are found on linen, jewelry, and tapestries. But nothing compares to the sight of crafted Buddha statue placed on the threshold of a room.

Read these six simple instructions below to place Buddha statues properly among various locations of your house.

1. Before placing a Buddha statue, you need to find an appropriate place. Basically, you may want to give him a superior perch, like a raised mantle or platform. Also make sure that you do not surround Buddha statue with meaningless clutters and unnecessary objects.

2. Another best place to place a Buddha statue is in your garden. Place a garden Buddha statue among plants and flowers to enhance the beauty of you garden. The statue will improve the beauty and the growth of your garden by channeling positive vibes into it from the universe and the landscape. Be careful while buying statue appropriate for the garden, though. Buddha statue, for example, must be designed for outdoors and should not crack or melt in the outdoor conditions.

3. Alternatively, you can place the statue of Buddha at the central location of your home and fill the house with vibrant positive energy. While placing the statue in the middle of the home or the room, make sure he is not blocking the flow of the energy or you will not trample the statue with your feet or toes.

4. You can also place the Buddha statue on your desk, where you spend most of your time on creative work. If you create artworks, place the statue inside your artistic studio. Or if you work with computer, place Buddha right next to it, or beside your printer. So, when you are busy on working on your creation, you will get positive vibes (energy) from the statue and make you calm and positive. This will ultimately improve the performance of your work.

5. Place Buddha statue on the front room facing the main door. This will also help ward off evil spirits.

6. Give Buddha the highest honor by making him the central focus of your personal shrine. You can surround Buddha statues with other smaller statues, meaningful objects like lucky stone, lucky penny, sacred candles, or crow’s feather.

Buddha is a symbol of tolerance, positive energy, and exceptional kindness! So when you place several forms of Buddha statue, be it in garden or in the center location of your house, you will experience more positive energy and kindness!

Buddha statue are really special and have the ability to totally alter the living space. When you have Buddha, you will begin to introspect in life and also develop several inner qualities, like tolerance, patience, loving, and kindness.

Around many countries, particularly in Asia, the statue of Buddha is respected and worshipped daily as he’s believed to bring both good fortune and happiness in one’s life. Buddha also represents inspiration as well as all the fundamentals qualities of human nature for leading a good and tranquil life. All statues that are handcrafted and available for order via online stores or on offline stores are designed to evoke that same faith, serenity, and tranquility.

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