SimplyPack will pool orders from companies and connect them to restaurants that switch to eco-friendly packaging to receive the bulk order.

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In India, regulations and penalties exist to motivate local businesses to adopt eco-friendly but often these are often not enough to bring about change. There are enough legal loopholes and a poor implementation of the rules so the situation on the ground does not change easily. The SimplyPack system will incentivise restaurants to adopt green forms of packaging with the incentive of bulk orders from individuals form their corporate customers. We will work to pool together orders from restaurants and the producers of sugarcane bagasse (sugarcane pulp) packaging. This will involve the cultivation of relationships with corporations, restaurants and biodegradable packaging producers. Our approach acknowledges the fact that ecological and legal requirements are often not sufficient to motivate a business to act responsibly. Businesses need incentives that will help them justify these actions in the context of business. In the scale-up phase, what we have imagined is the creation of an “eco-credit” system that rewards company employees for eco-sensitive actions (like joining a pool of orders for a restaurant) and expanding the scope of this project from just take away food packaging to e-commerce deliveries too. A reduction in packaging ending up in land-fills will make a big difference to the amount of waste that our world produces.

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