Man's address used in free toy Craigslist ad, donates toys

Published: Nov. 21, 2018 at 10:49 PM CST
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A ring at the doorbell for one Omaha man Wednesday morning was unlike any other. It was two women asking for free toys.

Mike Clemente told 6 News he was preparing to go to work when his doorbell rang. The two women standing in the doorway asked to pick up free toys they thought he posted in a Craigslist ad.

Clemente thought the women had the wrong address, but they pulled up a text with his correct address on it.

“Once I told them that I wasn't in charge of that ad, the look on their face was just depressing,” Clemente said.

Clemente looked up the Craigslist ad, searched the phone number listed on it and discovered the number was for a man he was no longer friends with. It was then, too, he found out the women had rushed to his house no more than 30 minutes after the ad was posted.

6 News called the number on the ad. No one answered, but a text was immediately sent back asking to call back later.

"This is really messed up to do to somebody right before Christmas, especially for families that are poverty stricken and stuff like that,” Clemente said.

However, Clemente said his heart broke watching the women’s expression drop, describing their actions as though they seemed embarrassed.

He kept the women’s information, and he contacted them, telling them to come back at a later time.

“It just dawned on me on the way to work, 'You guys can come back and grab what you want out of the garage because we're not going to use it,’” Clemente said. “’We're going through stuff we don't need. You're more than welcome to come get it.’”

Clemente had just a few toys in his garage, but after he posted about the situation on Craigslist, his friends stepped up in support.

Many told Clemente they had extra toys of their own they wanted to give to the two grandmother and mother who showed up at Clemente’s front door.

After work Wednesday, Clemente collected toys and about $500 from friends and even local businesses. He plans on using the money to buy the family food for Thanksgiving and even more toys.

"I was going to go out tonight and make a loop and grab all the stuff and surprise them tomorrow basically,” Clemente said.

Clemente told 6 News he is proud and overwhelmed by the support from his friends.

He said he has plenty of toys for the two women who greeted him Wednesday, so he is now asking people to donate to local charities like Catholic Social Services, Open Door Mission and several others throughout town.

Clemente is also planning on putting up a donation jar at RPM Motorsports and Twins Auto.