Knit and Crochet Night

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Seymour Library
Large Half

Event Details

This will be the only Knit & Crochet for the month of December. There will be an ornament exchange and participants who would like to join in are asked to bring a wrapped ornament

Bring your own project while enjoying the company of other knitters and crocheters, or learn a pattern from volunteer leader Georgiann Coons. To start a project bring size 7 or 8 knitting needles or a J or K crochet hook & some worsted weight yarn. 

  • Location: Seymour Library Meeting Room
  • No Registration Required

Event Type(s): Library Program
Age Group(s): Teens & Adults
Presenter: Led by experienced knitter Georgiann Coons
Information Services
(812) 523-4636