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Five Great Ways to Do Pro Bono Online

If one of your resolutions for 2019 was to do more volunteer work, but you’re not sure how to add more travel into your busy schedule, you’re in luck! Check out these great online volunteer opportunities so you can do good from home.

  1. Volunteer with the Remote Bond Team. The Immigration Justice Campaign is training attorneys all over the country to represent detained immigrants at bond hearings, which are held remotely. Sign up here.
  2. Provide free legal advice online. Through the American Bar Association’s Free Legal Answers, attorneys can answer questions submitted through participating state bar associations.
  3. Advocate for better representation for juvenile offenders. The National Juvenile Defender Center need volunteer attorneys to do legal research and writing to support their juvenile advocacy work. Email Serena Holte for opportunities.
  4. Track upcoming notice and comment periods. Help build a national repository of upcoming proposed regulatory changes with the Notice and Comment Project.
  5. Draft case summaries for transgender people in prison and jail. Sign up for the Transgender Law Center’s attorney network to volunteer for this and other opportunities to assist transgender people across the country.

Some states are also pioneering remote pro bono opportunities, like the Pro Bono Project in California, Online Legal Counseling in Illinois or Virtual Legal Aid Clinic in Washington State. Check out this guide to see if your state has something similar.

For more information, check out the full article here.

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