For many, pest control is something you only consider when you actually have problem pests. Unfortunately, though, that thinking can actually lead to additional pest control problems. Pest control should actually be approached as an on-going program. Wondering why? There are a few reasons. First, pests are often seasonal. While you may be fighting mice in the winter, you could be fighting ants during the summer months. More than that, though, is the fact that pests can reappear. This makes a quarterly pest control maintenance plan a must.

Benefits of Regular Pest Control

One of the main benefits of regular pest control is the fact that you’re reducing health risks for your family members. Common household pests like cockroaches actually transmit a number of different diseases. They can trigger your child’s asthma or even spread digestive problems like gastroenteritis. Bites from fleas can cause severe allergies and trigger skin conditions. All of these things can spell real health problems for your family.

Beyond the concern for your family’s health, though, there are many other benefits of routinely using our services for preventing pests. It can help to protect your home as well. Pests can damage your home more than you ever thought possible. Sure, there are issues like termite damage that can cause real problems, but mice and rats can also have a damaging effect on your home. They can chew through your wiring, damage your walls, and leave grease stains behind everywhere they go. Smaller pests aren’t immune to causing home damage either. Silverfish can eat your wallpaper, chew holes in your upholstery, and even eat through your book collection. All of that can lead to real problems in your home, and it could even lower the value of your home.

The Process

Enlisting our help for quarterly pest control is never a problem. We’ll schedule a time that works for you, then do a careful examination of every point in your house. We’ll look at all of the cracks, crevices, and other common entry points to help make sure you avoid having issues initially. We’ll also look at the inside of your home to make certain there are no signs or symptoms that an invasion is on its way. In the event we do notice a problem, we’ll treat it immediately so you never have to worry about being overrun with pests in the future. It’s a convenient, easy service that can help you keep your home pest-free.

DIY Methods

Think this service isn’t really necessary? Sure, you can head to a local big box hardware store and buy as many sprays, killers, and traps as you think necessary, but the reality is that you’re probably doing more harm than good. The best pest control methods don’t come off the shelf of your local hardware store. Using our services can help ensure you don’t ever have to deal with the problem, no matter how big it is, and it keeps your family from encountering potentially harmful solutions that they should never have to see. Our professional, experienced team members can treat only the problems you really have and ensure those issues aren’t an ongoing threat to your home or family.

Ready to enroll in our pest control maintenance plan? Contact us today to learn more.