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Modern Love #3

The Banker

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Who knew my brother’s friend could be Mr. Right, and not just Mr. Right Now?

My brother refused to introduce me, so I blame him. If he’d just caved, and introduced me to Jasper, I wouldn’t be in this mess. I mean, really, what’s the big deal? I’m not interested in the guy’s looks.

Oh no, I want his cold hard cash. (Be honest, you were expecting that other four letter ‘c’ word weren’t you?)

Now, before you go getting all judgy, I’m not a gold digger. I have a legitimate business opportunity for Jasper to invest in. The problem is that my stick-up-his-ass brother is embarrassed that his twin sister invents kick ass sex toys. His problem, not mine.

So, I took matters into my own hands. Defeat isn’t a word in Lennon Hart’s dictionary.

Using my stealthy P.I. moves, I narrowed my search to a time and place where I knew I could find him. It was completely innocent. A chance meeting that would give me the opportunity to pitch my business.

It wasn’t until I sat down across from the gorgeous panty soaking man in front of me, that I realized I wanted so much more than just his money. I could very well want his heart if I wasn’t careful.

Apparently my P.I. skills aren’t as stellar as I thought because Jasper had his own secret—and it changed EVERYTHING.

Note To Readers: Mad About the Banker was formally titled The Banker and concludes the Modern Love series. Each book can be read as a standalone.

332 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 5, 2017

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About the author

Piper Rayne

150 books5,224 followers
Piper Rayne is a USA Today Bestselling author duo. Our goal is to bring you romance stories that have "Heartwarming Humor With a Side of Sizzle" (okay...you caught us, that's our tagline). A little about us... We both have kindle’s full of one-clickable books. We're both married to husbands who drive us to drink. We're both chauffeurs to our kids. Most of all, we love hot heroes and quirky heroines that make us laugh, and we hope you do, too.

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2h5oycP
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Website: www.piperrayne.com

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Our Books: We do things in 3’s. Three best friends. Three hot heroes. Three HEA’s.

Modern Love:
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Single Dads Club:
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Dirty Truth:
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Bedroom Games:
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Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
832 reviews3,114 followers
April 9, 2017
I knew going into this book that I was going to love it! The first two books in the Modern Love series, The Bartender and The Boxer, made me Piper Rayne fans, so I was pretty confident in what to expect with this one. I have been anticipating Lennon’s story ever since her character was introduced two books ago. Lennon is the loud, crazy, fun, free spirited friend in the group. She is also the most secure in her sexuality, and for her, one-night stands are the norm. Therefore, I assumed her story would be the hottest and most amusing of the three. Well, The Banker has steam and some funny moments, but what surprised me was the emotion. If I had to use one word to describe the story overall, the word I would use would be heartwarming.

Lennon desperately needs a private investor to invest in her sex toy company, and her brother’s friend and mentor, Jasper, seems like the perfect man for the job. The only problem is her twin brother, Jacob, isn’t about to let his sister ask Jasper anything of the sort. When her brother leaves his phone on his desk, Lennon uses the opportunity to find out where Jasper is going to be that night. She plans to meet him there and try to sell him on taking a chance on her.

After meeting him, Lennon decides she wants to show him more than her business pan. Not only that, she realizes that she might actually like the guy, and since she doesn’t mix business with pleasure, she decides not to mention her company or her original intentions for seeing him that night. Pretty soon they are having sex like animals, but this time, she doesn’t leave when it’s over. They continue to spend time together, and what happens next is something completely shocking to everyone. Lennon begins to have an actual monogamous relationship.

Everything seems to be going perfectly until out of nowhere Jasper throws her a curveball. Lennon isn’t sure how to react, and it could be a deal breaker for their relationship. Even if they make that work, secrets don’t say secrets forever. Sooner or later Jasper is going to have to find out who her brother is and what her initial interest in him was. Will he be able to move past that or will he think she only got into his bed, so she could get into his wallet?

Lennon is hands down my favorite character in the series. Other than coining the phrase “unicorn cock,” she has some other pretty awesome attributes. She is completely non-judgmental, easy going, hilarious, talented, open-minded, adventurous, and always the life of the party. Not only does she run her own tattoo parlor, but she designs sex toys that she gives to her friends for free to “test.” Her friends are extremely important to her, and she is always there for them encouraging them in whatever they do. When it comes to her sex life, tattoos, or that spectacle of van she drives around town in, she gives zero fucks what anyone else thinks, and that is probably what I admire most about her. She is unapologetic for who she is as a person, and the choices she makes in her life. In opinion, it would be impossible for anyone NOT to love her!

I knew it would take a pretty special guy to be worthy of her in my eyes, but I think Jasper is it. I thought she would fall for some hot, tatted up bad boy with a heart of gold and a sex chamber, but instead she went head over heels for a business man. If I tell you too much about him it will give away a twist in the story. What I will say is that once I found out everything there was to know, it made me like him even more.

The Banker is a fun, sexy, sweet, entertaining, and emotional read. I can’t believe I almost cried more than once reading this book. Surprisingly, this story was the most serious and heartfelt of the three. You get to see another side of Lennon that you haven’t gotten to see before. Sure, sometimes I just wished she would do something outlandish like the girl I know and love, but honestly, I think her change in her character was part of her character development. Of course, the writing style was fabulous as always. Piper Rayne never fails to pull me into a book and hold my attention until the end. I just wish this wasn’t the last book in the series. If the authors ever want to write more books about these same characters, I will definitely be reading them!

If you have read the previous books in the series, this book is a must! If you haven’t read them, dive in to The Bartender head first! I think the series works best if you read the books in order though it can be read as a standalone. This has been a fun group of stories with awesome friendships, romances, and unicorn cocks, and I am so glad I decided to give them try! I think you will be, too!

ARC generously provided for an honest review.

Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,646 reviews1,360 followers
April 5, 2017
It's LIVE!! http://bit.ly/2nDNhmv

THE BANKER was by far my favorite book by Piper Rayne. Many factors contributed to this opinion, such as:

★★★ Lennon. I've been waiting for this woman's story ever since I met her in The Bartender. Heck, she's the one who came up with the term "unicorn cock". And she drives a vehicle with unicorns vomiting and pooping rainbows. And she's created her own exclusive brand of pleasure-inducing toys. What's not to love about her???
★★★ Jasper. Handsome, charismatic, successful, intelligent and sexy. A dirty-talking mountain of hotness that was able to not only keep up with the elusive Lennon, but he tamed her *gasp*. He embodied so many wonderful characteristics I look for in my leading men: compassion, understanding, sex appeal, dominance, etc. Loved him!
★★★ A character that I shall not name, but who you will absolutely fall in love with. How could you not? Honestly, if you don't fall in love with this character, you are cold and heartless and we can't be friends.
★★★ The banter. The pacing of the plot. The insight I gained from Lennon's character into what shaped her into the woman she was. Can I say I adored the time her mom had her back? Epic!
★★★ The almost non-existent drama between the main characters. It led to this story having an easy and almost laid-back kind of vibe, which made it easier to enjoy what was developing between Jasper and Lennon.

There were plenty of insanely hot times, plenty of laughable moments, plenty of swoon-worthy episodes, and plenty of good times to be enjoyed. I had a blast reading this one and look forward to reading more from Piper Rayne!!

Release Date: April 5, 2017
Genre: Romantic Comedy
POV: Heroine - 1st person
Steam: 4 out of 5
Book Type: Standalone - Book 3 of the Modern Love series with character crossover
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,640 reviews2,800 followers
March 24, 2017


descriptionThis cover (like the book itself) is my least favorite of the trio. It's a bit on the boring side, and the guy on the cover isn't ANYTHING like how "I" pictured Jasper. The typography is interesting, though.description

descriptionSo this one ended up being my least favorite of the trio. I'll get into why in a second but first I want to say that while this one didn't quite meet my expectations, it was a still a very enjoyable book.

This is Lennon's story and if you've read the first two you know Lennon is the crazy fly by her pants tatted up friend. She drives a unicorn van and designs sex toys. I LOVED her in the first two books so I couldn't wait to see her first hand in hers.


The first part of the book was going well. I enjoyed both Jasper and Lennon. It was hot. It had humor. Then something was introduced. I can't really explain "what" without spoiling the book, but suffice it to say when that plot point was brought in is when the book went off the rails for me. Jasper lost his edge. Lennon lost her spark and the connection I was feeling fizzled out. I felt like the lightheartedness that I loved in this series went out the window and the book turned rather serious and more angsty.

Jasper was also my least favorite of the heroes. Sure he was hot and all Dom like at times, but his over reaction at the end soured me on him pretty fast. He acted like a child considering the stakes involved when one 10 minute conversation (which BTW is about as long as he groveled for) could have cleared the air. I also had an issue with the way Lennon's whole family treated her they were a bunch of judgy douches. *lol*

So I know it sounds like I didn't enjoy this one, but often it is the bad stuff we didn't like that takes up the most page space. All three of these books have been entertaining reads, and I would recommend them ALL. So sally forth and readdescription


Profile Image for Shannon.
463 reviews150 followers
April 5, 2017
The Banker is another full length novel that delivers exactly what we've come to know and love from Piper Rayne. It's fun, flirty and laugh out loud funny all the while mixing together quick wit and sizzling intimacy.

"Pompous control freak or not, Jasper Banks better watch out, because he’s never seen the likes of Lennon Hart."

The connection between these two was so instantaneous, I knew that we'd be in for a wild ride! This author duo has a knack for coming up with sweet, charming and/or irresistible first encounters between their main characters. It's downright addictive! This chemistry was great, though I do feel that it fizzled quite a bit when the 'big twist' was revealed. Even moving in from there, it was cutesy, an adorable story, but the characters felt so far removed from how they were at the beginning, it was like they were different people.

I loved the underlying theme of uncertainty and judgements. Based on Lennon's attitude and appearance, she's been judged her entire life and it was quite interesting to see the ways in which this has affected her and how she's grown to overcome these obstacles. This element and the fact that it's constant throughout was extremely well done.

"I push back the feeling that I’m not good enough, not strait-laced enough, not in the box enough. It’s a feeling I’ve worn like a second skin my entire life."

Based on the beginning of this story and how these characters met the first time, I fully expected this to be my favourite story out of the series, but by the end it just didn't turn out that way. This mostly has to do with one major issue that I found to be annoying: predictability. I predicted absolutely everything that would happen here. There were so many different directions that the story could have taken or that the conflict could revolve around, but it was the most basic and obvious one chosen which was kind of aggravating. When it's so predictable and following a similar plot (with minor character detail changes) to so many stories before it, I lose interest and fast. It's a good read and well done, but I can only claim it as average, considering that's the route that the authors chose.

There was however a bit of extra drama nearing the end that didn't have to do specifically with the conflict. This, I loved. I thought that finally the story was taking a different direction and I wanted to know how each character would handle the situation. No direction changes, but I still enjoyed seeing the play out.

"I’m not usually a hand-holder, more of an ass-grabber. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t like being led anywhere. I’m in charge of my own life. But with Jasper, it somehow feels right that he leads me."

Overall, The Banker is a solid ending to the series and I feel like Lennon's story did her character justice. I wasn't her biggest fan during Whitney's story but glad she got her chance to shine. The character dynamic between this group is fantastic and they have great chemistry as a whole, so that was a nice touch to help tie everything together and help send off everyone at once.

3.5 Stars

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Gökçe.
Author 3 books74 followers
April 14, 2017
Better than first two, but still not an amazing read. Ok for a pass time.

This Lennon was not the person we saw in the first two books. She wasn't the quirky girl i liked. She was the Lennon-in-a-box version of herself.

I reaaaalllyyy liked the Starbucks scenes. <3 But it wasn't enough. There is no conversation between the couple. They meet, they lie, they fuck, they love but without any actual conversation. Hence my rating.
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,542 reviews183 followers
June 16, 2017
Now that was the perfect way to end this great series. Of course Lennon has long been my favourite of the trio so I knew I was going to enjoy her quirky sense of humour and complete lack of filter. But since the series had been so solid there is always the worry that it can’t live up to expectations. Maybe the author will try to cram too much in to tie off the other couples and take away from the romance of the couple. Or maybe there will be one of a few hundred other small things that will detract from making this book all that I am hoping it will be but nope this series was solid to the end.

Firstly this book was all about Lennon and Jasper. The other ladies and their significant others were there and we got a little more of their relationships but the focus was so solidly on Lennon and Jasper that it could be read as a standalone if you haven’t read the first two.

Lennon was amazing. Of Course. She had such a solid grasp of who she was but as we got to know her better we also saw her hidden insecurities and her gooey soft center. All hidden behind her rainbow shitting unicorn van and her covering of tattoos and one night stands was a woman who felt like an outsider from her whole family.

Jasper was so much better than I could have anticipated. I was expecting a completely uptight banker type under the whole opposites attract theory and yeah he kind of was but he was also growly, possessive, dominant and completely alpha. I loved that he was able to be sweet as well and despite a few misunderstandings between them he was so accepting of who Lennon was and went out of his way to ensure she knew how he felt about her.

This is hands down my favourite of the three and I am dying to see where Piper Rayne are going to go with their next series.

See my review here

Profile Image for Alex ♈.
1,568 reviews1,316 followers
December 18, 2018
2.75 stars

The book/female character was somehow a protest against double standards.

I liked this trope.
Sexually active and adventurous woman who enjoyed casual sex.
She was a bit extravagated, but it was nice to read about a sexual woman and not a virginal/celibate one.

However, the love story itself lacked depth and connection. Told completely from female POV. I missed his thoughts; I couldn’t connect with the hero and didn’t like him much.

My main complaint was the conflict between the heroine and hero’s mother. It’s a low blow when a woman almost blackmails her man to choose between her and his mother. His mom was not always fair, but I could understand her concerns and found his behavior weak.

The conflict at the end almost ruined MC’s characters. She made a mistake, but he acted as coward.

Nevertheless, the best book in this series.
Profile Image for Sophie.
590 reviews471 followers
April 1, 2017
Holy hell!!! I said I was desperate to read Lennon's book after meeting her in The Bartender & The Boxer but NEVER did I expect what I actually got.

Lennon is incredible. Her story is INCREDIBLE! I loved every single second!

Lennon became my favourite back in The Bartender. Her sass and way of life, so free, was refreshing. She's hilarious, wicked and witty. And she's hot, oozing confidence. I'm not afraid to say I crushed on Lennon. LOL. Loved her. What was so fun and interesting to see was how Lennon met her one. Piper Rayne wrote this so, so well. Making it fun, sexy and totally believable. And who is the fine man who sweeps our Lennon off her feet?

Ladies! His name is Jasper and he's AMAZING! From the off, the minute Jasper set his eyes on Lennon. I felt it. These two are sparks and light and intense heat. They are raw, intense, passionate and it oozes from the pages. Jasper is a world of his own people. It was always going to take something special for Lennon to fall but with Jasper, personally I think Piper Rayne nailed it.

Like Lennon and Jasper, I was swept of my feet. Held thoroughly captivated by words that made one hell of a story!

The Banker is my FAVE of this series of standalones! A total winner in my bookish eyes. 5 EPICALLY AWESOME STARS.
Profile Image for Beth.
632 reviews
April 5, 2017
Title: The Banker
Series: Modern Love #3
Author: Piper Rayne
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Publication Date: April 5, 2017
Cliff Hanger: No

4 Stars

*This story is for mature audiences only. Contains explicit scenes and language intended for adults 18+

Who knew my brother’s friend could be Mr. Right, and not just Mr. Right Now?

My brother refused to introduce me, so I blame him. If he’d just caved, and introduced me to Jasper, I wouldn’t be in this mess. I mean, really, what’s the big deal? I’m not interested in the guy’s looks.

Oh no, I want his cold hard cash. (Be honest, you were expecting that other four letter ‘c’ word weren’t you?)

Now, before you go getting all judgy, I’m not a gold digger. I have a legitimate business opportunity for Jasper to invest in. The problem is that my stick-up-his-ass brother is embarrassed that his twin sister invents kick ass sex toys. His problem, not mine.

So, I took matters into my own hands. Defeat isn’t a word in Lennon Hart’s dictionary.

Using my stealthy P.I. moves, I narrowed my search to a time and place where I knew I could find him. It was completely innocent. A chance meeting that would give me the opportunity to pitch my business.

It wasn’t until I sat down across from the gorgeous panty soaking man in front of me, that I realized I wanted so much more than just his money. I could very well want his heart if I wasn’t careful.

Apparently my P.I. skills aren’t as stellar as I thought because Jasper had his own secret—and it changed EVERYTHING.

My Thoughts:
I was so happy to read Lennon and Jasper’s story! I have anxiously been waiting for it! It was everything I wanted for her! She is such a colorful character and doesn’t care what other people think about her, but she really is tender hearted. People’s nasty comments about her tattoos, free life style, career choices, and love choices roll off her back, but I think she takes it to heart. Her family made me mad, her brother I wanted to kick him, but Lennon powers through. She is such a powerful force! I loved her! Her inner dialog was awesome. I had many laugh out loud moments!

This book was a little more serious than the other two. I found Lennon’s character development and her growing attachment to Jasper heart-warming. Jasper is everything you want in a book boyfriend. He is handsome, charming, polite, sexy as hell and an alpha! He blows Lennon’s mind! There are a few twists I didn’t expect, but that made this book that much more enjoyable!

My only complaint is I want more. I feel that there is so much more to tell! I really hope that there is a chance that there could be another book or 10 in this series! Give this series a chance! The Banker can be read as a standalone, but you really need to start at the beginning with The Bartender, move on to the Boxer and top it all off with The Banker. You will fall in love with all of the characters!

ARC kindly provided by Give Me Books for an honest review.
Profile Image for Susan (susayq ~).
2,277 reviews129 followers
March 28, 2017
Gah. I just don't know what to say about this. I want to list all the things I loved but I don't want to give anything away because this needs to be read and savored. It was perfect (for me). It made me laugh, cry, swoon, rail in anger and left me smiling like a loon around 1 this morning when I finished it. Just go read it. Lennon and Jasper will be worth the time you spend reading it.

*thanks for sharing a copy of this with me*
Profile Image for Tania's Book Blog.
1,656 reviews19 followers
April 6, 2017
I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy.

Lennon, Lennon, Lennon, lol. She's such a breath of fresh air but in this book I completely felt sorry for her. It seems like no one ever took her seriously and was always putting her down. Even though at times it seems like she was irresponsible, she didn't need to be disrespected, humiliated and shamed all the time even from family members.

Now that I've got that off my chest, the way she meets Jasper is hilarious. They were sparks flying from the beginning. Things were going great between them even when something in Jasper's life occurs that I thought would have caused anger or drama didn't even mess up Third relationship. Things got better after that UNTIL a family member of Lennon messes things up.

I felt bad for her and I enjoyed her growth. I disliked Jasper's mom very, very much but then she came around. That epilogue!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Funniest and one of the best ever!! Out of the three couples, I would really like to read more on these two followed by Lucas and Thalia.
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,519 reviews215 followers
April 5, 2017

I just knew Lennon's book was going to be my favorite of the Modern Love books, and it absolutely was!

She has been my favorite of the 3 friends since The Bartender so to say I was excited for this book is an understatement. She’s quirky, eccentric, and outrageous- she owns who she is and she’s not ashamed to flaunt it. To her friends and family she may seem flighty, but she has a plan and she’s determined to succeed on her own merit- with or without their support.

And so, without further thought, she goes after what she wants...and ends up with so much more than she bargained for. Thinking of him as only a means to an end, Lennon sets her sights on venture capitalist Jasper Banks, who also happened to be her twin brother's mentor. After her brother refuses to introduce her to Jasper she takes matters into her own hands, and let's just say this is where the fun, and frustration, starts.

The Bartender and The Boxer both made me a little emotional at times, but nothing like what I went through with The Banker. I think it's because I felt such a connection to Lennon. She lets you see who she wants you to see, yet there's so much more to her than she is given credit for, more than what she presents to the world. But when she lets Jasper in, the true Lennon really shines through and she is beautiful and loving and deserving of all the happiness. This book made me laugh. It made me cry. It made me angry. All the best emotions to go through when reading a book.

Between Lennon's family, Jasper's mother, Tahlia and Whitney, and even Jasper at times, I don't know who I wanted to smack first. Ok, I didn't really want to smack the girlfriends, more like bop them upside their heads. And with Jasper I just wanted to shake some sense into him. But his mom, and her family, yeah I wanted to give them all a good throat punch.

If the Modern Love series has to come to an end, The Banker was a wonderful conclusion. This has been such a fun, sweet series. I'm going to miss these characters.
Profile Image for Evelyn Summers.
Author 3 books49 followers
April 6, 2017
Title: The Banker
Author: Piper Rayne
Series: Modern Love #3
Genre: erotic romance
Themes: single parent
Heat: 3/5
Rating: 3/5

Although I have read The Bartender, which I didn't get along with, I skipped The Boxer but decided to give this third and final instalment a try due to the overwhelmingly positive reviews it's been receiving. Yet, although it was definitely an improvement from the first, it still screamed average to me.

I do not like the voice that these books are written in. There is no difference, voice-wise, between the three main characters, despite them having extraordinarily different personalities. I also just don't particularly find the humour funny - rather, it constantly feels forced and awkward - and I find that even the main characters are very one-dimensional. This one gripped a little more at the heartstrings due to its subject matter, but I found Brady incredibly annoying and the tension between Lennon and Natalie somewhat superficial.

The main positive was that the sex scenes were well-written, creative and pretty hot; it was these juxtaposed with the fact that this time I didn't have to force myself to finish reading it that bumped this up to a three star read.

A small step up from the original, The Banker boasts subject matter that forces the reader to care, but the irritating voice and one-dimensional characters mean it still falls flat.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,425 reviews115 followers
April 3, 2017
***ARC Provided by the Author and Give Me Books PR***

4.5 Stars

There are books that are hard to review because a full review is a spoiler. This is one of them. The blurb tells you that Jasper has a secret. Well, he does. And, it is a game changer, just like the blurb says.

So, I am not really able to talk about the whole book in the review. Really, I am not even able to vaguely discuss parts I liked, as it is a spoiler, LOL

What I can say is that I really enjoyed it. There was a subplot with his family that I thought was a little unnecessary, and that is what is keeping this from being a 5 star...but it was close, and I waffled a bit before firming up the 4.5.

I liked their meeting. One thing that Piper Rayne does incredibly well is writing the character who comes across as sexy. It is hard to describe this, as when it works, it it as little like porn, you know it when you see it. But the little touches, the way the authors describe Jasper, his mannerisms, the way he speaks and stands...it all just works and makes him sound sexy. And, that makes it fun. And swoony. And it means you smile when you read it, because it is just that good. And, you are engaged, because when you find the main character appealing, you engage with the story.

The chemistry that Piper Rayne puts on the page translates to a book that is a pleasure to read.

I recommend this book.
April 4, 2017
The moment I finished book 1 in the Modern Love Series I knew two things. One, I had found a new author that I absolutely loved. Two, I needed Lennon's book NOW. It was totally worth the wait too!

For two months I had anticipated the release of The Banker. I just needed to know more about Lennon Hart's character. Yes, Lennon was funnier than sin in the other two books. I mean this girl founded the saying "Unicorn Cock". You just never knew what zinger she was going to throw at you.

In reading the other books, I also knew that there was much more than what met the eye. She had many hidden layers that would take someone special peeling back to let the real Lennon out. And that my friends is exactly what happened. We got our insanely funny Lennon that threw out one-liners like most change their unders.

What we also received was a romantic comedy that had just enough drama in it to keep us flipping the pages. This is going down as one of my favorite RomComs of all time. I adored this book like something fierce. This entire book I laughed so hard I cried.

The moment we were introduced to Jasper Banks I loved this alpha male. He was smooth, confident, had a little quirkiness to him that would draw any woman to him like a moth to a flame.

Jasper wanted Lennon the moment he met her. I mean these two are a match made in heaven. And that match just so happened to happen at a Starbucks! Yes, give me that in spades. Add to it Jasper loved Lennon for who she was tattoos and all... instant swoon I tell ya.

There is a huge plot twist that I will not give away with Jasper. But I will say that this plot twist made Lennon realize what she really wanted and made her fight for it. I swoon so hard during a few moments of this tenderness.

AND the ending!!! Talk about melting into a pile of goo! So perfect for these two.

The entire book Lennon thought her family and especially her mother really did not get who she truly was. So when Mrs. Hart finally stood up to an evil woman for her daughter and let Lennon know she really did pay attention, I did a little happy dance.

If you are looking for a book that will keep you flipping the pages while swooning and laughing simultaneously, this book is for YOU!
Profile Image for Wonder Tre Reads -Tre Harris.
1,243 reviews29 followers
August 3, 2018
I’ve loved all three stories in the Modern Love Series but Lennon and Jasper’s story is my FAVORITE of the three. This story is filled with laughter because when you have Lennon being the woman that she is how can you not laugh but we’re also seeing a beautiful romance blooming. Brady is absolutely adorable and I want to hang out with him myself. Towards the end I’m tearing from a mix of sadness and joy. I can’t believe this series is complete but it’s been a great ride and yes these are standalone stories but there’s no way you’ll not want to read them all.
Profile Image for Steffi.
625 reviews46 followers
July 21, 2021
Piper Rayne ist für mich eigentlich immer ein Garant für gute Bücher und endlich bin ich dabei die letzten von meinem SuB zu befreien.
Angefangen mit THE BANKER.

Die Geschichte war auf jeden Fall auch wieder toll. Ich mochte die Mischung aus Witz und Sex. Besonders da die Protagonistin definitiv nicht auf den Mund gefallen ist und wusste was sie wollte. Das fand ich richtig erfrischend.
Auch der männliche Gegenpart war sehr interessant, wobei mir wohl deine "Vergangenheit" am besten gefallen hat. Ansonsten war er mir manchmal etwa szu glatt.

Alles in allem war das Buch ein gelungener Abschluss der Reihe.
Profile Image for Christina Pannell.
523 reviews21 followers
July 11, 2017
Going with 5 stars for Lennon and Jasper. Lennon has definitely been my favorite in this series with her Tattoos and kick ass attitude. I felt like I connected with Lennon and Jasper. Of course I love that Whitney and Cole, Tahlia and Lucas along with Lennon and Jasper all have their relationships and friendships together.
Profile Image for Maddy's Reading.
437 reviews2 followers
March 20, 2017
To say I am a big fan of Piper Rayne would be an understatement. I have devoured every book in this series and had an all-nighter the instant this ARC landed on my kindle.
Lennon is the crazy, fun one in the group. Yet she find herself as the fifth wheel now that both her girlfriends have found their own Unicorn cocks. Well, she doesn't believe in commitments and is happy in her life and her new business making sex toys. She just needs to find an investor first.
Jasper Banks is just the guy she needs to kickstart her business but he's a little hard to find. And she is sidetracked by a handsome stranger she meets in Starbucks. So when it turns out that he is Jasper Banks, what should she do? Her business or their chemistry??
Jasper himself has a secret. What will happen when all comes out in the open??
This book is absolutely crazy yet so endearing. Lennon is unique and confident enough to stand by her uniqueness. Loved this book!!!
*~*~*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange of an honest review *~*~*
231 reviews2 followers
March 7, 2022
Bellissimo! Scorre che è una meraviglia, non gli manca niente 😍
Profile Image for Angela Denny.
782 reviews5 followers
August 13, 2023
Lennon is a riot. It was soo much fun reading her story. Lots of laughs and tears in this book. Her and Jasper make an amazing couple. Loved their story
Profile Image for Crazy for Books (Stephanie).
1,792 reviews230 followers
August 22, 2023
Why was her brother such an ass? Why didn't he ever want to introduce her to Jasper? Was he ashamed of her? It just seems odd that Jasper didn't even know Jacob was a twin. I'm also mad that Jacob never apologized for causing them both so much pain.

I think Jasper overreacted. She didn't get anything from him. She didn't ask him for anything, why jump to conclusions that she was a user.

I like these. Going on to the Bachelor Dads... Hopefully that series is just as good.
Profile Image for Sabrina Fornero.
1,190 reviews18 followers
April 1, 2022
4 stelle e 1/2

💋Recensione per il blog New Adult e dintorni💋

È finalmente arrivata la storia di Lennon. Tra le tre amiche di San Francisco è sicuramente quella che mi incuriosiva di più. La più disinibita e divertente del trio che tuttavia nasconde una buona dose di vulnerabilità. E avremo modo di vedere come l’amore la metterà a dura prova.

Lennon Hart ha assolutamente bisogno di fare un investimento, gestisce un negozio di tatuaggi e la sua pelle ne è piena ma è nei sexy toys che punta la svolta imprenditoriale, il suo futuro. Non può sperare nell’ aiuto del fratello gemello Jacob che lavora in banca ma di nascosto potrebbe carpisce informazioni preziose sul suo amico e ricco investitore Jasper.
Lennon è divertente, spudorata, vive il sesso con libertà e mai si sognerebbe di accasarsi con una delle sue conquiste di una notte. È un po’ la pecora nera della famiglia viste le sue scelte lavorative abbastanza discutibili ma è tutt’altro che una ragazza di facili costumi, forte e battagliera ha tutte le carte in regola per essere libera di programmare e viversi il suo futuro.

‘Eppure devo ammettere che, nonostante non abbia detto più di qualche parola, mi ha mandata in confusione. Allora esiste un uomo che mi potrebbe comandare a letto.’

Jasper Banks è sexy e tutt’altro che benpensante, per Lennon prova sentimenti via via sempre più importanti e dimostra di fregarsene di quel lato di Lennon dominante perché sotto le coperte è lui ad avere il potere. Ma Jasper nasconde un segreto che solo il crescente interesse verso Lennon lo porterà a rivelare e sarà un risvolto della trama inaspettato e molto emozionante perché ci rivelerà la vera Lennon, insicura ma desiderosa di cambiare per qualcuno che non sia se stessa.

«Io gioco sempre per vincere.»

Divertente, ci sono alcuni passaggi in cui ho riso fino alle lacrime, molto hot come c’era da aspettarsi e soprattutto dolce e disarmante nella seconda parte del libro. È stato bello rivedere le altre coppie conosciute negli altri libri della serie ed era ora che anche Lennon trovasse il suo uccello unicorno. Jasper è stata una bella sorpresa, si è trovato in mezzo all’uragano Lennon e non solo l’ha accettata ma l’ha rispettata e amata senza volerla cambiare.
Ci sono momenti di angst anche perché Lennon per i sentimenti e relazioni serie non è proprio portata e combina diversi guai.
La parte sessuale è sicuramente predominante e i due insieme fanno fulmini e saette, complici e giocosi in tutto e per tutto.
Sono dispiaciuta che questa serie sia finita ma spero che questo duo di autrici torni presto in Italia, hanno tutte le carte in regola per allietarci con altri futuri e sicuri successi. Se volete divertirvi trovando qualche spunto di riflessione e una buona dose di emotività questo è il libro che fa per voi.
Profile Image for Liv.
466 reviews44 followers
April 4, 2017
I love the Modern Love Series because it has something for everyone. The Bartender, The Boxer and The Banker are quite different from each other and as you notice on the reviews to those books, readers love some more than others and vice versa. I personally liked the Bartender but loved the Boxer most and the Banker is somewhere in the middle between those two. Though they are all great stories!

The Banker started out really good. It was funny and so typically crazy and sneaky Lennon. I snickered and swooned at the early stages of Lennon and Jasper. The sparks flew and the characters couldn't deny the crackling chemistry between them which made Lennon's situation a lot harder. I'm glad though, how everything worked out for her and how she handled the situations in which she got thrown into.

Anyway, the story started to run off a bit at some point and although there were some surprises and challenges for the characters until the ending I missed the sparks and crazyness from Lennon and Jasper. Their easygoing and flirty selves were hardly noticeable anymore and although the story was still really good I missed the typical characteristics from both h and H.

The Story:
Lennon is still looking for someone to invest in her sex toy business but so far, she had no luck in that regard.
Her brother's friend could help her out as he is known for his successful investments but there's one tiny problem - her brother doesn't want to give her this guy's contact information.
So Lennon does what she does best and sneaks her way around and gets her chance at being in the close proximity of said guy.

What she doesn't expect is the way he makes her feel around him and to lose all thoughts of business. She's feeling off her game and can't believe that this guy she wants to invest in her business seems to be more interested in her crazy self than anything else. No one made her feel so special before and Lennon must come to terms with the fact that this guy changes everything for her.

You know, I liked Lennon's character with her easygoing and don't-give-a-shit attitude a lot in the previous books and also in the beginning of this one. She was a strong and independent character that fought for what she wanted. She didn't back down from a challenge and most of all she didn't change for anyone and stayed true to herself. So, color me surprised when the second half of the book changed in a direction where Lennon seemed so different. She wasn't the easygoing person anymore although she still didn't give up no matter what people said about her. I understood her difficult situation but I still missed her carefree side also relating to Jasper.

She sure had the most challenging story in this series.

I loved Jasper at first because he seemed special and perfect for Lennon though he too changed throughout the book to someone quite ordinary but still likeable.

What I loved most in this book was the thing with the names at Starbucks. This was such a lovely idea and gave the best example on how perfect Jasper fit to Lennon.

One thing I was most surprised about was how I thought that Lennon felt misunderstood from her best friends. I always thought that the girls were some of the very few that loved and understood Lennon's crazy personality but in this book, it felt like the opposite at some point. Maybe I got the wrong impression but I felt sad for Lennon anyway.

Since Lennon's family played a somewhat big part in this story I wished that there was more of a closure between all of them because Lennon has always been the odd one out and I felt so sorry for her that lots of people didn't take her seriously.

As much as I've loved this series and its characters I feel giddy for new personalities and adventures of these authors. Bring it on! =)

-- I received an ARC of this book from Give Me Books Promotions in exchange for an honest review. --
Profile Image for Mandie Foxylutely.
948 reviews96 followers
April 2, 2017
This is the third book in the Modern Love series and this one is Lennon’s story. Of all the three best friends in this series, Lennon has been the one I had not really connected with, so I entered this read with a bit of trepidation. How wrong could I be? I loved it!

Lennon is the free spirited of the friends. She is a tatted and unicorn cock flag flying, sex toy maker who knows what she wants and how she is going to get it. She is therefore at a stumbling block trying to get funding for her new business in the sex toy industry. Not wanting to be looked on as a charity case she will not accept help and money from her friends or their men. She wants to go alone with this and she seeks out her brother’s old business mentor who she hopes will take on her case. This is much to the disparagement of her brother so she does it in secret and finds out where the mysterious Jasper (who she has never met) will be on a night out. When she finds him her need for him is a whole lot different than what she first intended. Hence forth starts her unconventional relationship with Jasper and a secret she will never reveal to him. Little does she know the even bigger secret Jasper is keeping from her?

This is hands down my most favourite of the whole series. There was just so much more passion, angst and soul searching in this read that it was a lot deeper than the other two books. When you find out about Lennon and her inner insecurities about how she has been treated her whole life, you just cannot not want to reach out to her and give her a hug. However with Jasper she finds someone who wants her for her differences, so she feels secure in herself. Before her bravado and don’t care attitude was just a front but with Jasper she starts to believe what he keeps saying and showing her all that she is to him.

Jasper was a gorgeous dominant and I loved the way he treated Lennon. The chemistry and passion between these two was spellbinding. When the curveball was thrown into the mix it actually made the story more engaging and dramatic. The way that Jasper’s mother was with Lennon though at the start had my blood boiling. The emotions that this book put me through from the highs of the passionate clinches, the anger at the snobbery of snooty women to the despair of separation. Oh wow I loved it. If there was just one tiny issue I had was at the end. I think Jasper needed to do a lot more grovelling and be much more contrite with the assumptions he had made. I would just like to point out though that Jasper would be forgiven anything. Hot banker in designer suit hiding hot tattoos underneath? Hell Yeah!

Overall though this was a fantastic book and as I say my most favourite of the series. An absolute must read and a definite five star read for me. Wonderful!

ARC kindly provided by the authors to Foxylutely books blog in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Dawn West.
538 reviews43 followers
April 5, 2017

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book.**

This book was crazy good and gave me so many emotions!

Lennon is on a mission. She's at the point of her business venture when she needs to secure financing in order to make her vision of being a sex toy manufacturer a reality. And when she finds a way to track down a potential investor, it's on. Sure, her family may think that she's gone to the loony bin, but that won't stop her. Nothing will. That is, until she meets the person who could make or break her business.

Jasper isn't anything like the man Lennon was expecting. He's not old and grayed and married. Instead, he's handsome and charming and damn near perfect. Her intention of cornering Jasper and convincing him to fund her business goes out of the window. Instead of money, Lennon wants the man.

A sweet and sexy romance blossoms between our couple and Lennon feels like she's walking in the clouds. Until a phone call turns everything upside down and reveals something Jasper has been hiding. And it's a doozy. But Lennon is in too deep to bow out, now.

I wasn't really prepared for this book. I've read the first two books of this series and both had a deep emotional element to them. I was expecting to see one here, too. Yet, this book threw me for a loop. The twist surprised me and then the entire feel of the book changed. It became a roller coaster of emotional events that left me wanting to swoon or cry.

All of the characters in this story were great. I already loved Lennon, even if I did worry about her maturity level in previous books. Here, she really stepped up to the plate and impressed me. I also loved Jasper. From the first meeting, I found him to be a great match to Lennon's colorful personality. Jasper's mother was a little frustrating at times, but even she grew on me in the end.

The romance was scorching hot. There is satisfying chemistry between our couple right from the start. The love scenes begin early on and continue at every turn but I never lost interest or felt the itch to skim over them. I can honestly say that even though I really liked the other two books of this series, this is by far my favorite.

In closing...
It seems the series is over now that all three of our ladies have found their matches. While I'm sad to see it end, I'm excited to see what else Piper Rayne has in store for us! Five suns!

Full review on blog: http://uptildawnbookblog.blogspot.com/2017/04/review-release-blast-banker-by-piper.html
Profile Image for Steffi.
3,118 reviews178 followers
August 5, 2018
Auf "The Banker" war ich schon seit Beginn der Reihe gespannt, da mir Lennon mit ihrer witzige Art und natürlich auch mit ihrem ungewöhnlichen Geschäftsplan positiv aufgefallen ist.

Der Einstieg hätte ich nicht besser sein können. Ich weiß nicht wie oft ich laut gelacht habe und halb auf dem Boden gelegen habe. Lennon war wirklich der absolute Knaller und ich mochte sie mit ihrer großen Klappe einfach unglaublich gerne.

Die Art wie sich Lennon und Jasper kennengelernt haben fand ich sehr unterhaltsam und ihr Starbucks-Ritual war mal was anderes. Auch Jasper hatte noch so einige Überraschungen parat und es war irgendwie amüsant, dass dies ausgerechnet Lennon passiert.

Die Geschichte war super unterhaltsam, und hat mich am Ende sogar noch zu Tränen gerührt. Was ich an dieser Reihe aber am meisten liebe ist der Humor und ich muss unbedingt mehr von Piper Rayne lesen.
1,099 reviews4 followers
September 13, 2021
J'ai bien aimé cette histoire. Dès le premier tome de la série, l'héroïne m'a amusée avec son originalité et ses réparties. Dans ce tome, on découvre un nouvelle facette de sa personnalité, plus sérieuse, qui m'a plu. Le héros est super sexy. J'ai particulièrement aimé leurs premières interactions. Je ne m'attendais pas du tout au retournement de situation du milieu de l'histoire. Cette bonne surprise est arrivée à point nommé, pile quand je commençais à trouver la relation entre les héros un peu répétitive. Ca a bien relancé mon intérêt pour l'histoire.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 390 reviews

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