Hamiet Bluiett - Harlem Jazz Series

Fri, Sep 30, 2016 7:00pm - 9:00pm | US/Eastern

Location: Rendall Memorial Presbyterian Church

Concerts/Live Performances
Family Friendly
Central Harlem


Hamiet Bluiett is widely regarded as one of the most talented baritone saxophone players in all of jazz music. Bluiett has continued to record and perform as a bandleader into the twenty-first century, and he has consciously resisted the advanced technological techniques of the new century in favor of a more stripped-down sound. "I'm dealing with being more healthful, more soulful, more human. Not letting the computer and tricknology and special effects overcome me," he told the Santa Cruz Sentinel. "I'm downsizing to maximize the creative part. Working on being more spiritual, so that the music has power ... power where the note is still going after I stop playing. The note is still going inside of the people when they walk out of the place."

1st set: 7pm - 7:45pm (15 min break) 2nd Set: 8pm - 8:45pm

House doors open at 6:30pm

Price: $15


Email: info@welcometoharlem.com

More Info: http://harlemjazzboxx.com

Location Details
Rendall Memorial Presbyterian Church
59 West 137th Street
New York NY 10037 US