Tricities Tuesday: Genghis Grill contest….. #ConquerWithKhan

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This is not officially in the Tricities, but if you’re headed to a UT game or shopping in Knoxville you might just want to hit Genghis Grill.   We travel to Knoxville pretty often to go to the zoo or just to shop.   I’ve heard of Genghis Grill and its amazing food……definitely wanting to head there sometime in the future!  It’s a build your own stir fry restaurant, where you can choose from 80 fresh ingredients, and watch as the grill masters cook it to order.   YUM!  I’ve looked at the pictures that fans have posted on the facebook page and everything looks delish.  Genghis Grill is running a contest right now with daily winners!  A grand prize winner will be chosen on November 9.   To enter, you  must answer this question: What have you conquered today?  On their Facebook page or Twitter page upload a photo of something you’ve recently achieved.  Add the hashtag #ConquerWithKhan.  It could be an Instagram photo of you jogging up a long trail, an A on a school paper, an original piece of art, or anything else you’ve seized control of.  The contest ends October 19, so you don’t have much time…..get in on the action now!

Click here to find a Genghis Grill location near you!


Check this out….

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