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Say Yes

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Two strangers.
Two words.
One unforgettable summer.

When you’re an artist, everything has to be perfect.

Or so I thought, until my professor told me my perfection was boring and unoriginal. Studying abroad in Florence has taught me one thing: I know nothing when it comes to what makes art truly beautiful.

So, with my professor's words in my ear, I step outside one evening and decide to say yes to any and everything I’m faced with until the sun rises.

Of course, I didn’t expect him to show up.

Liam Benson, the broody, sexy, tortured artist from my class who I can’t stand. He’s got a sour outlook on the world and an ego so big no one could properly stroke it to his satisfaction.

When he finds out what I’m doing, he hijacks my “yes” night.
And after just twelve hours with him, I’m desperate for more.

But Liam is running from more than I could ever understand, and with his heart guarded and mind made up about life, I don’t stand a chance.

I convince myself that we can keep it casual.
But walking away from him at the end of the summer is as impossible as painting outside the lines.

I used to think when you’re an artist, everything has to be perfect.

Turns out everything has to be painful, and messy, and fleeting.

If only I’d known that before I fell under Liam Benson’s spell.

317 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2021

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About the author

Kandi Steiner is a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author and whiskey connoisseur living in Tennessee. Best known for writing “emotional rollercoaster” stories, she loves bringing flawed characters to life and writing about real, raw romance — in all its forms. No two Kandi Steiner books are the same, and if you’re a lover of angsty, emotional, and inspirational reads, she’s your gal.

An alumna of the University of Central Florida, Kandi graduated with a double major in Creative Writing and Advertising/PR with a minor in Women’s Studies. Her love for writing started at the ripe age of 10, and in 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.”

She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic, and likes to highlight all the challenges of love as well as the triumphs.

When Kandi isn’t writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, planning her next adventure, or pole dancing (yes, you read that right). She enjoys live music, traveling, hiking, yoga, playing with her fur babies and soaking up the sweetness of life.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 443 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,145 reviews34.8k followers
June 23, 2021
4 stars

“Everyone thinks if they achieve this or that, then they’ll be happy. Then they can start living. But what they fail to see is that this is it.” He bent down and thumped the ground before raising both hands up to the sky. “This is life. It’s happening right now. And if you don’t stop and soak it in, you’ll miss it.”

I love Kandi Steiner's books and when I heard she was writing one that took place in the 90's I was so here for it. I mean, seriously... can we get more of these? Say Yes is a beautiful romance that takes place in Italy. It had just the right amount of emotion and angst. I enjoyed it so much!

Harley Chambers is serious about her art and is a bit of a perfectionist about it. While studying abroad in Florence, her professor makes her think about not just the tequnique of her pieces, but the feeling attached to them. Here enters Liam Benson. Liam is less about the perfect tequnique and all about letting loose and feeling.

Harley decides to have a night where she says yes. Yes to anything and everything and lives a little. And who does she happen to run into this night? None other than Liam. I absolutely adored Liam and Harley's 'Yes' night. It was probably my favorite part of the entire book. You could feel the sparks and the chemistry between them.

This book is about living life to the fullest and in the moment. Harley was such a strong character who had dealt with adversaries her whole life. This experience helps her to overcome those. And Liam. I love those beautifully broken characters and that is Liam. He needed Harley just as much as she needed him, maybe even more.

If you're looking for a stunning and emotional romance that is also a lot of fun and will keep you grinning, pick up Say Yes!

“You made me want again. You made me laugh again. You made me hope and desire and care.” He swallowed. “You make life worth living.”

Profile Image for Kandi Steiner.
Author 79 books12.7k followers
June 27, 2021
NOW LIVE and in Kindle Unlimited!
READ NOW: amzn.to/2T7poJy

And now, a Goodreads exclusive sneak peek inside!

I smiled at the sight of the white paint against the deep blue of the river, and as I did, a tingle spread down my spine.

I could sense someone’s eyes on me.

I glanced up and to my left, but no one was looking at me. A glance to the right confirmed the same. But when I cast my gaze across the small room, I found a pair of dark eyes under thick lashes watching me from behind a canvas I could only see the back of.

It was a boy, though I supposed calling him a boy was somewhat silly, considering he was easily the oldest in the class. I couldn’t be sure of his exact age, but I knew he was closer to thirty than he was to twenty, and that just one look into his eyes confirmed he’d lived more life than I had.

I’d seen him last night, coming into the classroom as I was leaving it. He’d sat down at a blank canvas and I remembered shaking my head at the procrastination.

An entire oil painting in one night?

Even if he did wet on wet, there was no way the professor wouldn’t be able to spot that it was a last minute painting.

A closer look told me he likely hadn’t slept at all, and though I couldn’t remember what he’d been wearing last night, I was almost sure it was the same black Pearl Jam t-shirt he wore now.

He had dark, hickory brown hair, lush and unruly and an inch too long by my mother’s standards. A scruffy beard of the same color peppered his jaw and upper lip, scraggly and unkept, and again I could hear my mom’s voice in my head making a comment under her breath that he should trim it.

I kind of liked it, though.

I kind of liked the way it made him look older than he was, but how the boyish gleam in his eyes gave him away. I kind of liked that he looked grumpy but curious all at once.

I kind of liked the way he didn’t look away when I caught him staring, and how one corner of his lips ticked up just a notch when I didn’t look away, either.
Profile Image for ApoorvaReads.
505 reviews367 followers
June 16, 2021
4.75 stars ⭐️

“And what of love, then? Where does she fall in all of this?” he asked. “She doesn’t fall at all,” I answered quickly. “She stands. Strong. Confident. Eluding the cowards too weak to wreck her, and waiting patiently for those brave enough to receive her.”

Miss Kandi does it again y’all. She did it again. The thing I probably love the most about Kandi’s writing is first of all the emotions it provokes like when the characters are happy-you can feel their happiness and when they’re going through heartbreak-you feel their pain which is one of the best things a reader can experience. The second thing which I love about Kandi’s writing is how it evolves. Her books keep on becoming better and I’m here for it. You can clearly see her growing and I loved her writing in this book so much.

“Perfect is the last thing I want in a daughter or wife or the mother of my child. And it’s the last thing I wish for you. Because you, Harley Chambers, are so goddamn beautiful and smart and charming and funny and stubborn and maddening, that it would be a shame — no, a crime — for perfection to take all that away.”

Harley Chambers,22, is one of my top fav h I’ve read till now. I personally have never read about a character with symbrachydactyly and I personally loved the uniqueness of it. I felt so much for her and what I probably loved the most about her character was her willingness to be better- not for anyone else but for herself. I can’t even think of going what she went through. Her whole life she’s been known as the “girl with the hand” and not by the things she likes or who she is. I felt for her. I understood her strive to be perfect.I understood her. She just wanted people to know that she could do anything in her life is she tried.
I loved her character development. I loved how she went from “i have to be perfect” to “i love how and who I am” and “ i will embrace my disability”.
Words cant express how much I loved her character and her growth.

“I climbed into his lap, straddling him, pressing my lips to his, and winding my hands up into his hair as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. All I wanted was to soak up his sadness, to replace it with the love he insisted didn’t exist. What a treacherous game to play.”

Liam Benson, 28, makes me wanna go and hug him so tight and take away all his sorrows and pain and make him realise how much he matters. Liam is another reminder of how I love tortured heroes with a tragic past. Its not because they’ve been through hard stuff it’s because they’re still here. Liam has been through so much but I loved how he overcame everything- his fears, his past in the end and decided to look at the bright side of what he had. I loved how he was with Harley and how he loved her for everything she was and accepted her with everything.

“There is a storm of emotion inside each of us,” I whispered. “So many reasons to be sad, to be angry, to feel cheated. So many experiences that have rubbed us raw, broken us down, and begged us to believe their insistence that life is nothing but a miserable prison we are forced to endure. But we mustn’t forget we have a choice,” I continued. “We can surrender to those thoughts, those reasons, those dark clouds… or,” I countered. “We can take the lessons they offer us, and we can choose to find gratitude for experiencing them, for having felt such a terrible grief that we come to appreciate joy for the truly magnificent emotion that it is.”

Overall, I loved how kandi was able to make me realise that we’re perfect the way we are, how we should accept our flaws and how they don’t make us any different but unique. Kandi does a wonderful job and this is probably gonna be my top fav book by her.

“Liam, look,” I said breathlessly on a smile, pointing behind him. “Fireworks.” But when I looked back at him, his eyes were locked on me, and he shook his head, sliding his hand back into my hair to tug me close again. “I think I’d rather make our own.”

I loved the relationship between Liam and Harley and how they helped each other grow. I personally felt something was missing and wish the book was a little bit longer cause I didn’t want to say bye to the the characters:( Anyways, I loved the uniqueness of the book and the writing style of Kandi. She always comes back with a bang and I can’t wait to see what she writes next!

“I instantly wanted my brushes and a blank canvas. I wanted to paint every bright, brilliant color Liam Benson made me see.”

***ARC provided in exchange for honest review.***
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,365 reviews9,535 followers
June 18, 2021
2e0pm6g 90ca45e7e7c6ddfa7f3d6d91a5f154bd-1-3-1
'SAY YES' Is a full length stand-alone romance novel by Kandi Steiner. In this you'll meet Harley Chambers & Liam Benson. With a backdrop of Italy in the 90's

This is probably my favourite cover of the year so far!! It all started with saying yes, yes to new experiences, yes to living. This was such a sweet, slow burn romance with a unique endearing heroine, you couldn't help but connect with her character.

He was the boy who came with baggage, who ran away when things changed within a blink of an eye. She was the girl who strived for perfection, even when she was perfectly imperfect herself. These two were as opposite of the other as possible but suited each other to a T.

Twenty-two year old Harley, was born with a rare defect, a medical term called symbrachydactyly where her right hand didn't develop fully, leaving her middle fingers stump like in appearance. But she has an uncanny gift when it comes to painting, all her life from the vast awards for art she's won, she's been known for the 'girl with the hand.' To hone her creativity she's in Italy/Florence for three months to study art.

Failing to move her professor with her last two assignments he offers her some much needed advice.

'𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞.
𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭.'

Herein lies her answer, she decides to throw out the word no and throw in the word 'Yes' for only one night. It's this very night where she encounters Liam outside of class.


They only have the summer. Even though they try and fight their attraction they just gravitate towards each other so effortlessly. They say people come into our life for a reason and there's a reason why these two were destined to meet. He helps her through her insecurities and she helps him through his past mistakes.

Twenty-eight year old Liam Benson attends the same art class as Harley, he's broody and handsome and is cruising through life without a destination in mind, a broken hero with an emotional tragic past he tries to run from. Demons which chase him relentlessly.

Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
680 reviews1,395 followers
July 10, 2021
3.5 stars

"You're so focused on getting everything right - the lighting, the shade, the edges, the blends. You should have seen the wrinkles between your eyes, and the way your shoulders were tied up to your ears while you painted this past hour." He shook his head. "What if you looked at it a different way? What if you gave yourself permission to not have to get it right the first time, but to simply play? What if instead of intense focus, you laughed and drank wine while you painted, and you didn't get get frustrated at the first misstep, but instead took it as a cue to go to a different direction, to flow with your creativity instead of trying to wrangle it?"

this was my second Kandi Steiner book and i've come to the conclusion that A Love Letter to Whiskey will (most likely) remain top tier for me. 🤪 there was something so well written about the heartbreak, angst and pain in ALLTW - which i personally needed more of in Say Yes.

what i liked:
Harley (h). she was one of my favorite parts of this book. i loved how she didn't let her birth defect (symbrachydactyly) stop her from staying true to herself. yeah, she still had her insecurities but it's a normal human feeling to have and i love a mix of strong yet vulnerable in my heroines, aka Harley.
Angela (Harley's best friend). tbh i think i loved the friendship more than the romance itself, but i adore Angela for always being there for Harley, whether it's just giving her a simple advice or listening to her problems. i'd totally be down for Angela's romance with her professor. 👀
the writing. the poetic tone in this book was chefs kiss and the writing was beautiful, it definitely helps that the characters are artists so it brought the emotions and feelings written to life.

meh, could have been better:
Liam's (H) development. i had a love/frustration relationship with this man. i liked him at times, but i wanted to kick his ass other times. his backstory was heartbreaking and i felt for his pain, but
the romance. it hurts me to say this because romance is always my main thing in books, but it honestly lacked for me. i think it's because Liam was still at the point in his life where he never got closure from the incident so he was stuck between the person he used to be vs the person he turned into, so i felt more of Harley's love for him rather than his for her. i liked the romance towards the end, but isn't the purpose of stories for the journey?

i'd recommend giving this a shot if you're a fan of Kandi Steiner or if the blurb catches your interest because your thoughts could be different from mine but i think, overall, i just wanted more from the romance, from Liam and the story itself.
Profile Image for Corinne [semi-hiatus].
530 reviews104 followers
December 23, 2021
4.5 "say yes to really living" stars

Beautiful in a simple, quiet way, this story sneaked into my mind and my heart. There are so many beautiful quotes about life's true beauty, joy, heartbreak and finding the courage to really live your life. It read more like a coming of age story, living through your first love and heartbreak and I liked it all the more for it.

"Say Yes" is set in 1996 and follows the story of the main characters Harley (h) and Liam (H).
Harley is a 22 year old painter, born with a disability, an under-developed right hand. All her life she has battled with the guilt and shame that came with her disability and the need to be perfect in every way. The story is told solely from her POV.
Harley meets 28 year old Liam in Florence, both of them attending the same art program. Liam is cold, brooding and no longer believes in love.
Harley struggles with her need for perfection, especially when her art professor critiques her paintings for not expressing emotion and suggests she should live more.

“You need to get out and live in order to understand the emotions you’re trying to create. Let go of this desire to be perfect.”

She decides to spend a night saying yes to new experiences. During that night, she meets Liam in a shop and he decides to help her.

"You’re not perfect,” he continued. “You’re far from it. But you know what else? Perfect is boring. Perfect is safe. Perfect is stress and anxiety and pretending like you have some sort of control over life, when the truth is, none of us do.”

They have fun and open up to each other about their troubled past (queue in some "Before Sunrise" vibes) and start a casual friends with benefits relationship over the summer that has the potential to break them both.

“I have experienced heartbreak like never before in my life these last few weeks,” I explained. “But I have also come to deeply understand what gratitude feels like. I have felt hope and despair in equal measure.”

I appreciated that there is more to this story that the romance itself. I liked Harley, I could relate to her struggles and was rooting for her to grow up. Liam's character was not well developed but this was not his story. I would have liked to witness a bit more of his own struggles instead of being told about them but I appreciated that the angst and steam were mild in this book.
The setting in romantic Florence in 1996 was a great idea. The passages about the city and its inhabitants are described from an artist's point of view, very evocative and special.
As with her other books, Kandi Steiner's writing style is elegant, gripping and well balanced. All the characters feel real, like they could be your friend or neighbor.
Last but not least, there is a powerful message of hope in the book.
It is a story worth-reading in my opinion!

***ARC generously provided by author in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,184 reviews934 followers
September 18, 2021

I am bit shocked myself. I recently enjoyed The Right Player and when I picked up Say Yes, it feels like written by different author.

In Say Yes, Miss Steiner based the inspiration from art. Especially paintings. What I can not connect is the writing style. It is just.... too dreamy. Sorry my vocab is limited but that is the best I can describe this book.

Anyway.... moving on...

2 stars
Profile Image for Staci Hart.
Author 52 books6,190 followers
June 24, 2021
As a 90s girl myself, I had so much appreciation for this novel. As a lover of art (and Italy), I fell even more in love. This novel has it all--challenge and triumph, love and pain, fear and belonging. I was swept away, and you will be too.
Profile Image for Brooke — brooklynnnnereads.
1,101 reviews259 followers
June 24, 2021
For a summer read, this book hits the jackpot in setting and storyline. There’s always something special about reading a summer romance in the midst of summer but it’s made even more special by this story being a summer romance set in Italy in the nineties.

When it came to the novel being set in the nineties, there is smaller hints and influences mentioned in the story but as someone who’s majorly nostalgic about the nineties, I would have been happier with that timeframe being mentioned more and having a larger role in the story.

One of my favourite parts of his novel is that it has complex main characters. I really like complex characters because I think it’s an accurate representation of real life. Yes, people may not have endured each of these character’s specific experiences, but life is hard in the midst of being beautiful and these characters were examples of having to live through that.

I really enjoyed how the main female character went through her own journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance when it came to her disability (symbrachydactyly) and I would be interested to see how members of that community felt the representation was portrayed in this novel.

I did like this story and the journey that both of these characters went through. I could see how readers may potentially villainize Liam but I actually really liked the complexity and darkness of his character as it was understandable.

I will say that for the majority of this novel, this book and the characters read more like YA (Young Adult) to me. Although I do like that genre, I expected more maturity in this story and the characters in this novel but it definitely leaned more towards YA than New Adult.

***Thank you to Valentine PR as well as the author Kandi Steiner for sending me this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,535 followers
Shelved as 'nope'
July 10, 2021
Initially, I wanted to read this book but all kinds of disability make me too sad so I'll pass...
Profile Image for Sammie Reads.
919 reviews139 followers
August 30, 2022
I really liked the concept of this book, but there was just something missing for me. Or maybe it was too filled with a crying and up and down and flowery emotions. Harley is studying abroad for the summer in Tuscany after getting dual degrees in accounting and art. She has symbrachydactyly, which means that her right hand has two fully formed digits and three mostly unformed digits. Despite feeling less than her whole life, she doesn’t let her small hand detract from her art. Quite the opposite!

She meets Liam in class and is immediately jealous that his art is praised, while hers is regarded as too polished and safe. One night she decides that she’s been playing life too safe, so she wants to go out and experience Florence and just say yes to new experiences and foods and whatever life throws at her. Turns out, life throws Liam at her, and she’s hopeless to dodge him. He has a tragic past that he tells her about that night, hoping she will see why he is so emotionally unavailable.

I really liked the representation in this book, with her best friend being black and gay, and with Harley herself. I really liked Liam and Harley’s chemistry, and while I understood why Liam held himself back and why Harley felt less than, I really wanted to shake them both. Hard. They got there in the end, but not until after lots of hot and cold and overly sensitive emotions! I liked it, and I loved their ending.
Profile Image for Tia Louise.
Author 67 books6,810 followers
June 24, 2021
Just say YES to this gorgeous, angsty romance set in Italy. The 90s setting is SO FUN--it's the PERFECT summer read! I couldn't put it down. Don't miss this one!
Profile Image for M..
507 reviews715 followers
July 2, 2021
Time has made me realize that if I want a book with a truckload of angst and some push and pull, then Kandi Steiner is the author I have to go to!

Harley Chambers has always been the perfect one for the sake of her parents, trying to give them something that she thinks she took from them. But now she's in Florence, basically living her dream of being an artist for the summer and trying to figure out if that's really her calling, but after failing her first assignments, she realized she needed to let things go and live a little, and who better to help her with this task than Liam Benson, the procrastinator artist who dazzles everyone with his almost late deliveries?

I think one word to describe this book would be "unique". The first reason would be the main characters being completely opposite, but also being everything they needed in their lives that summer, meeting at the right time almost like fate. Then there is the setting, this book is not only located in Florence, Italy, but also in 1996, giving a whole new vibe to this story, keeping me trapped from the beginning. The plot was predictable at times but I enjoyed it anyway, the main characters and their explosive romance made me feel it all.

Overall, this book was about the romance between the two main characters, but it also left some lessons for me about living, letting go, and hoping for the best while you're at it.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
868 reviews1,526 followers
June 24, 2021
Harley is an artist studying abroad in Italy. Her mission is absolute perfection with her art, an effort to prove herself to her parents and herself. Born with a hand not fully developed she feels like she must excel at her art to make up for what she sees as a big failure in who she is.

When her professor tells her she has technical skills but no soul to her art she sets out on a "say yes" night where she has to say yes to every opportunity that comes her way. Liam, a student from her class, meets her that night and they start on a journey of letting themselves feel and heal from the traumas in their past.

This book was really so lovely. A very quiet, character driven story about what haunts our past and how we can move on from them. I loved the message of life being about joy and despair going hand in hand as we go through life and that one without the other wouldn't bring us ultimate happiness or sorrow.

I loved the slow build of Liam and Harley's relationship and the side characters were so fun as well. But what really made this book shine was the setting. Such a beautiful, descriptive setting perfect for a summer romance.

My only complaint is I wish there had been more development in the romance rather than so much focus on Harley's personal journey.

Thank you Valentine PR and Kandi for the ARC, this was a beautiful and unique romance!
Profile Image for ♥ℳelody.
679 reviews731 followers
November 21, 2023
Extra points for nostalgia. The story is set in 1996 with an artist heroine trying to find herself while studying in Italy for the summer. Loved all the references to technology back then through emails, the 90's fashion, the music and just world events at the time. Ugh that was my era! But the writing was a little too flowery, dreamy and idealistic for me. Like (and this is completely just my own experience) I don't know any painter or artist who refers to themselves as a "prodigy" and their skill as "mesmerizing" especially one so young who is just starting off. Artists are their own toughest critics and never completely satisfied with their work. The heroine Harley at times sounded much older than her 22 years in how she viewed the world and talked about things. Her passionate monologues about life, love, politics and her art felt a bit much at times and took itself too seriously. If anything it really felt like the author's own personal mature voice and world views was bleeding through. This felt like someone stereotyping the "tortured artist" persona with no personal experience on the subject. At times it was too much and gave off special snowflake vibes. I mean who gets emotional over the Summer Olympics? lol

Also, why was anyone who was in their 30's described as having wrinkles?? Like oh you can tell this person is in their 30's cause they got crinkles around their eyes? 😶 Is Ms. Steiner truly serious with that? 😅🥴
Profile Image for karie.
278 reviews428 followers
August 13, 2022
OMG THIS WAS SO GOOD 😭😭 i knew i was going to love it based on the premise alone but it was truly such a beautiful story. i loved the setting first of all. it takes place in italy and the way kandi steiner writes is so descriptive, i felt like i was there. it was so beautiful. i love that they were both artists. i love reading about creative people. i loved the characters and how complex they were. i loved everything about this <3 ☀️🎨🍝🍷💫
Profile Image for Manoela.
1,178 reviews26 followers
June 24, 2021
4.5 Stars

I really like this author's books because I think she always inserts topics in her books that end up having an impact on readers, and this one was no different.

Here we have the story of Harley and Liam, both characters who are struggling with their demons and insecurities and who, by crossing each other's path, end up letting their attraction speak louder and making the promise of a summer together in Italy. But as we know, nothing is that simple, so we see these characters navigating their relationship as their feelings evolve and we see them even without knowing how to help each other in the Process.

Liam is a character that I liked from the beginning, he is a character who is running away from his past and when Harley enters his life we ​​see them falling in love even if they don't want to. But the star of the book for me was Harley, I think one of the sweetest things about the book was seeing the personal growth she had throughout the story. I loved seeing her with Liam's help putting her insecurities aside and allowing herself to live and stop pursuing perfection. Her story and her insecurities hit a little closer to home so I was able to understand her fears and questions during the book.

The natural and real way the author deals with the characters' conflicts makes them seem real while I found it refreshing and happy that she didn't let the anguish take over her story. The story was enjoyable to read from beginning to end. It's a bonus that this book was set in Italy, and art so it was delightful to be able to travel through reading

Say Yes brings a sweet romance, but for me the book, despite not bringing an innovative story, brings a story about love, family, acceptance and forgiveness
Eu gosto muito dos livros dessa autora porque eu acho que ela sempre insere em seus livros tópicos que acabam tem um impacto aos leitores, e nesse não foi diferente.

Aqui temos a história de Harley e Liam, ambos personagens que estão lutando com seus demônios e inseguranças e que ao cruzarem o caminho um do outro acabam deixando a atração deles falar mais alto e fazendo a promessa de um verão juntos na Itália. Mas como sabemos nada é tão simples assim, então vemos esses personagens navegando no relacionamento deles, ao longo que os sentimentos vão evoluindo e vemos eles mesmo sem saberem ajudar um ao outro no Processo.

Liam é um personagem que eu gostei desde o início , ele é um personagem que está fugindo de seu passado e ao Harley entrar em sua vida vemos eles se apaixonando mesmo não querendo. Mas a estrela do livro pra mim foi Harley, eu acho que uma das coisas mais doce do livro foi ver o crescimento pessoal que ela teve durante a história. Amei ver ela com a ajuda de Liam deixando suas inseguranças de lado e se permitindo viver e deixar de buscar a perfeição. A história dela e suas inseguranças bateram um pouco perto de casa por isso eu consegui entender seus receios e questionamentos durante o livro .

A forma natural e real que a autora lida com os conflitos da personagens faz os parecer real ao mesmo tempo que achei refrescante e feliz que ela não deixou a angústia tomar conta da sua história . A história foi agradável de ler do começo ao fim . É um bônus é que esse livro teve como cenário a Itália, e a arte então foi delicioso poder viajar através da leitura

Say Yes traz um romance doce, mas pra mim o livro apesar de não trazer uma história inovadora traz uma história que trata sobre amor, família, aceitação e perdão.

I Received an unreleased copy of this book
Profile Image for Shelby.
1,142 reviews708 followers
June 26, 2021
22-year old Harley Chambers goes to Italy for the summer to study art. She’s hoping to finally get her answers—is Harley bound to be an artist or end up an accountant like her parents want? She’s always been known as the girl with the disability, but she wants to stand in her own worth outside of that. On her first day of class, her professor calls her painting predictable. And that’s how she meets Liam Benson. He sat by and saw the professor’s critique of her work, all with a smirk on his face.

Harley knows she needs to think outside the box to hone in her artistic inspiration, so she decides to have a night of saying yes to everything & everyone. And by a stroke of fate, she runs into Liam and they have one night of pure adventure and lust, which turns into them agreeing to a summer of hooking up, as long as neither of them develop feelings. No string attached should be easy enough, right?

Only things don’t go to plan and by the end of the summer, Harley is asking herself was any of it even worth it.

Say Yes by Kandi Steiner is both an emotional romance, but also full of growth & inspiration. I loved its 1990s settings and didn’t feel that aspect was overdone; it was just right. My heart went out to Harley and her struggles with her worth and her raw emotions had me tearing up on several occasions. While Liam drove me batty at times, he was adamant about Harley seeing what he sees in her. I loved seeing Harley’s growth and Liam also overcome his past trauma. Kandi is such a talented writer and it definitely shows here. 4.5/5 stars.
Profile Image for Jenny Lovez Bookz.
556 reviews132 followers
June 26, 2021
I love Kandi Steiner and her writing is always great, this story was just ok though. I didn't love it, not very memorable. Liam was dealing with a tragedy from his past and hadn't properly moved on from that and Harley came across as needy to me. She had borderline crazy ex-girlfriend tendencies at times 😬, really not a good look for her. I also wasn't convinced when it came to their connection being love.
Profile Image for WhittyReads.
451 reviews7 followers
July 20, 2021
Summer romance
Age Gap
Damaged Hero

Kandi Steiner delivers in this beautiful, angsty, and emotional summer romance

This story follows Harley an artist who is studying abroad in Florence, Italy for the summer. Harley is a perfectionist especially when it comes to her art, but when the professor calls her painting predictable she knows she needs to make some changes. One evening, she decides to say yes to everything and on this night she meet Liam Benson. He is the sexy and tortured artists who is in Harley's class. After spending the night together she wants more, but Liam is extremely guarded and has gone through so much in his past.

I adored this story the chemistry between Harley and Liam, especially on their yes night was absolutely amazing. Harley experiences so much character development and growth. She is such a strong character that feels that she has to be perfect to compensate for her disability, but we see her conquer this which was so heartwarming. Liam is such a tortured soul and it broke my heart. My favorite part of this book was seeing him and Harley helping one another to heal from their past and overcome their challenges.

This is such a beautifully written story about healing, moving on, and experiencing the beautiful and joyous moments in life. I also loved the 90's vibes, the setting of the story was beautiful, and the side characters were a lot of fun.


I received this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nana .
1,201 reviews36 followers
September 27, 2021
Me gusto el escenario y tambien todo el tema del arte, pero los personajes asi como su romance, lo senti muy plano y en momentos molesto, por ejemplo ese en el que la heroina es la que plantea tener una aventura todo el verano con el Heroe, y sabiendo que eso, como quiera se enamora, me disgusta por ella fue la de la idea, y luego todo pasa muy rapido y se enamora y anda ahí toda de sufrida y dramatica porque piensa que el chico no siente lo mismo por ella, cuando el bien claro le dijo lo que esperara de el, por supuesto que como todo romance con este cliche, el tambien se enamora de ella, solo que tarda mas en reconocerlo, y despues al final lo perdonamuy rapido lo que tambien me disgusto.
June 25, 2021
Say Yes by Kandi Steiner

90s life in Italy, I say hell yes to that. When I read the blurb for this book it sound like something so fun. In life we often have plans and not often take the time to just live and that’s what this book is about. Just living!

Harley and Liam captivated me. Harley is a painter and was born with a rare disability. She deals with guilt and shame because of her disability. She also often doubts herself. When Harley meets Liam she is not a fan of his personality. His loose and carefree way to his art drives her crazy because she’s lived a life where everything has to be perfection. One nights she decides she will “Say Yes.” Running into Liam on this night they start a temporary summer fling.

This book was fun. I wish it was dual POV. But Harley totally helped me understand her struggles and problems with her disability. I liked seeing the growth of herself through her eyes. Truly enjoyed this summer read. Her relationship with her roommate was also a favorite of mine. Overall the chemistry between Liam and Harley was one I simply couldn’t get enough of.

- Broken Hero
- Summer love
- Disability rep
- Different worlds
4.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

Thank you to Valentine PR and Kandi Steiner for arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chrissy Busick.
756 reviews43 followers
June 18, 2021
"I don't believe in love or hate or good luck or bad luck or mistakes, and I most certainly don't believe in perfection. Because life is just that-life. It's hard most days. Some days, it's okay. And in the end, you only have this very moment."-Liam Benson, Say Yes by Kandi Steiner

This is one of those books that will leave you with a hangover. While I could have, and would have loved to have devoured it in a day, I am also glad I read it at a slow leisurely pace, allowing myself time to fully digest all of the emotions this book will evoke.

I truly loved the nostalgic feeling this book gave me. I may have been just getting ready to start high school in the summer of 1996, and have never been to Italy, but there were still so many wonderful memories of that time brought back to me with this book. Worrying about long distance calls, disposable cameras, the bombing of the Olympics in Atlanta (ok, that one might not have been a wonderful memory but it helps make my point).

These characters, oh these characters...... Harley with her drive to be perfect, Liam with his no commitment attitude. Complete opposites, yet finding each other at a particular place in time and needing something from the other.

This book is full of so many emotions. So much angst. Harley with her minor physical disability. Liam feeling lost and afraid of loving. This book in my new favorite from Kandi Steiner.
Profile Image for Nadine Booklover.
831 reviews118 followers
June 23, 2021
Kandi Steiner is one of my very few automatically one-click authors because I know I can never go wrong with one of her stories. Always unique, always heartwarming, always capturing my heart in a beat.

Say Yes is no different. I absolutely adore the set-up in the 90s, in beautiful Italy. Transporting summer vibes combined with romantic feelings. And again Kandi Steiner manages to deliver a story that will leave you speechless. A book, there is so much to take away from, with wisdom and inspiration within its pages.

Kandi Steiner has an amazing talent creating inspirational characters. Characters that touch your heart and soul. Liam and Harley will take you on a memorable journey of their growing love, filled with some interesting twists.

Not loving this book, this story, these characters is simply not possible. Brilliant read!
Profile Image for Camila Matuella.
582 reviews
June 26, 2021
Say yes é *suspiro*...
Parece algo nostálgico, aquela história de verão do passado , onde não tinha internet e celulares (e as pessoas realmente conversam umas com as outras em vez de terem esses acessórias que tanto nos roubam ...). Eu peguei esse livro com uma certa expectativa, eu amo essa autora , ela escreve sobre assuntos delicados de uma maneira tão suave e ao mesmo tempo que é complicada é simples (será que fez sentindo?). Essa história não me decepcionou eu fiquei encantada com Liam e Harley e o que eles são , e a arte que tem nesse livro e tudo sinceramente.
Say yes é *suspiros*...
July 14, 2021
4 ⭐'s

I always enjoy Kandi Steiner's books and this one was no exception.

Liam and Harley meet overseas in Florence, Italy in a summer art school program. They are both really good painters but both have a lot to learn.

Right from the start, you can tell Liam is a "hot" mess but clearly no one really cares and he takes advantage of that.

Harley has her own set of issues but as the Professor pushes her out of her comfort zone, she starts experiencing life. And it helps her painting.

She convinces Liam to have a romance just while they're there and that she will not have feelings. Well, we all know how that goes.

This is supposed to be a story in the 1990's and while certain events, people and music are mentioned, I didn't really feel affected by it. I just enjoyed the love story.

There is a little issue with Harley and it affected everything in the story. I have to admit, it's an adjustment but it was great to see how much growth she had concerning it.

I enjoyed seeing their relationship grow and all the ups and downs. And then we get to the part where Liam is being Liam. I just wished the angst was more (as always).

The ending was sweet and I loved how the epilogue was ten years in the future. There's also a short from Liam's POV if you subscribe to the author's newsletter. I thought it was just okay...too much of a rehash for me.
Profile Image for Jeeves Reads Romance.
1,544 reviews636 followers
June 25, 2021
Just okay

Eh, this never won me over, but the writing is solid. It's the characters that drag this down: our heroine feels a bit weak/naive/overly forgiving, and our hero really needs to see a therapist. I wouldn't date him, lol, and I wouldn't put up with his behavior - despite a few sweet moments and a backstory that broke my heart. We don't get his perspective, and there were just too many things that rubbed me the wrong way about him. This has an angsty, new adult vibe that feels very young (not a compliment), and parts of the romance feel glossed over. There's some great conversation and a few scenes that showcased the POTENTIAL of this relationship, but the push/pull dynamic didn't allow it to fully shine. I was emotionally detached from the romance because of that, but I'll acknowledge that there are some very solid elements to this.

The story follows Harley, a college student spending a summer taking a painting class in Italy. She's giving herself one last summer before she begins her adult life, and that includes following her passion. When she meets fellow student Liam, it's not love at first sight. The broody player seems to have effortless skill at painting, and his work shows a depth of emotion that Harley can't fathom. Though Liam repeatedly shows (and tells) Harley that he's no good for her, she can't seem to stay away. The two start up a "casual" relationship that sometimes feels anything but. However, anytime they seem to grow closer, Liam pulls away.

I guess it's just tough to root for a relationship when you don't particularly like either character - even if the writing is otherwise good. We get a lot of OW drama and player angst at the start, which doesn't paint Liam in the best light, nor does it make Harley feel like a strong heroine. That's disappointing. Pair that with Liam's continued efforts to push Harley away, and I just... didn't like him. Sure, there are some sweet moments - I love how accepting Liam is of Harley's birth defect, and I love that it was part of the story. I love the conversation and the tiny glimpses of the 90s. I'm not entirely sure why this was set in the 90s (it's not referenced frequently enough or relevant to the storyline), but I liked the vibe. This was ultimately a *shrug* kinda read for me - I would've been completely fine setting it down at any time, and I wouldn't have felt the need to know how it all resolved. That says it all, honestly.
Profile Image for Morgan.
389 reviews152 followers
June 17, 2021
This book takes place in 1996. Which I loved! We don’t see that very often! Harley is in Florence, Italy for three months to study art. Her professor is impressed by her technique, but not so much her paintings. Her perfectionism is affecting her ability to pain with emotion. Harley decides to have a night where she says “yes” to anything that comes her way to help her live a little.

Right away, she runs into Liam. Liam is the attractive brooding artist from her class who has been impressing the professor with all of his paintings. He says he is going to be Harley’s “yes guide” for the night. They have a great night together, and spend the rest of the summer together. They both have things that affect how they feel about relationships, and they have to learn to overcome those things. Harley has a rare birth defect that she is self conscious about, but Liam teaches her how to love that about herself. Liam is dealing with some grief and guilt about something that happened in his past. He has to learn to forgive himself as well as ask for forgiveness from others.

I absolutely loved that this book was set in Italy, and the feel of exploring a city while falling in love! It was the perfect summer read. I also really loved Harley’s relationship with her roommate Angela. They become great friends and Angela really helps her through some hard moments in her relationship with Liam. I felt like the book maybe wrapped up a little bit too quickly at the end. I wanted more! Other than that, it was a great read that I would highly recommend!

4 stars
Thank you to Valentine PR and Kandi Steiner for the ARC. All thoughts are my own honest opinions.
June 24, 2021
Harley is a character that I will NOT ever forget! She starts off so closed off and unseen, but when she decides to be spontaneous she blossoms and it’s that growth of her character that makes me love this book so much! You are truly a part of Harley’s journey and I loved seeing her evolve!

““It’s a reminder that the true beauty in life is that we experience both tremendous anguish and remarkable exuberance in tandem, and that neither could exist without the other.” -Harley

The depth of this heroine is seen in the quote above and is one of the many reasons I love Steiner’s books! She writes with so much emotion. I could see vividly in my mind what Kandi explained and I could feel in my soul each emotion Harley felt!

Liam was Harleys guiding light! They started off as nothing! Seriously not even enemies! But they saw something in the other that couldn’t be denied. Liam held the persona of “playboy jerk” but beneath the surface was a man hurting and trying to find his way!

I loved all the 90’s nostalgia packed in this book and for that alone makes is a must read, but add in a swoony bachelor, a sassy college student and you have yourself the story of the summer!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 443 reviews

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