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Warning: Extreme -45°C Winter Weather Is Coming To These Canadian Provinces

Winter is coming.

As the autumn season comes into full swing, us Canadians can't help but think about the looming winter weather ahead.

READ ALSO: Warning: Frost Advisory Alert Issued Across Quebec Tonight

TL;DR Farmers' Almanac has predicted that this year Canada is going to see winter temperatures as low as -40 to -45°C in February 2019. Both Quebec and Ontario will experience unusal freezing temperatures at the start of next year, with Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba reaching temperatures far below normal. British Columbia is the only province expected to see normal temperatures this winter.

Canada is definitely the most prepared country for freak-of-nature winter weather. We're used to near-Ice Age temperatures, but that definitely does not mean we enjoy them.

Despite being ready for really anything when it comes to the country's weather, how prepared are we actually for this year's especially dreadful winter?

Yes, it's true. The 2018-19 Canadian winter season is going to absolutely suck. To give you an example, temperatures are expected to hit the -40's to -45's in February 2019.

There's no doubt the entire country will experience teeth-chattering cold, but what provinces have it worse off than the others?

According to the trusted Farmers' Almanac winter prediction, eastern Ontario and Quebec are going to have it the worst at the beginning of the new year, with the coldest temperatures heading south and east towards the Laurentian Plateau from the Great Lakes.

In most areas of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and western Ontario, it is going to be an absolute nightmare. You'll definitely want to stock up on soup, hot chocolate, thick outerwear and even some extra heaters, beacause this winter is going to be an unforgiving one. 

Frostbite begins to occur within 10 minutes after wind chill sinks temperatures to -40°C, so Canadians are at serious risk this year. 

@jkarim.maletembedded via  

It's only in British Columbia that normal winter temperatures will be seen this year. It's safe to say the rest of the provinces are very, very jealous right now.

Let's just hope we can experience even a little bit of a winter wonderland this year before Canada freezes over. 

For more on Farmer' Almanac's winter forecasts, click HERE.

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