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    How to Use Webmail as a Default Mail Client in Chrome on Acer Laptop?

    If you are browsing a company’s web site and choose you want to email them then you need to click the company’s “Contact Us” link, however what will your laptop do? It opens the Microsoft Outlook email program. However you don’t use Microsoft Outlook to send email. On the other hand, if you use G mail or another Web-based email then you need to set web mail as a default mail client in Chrome. Follow the steps to use Web mail as a default mail client in Chrome on Acer laptop.

    Step 1: Switch to “Apps” read in Google Chrome. With a recent tab open in Chrome, you’ll see the word “Apps” written below a faint gray line on the lowest of your window. Click the line or the word to modify to “Apps” read. Step 2: Click the icon tagged “Chrome net Store.” This launches Google’s page dedicated to extensions and plug-ins for the Chrome browser. Step 3: Search for the free Mailto extension by writing the word “Mailto” into the Chrome Store search box. The search box is found on the highest hand corner of the Chrome net Store window. Step 4: Install the Mailto extension. Once the Chrome Store search displays the results, click the button tagged “Add to Chrome” beside the Mailto extension developed by "famlam." Chrome can then install the extension and you’ll mechanically be taken to Mail to’s choices panel. Step 5: Select the online mail you’d wish to use. Mail to provides a listing of common mail shoppers, as well as Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo mail. Now, you'll be able to additionally click the link tagged “Custom URL” to decide on an internet mail not enclosed on this list. If you've got many net mail accounts and don’t wish to use a similar one, click the checkbox below the “Multiple Accounts” heading. Checking this box allows you to set Mail to so every time you click associate degree email link, the Mail to extension asks that of your net mail shoppers you’d wish to use. Step 6: Close Mailto choices panel by clicking the big red “X” within the prime hand corner. From currently on, whenever you click on associate degree email hot link on Chrome, your net mail shopper can launch.

    To get instant help you can any time call on Acer phone number and solve your issue by dialing helpline number 1-800-958-239.

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