Deplorable Me

Brietbart’s Charlie Spiering in his column ‘Hillary Clinton’s 47% Moment: Calls Trump Supporters ’Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic’” reported:

During a fundraiser in New York City Friday evening, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton described half of the Americans supporting Donald Trump as a “basket of deplorables” made up of “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” people.

Count me as one of the deplorables.

I have been called racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic long before Hillary’s 47% statement. Let’s look at each of these expressions of contempt and understand why I freely admit to being one of the “deplorables”:

  • RACIST – I am a racist because I have seen in my lifetime the black family destroyed and with it the black community. I weep when I see black single mothers who are dependent on government for their sustenance.  My heart breaks when I see young blacks killing other young blacks. I was angered watching blacks burn down black business in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland. I am a racist.
  • SEXIST – I believe it is a woman’s right to choose to get pregnant. I do not believe that once pregnant a woman has a right to choose to kill her baby. I believe every life is precious and the unborn are a gift from God. Therefore it is morally right for a mother to carry her baby to term. If she does not want to raise her baby then others are waiting in line to do so. I believe adoption beats abortion every time! I am sexist.
  • HOMOPHOBIC – I believe that homosexuality is a life style choice, not a civil right. Homosexuality goes against the laws of nature, science and genetics. The color of one’s skin is immutable. Homosexuality is mutable. While I do not agree with this lifestyle, I do not condone the persecution and slaughter of homosexuals as is happening in majority Muslim nation states. I abhor what Omar Mateen did at the Pulse Gay Club in Orlando, Florida. Homosexuals need psychological and medical help because their behaviors are dangerous to themselves, their family and those they have intercourse with. I am homophobic.
  • XENOPHOBIC – I fear those from other countries who break our laws by illegally crossing our borders. Our sovereignty is at risk. Borders are like the front door of my home. I decide who can and cannot enter, so to it is with my country. It is our sovereign right and the duty of the U.S. Congress to decide who comes to America and under what circumstances. Open borders is the inextricable path toward the loss of the America I have known. It is wrong to allow people without respect for the rules and law breakers to come to America. We are a nation of laws, not of men. I am xenophobic.
  • ISLAMOPHOBIC – I have attended fifteen 9/11 memorial ceremonies. I have listened to speakers tell heart breaking stories of their pain and suffering because of what happened on 9/11/2001. But 9/11 was not just one attack by the followers of Mohammed. Since 9/11/2001 there have been tens of thousands of attacks by Muslims against non-Muslims and Muslims alike. September 11th, 2016 was not only the 15th anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, the attack on the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and the downing of Flight 93. There was also the 9/11 attack which brought down Extortion 17 a helicopter carrying 33 SEAL Team members in Afghanistan in 2011 and the 9/11 attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya in 2013. The pattern is clear, to deny it is worse than to be labeled. I see Islam as evil. I am Islamophobic.

Yes, I am a deplorable, a supporter of Donald J. Trump for president.

I am an American worker, mother, father, son, daughter. I am an American soldier, sailor, airman and Marine. I am an American farmer, coal miner, oil rig worker, I have a gun and I am a small business owner. I am a police officer, fire fighter, gold star mother, blue star father. I am a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, an agnostic, an atheist. I am straight, I am gay. I am not rich. I am not privileged. I am not an NFL quarterback. I do not hate America. I vote my values.

I am deplorable – a badge I wear with honor. I am an unhypenated American!

Toby Keith – American Soldier:

RELATED VIDEO: Deplorables

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