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Billionaire Sutton Mayfair has nothing left to lose...

My best friend is getting married to the woman I love. They say the nice guy finishes last. So what's the point of being a goddamn gentleman?

Maybe I should take what I want.

Even that sexy little thing on the street corner.

She needs a hot meal and a place to sleep. Instead I'm taking her home to soothe the savage beast inside me. I was born a bastard, and for the first time in my life I act like one.

Except the more I use her, the more I need her.

I didn't know I had someone left to lose.

But for a single heartbeat, I had her.

236 pages, ebook

First published March 17, 2020

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Skye Warren

185 books8,171 followers

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Profile Image for Skye Warren.
Author 185 books8,171 followers
July 9, 2020
MATING THEORY is now live!

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He turns, sudden and sharp, as if he heard me. I didn’t make a sound. It’s only my heartbeat that could have given me away, rapid as a rabbit.
Blue eyes narrow. “Ashleigh.”
It would be better if he didn’t remember my name. Better if he could have looked at my legs and my breasts the way the man in the car had done. It would be better to believe that every man would treat me like trash. Knowing that some men are good and kind and caring—but not for me, never for me—hurts worse than anything. “I’m not for sale.” The words slip out before I can stop them. He didn’t even ask my price.
He raises one eyebrow. “Then you’d be the only one.”
Jaded. Maybe I’m not the only one determined to think the worst of the world. “Is that how you think of women? They aren’t all out to get your money.”
For a moment I think he’s going to stride away. He’ll disappear into the night. Hours from now I’ll be wondering if he were real. The possibility hangs in the night like dew. It’s what he wants to do. What he should do. Everything about him, from his clothes to his manner, speaks of a man with manners. With a real job and a real house and a real girlfriend. He shouldn’t be talking to me.
Then he turns toward me, decisive. In a moment he’s in front of me. Another second, and I’m backed up against the stone bricks of the Den. “It’s not how I think of women, darling. It’s how I think of everyone. Men included.”
“Do you have a price?” I manage to ask, even though it’s risky to talk back to a man. Especially when his large frame has me tacked to the wall like a freaking butterfly. This close I can see the shadow of hair on his jaw, the mole beside his right eye.
“Yes. Me.” A harsh laugh. “I’ve got a price. It’s not even a high one.”
“What is it?” It’s like a street urchin wandering into Tiffany’s, this question. It doesn’t matter what the answer is. The number will always be too high. Whether he wants a society wife or a mother for his children, it will never be me.
“A kiss.”
The word lodges in my skin, sharp and hot. “A kiss?”
There’s challenge in those blue eyes. And pitiless knowledge. “A kiss is all it takes for me to fall head over heels. I’d believe I was in love with you, build a fucking castle in the sky, because I’m just like him, aren���t I?”
A whisper. “Two hundred dollars.”
His gaze drops to my lips. “I thought you weren’t for sale.”
I changed my mind when he talked about castles in the sky. He’s in love with someone else. That much is clear from the bitterness in his voice. I can’t be that woman, but I can pretend for a single night. Somewhere warm. His arms.
“Two hundred dollars and your name.”
That earns me a clap of laughter. “My name.”
“And dinner.” I don’t know where I get the courage. Two hundred dollars is enough to pay my rent for next month. Dinner means I don’t need to eat for another two days.
His name should mean nothing to me.
He bows his head, hiding his eyes. A droplet of rain falls from his hair to my chest. “Christ. What the hell happened to you? No, don’t tell me. I can’t listen to a sob story and still fuck you, and I really want to fuck you."
Profile Image for Jennifer  Tyronney.
163 reviews3 followers
March 13, 2020
Mating Theory

I have spent the last several hours totally enthralled and entranced in my favourite world with my all time favourite characters. I love everything about Tanglewood and it’s inhabitants and can never quite get enough. There are lots of appearances of familiar and much loved faces.

If, like me, you have been waiting (not so) patiently for the enigmatic, beautiful and utterly self destructive Sutton Mayfair to get his own story, you will not be disappointed! Mating theory is compelling and full of passion and intensity.

Sutton is brooding and broken, lost in his own personal pit of despair at having to live without the people whom he wants most when he meets Ashleigh, equally broken and desperately in need of a saviour.

The chemistry is unparalleled between them, both finding solace in the unique relationship that they have stumbled into.

Both must make sacrifices in order to get what they most desire. Their journey is deliciously painful, full of angst and entirely perfect.

Skye Warren has delivered another devastatingly wonderful and truly satisfying read. Bravo!
Profile Image for  Linathebookaddict  .
1,462 reviews391 followers
March 14, 2020
Okay , I may have a new favorite book from Skye Warren!!! So, I read this after a mildly disappointing book and it rocked my world!!!
Ashleigh is a young woman living on the street, trying to survive by using the only commodity available to her; her body.
Sutton is a man broken by love. Can money buy happiness? Can money bring you closer to love? Can you ever pay for affection?? Can love break stereotypes?
This book had my heart jumping inside my chest. It has everything I want in a romance novel! It had my heart racing. The characters are so vivid and absolutely fantastic! Sutton is a pure cinnamon roll. I wanted to protect him at all costs. Such a generous, kind, loving man!
Ashleigh was a very welcome surprise. I adored her.
This is a book that I wish were longer. I wanted more of these characters and I was so happy to return to old familiar characters. Even though we meet characters from other books ,this is a standalone book that may have a few spoilers though for new readers.
All in all, this was a brilliant story! Swoon worthy romance with heroes that I absolutely adored!!!!! I recommend it and I will re-read it for sure!

*Thank you Skye Warren and Social Butterfly PR for providing me with an ARC.*
Profile Image for Ally Reads Romance.
650 reviews67 followers
March 17, 2020
5 ⭐️
I could not put this book down!!
I loved & adored this book!! I'm surprised how many times I teared up for Sutton and Ashleigh🖤 It was raw, emotional, & beautiful! These two broken people are trying to survive after heartbreak, and both want to deny the possibility of love!

I’ve been waiting for Sutton’s book since the end of The Evolution of Man. I love how the issues with Christopher & Harper didn't just disappear. Instead, we see how Sutton is forced to deal with them!
Ashleigh is a woman with a past and uncertain future! She is exactly what Sutton needs! Actually, they need each other whether they know it or not!

Get ready for hot sexual tension, undeniable chemistry, passion, and heartbreak!

Another fantastic emotional romance from Skye Warren!!!🖤
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
7,662 reviews154 followers
March 14, 2020
Warren pushes emotions to the edge. Mating Theory is not a fairytale. Sutton is no Prince Charming waiting to rescue a damsel in distress. Ashleigh refuses to play Cinderella waiting on her Prince to come. These are deeply flawed people with the weight of the world on their shoulders. Warren isn't looking to the stars, she deals in reality. Neither love or life is always beautiful. It's the ugly moments of teardrops and hopelessness that help us discover who we were meant to be. Hidden behind the bruises is the courage that leads us to find our way home. One heartache at a time.
Profile Image for Kelly_Reads_Books.
1,985 reviews148 followers
March 15, 2020
Sutton is a man with a dark past and so many demons. Poor Ashleigh had her own cross to bear. This couple has an uphill battle to make things work between them, but sometimes no matter how hard you struggle, it is not meant to be. Or is it?
Skye Warren writes with such emotion and passion that the reader absorbs those emotions and feelings so deeply, as if the story is happening to them, with them, and for them.
This Tanglewood series is the most captivating and compelling saga I have ever read.
Profile Image for Babel.
2,202 reviews190 followers
March 14, 2020
This is like an open wound. Tender, raw, a testament to a pain that cannot be seen but can still maim someone. Sutton is bleeding pain from his broken heart, and the author’s words transmit all the jagged edges with easy flow. He is hurting and takes a woman from the streets to numb the pain. Behind this hot romance, there is a myriad of triggering themes. Once again, this author puts poetry on the ugliness.

I usually gravitate towards men with broken hearts, so Sutton held a special interest for me. Not in the novel where I met him because I rooted for Christopher and Harper, and I don’t favour male couples. However, this character called me like a beacon in his own novel.

He is really devastated by turbulent emotions and his inner fight between self-indulgence of his depraved instincts and decent humanity is teetering on a dangerous edge. What a story to read! I couldn't miss it for the world. Especially because the victim of his torn desires is a fallen angel with too much hope for a world that has crushed her.

The battle of flesh and soul is epic and ardent and breathtaking. And it becomes an homage to selfless love. That's why lies at the core of this beautifully melancholic romance. A lesson in love that is pure and giving even when it stems from loss and shame. Sutton learns to love again in a different way that takes his heart on a spin.

I loved the double POV, his is raging against the world, while hers is vulnerable yet brave. Passion between these characters is scorching-hot, yet it grows into a drama of sacrifice and generosity. I cried over Ky and Ashleigh, their horrific circumstances to survive. I felt moved by Sutton's strength and his unrelenting way to love people. He may have taken advantage of her, but he soon treats her like a human being instead of flesh to be used and thus she finds the fairytale we all crave.

At the end, the plot twist felt shocking and the resolution rushed, but the author managed to wrap it up with deep sensibility, and it made me sigh again. And I got to see some Tanglewood characters that I cherish. Marvellous read.

Favourite Quotes:
There’s something inside me that doesn’t know how to love, not truly.

There’s only the thinnest thread between the beast inside me and the man I pretend to be.

There isn't mercy in this world. There are only wolves like me, and we love love to tears lambs apart.

I don’t need to care about someone else who doesn’t care about me.

I'll want more than he's able to give, and I’ll be smaller for it.

Love is the great human experiment.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,144 reviews13.2k followers
March 18, 2020
I want to fall in love. That’s what’s wrong with me, my fatal flaw. The insistent desire to enmesh myself with another human being.

How do you not fall head over heels for Sutton Mayfair? How, I ask you? The man is just so perfectly broken. Not only did he fall hard for the woman that his best friend wanted, but he fell for his best friend too. Now as their wedding day approaches, he's nursing his broken heart through an alcohol fueled daze.

Ashleigh is barely keeping herself alive on the streets. A teen runaway, she's turned to the only resort she has to make ends meet; selling her body. When she stumbles across a drunken Sutton on a rooftop, their story begins. Sutton is too broken hearted to look too deep into anything. He sees a beautiful woman that's come on hard times and he's not above giving her any cash she needs to find comfort in her body.

This may have been a short read, but it was filled with so much depth. Actually, I'm stunned at just how much depth Skye Warren fit into under 250 pages. It wasn't a novella, but it read like one. Why? Because I devoured it in the time it would usually take me to read a novella. I couldn't put it down.

There's just something so incredibly endearing about Sutton. His unrequited love and coming to terms with moving on from a broken heart. Falling for a woman that's selling her body to him no matter how much he fights it.

Ashleigh was one of the most endearing heroines as well. She's damaged but not broken. She's vulnerable but not weak. She's this perfect balance of someone you want to shelter and protect while showing that she's capable of fighting her own battles. I loved the two of them together and I loved this sexy and emotional story of two broken people finding shelter and love with each other.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Jenny.
1,075 reviews
March 16, 2020
Such an amazing book! Sutton and Ashleigh at both broken in their own ways. They have to make sacrifices to get where they want to be. This book had me enthralled. There was even glimpses of characters from other books. Their journey is full of angst and also beautiful. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!
Profile Image for Ashley Herndon.
1,045 reviews14 followers
January 8, 2021
I give it 5++++ stars.

I’m slightly obsessed with down on their luck women...
And the men who find them, love them, try to save them.

This book was greatttttt.

It involves Sutton. Who we know from Survival of the richest. And Ashleigh. A new character for us.

I love the interaction between them.
I love her scars.
I love his damage.
I love how they fit so very nicely.

Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Shirin Rasheed.
2,173 reviews33 followers
March 26, 2020
Mating Theory is a page turning, captivating and unforgettable story. Skye Warren has done fabulous job with this book. You will fall in love with Sutton and his flaws. It's not possible to not love their Dark, Electric Love Story for Readers,

I Really Loved it and Would like to Rate it 5 STARS and Highly Recommend it to all Readers.
Profile Image for Monadh.
202 reviews29 followers
March 30, 2020
So poignant it made me ugly-cry thru most of the (too short) book

With Tanglewood Skye Warren has created a mythological town that is bleak and dreary, and harsh to many of its inhabitants. Her characters have been battered by fate, survived despite of that and in some cases even thrived.

This is a sequel to the Trust Fund duet, but it does work a standalone (for some reason I haven’t read Christopher and Harper and Sutton’s story). In any case, Sutton ist he one that was left behind, and now he is supposed to be the best man at the wedding of the two people he loves most.

After her trust has been betrayed in the most fundamental way, Ashleigh has been living on the streets for a while, but she hasn’t really adapted to the life and what she is forced to do in order to survive. That’s when she meets Sutton. After their second encounter Sutton asks her to accompany him to the wedding as his date, where Ashleigh acts as his shield.

When Sutton finds out about Ashleigh’s past and the circumstances that led to her being on the street, his love and his resolve are put to the test. But he doesn’t want her to stay with him because she has no other choice, so he sets her free.

Skye Warren has a gift with words and language and she manages to turn a trope that might easily appear corny and well-worn (Pretty Woman) into something moving and poignant.

If I have one criticism than it is that the story felt way too short and was over too soon. The resolution felt kind of rushed and unsatisfying. Despite that, 5 stars from me as I am so in love with the characters and their story, a story that is like a shining light in a dark and unforgiving world.
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,789 reviews370 followers
March 17, 2020
Her eyes go wide like a doe caught in the headlights. That’s me—a fucking truck. I’m going to break her to pieces. I’ll break myself, too.

Mating Theory is essentially the closure that anyone who read The Trust Fund duet needed. Yes, SuttButt gets his own story and a complex version of a HEA here. He hits his rock bottom when the two people he loves, are in love without him. Sure he’s welcome to get a taste of that love, but he knows that won’t ever be enough. Luckily, he finds what he doesn’t know he needs with a heroine who is at her lowest.

Mating Theory is very rags to riches modern fairytale. The heroine, Ashleigh, is reluctant to get comfortable with Sutton at first, because she knows that life isn’t a fairytale. She’s a teenage prostitute who lives in a rundown sugar factory, why would the devastatingly handsome and rich Sutton Mayfair want her for more than a rough roll in the sheets? Plus, he’s broken and in love with two other people.

Sometimes two people just click together. Even if there isn’t a long lengthy story binding them, you can tell that their characters are written in a way that they effortlessly blend together. Duh, that’s what the author intends, BUT it’s harder to make love believable when it moves quickly and this author made me believe in SuttonAshleigh. Sutton falls in love easily when he’s met a match, and Ashleigh reluctantly believes in that prince “sort of” charming, so they make perfect sense.

Skye Warren really bleeds these two characters souls onto the pages, and it’s hard not to feel and root for them. The writing is incredible. The relationship does move fast once it starts. There is an age gap. I will note that the reason I didn’t give this a full 5 stars is because much of this story felt like Sutton getting over Harper & Christopher, which makes sense because that’s his current state, BUT I just wanted a bit more for him and Ashleigh. Their love blossoms quickly and much of it is off page. That being said I still loved their story and their mating theory.

Profile Image for Khrista Baxter.
693 reviews2 followers
March 30, 2020
The right time for love

Absolutely loved thus book! Mating Theory will pull in your heart strings not only for Sutton who is battling a broken heart watching his best friend and love marry the woman he also loves,it's not one rejection two. Ashleigh Barnes is a runaway living in the streets, try's her hand at prostitution but can't bring herself to do it. These two are broken and looking for someone to love them. Life though isn't fair and the timing doesn't always line up.
Profile Image for Chris  C - A Midlife Wife.
1,645 reviews334 followers
March 18, 2020
Oh my god this book!! Absolutely love her writing.
I am going to tell you straight up that I just love this book. The characters are simply amazing and Sutton, who was not a great person in other stories, makes an unforgettable turn around. Ashleigh and him together are golden!

With a older man and younger woman scenario, you really get the feels for their intense pull. I am not even going to go on and on about this book. I am simply going to say, if you love this type of genre, you need to read this one.

While Sutton is from another series, this is totally a stand alone read. Warren is an gifted storyteller who writes with incredible emotion and a depth of passion that strikes deep in your soul.

Mating Theory by Skye Warren is definitely a story not to be missed!

* copy received for review consideration
Full Review - https://amidlifewife.com/mating-theor...
March 22, 2020
4.5 STARS!

Every brush of his lips on mine destroys my defenses.

Mating Theory by Skye Warren took me by complete surprise. It turned out to be a book I didn’t even know I needed!

The heartbreak, pain, and struggles Sutton and Ashleigh dealt with bled from the pages. Their story was captivating, and the chemistry between them was insanely igniting. It was filled with moments that were ALL THE FEELS, and left my heart swooshing in my chest.

Most importantly, Sutton Mayfair is my newest book boyfriend OBSESSION! I love him. I love him. I love him!

Profile Image for Lulu Dumonceaux.
518 reviews10 followers
March 18, 2020
I loved returning to Tanglewood. This is Sutton's story and it's an emotional one. What would it feel like to see the two people you love getting married to each other. Sutton is heartbroken as he is attending Christopher & Harper's wedding. There isn't enough alcohol to drown the pain away that he is feeling. In his haze, he meets a young prostitute, Ashleigh. He convinces himself that he can use Ashleigh to release his pain but something about her holds him back. Then when Sutton sees her again, he is completely confused with all the mixed feelings he is having about her. Ashleigh has her own tragic past and is just trying to learn how to survive on the streets. What is most incredible about Skye Warren's talent as a writer, is her ability to take two broken characters in depressed & traumatic situations and instead of wallowing in their life's tragedies we see glimmers of hope and possibilities breaking through. This is an emotional book about healing, learning to trust again, and believing that love does exist. Sutton & Ashleigh's story is unique and it will easily be your next 1 click!!!
Profile Image for Weronika -  Little Steamy Reads.
636 reviews106 followers
March 16, 2020
„Maybe I don’t have to know how the dreams will come true. It’s enough to believe.”

Be still, my heart! You know the saying ‘If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were’? Well, Skye Warren beautifully showed that true love will survive everything, even if it was born in unusual circumstances. Mating Theory is an amazing love story about two broken people, who lost faith in their happily ever after. Ashleigh and Sutton met in the darkest moments of their lives and they turned out to be exactly what they needed for each other.

Sutton instantly melted my heart. This broken man is so kind and caring, even though he doesn’t always show it. His feelings are so strong and powerful. Sometimes he acts like a jerk, but it’s a façade that protects him from another heartbreak. But when you’ll get through his walls, he’ll give you the world. He may be vulnerable, but he’s also dominating. And his dirty talk makes panties disappear!

Ashleigh carries her own baggage and she tries to survive on her own. Convinced that you can't buy feelings for money, she tries to keep her heart locked. But thrown straight into the harshness of this world, she needs someone to care for her. But how genuine can feelings be, if there’s money involved?

Sutton and Ashleigh had an electrifying chemistry right from the moment they met. I loved how every emotion was raw and real. They found each other when they both were at the rock bottom and turned out to be exactly what they needed. Their passion was incredibly hot and all-consuming. Skye Warren managed to find beauty in pain with these two and that’s why their love story is so genuine and heartbreakingly beautiful.

Mating Theory squeezed my heart and made it beat faster. Skye Warren created a wonderful story that shows that love can be found even in ugly places. Ashleigh and Sutton are imperfect characters, but they’re perfect together and there’s no obstacles that true love can’t overcome. This book was completely captivating and I couldn’t put it down!

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Bookadmirer.
367 reviews209 followers
May 1, 2020
This book is just awesome. The emotions, the feels. I absolutely loved it. I was totally invested in the plot. I kind of predicted what is going to happen but the author's writing style is remarkable and it kept me on the edge. It was a total page-turner. I finished it in one sitting.

From the beginning the chemistry between Sutton and Ashleigh was undeniable. The age gap, social status, everything made it some sort of taboo aspect of their relationship. But they overcome every difference. They find each other at a time they needed each other.

The separation towards the end was unnecessary. I understand Ashleigh was underage and Sutton wanted to let her experience her life before settling down. But it just felt totally unnecessary, because they could have contact in the meantime without engaging in the sexual act until she becomes an adult. Good thing, both of them remain celibate. I am tired of books where hero fucks plenty of women during separation and heroine doesn't. However, I must admit Sutton is actually a good and responsible person. Even though he may have taken advantage of Ashleigh but when he finds out the truth about her he treats her like a human being and helps her in every way to achieve her dreams.

I was glad that there is no sharing. When I started the book and learned Sutton often participated in threesomes with the two people he loved, I was reluctant to continue. I was afraid what if he shares Ashleigh? But luckily he has a sense and doesn't do anything like that. Instead, he was determined that he would never share her.

I was glad they both found their happiness and solace in each other. The ending was a bit rushed and I wanted a bit more lengthy epilogue. I mostly don't like lengthy books but this book needed an elaborate epilogue. I needed more of them together. Nonetheless, It an entertaining, emotional story about healing and trusting.

Profile Image for Mel.
1,368 reviews4 followers
December 1, 2020
I don’t know why GR deleted my review of this book. I DNFd at 70% when the prostitute heroine the hero was having sex with was revealed to be 17. That’s a hard nope.
Profile Image for ♂️Must Have Book Boyfriends ♂️.
518 reviews2,206 followers
March 17, 2020
Oh my fuck. I started this book and I ended up staying up til 4 am. Why? Why do I do this to myself?! Then I had to go to work and found myself in a daze needing to know wtf was going to happen next!

I LOVE SUTTON!! This guy is everything I love in a book boyfriend. He has a broken heart! He's kind! He's horny. He's funny. He's sexy as hell. God damn the things that go on in his head. I. DIE. Both with feels and with horniness. He's a dirty talker. Also, I needed them to bang. ASAP. But I knew it was going to be more than banging...because it did things to my damn heart. Then I was cursing Skye at a certain percentage, I just about yelled at her on messenger, but it was late. But I promise, the HEA is perfect <3

Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,104 reviews574 followers
March 18, 2020
Holy Christ ... there is not a universe out there that I would have ever said ... "I am rooting for you Sutton" . Like in a gazillion years you would not have heard me say that!!!! *sigh*

There’s a universe. Holy shitballs, there is a fucking universe. THIS.FUCKING.STORY. JUST WOW.

So listen, something magical happened when I read this story. I didn't just fall in love with Sutton and Ashleigh, I wanted to guard them and protect them! I wanted to slay all of their dragons! I wanted to take all of the darkness away! These are fictional characters people but they didn't feel like that! Skye Warren is a wizard! That's the only explanation I have! This story was everything Sutton and Ashleigh both deserved! IT WAS GLORIOUS!

Skye did more than just make me fall in love with Sutton. She made me rethink everything I ever thought about him! She made me reevaluate what I thought was his past in the Trust Fund world. She made me his champion! And now I crave him! I want to know every detail of his story moving forward! If you're reading this Skye ... i need more words like I need my next breath !!
Profile Image for Meredith.
804 reviews568 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
March 27, 2020
DNF @ 45%

I'm drowning in maudlin affection; overdone emotions; I can't continue.

I need shot of whisky neat. Some hard liquor; no mixers. I feel like I just drank a sugary sweet drink that left a strong aftertaste.

I'm not rating this book because Skye Warren's writing was FAB. The plot (at least in the beginning, was toned down compared to some of her past releases that have gone into OTT insanity). Skye Warren deserves a ton of credit for going back to her roots - writing a romance that centers on emotional intimacy between a couple. I hope to see more of that from her in the future.

Sure Sutton is a billionaire, but he was down to earth. Relatable. I loved that about him.

I also loved that the heroine was a sex worker - I think that's within Skye Warren's wheel house. She writes sex workers (strippers, prostitutes, escorts) really well with authenticity.

This heroine was so young, its probably authentic she fell in love with Sutton so hard so quickly. I just couldn't take it. Their love story wasn't for me. Too much too soon. The build up of emotions was so heavy so quickly.

In comparison, I loved the build-up to Penny and Damon's relationship. You see their friendship build up over the years - their attraction and connection to each other, even though they don't call it love at first. The same with Blue and Hannah in Better When It Hurts. I loved that slow build-up to love with both of those couples. I was kind of hoping I'd get that slow burn love here with Sutton and omg I already forgot the heroine's name....but the deep affection between them was piled on heavy way too soon for me.

I could tell there was character authenticity though and that the author was inspired...which is why I'm not giving this book a low rating and not rating it at all. The author had a romance to tell, and it wasn't for me. Skye Warren is a favorite author of mine and I'm not giving up on her and I'm still going to come back for more.
Profile Image for Jessica Ess.
110 reviews3 followers
March 18, 2020
Sexy and heartfelt! Sutton and Ashleigh will make you swoon!

Skye Warren knocks it out of the park again with this angsty story of two broken people at the end of their rope who help each other find their worth. Sutton was a sexy, layered, and heartbreaking side character in Skye Warren’s Trust Fund series. He left that series broken and bereft. In Mating Theory, he finally has a chance to shine through his relationship with Ashleigh, a young girl surviving on the streets and perhaps the only person in Tanglewood more broken than Sutton. Their relationship is sinful and sexy and dark, full of shared pain and redemption. As with all of Skye Warren’s books, you never know the twists and turns this story will take. A total page turner, Mating Theory offers Warren’s trademark of scorching heat, swoon-worthy characters, and an oh-so-satisfying conclusion that will make you a die hard fan. MUST READ! (A great stand-alone, but much better to read Sutton’s whole journey by starting with the Trust Fund duet.)
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews852 followers
March 20, 2020
This story was a quintessential Skye Warren tale. Soulful, tortured, and depraved, Sutton and Ashleigh’s romance is one that began out of misery and loneliness for both of them, but grew into something more unselfish and pure.

As a continuation of Survival of the Richest, Christopher and Harper embark on their happily ever after leaving Sutton behind. Having to watch the two people with whom he is in love move on in a life together without him, Sutton has sunk into an abyss of self-pity and loathing. It is in this state that he encounters Ashleigh, a reluctant prostitute fending for herself on the streets of Tanglewood. Either out of a need to help her or a need to make someone hurt the way he does, Sutton buys Ashleigh’s time and brings her home.

From the start, Sutton and Ashleigh had undeniable chemistry. The illicit nature of their relationship, based on their power disparity and difference in ages, created a sexy yet taboo aspect to this couple. But for all of their differences, they worked together. Ashleigh, although young, was wise beyond her years. And Sutton, for all of this hatred of himself, harbored a good heart. These two met at a time in their lives when they needed each other, and in that need, love and affection grew. It was satisfying to see Sutton find the love he needed.

Although I adored this story, loved returning to this dirty town, loved seeing the old friends who run the underworld in this seedy place, I did have my issues with this story. First, I wanted more background. We were given bits and pieces of both Ashleigh and Sutton’s youth, but I wanted more detail to get a better understanding of why they were the people they were. Why was Sutton’s father so awful to him when he had the ability to be kind to his many women? Why were there so many Mayfairs running around? Second, while I loved the way in which Sutton proved his true capacity to love Ashleigh and want the best for her, I was not satisfied in the way in which this was done. While they did get their HEA, I found it almost bittersweet.

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Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,868 reviews2,065 followers
May 4, 2020

‘I want to punish her for the emptiness inside me, except when she makes that little sound of fright, it fills me up with something else. Pleasure like black velvet, the kind of darkness I want to stroke my fingers over, back and forth, to feel the fibres pull against me.’

Mating Theory by Skye Warren was a quick dark and edgy passionate read. This Author writes in such a manner that the raw emotion spills from the pages in an almost lyrical and poetic way. We were gripped from page one and immediately fell in love with Sutton and Ashleigh. There really was something quite mesmerising about their story and the passion literally ignited the pages.

‘I was born with too much dirt to ever wash away, but as always, it can’t actually be seen; I can only feel, and God, I feel it.’

Sutton Mayfair is a tempting but messed up bastard with a broken heart, and a penchant for darkness and desperation. How can you not fall in love with such an enigmatic, controlling and passionate man?! His story is a complex one, a tragic one as well as heart-breaking. The vulnerability shines bright underneath the arrogant dirty talking persona. Meeting Ashleigh stops Sutton in his tracks, and her effect on him slows the out of control downwards spiral of his life.

“They’ll think they know better, because it’s easier than acknowledging the truth – that we’re all vulnerable, that we’re all one second away from a life of desperation. It isn’t something you brought on yourself. It’s something you’re surviving, and you’re doing it with more grace and more strength than those people could dream about.”

Ashleigh, the brave innocent waif living on and working the streets, is running from a danger she shouldn’t have to face in the sanctity of her own home. Living hand to mouth in the shadows. Her story is so bloody sad and we wanted to grab her and protect her. Meeting Sutton is just about the best thing that could’ve happened to her, but she guards her heart and her past right from the get go, scared of coming out in the open about who she is and what she’s running from.

‘Why can’t I be everything? Whoever decided we had to be only one thing – the virgin or the whore?’

As a standalone Mating Theory is intense, sharp and filled with heat. A story of personal survival, broken hearts that heal, and overcoming fragilities through love, compassion, hope and helping hands. We really enjoyed Mating Theory, it was an emotional ride as well as super-hot. We do wish however that we’d read the Trust Fund duet that came prior to Mating Theory, as throughout we felt we were missing background knowledge on the importance of the secondary characters and their relationships with Sutton Mayfair. That’s on us and we will definitely be going back to read the duet that came before. We also could’ve kept reading as we loved experiencing Sutton and Ashleigh together as a couple; we wanted more! We highly recommend this book to readers who fancy an erotic and much darker version of Pretty Woman!

“Don’t break his heart again.”

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Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,643 reviews1,357 followers
March 4, 2021
After reading this book (and others from this author), I have decided that maybe she's not the person I should be reading from. This story was a hot mess that had some crazy potential. I was down with the 'hero' being bi. I was even down with him falling for a prostitute who couldn't sell her body and make a buck. Worst Prostitute Ever! But it was told in such a way that I didn't care.

I didn't care.

I. Didn't. Care!

Which is sad because... potential.
Profile Image for Chasidy.
698 reviews20 followers
March 18, 2020
Sutton and Ashleigh’s story was sooooo good!! I read it in one sitting. Sutton’s character captured my interest and he did not disappoint!! Their story is raw and full of hidden secrets and dark pasts. Once I started, I could not put it down! This is a must read!
Profile Image for Cup of Tea Bookblog.
432 reviews4 followers
March 18, 2020
I loved this book! I could not wait for Sutton to have his story and it did not disappoint! This is a story of two people who need to find each other in a lost world. Reading this book was a punch in the feels in the best way! Another great book in the series!
January 8, 2021
I want to start my (probable) rambling off by saying that Mating Theory can be read as a complete standalone. Everything explains itself perfectly.
If you’ve read Survival of the Richest, you’ll have a broader understanding of what came before, but it isn’t a necessity.
Having said all of that, even knowing how that went, I FELT Sutton‘s heartbreak on such a primal level in this one. No matter how I may have previously felt about Harper and Christopher, it was so irrelevant in the face of Sutton’s pain. It was so raw and devastating. Made even worse by his ongoing desire to be selfless about them in spite of his agony.
I think starting a book in such despair, and then getting to witness Sutton’s own imperfect story unfold made it feel all the more deserved. But nothing Skye writes could ever be that easy, of course.
Ashleigh has her own tragic backstory, complicated further by her circumstances. It seemed unlikely that there would be a happy ending to be found between these two, but the uncertainty is part of the journey, and I’m so delighted I got to take it with them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 390 reviews

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