United to Conquer Sickle Cell Disease

Transition Toolkit

What is transition?
Transition is when a person moves from their childhood doctor, to an adult doctor. This happens from the ages of 18-30.

Transitioning from childhood to adult care can be a hard time for people living with sickle cell disease. People transitioning have the highest number of hospital visits and repeat hospital visits compared to older people with sickle cell disease.

When people with sickle cell disease do not have the proper information to transition, there is a greater chance of having a shorter life. The Sickle Cell Disease Coalition has put together important information that will help those going through transition.

We hope that, by providing this information, people with sickle cell disease will be able to better take care of their health as they transition from childhood to adult care.


This section includes questions about your health that you should know the answers to. It will be important to have these answers before you see your new doctor. The “resources” will help you put together your answers. Information about different treatment options are also included in this section.

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This section includes questions about your sickle cell disease that you should know the answers to. It will be important to have these answers before you see your new doctor. The resources section has information that will help you learn more about your sickle cell disease.

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This section includes questions your new adult doctor might ask you. These questions might be different from the questions the doctor you had as a kid or teenager asked you. It will be important to know the answers to the questions in this section before you visit your new doctor.

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The status quo is unacceptable & we are setting out to change it. Join us to #ConquerSCD! www.scdcoalition.org

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