The SEO 101 Podcast on WMR.FM

The SEO 101 Podcast on WMR.FM is the world’s oldest and longest running SEO podcast. It has been hosted by our CEO, Ross Dunn since 2009 and before that, it had been a popular podcast hosted by David Brown, Carolyn Shelby, and Brian Mark.

In Ross’s time as host, the podcast has been favourited by Google’s own John Mueller, regularly cited as a top podcast on SEO by top sites like Search Engine Journal and HubSpot, and has over 3 million downloads and counting.

Subscribe for free at:
iTunes | Stitcher Radio | iHeartRadio | Spreaker

Play the Latest Episode of SEO 101

Powered by RedCircle

SEO 101 Ep 466 – Chapter 9 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

The final chapter of the SEO 101 learning series begins with unveiling crucial SEO tactics emphasizing user experience, adaptive rankings, and strategic metrics. Discover optimization simplicity, gradual expansion, and the need for expert support. Explore the value of...

SEO 101 Episode 465 – Testing Generative AI for Search and Other SEO Essentials

Explore pivotal digital shifts in SEO in our latest episode. From Google Analytics updates to peeks into generative AI at Perplexity and Google, this episode covers essential topics like YouTube video management tips, WordPress vulnerabilities, and questions from...

SEO 101 Ep 464 – Chapter 8 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

Discover top-tier SEO strategies for digital excellence. Unpack paid ads, organic SEO, link building, local SEO, and social media tactics. Stay updated on industry trends, monitor competitors, and prioritize customer care. Tune in for expert advice on optimizing your...

SEO 101 Epsiode 463 – SEO Insights: Updates, Algorithms, AI, and Common Issues Explained

Dive into the latest SEO trends: Google's cache link removal, correlations between website features and algorithm updates, impact of Negative LSA, AI-generated content preferences, and tips to resolve common SEO issues. Stay informed and navigate the digital landscape...

SEO 101 Ep 462 – Chapter 7 of the SEO Learning Series

Explore advanced SEO strategies in this 7th chapter of the SEO 101 Learning Series, from optimizing organic SEO to mastering local SEO and content creation with AI, gain expert insights! Also learn whether you should continue paid ads if your rankings soar and some...

SEO 101 Episode 461 – Ranking Drop Bug, WordPress Speed, and SEO Questions

Explore the latest SEO developments, including a potential Google update, bug fixes, WordPress speed enhancements, and Google's AI-powered Chrome update. Plus, listener questions were answered on URL versions and server errors. Stay informed and boost your SEO game...

SEO 101 Ep 460 – Chapter 6 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

Explore the fundamentals of SEO in this 6th episode of the SEO 101 Learning Series. Discover essential tools like Google Analytics and SEMRush, low-cost rank tracking options, and custom dashboards for data centralization. Learn effective evaluation techniques,...

SEO 101 Episode 459 – Google’s 2023 Updates, Gemini 1.0, and SEO insights

In this episode of SEO 101, we take a quick break from the learning series and delve into Google's October and November 2023 core updates, share insights on handling ranking fluctuations, and explore Google's groundbreaking Gemini 1.0. We also cover essential SEO...

SEO 101 Episode 458 – Chapter 5 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

Discover the art of effective link-building in this 5th episode of the SEO 101 Learning Series. We cover guest posts, press releases, and safe linking tactics, shedding light on "nofollow" links. Plus, we explore social media's impact and reveal influencer marketing...

SEO 101 Episode 457 – Chapter 4 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

In this 4th episode of the SEO 101 Learning Series, dive into the world of Local SEO and discover essential tips for local business success. Learn how to optimize your online presence, create a standout Google Business Profile, and employ effective strategies to...

Sometimes, you just need to get down to the very basics. That’s why we love Webmaster Radio’s SEO 101 — a series of podcasts that dive into search engine optimization from the bottom-up.

Amanda Zantal-Wiener

Senior Staff Writer, HubSpot

Sign Up for SEO 101 Podcast Show Notes Newsletter

Sign up to receive valuable links and show notes after each episode of the SEO 101 podcast goes live.

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More About the SEO 101 Podcast

Our CEO, Ross Dunn began hosting the SEO 101 Podcast on WMR.FM (it was Cranberry.FM for a short stint) back in 2009 with his acclaimed colleague Jennifer Evans-Cairo. Both Ross and Jennifer were known in the SEO world at the time as veterans and the show started earning a loyal following from that point on.

After a few episodes, Jennifer took a step back and Ross worked with a couple of co-hosts and guest-hosts until one of his great friends and fellow industry veteran John Carcutt stepped permanently into the role. Over the years, the two of them have created over 350 episodes together discussing the ins and outs of search engine optimization (SEO) from a basic to occasionally advanced standpoint.

In 2020, John took a step back from the show and Scott Van Achte, stepped in to co-host (officially a guest host) with Ross Dunn. Scott is now the regular co-host with a lot of SEO experience to share with listeners.

Over the years, the SEO 101 Podcast has benefited from an SEO industry star-studded lineup of guests. The list includes the following: Google’s John Mueller, Stephan Spencer, David Szetela, Dan Thies, Martijn Beijk, Jennifer Laycock, Stoney deGeyter, Richard Zwicky, Loren Baker, Joost deValk, Mike Blumenthal, Pete Meyers, Jon Henshaw, Gil Namur, David Ogletree, and Dave Snyder, among others.

Co-hosts and special guest co-hosts with Ross Dunn have included Jennifer Evans-Cairo, Jeff Quipp, Eric Lander, John Carcutt, Scott Van Achte, and David Harry.

You can get more helpful tips by joining our SEO 101 Community.

Ross Dunn

Ross Dunn

Host of SEO 101

Ross Dunn is the long-time host of SEO 101 on WebmasterRadio.FM. He has been practicing SEO since 1997, working as the CEO of StepForth Web Marketing Inc. and a co-founder of First.Dentist.

He is dedicated to making the SEO 101 Podcast a long-term resource of quality SEO news, insights, interviews, and Q&As.

Scott Van Achte

Scott Van Achte

Regular Co-Host of SEO 101

Scott Van Achte has been the regular co-host of SEO 101 since 2020 when John Carcutt stepped down. Scott had also been a stand-in for many years when John couldn’t attend an episode.

Scott’s SEO experience is immense. Since 2003, he has worked with Ross Dunn at StepForth Web Marketing Inc. His position is now the Senior SEO at the company and Ross is lucky to consider him a great friend.

John Carcutt (In Memoriam)

John Carcutt (In Memoriam)

Past Co-Host of SEO 101

John Carcutt was the long-time co-host of SEO 101 on WebmasterRadio.FM and the Director of SEO for Advance Local. His SEO roots go back even farther than Ross’s to 1995.

Truly a veteran in the SEO realm, John’s perspective and insight into SEO was invaluable on the show. He was a co-host from 2010 to 2020. He is profoundly missed.

The SEO 101 Podcast on WMR.FM is the world’s oldest and longest running SEO podcast. It has been hosted by our CEO, Ross Dunn since 2009 and before that, it had been a popular podcast hosted by David Brown, Carolyn Shelby, and Brian Mark.

In Ross’s time as host, the podcast has been favourited by Google’s own John Mueller, regularly cited as a top podcast on SEO by top sites like Search Engine Journal and HubSpot, and has over 3 million downloads and counting.

Subscribe for free at:
iTunes | Stitcher Radio | iHeartRadio | Spreaker

Play the Latest Episode of SEO 101

Powered by RedCircle

SEO 101 Ep 466 – Chapter 9 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

The final chapter of the SEO 101 learning series begins with unveiling crucial SEO tactics emphasizing user experience, adaptive rankings, and strategic metrics. Discover optimization simplicity, gradual expansion, and the need for expert support. Explore the value of...

SEO 101 Episode 465 – Testing Generative AI for Search and Other SEO Essentials

Explore pivotal digital shifts in SEO in our latest episode. From Google Analytics updates to peeks into generative AI at Perplexity and Google, this episode covers essential topics like YouTube video management tips, WordPress vulnerabilities, and questions from...

SEO 101 Ep 464 – Chapter 8 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

Discover top-tier SEO strategies for digital excellence. Unpack paid ads, organic SEO, link building, local SEO, and social media tactics. Stay updated on industry trends, monitor competitors, and prioritize customer care. Tune in for expert advice on optimizing your...

SEO 101 Epsiode 463 – SEO Insights: Updates, Algorithms, AI, and Common Issues Explained

Dive into the latest SEO trends: Google's cache link removal, correlations between website features and algorithm updates, impact of Negative LSA, AI-generated content preferences, and tips to resolve common SEO issues. Stay informed and navigate the digital landscape...

SEO 101 Ep 462 – Chapter 7 of the SEO Learning Series

Explore advanced SEO strategies in this 7th chapter of the SEO 101 Learning Series, from optimizing organic SEO to mastering local SEO and content creation with AI, gain expert insights! Also learn whether you should continue paid ads if your rankings soar and some...

SEO 101 Episode 461 – Ranking Drop Bug, WordPress Speed, and SEO Questions

Explore the latest SEO developments, including a potential Google update, bug fixes, WordPress speed enhancements, and Google's AI-powered Chrome update. Plus, listener questions were answered on URL versions and server errors. Stay informed and boost your SEO game...

SEO 101 Ep 460 – Chapter 6 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

Explore the fundamentals of SEO in this 6th episode of the SEO 101 Learning Series. Discover essential tools like Google Analytics and SEMRush, low-cost rank tracking options, and custom dashboards for data centralization. Learn effective evaluation techniques,...

SEO 101 Episode 459 – Google’s 2023 Updates, Gemini 1.0, and SEO insights

In this episode of SEO 101, we take a quick break from the learning series and delve into Google's October and November 2023 core updates, share insights on handling ranking fluctuations, and explore Google's groundbreaking Gemini 1.0. We also cover essential SEO...

SEO 101 Episode 458 – Chapter 5 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

Discover the art of effective link-building in this 5th episode of the SEO 101 Learning Series. We cover guest posts, press releases, and safe linking tactics, shedding light on "nofollow" links. Plus, we explore social media's impact and reveal influencer marketing...

SEO 101 Episode 457 – Chapter 4 of the SEO 101 Learning Series

In this 4th episode of the SEO 101 Learning Series, dive into the world of Local SEO and discover essential tips for local business success. Learn how to optimize your online presence, create a standout Google Business Profile, and employ effective strategies to...

Sometimes, you just need to get down to the very basics. That’s why we love Webmaster Radio’s SEO 101 — a series of podcasts that dive into search engine optimization from the bottom-up.

Amanda Zantal-Wiener

Senior Staff Writer, HubSpot

More About the SEO 101 Podcast

Our CEO, Ross Dunn began hosting the SEO 101 Podcast on WMR.FM (it was Cranberry.FM for a short stint) back in 2009 with his acclaimed colleague Jennifer Evans-Cairo. Both Ross and Jennifer were known in the SEO world at the time as veterans and the show started earning a loyal following from that point on.

After a few episodes, Jennifer took a step back and Ross worked with a couple of co-hosts and guest-hosts until one of his great friends and fellow industry veteran John Carcutt stepped permanently into the role. Over the years, the two of them have created over 350 episodes together discussing the ins and outs of search engine optimization (SEO) from a basic to occasionally advanced standpoint.

In 2020, John took a step back from the show and Scott Van Achte, stepped in to co-host (officially a guest host) with Ross Dunn. Scott is now the regular co-host with a lot of SEO experience to share with listeners.

Over the years, the SEO 101 Podcast has benefited from an SEO industry star-studded lineup of guests. The list includes the following: Google’s John Mueller, Stephan Spencer, David Szetela, Dan Thies, Martijn Beijk, Jennifer Laycock, Stoney deGeyter, Richard Zwicky, Loren Baker, Joost deValk, Mike Blumenthal, Pete Meyers, Jon Henshaw, Gil Namur, David Ogletree, and Dave Snyder, among others.

Co-hosts and special guest co-hosts with Ross Dunn have included Jennifer Evans-Cairo, Jeff Quipp, Eric Lander, John Carcutt, Scott Van Achte, and David Harry.

You can get more helpful tips by joining our SEO 101 Community.

Sign Up for SEO 101 Podcast Show Notes Newsletter

Sign up to receive valuable links and show notes after each episode of the SEO 101 podcast goes live.

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Ross Dunn

Ross Dunn

Host of SEO 101

Ross Dunn is the long-time host of SEO 101 on WebmasterRadio.FM. He has been practicing SEO since 1997, working as the CEO of StepForth Web Marketing Inc. and a co-founder of First.Dentist.

He is dedicated to making the SEO 101 Podcast a long-term resource of quality SEO news, insights, interviews, and Q&As.

Scott Van Achte

Scott Van Achte

Regular Co-Host of SEO 101

Scott Van Achte has been the regular co-host of SEO 101 since 2020 when John Carcutt stepped down. Scott had also been a stand-in for many years when John couldn’t attend an episode.

Scott’s SEO experience is immense. Since 2003, he has worked with Ross Dunn at StepForth Web Marketing Inc. His position is now the Senior SEO at the company and Ross is lucky to consider him a great friend.

John Carcutt (In Memoriam)

John Carcutt (In Memoriam)

Past Co-Host of SEO 101

John Carcutt was the long-time co-host of SEO 101 on WebmasterRadio.FM and the Director of SEO for Advance Local. His SEO roots go back even farther than Ross’s to 1995.

Truly a veteran in the SEO realm, John’s perspective and insight into SEO was invaluable on the show. He was a co-host from 2010 to 2020. He is profoundly missed.

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