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Darkness #7.5

Sentinel of Darkness

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She thought she’d put her past behind her…

Local artist Keva might be human, but she knows about the things that go bump in the night. Years ago, a dragon shifter saved her from certain death. Ever since, she’s lived in his clan’s territory and put her life back together. But the feeling of security is only an illusion, because her past has come back to haunt her. A past with claws and fangs, demanding blood.

He’ll do whatever it takes to defend his mate…

Dagen has finally met his mate—except he insults her the first time they meet. He’s not too proud to grovel to get back into her good graces. But when a threat from her past emerges, he realizes that he’ll do anything to keep her safe. Even if it means dying—or losing her forever.

Length: 30,000 words

Author note: This is a stand-alone story in the Darkness series complete with an HEA and no cliffhanger.

99 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 16, 2018

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About the author

Katie Reus

161 books3,098 followers
Katie Reus® is the USA Today bestselling author of the Endgame trilogy, the MacArthur Family series and the Deadly Ops series. She fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom's stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it. However, she didn't always know she wanted to be a writer. After changing majors many times, she finally graduated with a degree in psychology. Not long after that she discovered a new love. Writing. She now spends her days writing paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 143 reviews
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,934 reviews33k followers
November 9, 2018
3 Meh Stars

I liked it...but not as much as the full length series installments.
Felt a little superficial and rushed in comparison.

Also, the H in this was a little too...sweet and staid for me.

A huge bummer in general, actually, because this book could have been really awesome.

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Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,621 followers
May 12, 2019
Basically he wanted anything she would give him. Which felt a little sad and desperate, but his dragon apparently had no pride or shame when it came to her.

That was such a feel-good, easy-to-read, fast-paced, heart-warming, full-on-romantic shifters' story that takes place in the world of one of the most brilliant PNR series.
I absolutely loved it!
The story is about a lonely dragon, Dagen, who belongs to Conall's clan and lonely human, Keva, who is an artist and makes jewellery and statues and has a little shop in Conall's clan’s territory.
When Dagen tries to buy her shop for the clan, he will realise that:
1. Keva does not sell
2. Keva is his mate
3. Keva is protected by Conall

Dagen is a good guy. He will try to earn Keva's trust before he explains to her that she is his mate – especially because he will realise that Keva had a previous bad experience with a wolf shifter.
Dagen is also a protector. When he finds out that Keva is in danger, he will protect her - even when she is not sure about her feelings towards Dagen.

Overall, I truly enjoyed the story and I hope that we will have many more stories that take place in this world.

Favourite scene:
And he was absolutely beautiful. His wings were a waterfall of colors, mostly blue and silver, with subtle lavender undertones, creating a visual feast. His body was more silver than anything, his scales glittering, and the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. God, she wanted to see him in the air, soaring.
She stared for a long moment, drinking in all of his beautiful colors. “Will you stretch out your wings?” she whispered.
She was pretty sure he could understand her when he was in dragon form, and as he let out a little huff of breath and did as she asked, she grinned. Holy crap, he was stunning.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” There was no way to deny his beauty, his raw power.
He let out another little huff and flapped his wings a couple times, fanning her with a gentle breeze. Then he stood up and strutted around the yard, as if he was actually showing off for her.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,046 reviews453 followers
October 14, 2018
I love a good woman on the run story, throw in a hot, growly dragon shifter and I'm right in my happy place. I loved it!

Although this is a fast read, this novella packs quite a punch. Keva's life was saved by an alpha dragon shifter when she was running from her abusive ex, so she's understandably leery of men and is happy living her quiet life. Till Dagen, ha! There was no way that protective, sweet dragon was going to give up. Nope, he'd found his mate and was quite happy to play it her way as long as it took for her to accept her destiny.

This novella right here is why I love this series, Reus rocks these dragon shifters.

4.5 stars

Arc provided by Netgalley for review.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,565 reviews474 followers
May 28, 2019
Re-read 26th May 2019.


Original review - 4*

It’s taken me 12 days but I’ve just read the entire series. And I’m hooked.

I love a good paranormal romance and for me dragons are just the icing on the cake. And this book is nearly all dragons.

Keva is human and running for her life. Her wolf shifter ex-boyfriend is after her and she knows this time when he catches her he’ll kill her.
She’s saved by Conall the Alpha of the Petronilla Clan. Keva makes a life for herself in Petronilla living amongst dragons.

Dagen may be a huge dragon and a powerful man. But he’s suffered in the past and still carries the emotional scars. When he meets Keva his dragon knows it’s meeting it’s mate. But Keva has been hurt by a shifter and she’s determined not to get involved with another one.

I love this series and this book. It’s a cute romance involving a dragon who’ll do anything to get its mate.

I voluntarily read a review copy kindly provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,186 reviews812 followers
October 17, 2018
Dragons!!! I love them, but holy heck…Dragen was PERFECT!!! Absolutely, unequivocally perfect!

For a novella, this was packed full of all kinds of goodness! It has everything a full length novel has and believe it or not, was one of the best books I’ve read this year.

Dagen was such a wonderful alpha hero with a bit of insecurity that actually worked so well that I couldn’t have loved him more. I absolutely loved his courting of Keva and he was so darn cute that I swooned from his charm. However, when it came time to protect her, there was nothing insecure about him. He went into full on protective mode in the only manner a dragon shifter can and oh my gawd it just added to my total enjoyment of this story. Add in his inability to stop growling each time a man talked about her or he thought another man might be even thinking about her and I was GONE! Did I mention he was just so freaking cute?

Along with the getting to know you stage for this couple, came the standard Katie Reus suspense that always amps the action up. While the length of this book didn’t allow for a lot of expanded drama in this instance, it was still very well done and there were even a few surprises thrown in to add to the overall believability of danger.

I can’t recommend this book enough if you like dragon shifters, perfect possessive/protective and jealous heroes, and a story that works from beginning to end. I absolutely LOVED it!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Dual POV
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,790 reviews729 followers
October 6, 2018
When I read a novella, it's not always easy to find one that checks all the boxes like a full length book does and this one does. Holy cow, Dagen was amazing!

Dagen's the type of hero that is big, very tough, but also quiet. Sometimes I think the quiet tells you more about a person than anything else and I seem to be drawn to these types of heroes. Add to that, he was amazing with Keva. He recognized instantly that she was his mate. A mate he never thought he would find. Instead of resisting, he handled her with a care that just made me sigh with happiness.

Keva was also a great heroine. She resisted a bit due to her past, but it wasn't too much and it was also understandable seeing as she is human and a previous shifter had already used their strength against her. But what I loved most about her was that she paid attention and saw that Dagen was handling her with care that was completely sincere and she adjusted.

Having great main characters is great in itself, but when you also get great side characters and an exciting story, it really puts a book right to the top. I particularly love this clan of dragons, especially since Mira came out of hibernation. She's going to be one heck of a future main character.

I'm really looking forward to more in this series. ARC provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews725 followers
October 9, 2018
5 - She was starting to like this dragon… Way too much. Stars!

I absolutely loved returning to the Darkness series again, Sentinel of Darkness being the eighth offering gives us Keva and Dagen’s story. Human female/dragon male, although Keva is aware of what Dagen is, having been saved by a shifter like himself a few years previously.

He was going to make her his…

This was a quick read, but as always Katie manages to fit a whole lot of story into a novella. Keva was feisty, Dagen, a true alpha male, but as soon as he realizes Keva is his true mate turns into an overprotective cream puff where she is concerned. That’s the thing with Katie’s men though, you as a reader are always envious of the women they set their hearts, sights and high libidos on!

"You make it hard to breathe…"

"You can’t just say stuff like that… We’re friends."

"...I think we both know that’s not true. We’re more than friends… Or I hope we will be."

Another winner, I pretty much love everything this author releases, but this series is still my favourite, and it makes me happy to know we get another visit to the Petronilla Clan with A Very Dragon Christmas due next month!

"It’s hard to get mad at you when you’re being all logical."

ARC generously provided by the author, in exchange for the above honest review.
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,613 reviews517 followers
October 12, 2018

I loved this one! This story was written in a way that was endearing and heartwarming. Katie Reus delivers another winner in this awesome dragon shifter series.

Dagen Hunter was everything! He was a protective male without being bossy. He was attentive and considerate and he COMMUNICATED very clearly. Wow. He actually shared what he was thinking and what he wanted with the object of his affection. Imagine that, an alpha male who growls and talks too!
"You make it hard to breathe...I don't think you realize what you mean to me Keva."
Keva Sheehan, a jewelry maker, lived in the Conall’s (dragon) territory after surviving an attack by her ex-boyfriend, a wolf shifter. While on business meeting for his alpha Conall, Dagen runs into Keva and immediately scents her as his mate. His dilemma became how to communicate to a skittish human that she was his mate despite her history of being brutalized by a werewolf shifter.

What I loved about the heroine was that she drew strength from her past of being abused. Keva had prepared mentally and physically for how she would react and defend herself if confronted by an attacker. She showed courage in the midst of her fear knowing that shifters are much stronger than humans. Dagen was just so cute and sweet. He showed that a dragon can be an alpha male without dictating or being aggressive. His honesty seemed almost childlike and made the trust develop quickly. He protected his mate and took care of her, and he gave her room to draw her own conclusions. Keva seemed to draw strength from his supportive stance and her confidence grew as the dragons subtly protected her and extended friendship her by letting her know things about their clan. Many of the past characters made appearances and Keva found camaraderie amongst even the most ancient of dragons. This story was cohesive and had a steady flow. It was everything I love about paranormal romances without being overly heavy. One of the best stories I’ve read all year.

*I voluntarily read this advanced reading copy gotten from Netgalley. All opinions are my own honest opinions.
Profile Image for Gi's Spot Reviews.
1,108 reviews1,318 followers
May 15, 2019
5 'His Everything' Stars

DRAGONS! Who doesn't love dragons?! Dragons + Katie Reus' Darkness = PNR PERFECTION!

This little Darkness novellas are so packed full of PNR goodness!
Dagen was such an amazing Alpha male, and even though he messed up a bit with that start, he was without a doubt book boyfriends material because he more than groveled and made up for it. Soon deliciously protective and possessive where Keva was concerned, that it was impossible not to fall for him.
Keva was such a strong character for such a traumatic past, but I just adored how she stood her ground and never gave up her individuality and independency.
The suspense element was just as enticing, in this short format as is in any full length of the series, and just one more reason to make us devour the book in one sitting.
Can't get enough of this series, and Ms. Reus enrapturing writing. Already counting down the days for the next Darkness!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

ARC kindly provided by the author via NetGalley for an honest review
Profile Image for ♥ WishfulMiss ♥ .
1,202 reviews117 followers
October 16, 2018
3.5 stars

There is something so awesome about Dragon Shifters and KR always gives me such amazing characters to root for. Sentinel of Darkness is another 100% safe, HEA read that I went through in one sitting.

When Keva was young and grieving the loss of her family, she met a guy, a shifter, who basically takes advantage of her. By the time she is able to see him for what he truly is, it’s almost too late. Fast forward four years and Keva has built a new life for herself and although she is grateful for how accepting the dragon clan has been to her, she has closed herself off to any romantic entanglements with the supernatural.

When she meets Dagen, she is instantly attracted but also wary. He is almost too perfect to believe and she’s torn between taking a chance or keeping a safe distance.

Dagen on the other hand, doesn’t fight what his dragon instantly recognizes in Keva. She’s their mate and he is already half way in love with her when they first meet. He’s excited and humbled to have found his mate. But Keva isn’t ready to hear his promises of forever, so he sets out to court her.

The slow burn between Keva and Dagen was so sweet and the sizzling tension added just the right amount of spice to their story. I loved that they became friends first and were able to form a genuine bond before things get physical. Their level of communication, understanding and support was unwavering and adorable.

Would I recommend? For safe, sweet, and sexy, Katie Reus is always a must read!

Favorite Moments: I loved how Dagen's dragon was so genuinely happy that he could provide for his mate. The way both the man and the beast basically high fived over the fact that they got to feed Keva was too cute. I really liked that he was sweet and kind of dorky one minute and a total bad ass the next.

* * * ARC provided for an honest review * * *
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Sissy's Romance Book Review .
8,912 reviews16 followers
October 16, 2018
Sentinel of Darkness by Katie Reus is book 8 in the Darkness series. This is the story of Dagen and Keva. I haven't yet read the previous books, so for me this was a standalone book.
Keva is still dealing with the fall out of a abusive relationship will working to rebuild her life. Dagen also has a past with similar pains so their is a kinder spirits there. Keva was a sweet caring women and Dagen was somewhat alpha male protective of Keva. I enjoyed this book a lot and want to read more in this series along with this author.
Profile Image for Leigh.
1,297 reviews297 followers
October 2, 2018
3.5 stars

Sentinel of Darkness is book 8 in the Darkness series. Although it seemed a lot shorter than the others in this series it was still enjoyable. Keva and Dagan are very sweet together. Dagan was actually a lot like Drake, a very protective and sweet male. As always I look forward to more in this series.

***ARC provided by NetGalley***
Profile Image for Kimberley C..
255 reviews11 followers
October 31, 2018
I liked this one, and that is saying something because I very rarely read fantasy of any kind. However, I really like Katie Reus’ writing so I gave it a shot and I’m glad I did. I loved how they met and the sparks just kept getting hotter from there. I will have to check out the rest in the series!
Profile Image for Liz.
1,355 reviews12 followers
October 11, 2018
Sentinel of Darkness was the first book by Katie Reus that I’ve read and, now I’ve found this author, it won’t be the last one. Keva, the heroine has been badly hurt in the past by her ex-boyfriend, a wolf shifter and it was only the intervention of alpha dragon shifter Conall killing her attacker that saved her life. This has left her reluctant to trust her own judgement when it comes to any man let alone another shifter. She’s happy, living her life quietly under the protection of Conall and his clan in their territory. Dagen, the hero, has also been hurt in the past but he knows instantly that Keva is his mate. I loved that he didn’t try to push the whole mate thing well except for growling at any male who spoke to Keva. He was happy to go at Keva’s pace and be her friend if that was all she wanted. Gradually Keva comes to see him for the gentle giant he is. Don’t get me wrong though, he’s no wimp. When the past rears it’s ugly head and Keva is threatened by rogue wolf shifters it isn’t long before he goes all alpha to protect the woman he loves.

I don’t normally read novellas, preferring full length novels where I feel the story can be expanded on in more depth but I honestly didn’t feel that anything was rushed about this book despite its brevity. Another plus for me is that this was book eight in the series so now I can go and read the other books and see how the other characters mentioned in Sentinel of Darkness got together.
Profile Image for Jewlsbookblog.
2,156 reviews72 followers
September 28, 2018
Dragon shifter Dagen’s first face to face meeting with Keva, a human, started out great but went downhill fast when Keva learns the lowballed offers for her store are coming from him. Dagen now has to rectify matters since his dragon points out Keva is their mate. Lucky for him, her troubled past gives him the perfect opportunity to get up close and personal.

Yay for Dragons! Katie Reus writes some of the toughest, cutest, protective, and quirkiest ones I’ve found to date and I adore them! They provided humor and frankness to the storyline I got a kick out of. Dagen was cute and growly, but Keva! She was sassy, stubborn and made him work to convince her to give a relationship another whirl. Good for her!

This was a super quick read with dragon fire incineration-just imagine the enemies that could be vanquished!-romantic sizzle, hysterical characters, and many familiar faces to catch up with. Book 8 in the Darkness series, Sentinel can be read as a stand alone, but I recommend reading the other books in the series to fully appreciate all the characters!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for JoRead.
365 reviews38 followers
October 17, 2018
Sweet, cute novella and as usual by this author, full of romance, sexy heroes, and shifters shenanigans.

Dagen meets Keva in the most imperfect way but the moment he meets her, his dragon knows she is IT for him. The way he protected Keva (and actually all shifters in this series) is sweet and romantic. What I liked the most about the two was how in spite of having both gone through hell (one of them literally) they were still warriors and didn’t shy away from love. I would have loved for this story to be longer and read more about the other members of the pack, and specially that very pregnant shifter. But overall it was an enjoyable read that reminded me how much I like dragon shifters and this series.

I was gifted a copy of this story by the author. This is my opinion and in no way influenced by author or publisher.
771 reviews73 followers
June 18, 2020
There is a lot to love about author Katie Reus’ Darkness series, but the one thing I can’t get enough of is all the sex-on-a-stick dragons to be found. Every time I read a dragon shifter book, it just underscores that you can never, ever, EVER have enough smoking hot, growly, alpha dragons in your book. Yum.

I’m all about stories featuring battered women who not only rise above their pasts, but who go on to positively soar. I love it when a heroine who has hit rock bottom then grows into a strong woman who is perfectly capable of not only fighting her own battles, but winning them. It took Keva several years to fully come into her own inner strength and the new threat terrified her, but she met it head on and I adored her for it.

Degan was everything I expected him to be, but he also had a vulnerability about him due to a horrific past of his own. I found this trait of his endearing as all get out. The instant bond he found with Keva did not translate to insta-love because both were too cautious for that. Still, even though they didn’t act on things immediately, they freaking sizzled together.

What I didn’t enjoy was how anticlimactic the suspense aspect felt when it was resolved, even after another threat surfaced. It ended up feeling too quick and tidy of a resolution, almost forced actually.

I truly enjoyed the time spent with some of my favorite dragons. Arya and her sisters-in-law kept me smiling and the shifter baby shower had me giggling with all its cuteness. Sentinel of Darkness was quick, fun and seriously sexy—how could it not be with such an alphatastic but oh so sweet dragon.

Rating: 4 Growly Dragons Just Do It For Me Stars
Profile Image for Marie Andersson.
Author 13 books115 followers
October 1, 2018
I really enjoyed this novella! <3 I love Dagen!He is hot,sexy and protective!If you enjoy paranormal romance don't miss this one.I recommend you read the other books in this series as well. <3
Katie's books are like comfort blankets for me.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,123 reviews49 followers
October 27, 2018
A paranormal urban fantasy delight!

He was going to make her his…

Sentinel of Darkness is a wonderful novella in Katie Reus’ Darkness collection. It’s a paranormal urban fantasy delight! While the story is told in just under a hundred pages, Katie packs an awesome punch with it with fully-developed characters and a fabulous story line. It truly feels like a full-length novel. I actually meant to just read a couple pages in it one evening before I went to sleep but ended up devouring the whole thing instead. Katie is an amazing author and Sentinel of Darkness is a shining example.

Keva’s a talented artist and a human; Dagen’s a dragon. Years ago, Keva became aware of the existence of dragons when Conall, the Alpha of the Petronilla dragon-shifter clan, saved her from her abusive wolf-shifter boyfriend. Since then, Keva has left that past behind her - living and working in dragon territory under Conall’s protection. But, now, her ex’s family have found her and she’s in mortal danger.

Meanwhile, she and Dagen have met for the first time. Dagen recognizes her right away as his one true mate – but, sadly, not before he firmly lodges his foot in his mouth during their initial meeting. So… major groveling moves to the forefront of his to-do list before he can court her and ask her to be his. Most immediately, he has to protect her from those who want her dead.

Keva is cute, feisty and independent. Dagen is the superb persona of an alpha hyper-protective male but, it’s paired with a bit of insecurity. He is a huge, powerful dragon – chained to his own torturous baggage from the past. I like that while he’s very protective, he’s not paranoid nor does he try to take complete control of Keva’s life. That said, I couldn’t help but chuckle every time Dagen couldn’t suppress his growling when another male talked to Keva. Their chemistry is off-the-charts and they make a perfect couple.

Following please find a few of my favorite lines from Sentinel of Darkness:

“You make it hard to breathe,” he whispered.
She turned to face him and suddenly he was all up in her space, his lips crushing hers. Just like that, another rush of heat spread through her, scorching and all-consuming.
Groaning, he pulled back. “I’m sorry ---“
Keva grabbed his shirt, pulling him right back to her. Hell no. If he was going to start something, she was going to finish it.
“You could never be a weakness,” he growled. Ever. She could only ever be his everything.

Sentinel of Darkness is the eighth installment in Katie’s Darkness series; however, this tale works perfectly well as a stand alone if that is your preference. I love this series and this book is my favorite in the series so far. I laughed, swooned and held on to the edge of my seat. The ending left me with a huge smile. I can’t think of a higher compliment to a book and to an author than to say that I can still feel a warm glow when I think about Sentinel of Darkness days later. Have I mentioned how much I love dragons?

Now, I’m happy dancing at the news that we will be treated to a Christmas story featuring the Petronilla clan entitled A Very Dragon Christmas next month! I can’t wait!
Profile Image for Cassandra.
1,192 reviews108 followers
January 28, 2019
My Thoughts - 5 out of 5 Unicorns - I loved it!!!
***I choose what I read and review based on what intrigues me!! Yes, I received a review copy of this book, but no one tells me what to think, feel, or write about any book! I own this whole series and many other books by Katie Reus!

The cover is mysterious with tatted mystery man!

This is the 8th book in the series, but it is the first book that I’m reading in the series. It is for adults only due to the violence and steamy content. While it is not necessary to read the books in order, I’m pretty sure you will love it even more if you read them in order. I’m going back to start book 1 next as I do own them all!

The story starts with a chase scene which also gives you Keva’s back story and how she came to know Conall. Then it jumps to present day and a meeting she has with Dagen. They get stuck together for a little bit, and then things get bumpy. He knows she is his mate, but she is not looking for a relationship and her past comes back to bite her. Dagen goes into protector mode. This story was awesome, and I couldn’t put it down. It has not hooked me on this series and world. Now I have to go read all the books! I love this crazy mixed paranormal world!

I highly recommend to any paranormal fan who loves shifters, vampires, magic, action, mates, and more!!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,447 reviews81 followers
October 18, 2019
Don't remember even meeting the hero or heroine before. Nice slow burn (hahaha) romance plus some visits of previous peeps.
Profile Image for rosy&#x1fab4;.
249 reviews
October 3, 2022
dnf @ 10%
i know i should stop falling for tiktoks but damn. i wanted porn w/o plot but the writing wasn’t good enough to continue looking for the good parts lol.
Profile Image for Shahla's World.
366 reviews7 followers
October 19, 2018
I love a good paranormal romance and for me dragons are just the icing on the cake. And this book is nearly all dragons.

There is something so awesome about Dragon Shifters and KR always gives me such amazing characters to root for. Sentinel of Darkness is another 100% safe, HEA read that I went through in one sitting.

Checkout the full review: https://shahlas-world.blogspot.com/20...
Profile Image for Alison.
3,380 reviews128 followers
October 5, 2018
I have a love-hate relationship with paranormal romance but I have to conclude that for me novellas are the way to go.

Keva is a human, she was dating a wolf shifter who turned abusive and was only saved from potential death by a dragon shifter. Now years later she is coming under threat from her ex's family.

Dagen is a dragon shifter who has recently moved into the same dragon territory as Keva - as soon as he lays eyes on Keva he knows she is his mate, but their first encounter isn't auspicious.

This is a fun, engaging novella, it might be a tad predictable but then most paranormal romance is. Although this is the eighth book in the series, it can easily be read as a stand-alone, I have only read one of the other books in the series.

Recommended if you want a shifter/ human romance with a protective dragon and a feisty artist.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Treena.
1,343 reviews79 followers
October 3, 2018
What an absolute awesome novella! If you love dragon shifter stories, I can definitely tell you that this is a great one! It read like a full length novel and I never once felt like the story was rushed, abbreviated or abrupt (as novella sometimes make me feel). I totally couldn’t put it down.

Dagen is so sweet and protective. He totally melted my heart. Perfect BBF, I’m telling you guys. Keva is a perfect complement to him as she holds her ground and is a strong woman. Nothing but admiration for her too.

Can’t wait to read the next in this series!

Profile Image for A Klue.
1,503 reviews317 followers
October 15, 2018
If you are on the look-out for a sweet, alpha protective, good guy dragon shifter hero, who falls head over his dragon tail for a sweet heroine who definitely needs protecting from big, bad wolves, well, here you go. Dagen was so dang sexy, yet cute as heck when his fire breathing tongue got tied in knots, folks. It was definitely not just insta-lust, but also love for this handsome dragon once he got a whiff and look of Keva, the heroine. She was “it” for him, no doubt about it.

Keva was super sweet and tried to convince herself she was strong and over the physical abuse she suffered at the hands of an ex-wolf shifter boyfriend. However, I couldn’t help but find her rather naive and a tad bit of a lovable, illogical, knucklehead at times.

Considering what was inevitably lurking in her future, I would have had a panic button within reach at all times linked directly to the dragon clan leader, Conall. Yeah, I know she loved making jewelry, but you sort of have to stay alive to continue to do it, folks. I would have been using that generous offer of ever vigilant protection 24/7.

But, not to worry, my fellow dragon shifter romance loving friends. Dagen does get the job done. Keva also proves she can step up when absolutely necessary.

Dagen’s abuse in the past was quite disturbing, as well. These two had quite a bit in common, and it was great to see them get their HEA.

Romance Safety Gang:

Title: Sentinel of Darkness, Series: Darkness (Book 8), Author: Katie Reus, Pages: 251, stand-alone but part of a series, alpha protective, good guy dragon shifter, sugary sweet heroine, references to former rape, graphic shifter fighting violence, only a few very graphic smexy scenes, HEA, romance safe, no love triangle, no OW/OM drama, non-virgin main couple, no cheating, insta-love on his part, insta-attraction.

Book 1 - Darkness Awakened (Finn & Lyra), Pages: 161, 11/3/13
Book 2 - Taste of Darkness (Drake & Victoria), Pages: 265, 7/24/14
Book 3 - Beyond the Darkness (Keelin & Bran), Pages: 345, 3/10/15
Book 4 - Hunted by Darkness (Nyx & Bo), Pages: 209, 2/9/16
Book 5 - Into the Darkness (Rhea & Conall), Pages: 350, 4/5/16
Book 6 - Saved by Darkness (Ian & Fiona), Pages: 304, 2/21/17
Book 7 - Guardian of Darkness (Gabriel & Vega), Pages: 250, 3/20/18
Book 8 - Sentinel of Darkness (Keva & Dagen), Pages: 251, 10/16/18
Book 9 - A Very Dragon Christmas, Pages: 150, 11/5/18

(I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not given any payment or compensation for this
review, nor is there any affiliation or relationship between this reviewer and the author/publisher/NetGalley)

Profile Image for Adria's Musings.
844 reviews41 followers
October 20, 2018
Originally posted on I Smell Sheep

* A copy of this book was and provided by the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of an honest review. All conclusions are my own responsibility and I was not compensated for this review.

Katie Reus is such an amazing author and Sentinel of Darkness is one of the many reasons why. It feels like an entire novel packed into a mere 30,000 words.

The plot is pretty straightforward: Artist and human Keva has been living in shifter territory for years ever since a dragon shifter saved her from an abusive boyfriend. She’s managed to put her life together as best as she can but soon enough her past comes back to haunt her in the form of her boyfriend’s shifter family and she doesn’t know if she can trust the Dagen, the dragon shifter that has captured her interest. Meanwhile, Dagen knows Keva is his mate and while he didn’t exactly make the best first impression he is determined to win her over and protect her from the enemies that want her dead.

I love it when Reus’ characters have a less than ideal first meeting, and in this case, Dagen really puts his foot in his mouth with Keva but as powerful as he is (Dragon shifter guys!) he isn’t above doing a bit of groveling to get back into her good graces. I love that he isn’t completely confident in his ability to win Keva over, I don’t care for overconfident or arrogant males and Dagen is just the right blend of confidence and humility to make him likable and a hero worth rooting for. And Keva is just one of those heroines that you can’t help but cheer for. She’s a survivor and since the night that she was rescued she has become stronger and more determined to reclaim her life and not let fear rule it. I liked her spirit and her humor too. She made a great partner to Dagen and I loved them as a couple because Dagen never tried to take total control of Keva’s life or hover like a paranoid parent over a child. I really felt that the author balanced out their relationship as best as possible given that Dagen is a dragon shifter and Keva is a human. Overall they just made a great couple.

Sentinel of Darkness is the 8th book in the Darkness series but can totally be read as a stand alone without having previous books spoiled.
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,178 reviews189 followers
October 11, 2018
4.25 stars

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date Octboer 16, 2018

She thought she’d put her past behind her…

Local artist Keva might be human, but she knows about the things that go bump in the night. Years ago, a dragon shifter saved her from certain death. Ever since, she’s lived in his clan’s territory and put her life back together. But the feeling of security is only an illusion, because her past has come back to haunt her. A past with claws and fangs, demanding blood.

He’ll do whatever it takes to defend his mate…

Dagen has finally met his mate—except he insults her the first time they meet. He’s not too proud to grovel to get back into her good graces. But when a threat from her past emerges, he realizes that he’ll do anything to keep her safe. Even if it means dying—or losing her forever.


REVIEW: 4.25 stars-- SENTINEL OF DARKNESS is the eighth novella in Katie Reus’s contemporary, adult DARKNESS paranormal romance series. This is dragon shifter / businessman Dagen, and human / artist Keva Sheehan’s story line. SENTINEL OF DARKNESS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary but I recommend reading the series in order for backstory as this particular series arc focuses on the dragons.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Keva and Dagen) SENTINEL OF DARKNESS follows the building relationship between dragon shifter / businessman Dagen, and human / jewellery artist Keva Sheehan. Four years earlier Keva Sheehan, on the run from her abusive, wolf shifter ex, found solace and safety with the local dragon clan. Fast forward to present day wherein Keva’s past is desperate to uncover the truth about the whereabouts of her missing ex, believing Keva knows what happened and why. Enter dragon shifter Dagen, and the man with whom Keva will fall in love. As the threats against Keva become more personal and physical, Dagen names himself Keva’s person protector with the knowledge that our heroine is Dagen’s fated mate. What ensues is the building romance between Dagen and Keva, and the potential fall-out as Keva is unable to let go of the past, or open her heart to another supernatural lover.

SENTINEL OF DARKNESS brings together several members of the Petronilla Clan of dragon shifters s they pull together to protect one of their own. Dagen knows that Keva is his mate, and offers up his home and protection for the foreseeable future. Keva Sheehan battles memories of the past, and fears her ex-lovers pack are seeking vengeance for their missing brother. Unable to open her heart to the possibility of love, Keva keeps Dagen at a distance, a distance that continues to close as her past quickly closing in .

SENTINEL OF DARKNESS is a quick read; an entertaining and heated story of fated mates, betrayals, retribution and love. The premise is engaging, inviting and spirited; the romance is passionate and spicy; the characters are damaged, colorful and dynamic. Katie Reus adds another wonderful couple to her Darkness Series of shifters, vampires and dragon mates

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Profile Image for April Symes.
5,013 reviews440 followers
October 17, 2018
Darkness book #8 in the series. This book seemed darker , edgier than the other story of Dagen and Keva. Keva is still dealing with the fall out of an abusive relationship & is working to rebuild her life. Dagen also has a past with similar pains so theirs is a kinderd spirits type there. Keva is a sweet , smart and caring woman who is full of sass while Dagen is this intense,alpha protective male. Keva, the heroine has been badly hurt in her past by her ex-boyfriend, a wolf shifter and it was only the intervention of alpha dragon shifter Conall who killed her attacker that ended up saving her life. Due to this, Keva struggles with the past and what may have happened. She lives quietly on Connell's land, not bothering anyone. Just happy to have a place to stay. She’s happy, living her life quietly under the protection of Conall and his clan in their territory. Dagen, the hero, been too been hurt in the past but he knows immediately that Keva is his mate.
I adored that he didn’t try to force the whole mate thing and even was jealous i.e growling at any male who spoke to Keva. Dagen was happy to let Keva take the pace and just be her friend if that was all she was looking for. Finally, Keva comes to see Dagen for the good, gentle man he is. In saying that, he isnt gentle or kind to his enemies. When the past comes up and Keva is threatened by foul rogue wolf shifters, it isn’t long before he goes totally alpha to protect the beautiful woman he loves.

My rating: 4.6 stars *****
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 14 books602 followers
January 2, 2019
Review posted on Got Fiction?

I started this new year off with a DNF (not this book!), so I wanted something to cleanse my palate, so to speak. I'm so glad I picked this one!

This novella is part of Katie Reus' Darkness series, but don't let the fact that it's number 8 in the series put you off. It can absolutely be read as a stand-alone.

Keva has a past with a wolf shifter. A bad past. She'd like to leave him there. But he's more than just a bad memory, and 4 years after settling down in dragon territory, he's coming back to haunt her.

For Dagen, a chance meeting in an elevator has his dragon fighting to force him to claim his mate. But how? She's skittish and he's just accidentally insulted her.

With her past closing in, will she let Dagen help her?

This book was exactly what I needed. I loved Keva, I loved Dagen, and I loved their story. I was so into this one, that I think I'll try to catch up in the series. Being that it was a novella, obviously everything was very fast-paced, but Katie Reus is good at writing novellas, so it felt complete. I've read a few in this series already, and I'd forgotten how much I like this author's paranormal romances. Especially her dragons.

If you'd like a quick, sexy, and dragon-y read, grab this one!

Feel free to rec me any of your favorite dragons in the comments!

***ARC courtesy of the publisher via Netgalley
Displaying 1 - 30 of 143 reviews

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