Monday, January 23, 2017

Fact checking of migrating


                                     Fact checking of migrating

 Most people wanted to migrate for a better life or change of environment.  A lot of people do all the possible way they can just to be able to migrate. Some people succeed and some people fail. It’s usual or typical mindset of Filipinos that once you migrated, you became better financially or your family will have a better living situation.   The sad facts are the untold stories of the failure of migration and the worst are the one who migrated with their whole family.


                        When you were abroad with your family, everybody seems like happy for you and friendly even the most distant relatives you have. But when the time comes you ask their help because you fail in your migration, they just disappear and sometimes it makes you feel like they are avoiding you. It hurts and disappointing but the good thing is you know who you can depend on times when you are in need.


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