Book Review Podcast: Anne C. Heller, Biographer of Ayn Rand

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This week: Anne C. Heller, author of “Ayn Rand and the World She Made”; The Times’s William Grimes, author of “Appetite City,” a culinary history of New York; Motoko Rich with notes from the field; and Jennifer Schuessler with best-seller news. Sam Tanenhaus is the host. (Podcast Archive)

Book Review Podcast

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choose reason, Hawai’i October 30, 2009 · 4:23 pm

I am so glad this book came out. I saw the author on Jon Stewart…actually I would have liked to have seen Ayn Rand be interviewd by Jon Stewart.

I will die soon, this neurodegenerative disease doesn’t give me much longer.

But I will not read wonderully inspiring biographies, I want to listen to Galt and Roark again and rmember why I never was allowed to have insurance in the the USA…the land of the rich!

Ayn Rand, Wm. F. Buckley, and most conservatives pretend to be for the rugged individualist, ” the real American.” They pretend to be against big government, just like Bush and especially Dick Cheney.

But as the past 8 years showed, conservatives only hate big government when it is not their’s! Otherwise they love spending and borrowing, as they did so on historic levels, partly for the totally unnecessary Iraq war.

They gave us the key players in economics that decried regulation [or insuring an honest market]. So we went from no signicant financial massive failures for decades, since FDR’s Democrats, to a possible Depression.

Ayn Rand and Buckley decried liberalism as being too optimistic and unrealistic, when actually their greedy conservatism turned out to be a formula for wars, corruption, waste, and little connection to the real world of most of us.