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법철학은 철학의 일부로서, 올바른 법적 가치를 모색하는 활동이며 동시에 법적 실천을 통해 법적 가치를 구현하는 행위를 포함한다. 우리는 이러한 관점을 가장 전형적으로 보여주는 인물로서 간디에게 주목한다. 본고는 간디의 법사상과 법적 실천의 내용 및 근거에 대해서 살펴보고, 특히 간디 강한 실천력이 어디에 기반하는지를 탐색하고자 한다.우선 깊은 논의에 앞서 변호사로의 간디, 법에 대한 비판자로서의 간디, 비판적 법실천가로서의 간디를 묘사했다. 이를 통해 간디의 법사상의 특이성과 강한 실천성을 보여주려고 했다. 이어 그러한 법사상 및 법적 실천행위의 배후에 있는 간디의 내면적 사상체계를 살펴보았다. 그것은 간디의 철학적, 도덕적, 종교적 세계를 탐구하는 것을 의미한다. 그런데 간디에게 이 세 차원의 정신세계는 분리불가능하게 얽혀있으며, 그러한 세계관의 논리적 귀결로서 법사상과 법적 실천의 세계가 존재한다. 따라서 간디의 법철학 및 법적 실천은 그러한 세계관과 분리하여서는 이해될 수 없으며, 간디 법철학의 진정한 파괴력은 바로 그러한 세계관에 의해서 가능하게 된 것이다. 본고가 특히 관심을 둔 지점은 간디의 법적 실천에서 종교사상이 갖는 역할이다. 본고는 종교적 가치와 사회적 실천의 절묘한 결합이야 말로 간디의 강력한 실천력을 낳은 비밀이라고 지적한다. 본고는 이러한 연구결과를 기초로 하면서 (법)철학과 종교간의 재결합의 필요성을 제기한다 .

Philosophy of law, as a part of philosophy in general, is a pursuit of legal values, which includes the pursuit of the realization of these values. In this perspective, I find M. K. Gandhi makes the most conspicuous example of the honorable legal philosophy and its praxis. This article is to deal with the Gandhian philosophy of law and his legal praxis, focusing on the meanings of being religious in Gandhi. Firstly I describe Gandhi as a lawyer, Gandhi as a critic on law and Gandhi as a critical legal activist, through which I try to show the peculiarities and greatnesses of his thoughts and praxis. Then I go deeper into the inner world view of Gandhi behind such thoughts and praxis. In other words, I try to describe his philosophical, moral and religious ideas. In Gandhian thoughts these three-fold ideas are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to treat them separately. And Gandhian legal thoughts are based on these ideas, from which comes the real persuasive power of his legal thoughts. This article emphasizes the role of the religious level in the praxis of legal thoughts. I argue that the secret of his overwhelmingly powerful praxis in legal matters lies in the beautiful combination of religious value and social practices. Depending on the conclusion of this article, I propose the necessity that the (legal) philosophy and religious value should be recombined.

Philosophy of law, as a part of philosophy in general, is a pursuit of legal values, which includes the pursuit of the realization of these values. In this perspective, I find M. K. Gandhi makes the most conspicuous example of the honorable legal philosophy and its praxis. This article is to deal with the Gandhian philosophy of law and his legal praxis, focusing on the meanings of being religious in Gandhi. Firstly I describe Gandhi as a lawyer, Gandhi as a critic on law and Gandhi as a critical legal activist, through which I try to show the peculiarities and greatnesses of his thoughts and praxis. Then I go deeper into the inner world view of Gandhi behind such thoughts and praxis. In other words, I try to describe his philosophical, moral and religious ideas. In Gandhian thoughts these three-fold ideas are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to treat them separately. And Gandhian legal thoughts are based on these ideas, from which comes the real persuasive power of his legal thoughts. This article emphasizes the role of the religious level in the praxis of legal thoughts. I argue that the secret of his overwhelmingly powerful praxis in legal matters lies in the beautiful combination of religious value and social practices. Depending on the conclusion of this article, I propose the necessity that the (legal) philosophy and religious value should be recombined.