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The Disgraceful Dukes #2

If I Only Had a Duke

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After three failed seasons and a disastrous jilting, Lady Dorothea Beaumont has had more than enough of her family's scheming. She won't domesticate a duke, entangle an earl, or vie for a viscount. She will quietly exit to her aunt's Irish estate for a life of blissful freedom. Until an arrogant, sinfully handsome duke singles her out for a waltz, making Thea the most popular belle of the season.

The duke ruined her plans and he'll just have to fix them.

Dalton, Duke of Osborne, is far too heartless for debutantes or marriage--he uses dalliances and public spectacle to distract from his real purpose: finding the man who destroyed his family. When his search leads to Ireland, the last thing he needs is the determined, achingly innocent Thea, who arrives in the dead of night demanding he escort her to her aunt. His foolish agreement may prove his undoing. The road to the Emerald Isle is fraught with unforeseen dangers, but the greatest peril of all might just be discovering that he has a heart...and he's losing it to Thea.

372 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published August 30, 2016

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About the author

Lenora Bell

12 books1,370 followers
Lenora Bell is a USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of historical romances with Avon Books. A teacher with an MFA in Creative Writing, Lenora has lived and worked on five continents. She's currently fixing up a big old building in small town Alaska with her carpenter husband and two tiger-striped rescue kitties (#RomancingTheRenovation). She loves hearing from readers! Join her Facebook Reader Group for exclusive excerpts, giveaways and news: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Lenor...

Learn more at www.LenoraBell.com

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Profile Image for Lenora Bell.
Author 12 books1,370 followers
June 13, 2019
I wrote this! What? Sometimes I still can't believe I'm a published author. This takes some getting used to, you know? I spent years doubting myself and thinking that I could never finish a book much less sell one. Why should you read this book? Well...Heroes and Heartbreakers said it was: "full of funny, sexy crazysauce" and I think that about sums it up. This is a wild, reckless, rollicking ride through Regency England and Ireland with a renegade vigilante duke and a determined, independent heroine. It was loosely inspired by The Wizard of Oz, so if you read it with that in mind you may catch some subtle references (red leather half-boots, yellow carriage wheels, a cowardly lion character, and a duke with no heart). I love historical romance and, as one reviewer wrote, I really don't take myself too seriously ;) Thanks for taking a chance on a new author! xoxo Lenora
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
728 reviews239 followers
February 8, 2022
4'5 Estrellitas. Al igual que con el primer libro de la serie, he quedado muy satisfecha. Lenora Bell ha sido el gran descubrimiento del último año y me alegro de que las editoriales hayan optado por volver a publicar novela de Regencia de la buena, de la que hace más de diez años que no se publicaba. Supongo que habrá que darle las gracias al éxito de los Bridgerton.

"Desear a un duque" es el segundo libro de la serie "The Disgraceful Dukes", y en él conocemos la historia de Dalton, el duque de Osbourne y amigo de James, y Dorothea, la medio hermana legítima a quien Charlene debía suplantar en el anterior libro.

Lady Dorothea es la dama perfecta, no en vano su madre la ha educado para convertirse en duquesa, pero una vez Thea hizo su presentación en sociedad, vio que ésa no era la vida que quiso llevar. Tras dos temporadas que supusieron un auténtico fracaso, convenció a su familia para que la dejase viajar a Italia con su abuela y conocer el arte. Ahí fue donde empezó el anterior libro. Pero su vuelta fue otro desastre cuando dio vía libre al duque de que desaposara a su medio hermana ilegítima. Como "castigo" su familia la envió una temporada a vivir con su tía a Irlanda, pero la finca vecina es del duque de Osbourne, donde se hallan las mayores obras que Thea querría estudiar. Así es como Thea logra ponerse en contacto con el duque, para que le deje acceder a su colección privada.

Pero Dalton, el duque de Osbourne lleva más de diez años sin poner un pie en Irlanda. Lejos de dar la imagen de libertino por la que toda la sociedad le conoce, lo que le mueve es la venganza. Hace veinte años, una tragedia familiar destruyó a su familia, pero el perpetrador de todo ello fue su propio padre, un hombre cruel, una bestia, para la que el poder lo significó todo. Dalton odiaba a su brutal padre y ahora que él es el duque le toca enmendar los desastres de su padre, y por otro lado, su venganza personal.

Empieza una nueva Temporada y Thea ha vuelto a Londres, a la que será su última Temporada antes de vestir santos. Pero Thea no quiere casarse, Thea ansía la libertad de hacer lo que quiera, tomar sus propias decisiones y vivir sin restricciones. No quiere los pretendientes que su familia le presenta, ni la presión a la que su madre y su abuela la someten. Thea estaba a punto de ser una solterona, hasta que el duque de Osbourne la saca a bailar, con falsas pretensiones.

Thea no quiere brillar de nuevo y le exige a Dalton que la deshonre de alguna manera que la haga defectuosa o incasable. Él, decididamente no entiende a las mujeres, y menos lo que mueve a Thea.

Una de las últimas pesquisas de Dalton le obliga a abandonar Londres y partir rumbo a Irlanda, con el inconveniente de que Thea se hallaba en su camino y le convence para que la lleve con él y la escolte hasta casa de su tía. Ése es el plan de Thea para huir de un casamiento desastroso impuesto por su familia.

De repente, el libro se conventirá en una road movie regencil donde los protagonistas se verán inmersos en una serie de aventuras. Donde no sabes si están viajando o huyendo y encontrando peligros y sorpresas por todos lados.

También será en ése viaje donde conoceremos las motivaciones de Dalton y sus auténticos sentimientos. Y por supuesto los de Thea, quien quiere huir de las restricciones impuestas por la sociedad y ser como la pintora italiana que descubrió en sus viajes, Artemisia Gentileschi. Thea descubrió que en la mansión de Dalton en Irlanda se halla un autorretrato de la pintora y le implora que le deje descubrirlo y mostrarlo al mundo. Pero los recuerdos de Irlanda son demasiado dolorosos para Dalton, aún así, éste viaje es su última esperanza para poner fin a su venganza.

El ritmo del libro no decae en ningún momento y desde el principio es palpable la química de los protagonistas, llevada con toques sutiles y picantes y creando un romance muy, muy atractivo. Como novela romántica lo he disfrutado mucho y me ha gustado ése equilibrio entre la trama y el amor, y por supuesto ver a los protagonistas enamorarse y evolucionar. De pensar que ninguno de los dos se casaría nunca, a encontrarse y ver que son el uno para el otro.

Sí, aunque la historia tienes ciertos tópicos y clichés, se lee muy bien y al igual que la anterior novela, tiene cierto toque a las novelas de Regencia que se publicaban hace veinte años. La falta de originalidad que pueda tener lo suple las ganas que yo tenía como lectora, de leer de nuevo romance de Regencia.

Por esto mismo espero que Espasa (y no sé por qué no Esencia), no tarde demasiado en publicar el tercer y último libro de ésta trilogía.
Profile Image for Somia.
2,064 reviews153 followers
December 22, 2020
Lady Dorothea (Thea) Beaumont has had three horrible seasons and a wedding day that didn't end in her marriage, all of which led to harsh whispers and cruel laughter. Banished to live with her aunt in Ireland she is happy, but when she is called back for another painful season she prays she can blend into the walls and quickly return home to Ireland. But when the Duke of Osborne dances with her, in what appears to be a sign of approval, the fickle Ton rather than distain her start to rush her, the men who were keeping away start desiring her attention - a change in circumstances which she abhors, and she is determined to make the Dalton, the Duke fix things, since it's entirely his fault.

I loved Thea's determination and daring - she sure surprised Dalton more than once and had me smiling. Con as a secondary character was also a good addition although more layering was needed and a little more depth. I've found that Bell's books focus primarily on the main characters and their interactions and not so much on framing them within the world/historical period they are meant to be situated in. This book is not

The subplot

A lovely little morsel with a good blend of steam and romance, this is staying in my re-read pile.
Profile Image for Pepa.
984 reviews260 followers
February 18, 2022
Reseña completa: https://masromance.blogspot.com/2022/...

La trama sería 3, pero me lo he pasado bastante bien leyéndolo y tiene un giro final que me ha sorprendido!
Lectura muy entretenida con personajes poco originales pero que, como pareja, tienen una relación con tiras y aflojas de las que me gustan. Él no es lo que parece y ella está decidida a huir de las obligaciones familiares. Una trama que transcurre durante un viaje, con un argumento nada nuevo, pero no por eso menos entretenido.
No tiene nada especial, pero me lo he pasado bastante bien leyéndolo.
Profile Image for ✨ Gramy ✨ .
1,382 reviews
August 14, 2019
** Contains mature themes **

'If I Only Had A Duke' is Lenora Bell's second book in her Disgraceful Dukes series. The Disgraceful Dukes Regency series is a debut by Lenora Bell. It was definitely an escapist's delight in entertainment. The quick pace and pleasingly captivating combination of sensual romance, delightfully unconventional characters, witty dialogue, and fabulous humorous banter provides the tale with an overwhelming success

The duke ruined her plans and he'll just have to fix them.

Dalton, Duke of Osborne, is far too heartless for debutantes or marriage--he uses dalliances and public spectacle to distract from his real purpose: finding the man who destroyed his family. When his search leads to Ireland, the last thing he needs is the determined, achingly innocent Thea, who arrives in the dead of night demanding he escorts her to her aunt. His foolish agreement may prove his undoing. The road to the Emerald Isle is fraught with unforeseen dangers, but the greatest peril of all might just be discovering that he has a heart...and he's losing it to Thea.

A dark, sexy and troubled Duke meets a lovely lady. comes face to face with a Thea was passionate, sharp, kind, and artistic. He is taken aback by the strong, independent young spinster-in-training.

Not all characterizations are well done, but it is definitely able to stand on its own and delivers a swoon-worthy fairytale Happily Ever After conclusion.

Review by Michelle M: "This book is a lot of fun. If the reader is looking for period-correct behavior on the part of the characters this is not the book for them. The author acknowledged some of the restrictions that the upper classes face during that time and then proceeds to have her characters break every rule with no consequences. This, however, is a historical ROMANCE, not a literary novel and so I think that allows some leeway. I liked the characters, both primary and secondary, and enjoyed the situations that they got themselves into. I read the book before this one (not necessary to follow what is happening in this novel) and liked seeing what has happened in the lives of the characters that I was introduced to before. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it for persons that like historical romances with a little humor."

Those that prefer a clean read should SKIP this series. It definitely does not fit in that category. Be warned so that you don't deduct points on your reviews. The authors do dedicate their time and effort to research their topics and surroundings, then pour their imagination into their works. I just wish the author's promotions would work together with Amazon and/or Goodreads to provide notification of a category that clarifies sexually explicit content, to better inform the entire reading audience. After three failed seasons and a disastrous jilting, Lady Dorothea Beaumont has had more than enough of her family's scheming. She won't domesticate a duke, entangle an earl, or vie for a viscount. She will quietly exit to her aunt's Irish estate for a life of blissful freedom. Until an arrogant, sinfully handsome duke singles her out for a waltz, making Thea the most popular belle of the season.

This book features two strong characters. A Duke, who has a secret identity as the Hellhound, he prowls the streets of London threatening gamblers and saving young peers from gambling away their fortunes. He comes face to face with a strong, independent young spinster-in-training. These two both know what they want and fight to get it. As the story goes on, we see each of them grow into an even stronger character.
Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,045 reviews1,621 followers
October 1, 2022
I’m very dense so I didn’t know until I watched an author event last night that this was a Wizard of Oz spin on romance. It’s clearly obvious but I have zero street smarts. It was a fun road trip romance and I definitely think it’s best read after book one! Both characters were very lovable and made a great pair.

This book was truly hilarious especially when she walked on his back 😭😭😭 favorite part of the book hands down.

⭐️⭐️⭐️.75/5 🌶🌶🌶.25/5
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,370 reviews1,830 followers
February 22, 2021
Profile Image for Magdalena aka A Bookaholic Swede.
1,956 reviews834 followers
August 31, 2016
If I only had a Duke is the second book in The Disgraceful Dukes series. I read the first book, How the Duke Was Won, earlier this spring and I found it quite good. I'm very pleased to say that If I Only Had a Duke is just as funny to read as the first book in the series. I chuckled aloud several times during the first 1/3 of the book. Also, I really like this series heroines. They are all so bloody funny and feels refreshingly stubborn and independent. And, that, despite living in a time when women aren't more than a man's belonging.

Now, the book is not only funny, it has a serious streak as well. Dalton, Duke of Osborne is after the man that killed his young brother when he was a child. And, now he must flee the town in a hurry after confronting a man who wounded him and could identify him because of that. However, Lady Dorothea Beaumont demands that he takes her with him when she learns that he is going to Ireland since it's his fault that she now after a couple of seasons as a wallflower is now the most popular belle of the season. She has absolutely no plans at all to get married least of all to someone her mother or grandmother wants her to marry. But, traveling, with the handsome Dalton to Ireland may change her mind about marriage. However, will she be able to get the Duke to fall for her?

Nevertheless, as much as I enjoyed the book did I have a bit of problem with the story, and that's the seduction part, the mating ritual between Dalton and Thea. And, this is not the book's fault, this is something that seldom interests me in historical romance. I'm just not fond of reading about people lusting about each other. Especially not when it gets a bit too much. In a small dose, then it's fine. But, this is historical romance, and it's a big part. So, for the right person is that part probably just fine. However, I'm just the odd one out when it comes to that.

Also, the "twist" to the story was not especially surprising, but it at least made the book's ending sweet. Another thing, I just love the ending when Thea really puts down her foot against here families wishes and the result it brings. She really has guts.

I want to thank Piatkus for providing me with a free copy for an honest review!
Profile Image for Esther .
896 reviews199 followers
November 13, 2016
I would give this a 3.5 rating.

Short review on just a couple points.

This had a pretty good story line, but at times got lost with all the side plots added to the mix.

I at times found some scenes to almost have missing parts. Jumped from one scene and then felt like I was in another and not sure how I got there (hoping this makes sense and I'm explaining myself here).

Both characters were likeable and good chemistry.

Profile Image for Izy.
838 reviews81 followers
August 26, 2016
Rating ~ 4-4.5 stars

This was my first read by the new historical romance author Lenora Bell but it's definitely won't be the last. I had a blast reading this one. I am really looking forward to the next book in this series and as I write this I'm already starting the first book in the series.

Lady Dorothea Beaumont likes living in Ireland with her aunt far away from London and the eyes of the society, this is would be her last season which means no more balls and parties, no more marriage talk. All Thea wants to do is get it over with so she could return to Ireland, too bad the Duke of Osborne is determined to ruin it. Thinking that Thea wants to entrap him using the paintings in his ancestral home as an excuse, he decides to make her popular which he thinks would get her off his back. He doesn't realise the last thing Thea wants is marriage, leading Thea to try her hand to convince Dalton to take her to home to avoid being forced in marriage by her family. And of course to allow her to catalog his paintings.

I loved Thea, she was a great protagonist. She's funny, lovely, independent and would rather not be married , not after seeing the effects of her parents marriage. She wants love but think's she very unlikely to find it. I loved her passion for Art, her will to do what she wanted to find happiness and the ill mannered Duke trying to derail her plans wouldn't stand in her way.

Our Hero, the ever kind and understanding *NOT* Dalton, Duke of Osborne has no time for marriage or balls he'd rather be hunting for his brother's killer. He plays his part of a rake to the society but really is filled with guilt over the death of his younger brother. Avenging his brother would bring him some peace and maybe finally allow his mother to come out of her shell, allowing them to become a family again.
"...someone stole my breath away". And your heart? she wanted to ask. Was it stolen as well? because mine's lost forever.

Thea and Dalton are both quite set in their ways. Their banter was hilarious and their inconvenient attraction to each other made for great entertainment. Thea teaches Dalton that there is more to life then just seeking retribution, making him feel alive and introducing laughter/chaos into his life. As Dalton makes her realise that she can fall in love. They helped each other become better individuals. Their romance was sweet, funny and highly enjoyable. I loved the letters that they wrote to each other at the start, it made for a very intriguing start to the book.

"We happen to be made for each other". ~Duke of Osborne 

Not only was the protagonists interesting so were the secondary characters such as Con, Dalton's more friend than valet. As was Molly, Thea's friend.

I didn't like the fact that even though she's the one who didn't want to be married to Harland and tells him the truth, even though her mother was responsible for the whole fiasco she has to deal with the aftereffects and gets blamed (though understandable for during that time period). I did wish that the ending had been slightly better constructed especially with how Dalton's family came about but apart from these I really enjoyed it.

Their journey back to Ireland is filled with twists and turns. I was entertained throughout the book and Ms. Bell wrote a enchanting tale filled with love, betrayal, forgiveness and a happily ever after. It's a great treat for any historical romance fans! 

ARC was generously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Angie.
1,163 reviews201 followers
December 21, 2020
Seeing as this is my first Bell novel, it took me a while to get into her writing style and flow. She writes in way that's kinda choppy at times, but I eventually grew to like her style with the storyline and characters because it just worked.

I loved this historical--it had a feisty and smart heroine, a devil-may-care sweet duke, an adventurous plot with a driven focus and flowing plot, a 'villain' that we learned to hate, and great secondary characters that worked to push the MCs together when they were too stubborn to realize what they wanted. I also appreciated the fact that Dalton and Thea worked up to their physical relationship and that it didn't immediately go from 0 to 60 in the first few chapters.

This book actually reminded me a lot of Tessa Dare's novels, which is the highest compliment I can pay a historical author seeing as I LOVE everything that woman writes. Thea was a strong and stubborn heroine, and I greatly enjoyed watching her transform into someone who was comfortable in her own skin. Dalton was so jaded and closed off to the world around him because of an accident in his youth, and his journey of rebirth was so divine to witness. I also loved Con and his meddlesome ways; he cared about Dalton (and eventually Thea and Molly) and I'm glad he found happiness as well. Definitely a book worth reading, and I will be checking out some of Bell's other works!

My Dalton, cleft chin and blue eyes :)
Profile Image for Jan.
958 reviews206 followers
October 10, 2018
It was OK. Pretty forgettable. I've already forgotten the MC's names, and I only finished it yesterday :( Oops.

I thought I'd try a new author, but Lenora Bell's not for me, I'm afraid. I didn't hate it. It did start off quite well - light and humorous and fresh. But, fresh started to quickly go stale.......... About a third of the way in the cute and funny banter was getting old, and there was a sameness about it all. I started to not care that much. By 2/3 way through I was skimming.......

I also got a bit annoyed by a transparently ridiculous plot point. Things like that make me lose interest in a book pretty quickly.

I also didn't particularly enjoy the sex scenes. I don't consider myself a prude, but these were a little too explicit for moi.

Oh well. I tried. And it did have a kind of charm at first. For me, it wore off, but I'm sure others can stick with it and enjoy this writer. It wasn't horrible - just not for me.
Profile Image for Em.
685 reviews4 followers
September 19, 2016
I gave this a D- at All About Romance.

If only If I Only Had a Duke had actually been about marrying a duke! Unfortunately, there are plots, subplots, tangents, overly complicated lead characters – he’s a hybrid secret vigilante/rake hero, she’s a timid and shy (but not really) heroine; supporting characters who are overly familiar and inappropriate (‘buddy’ manservants); extreme versions of common stereotypes (overbearing mothers and grandmothers); too perfect friends; and finally, so many liberties taken with historical accuracy that even this reader (who rarely catches these things) took offense. It was all TOO MUCH. I wasn’t particularly impressed with the first book in this series (How the Duke Was Won) but this one is so much worse. It’s such a mess that it’s difficult to work out where or how to start this review, but I’ll begin with the main characters, Lady Dorothea Beaumont and the Duke of Osborne.

Dorothea, nicknamed ‘Disastrous Dorothea,’ after an embarrassing, failed attempt to snare a husband, has spent the past few months living in exile in Ireland with her Aunt Emma. She helps her aunt take care of a bee colony and make her famous marmalade, and in her free time, she visits Balfry House, the neighboring (vacant) estate of the Duke of Osborne. During her first visit she discovers a treasure trove of artwork covered and stored in the attic. An amateur (but apparently expert) art historian, she believes one piece to be a rare self-portrait by the female renaissance artist Artemisia; on the strength of her hunch, she writes to Osborne asking permission to view and catalog the rest of the collection. He refuses.

Though beautiful and perfectly trained to be the perfect debutante – which begs the question as to why she doesn’t seem to know the correct form of address for a duke – Dorothea has spent three seasons failing to snag the duke – any duke – her mother dreams of. Awkward, uncomfortable, and barely able to speak when she’s around men, Dorothea has ambitions to spinsterhood (do people actually aspire to this?), and plans to return to Ireland to live with her aunt in Ballybrack Cottage, at the end of the season. But in the meantime, she hasn’t forgotten the Artemisia moldering in the attic at Balfry, and when she spots Lord Osborne across a crowded ballroom, Dorothea decides to approach him and demand he give her permission to catalog the collection. This rather seems to negate the reason at the heart of Dorothea’s still being on the shelf – an inability to carry on a conversation with a man, let alone force one to do her bidding.

When she approaches Osborne, a handsome, unrepentant rake with a reputation for bedding widows and unhappy wives, he’s on the terrace whispering in the ear of a Mrs. Renwick. Despite the fact she’s clearly interrupting a private tête-à-tête and that she’s usually struck mute by proximity to the opposite sex, she’s determined to get his attention. When he finally acknowledges her, she launches into a detailed explanation of why she wants access to the collection. The duke, rather than telling her to beat it, instead...

Read the rest of this review at All About Romance, here: If I Only Had a Duke (The Disgraceful Dukes, #2)
Profile Image for Natalie.
531 reviews135 followers
August 31, 2016
Artmesia was trying to tell her something. the mask Dalton wore had slipped and shattered. She knew the real man now. And her own mask wasn't needed anymore. The timidity. The nervous giggle. The fear of failure. In such a short space of time she'd become something wholly different.

And by giving her this gift, Dalton was trying to tell her something as well. He believed in her dreams and her goals... and he wanted to be part of them.

(Easily a 4 star book. I will reconsider if it's a 4.5 or more upon re-reads)

THIS WAS SO GOOD. This was everything that a great pairing should be, where two people bring out the best in each other and make each other better, and stronger together. Where they challenge each other, and set each other free. I AM VERY SAPPY RIGHT NOW.

BUT LOOK I WON'T APOLOGIZE FOR BEING SAPPY!!!!! This book had me right from the first page with the letters, turning steadily more witty and sarcastic. I LOOOOOVE books with letters and correspondence. And the letters were about A R T. Dorothea is a student of A R T. She wants to showcase Artemisia Gentileschi's paintings she found hidden in Dalton's attic in his estate in Ireland. ARTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. THE BOOK USES ART TO TELL US THINGS ABOUT THEA AND DALTON.

Thea and Dalton had amazing chemistry right from their letters. When they met they had this easy, sparky banter and when Thea sent him all the flowers she had gotten from her unwanted suitors I died. And then the book turned into a road trip!!!! Art, letters, a dangerous duke with a secret identity, sheltered heiress who loves art and is more than what she appears to be AND A ROAD TRIP? CATNIP.

Thea and Dalton were so FUN and it was also really emotional as they started to let their guard down each other, especially Dalton, who's walled himself up for so long so he could focus on his family secrets. But Thea came right along and saw right through all his pretenses and for who he really was. And Dalton also challenged Thea, brought her out of her shell and at the end gave her the push she needed TO STAGE HER OWN ART SHOW OF FEMALE ARTISTS (WAILS).

Ugh. And their sexual chemistry was amazing too. Dalton pretends to be such a tough guy but he's mush underneath, he fell SO HARD for Thea. I loved this book.
Profile Image for Shannon.
99 reviews37 followers
October 2, 2018
Definitely deserving of 5 + STARS.
Simply wonderful! Lenora Bell is a master storyteller! This book made me laugh and cry and was altogether quite satisfying. I will be reading more.
Profile Image for Consuelo.
565 reviews312 followers
March 2, 2022
2.5, al final mejora, hay ciertos giros y situaciones que podrían darle el 3, pero demasiado repetitivo. Tengo en mente otros road trip con aristócrata incluido, que desmerecen este 🤣🤣, quizás es la falta de chispa o que se intenta proclamar demasiado el trasfondo de la novela y solo se limita a eso. Debo reconocer que he saltado párrafos y eso ya ......
Profile Image for Selva Palacios.
Author 19 books144 followers
February 3, 2023
3.75 en realidad. Me ha gustado, pero pasan demasiadas cosas en un tiempo demasiado corto y demasiado inverosímiles como para que le pueda dar más nota.
En cualquier caso, un soplo de aire fresco en romántica histórica. Tiene detalles originales y la prosa de la autora me parece pulcra a la vez que bonita. Y los personajes me han gustado, sobre todo el duque.
Aún así, no continuaré con la saga.
Profile Image for nick (the infinite limits of love).
2,120 reviews1,520 followers
October 4, 2016

Lenora Bell's The Disgraceful Dukes series is turning out to be a delightful historical series. If Only I Had a Duke might only be her second book, but already she has positioned herself among my favorite historical romance authors, Tessa Dare, Lisa Kleypas and Sarah MacLean. This book had me smiling, laughing, swooning and even shedding a tear!

I love how Lenora Bell crafts strong and independent female heroines. Thea was a darling of a heroine. I was curious about her in the previous book and was ready to learn more about her in this book. She was everything that I expected and so much more. Her passion for art, her willingness to seek independence and her bravery really spoke to me. All of her life, she had been trained and prepped for landing a husband from her mother and her grandmother and she has had enough. I loved watching Thea go against her family's wishes and chase after her own happiness and in the process gaining so much more courage than she initially had. She was fierce and fiery and I couldn't love her more than I did.

Thea finds her perfect match in Dalton, Duke of Osborne, whom we also met in the first book. This secretive and deliciously attractive guy had me sighing and swooning whenever he was in a scene. To the outside world, he was nothing more than just a notorious rake, but Dalton was much more than that. Years ago, his baby brother was murdered in Ireland and ever since, his mother has refused to leave the house because of her grief. In the shadows of the night, Dalton and his manservant, Con, seek clues as to who murdered his brother and in the process, he acts as a vigilante of sorts. I loved this duo and their friendship! Dalton's grief and guilt over the death of his brother was really heartbreaking to watch especially as it ate him from the inside and entirely shaped who he was. I wanted to reach out and just give the guy a hug. Even with his roguishness, he was kind and thoughtful and basically, I found him to be the perfect book boyfriend.

Thea and Dalton's romance was another aspect of the book that had me flipping through the pages of If Only I Had a Duke. They don't start off on the right foot, but all the banter and the flirtatious moments were the absolute best. They had so much chemistry together and I just couldn't wait for them to kiss already from their very first letter the two exchanged at the beginning of the book - they were hilarious btw! I loved the dynamic that they shared with Dalton seeing Thea as a bit of a nuisance. I love it because it's so entertaining then to watch this hero fall for the thorn on his side and want nothing but to protect and keep her for himself by the end. And boy does Lenora Bell know how to write a steamy scene and have all that chemistry between her couple burst! I loved the road-trip nature of If Only I Had a Duke too. It made for an engaging story and I loved all the characters that Dalton and Thea meet on their adventure to Ireland. Secrets are discovered, new revelations are made and it was all so enjoyable. Not to mention, this book was also humorous and very light-hearted, exactly what I was looking for out of it.

If you're looking for a new historical romance author to discover, Lenora Bell should be the first author on your list. Her writing is fresh, her characters lively and her romances sweeping and epic. You won't regret picking up If Only I Had a Duke or even the first book in this series, How the Duke Was Won.
Profile Image for Sofi (sofi.bookshelf).
644 reviews673 followers
March 14, 2022
4.6 ⭐️

Este libro me gustó más que el primero. Y eso que adoré la historia de Charlene.

En esta entrega tenemos a Thea (Lady Dorothea) como protagonista y seguimos su historia desde el final del primer libro (unos días o semanas después de eso). Está en Irlanda exiliada por no haberse casado con James y allí descubre que le encanta el arte. Eso lo descubre al haber entrado a la mansión del duque de Osborn y notar la colección de obras que mantiene allí. Comienzan a compartir correspondencias en las cuales Dorothea trata de convencerlo para que la deje volver.

Ahora hablando de nuestra protagonista; ella me causaba mucha curiosidad en la entrega anterior, ya que solo sabíamos que es perfecta a los ojos de todos. Me gustó muchísimo ver que en realidad no lo era. Es muy chistosa, atrevida, inteligente y simplemente inocente.

Dalton (el duque de Osborn) es un personaje masculino demasiado interesante. Tiene un pasado turbio que me conmovió bastante. Lo mejor es que no lo usa para excusarse, él dice que es un idiota y no pone excusas del porqué, simplemente lo es. Me encantó su personaje y evolución.

La historia en general fue muy adictiva. No podía parar de leer porque quería saber en qué problemas se metería Dorothea y en cómo Dalton la salvaría o viceversa. Me encantaba leer las interacciones entre ellos porque ambos son sabelotodos y a veces uno hacía que el otro se enojara por no tener la razón.

¿Lo recomiendo? Claramente. Vayan a leer estos libros.
Profile Image for Fiebre Lectora.
2,027 reviews632 followers
February 27, 2022
Tras cuatro temporadas fallidas, lady Dorothea ha tenido suficiente de las intrigas de su familia, y no piensa seguir persiguiendo a un marido que esté a la altura de lo que quiere su madre. En su lugar, espera retirarse a la finca irlandesa de su tía, y disfrutar de una vida tranquila y libre... hasta que un aristócrata arrogante arruina sus planes: Dalton, el duque de Osborne, siempre ha buscado venganza, y solo la encontrará si da con el hombre que destruyó a su familia; cuando esa búsqueda lo lleva a Irlanda, lo último que necesitaba era tener que cargar con la inocente Dorothea, que apareció en plena noche para pedir ayuda.

Qué pena, de verdad. Con lo muchísimo que disfruté del primero y las ganas que tenía de este otro, no ha sido para nada lo que esperaba. De primeras, me encantó saber que me encontraba con la historia de lady Dorothea, hermanastra de la anterior protagonista, y quien había tenido un papel fundamental en el desenlace de la novela; además, su personalidad y sus deseos de libertad me parecían de lo más prometedores.

Reseña completa: http://fiebrelectora.blogspot.com/202...
Profile Image for Miss Bridgerton.
329 reviews191 followers
February 11, 2022
Una decisión arriesgada que cambiará el rumbo de todo.

Desear a un duque de Lenora Bell es un romance en medio de un viaje repleto de retos y peligros donde Thea y Dalton descubrirán los sinsabores de un amor imposible, vetado por la razón y el miedo a lo desconocido.

Link de la reseña completa: http://florecilladecereza.blogspot.co...
Profile Image for Avid Booker.
277 reviews55 followers
September 12, 2016
First OFF, lets not EVER compare this to the glorious magnifiecence of A Week To Be Wicked. I'm sorry, this story just didn't have that kind of charm or humor. That's first. 2nd, it was good, but some things left me dry.

Okay, so lets start of with the similarities of this and A Week To Be Wicked. A rake and normal girl(she's of the ton, but barely). Check. Someone in the story makes up wild tales. Check. It's a road trip romance. Check.
Now that we got that over with. Let's get on to the characters.

Thea, Dorothea, was our heroine. She wanted to become as spinster after several disastrous seasons because her family isolated her to become the perfected duchess(they planned to snatch her up a duke), but she never really talked to a man, so when she does, she's bad at it. Anyway, fast-forward some years and she's snooping around the Duke's house in Ireland while she's there for a visit with her Aunt. She sends the Duke letters and he writes back. Fastforward again and its now the season. One more and she can be a spinster. But after a fail trying to talk to the Duke again, he makes he the bell of the ball.(You learn all this from the back of the book kinda) She goes to his house and demands he take her to Ireland. She was..... okay I guess. Not my type. She was NOTHING like Minerva. So if you expect that, well don't. Cuz she's not. She's loud, outspoken (surprisingly for someone who was isolated) and trying to force her way in life. She's never too stupid, but she does do some things that I was like idk if that was the smartest thing to do. ALSO, she's really INTO paintings. One woman artist in particular, and THAT is what makes the story start off.

Dalton, aka Duke Osbourne?, he was our Rake. Always being spoken about because of his widows and wives that he sleeps with. He was....okay too. I really have nothing to say to him. Thea NEVER listened to him and it was kind of annoying.

Con and Molly. Honestly, they were NOT needed. And neither was the whole weird subplot of Dalton's brother being killed and him trying to avenge his death etc etc. It was stupid. Specially what ended up happening. I thought it felt rushed and almost predictable in a way? Con and Molly were there THE WHOLE trip. And while the main couple had plenty of times alone, there were moments when their plots took up some time and caused less getting to know you time, for me. I think those pages should have been used more for witty banter and romance.

Her mom SUDDENLY agreeing was a weird touch. You'll see what I mean. That's about it. It wasn't bad, but let's not EVER compare it to the great A Week To Be Wicked. Minerva and Colin were damn near perfect.

I've never heard of masseuses in Regency! That was a nice surprise and made for a cute scene!

But yo, tell me why she brought up his hands and said something along the lines of "he was different from other dukes because he had dirt underneath his fingernails." Some time later, like it might've been days or whatever but she licked his hand. I'm sorry, she didn't say anything about his sanitariness but I WOULD NEVER lick his hand. I don't even think they used hand soap back in this time. I laughed, but it was a gross thought lol.

She used all her strength to grind her heels into the ridges of his back.
"Christ," he grunted. "Easy now."
"Am I hurting you, Your Grace?" she asked sweetly redoubling her efforts.
"Hold a moment," he said, low and dangerous. "I know that voice..."
With one swift movement he twisted, setting her off balance. He caught her by the waist and forced her knees to either side of him, pressing her down against him.
"What in all the fiery blazes of hell are you doing here? Con," he bellowed. "I'm going to bloody well murder you."

Whenever they spoke to one another sparks flew. They'd start the carriage on fire if they weren't careful.

Molly grinned. "Will you allow me to raid the library when you live at Balfry House?"
"When you're married to the Duke and live at Balfry. Or maybe you two will live in London?"
Thea dropped her hand from Molly's shoulders. "That will never happen."
"Dunno 'bout that. You smile so much more than when I first met you, and your eyes get shiny like when you look at him. And the way he stares at you..." She gave a low whistle and scrunched up her freckled nose. "Its kind of disgusting."
Thea smiled.
"See?" Molly said, piking her arm. "You're smiling."
Profile Image for Amanda.
400 reviews114 followers
February 15, 2017
This was a very fun, cute read. It featured a lot of tropes I tend to love: bantering leads, classic road trip shenanigans, a matchmaking man servant, a grumpy duke, a spirited wallflower, sexy times on a ship, etc. Thea for me was the standout though. I identified with her feelings of inadequacy and admired her journey to self assurance, aptly rubber stamped by Dalton’s total awe and confidence in her and her dreams. I also liked how she drew much of her strength from her love of art, which was then reflected in her experiences.
“Kissing the duke felt like viewing a life-changing painting in a gallery. The perception of a curtain opening on another world. Reality shifting, expanding.”

I enjoyed Thea and Dalton’s sparring matches and the letters they exchanged. The fact that broody Dalton was undone by Thea’s clever mind and caring heart made for a lovely dynamic between the two. There was no doubt that they were a well matched pair, but there was A LOT going on that had little or nothing to do with them. It was a clunky execution of plots on top of side plots, characters that were introduced and made relevant or irrelevant with no apparent ease, and I feel like the romance got lost somewhere along the way. I found myself easily distracted while reading too which is pretty good indication that my heart wasn’t wholly invested.

There seems to be a repetitiveness in Lenora Bell’s writing that continues to irk me. I first noticed it in How the Duke Was Won, most notably were Harland’s obsessive thoughts about Charlene’s breasts. Here, Dalton could not stop going on about Thea’s “butter and marmalade curls” (does that make her a ginger???). Obviously fanboying about hair is less annoying/pervy than breasts, but it got really old after the umphteeth mention. This, the messiness of the plot(s) and the lack of an emotional connection I had with the main couple did detract from my love for the book. If I Only Had a Duke was a vast improvement over the previous book, but not enough to completely sell me on this author just yet.
Profile Image for (Nat) Reading Romances.
340 reviews421 followers
September 1, 2016

Lenora Bell is an author you should be reading.

If I Only Had a Duke fulfilled all my (high) expectations! And let me tell you, I haven’t read a historical with such hot sex scenes in a good while. They were very well written.

I’m only confused by the title, because the heroine never wanted or needed a Duke as part of her life plan. So I suggest it could’ve been titled as “How to topple a monumental duke”! HA!

I was so sad when it was over. I want to read more by Lenora Bell ASAP! She’s got a new fan.

I received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Pamela Shropshire.
1,345 reviews62 followers
December 13, 2016
DNF. Far too many sentence fragments. For no good reason. Just. Couldn't. Take. It. Any. More.

Too many inconsistencies. Too many tangled storylines that were unnecessary. And I won't even begin on the anachronisms in this so-called historical. H/h are both apparently time traveling SJWs from the 21st century.

Perhaps I'll give it another try later when my tolerance is greater.
Profile Image for id!l.
323 reviews20 followers
September 7, 2016
I really enjoyed the first book, but I wasn't really sold here. I found the premise and plot a bit far fetched, and to be fair that was also an issue in book 1, but at least the love story was more compelling. I think there wasn't enough of a build up and so it came across as insta love.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 435 reviews

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