
2019 Registrations now open

Register for the upcoming season now!

It's almost that time...the 2019 Football season starts Term 2 and this year is going to be huge!

To help us get the season underway, we’re calling for all players to register prior to Friday 29th March.

As with last year, registrations for this year are to be completed through NZ Football’s Comet system.    Some improvements have been made to the system this year to make the registration process easier for players.

Full registration details and information can be found on the Omokoroa Football Club website here: 

Pre-season and team information will be sent to members prior to the end of Term 1 (13th April 2019).  The 2019 season will conclude towards the end of Term 3.

If you have any questions concerning the upcoming season or registration, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Register for 2019 Here


MARCH 2019

Get involved in our inaugural Preseason Academy run in conjunction with All-Stars Football Academy.

This is an amazing opportunity to get ready for the upcoming season, taking part in coaching sessions run by All-Stars Academy coach, Martin Collins.

This Preseason Academy is available to all players registered to play with Omokoroa FC in 2019.

For more information and registration details, please visit

First session starts Sunday 3rd March. *

Please make sure you register with Omokoroa FC on Comet prior to registering with the All-Stars Preseason Academy.


Calling all volunteers.

Omokoroa FC is a parent-driven community club.  There are no paid staff, and the club is run completely by committed volunteers.  

We're always seeking help for everything from marking the pitch lines, to hanging nets, to sponsorship. 

If you want to help out with the running of the club in any capacity, please get in touch! (


Get in touch now
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