BISMARCK, N.D. (PNS) – A shortage of lawyers in North Dakota could be hindering people’s access to justice. Attorney job listings have increased 300 percent in the past year, according to Job Service North Dakota.
While lawyers make up a small piece of the overall labor market, their role in communities is big. Tony Weiler, who heads the State Bar Association of North Dakota, says the problem looms large in rural parts of the state, where some towns may have one attorney – or none at all.
He says the issue is compounded by the fact that many in practice are nearing retirement age.

Executive Director of Legal Services of North Dakota Richard LeMay says the lack of attorneys presents a big challenge to providing legal aid for civil cases. Already, legal service organizations like his face a funding crunch.
When they don’t have the capacity to help, it’s usually low-income folks and seniors who suffer. LeMay says there are few options for people who don’t have access to an attorney.

LeMay notes the state’s oil boom has greatly increased demand for the legal profession. Debt is a major concern for many law-school graduates, and LeMay says competitive wages are necessary to attract attorneys to the state.